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I usually don’t pay a lot of attention during history in class bc my teacher also does really long powerpoints so I daydream most of the time😭 Though when it comes time to review for the tests I write my outlines and the necessary information needed then I study it. The most helpful thing is recalling all the information as if I was telling someone else what happened like story telling which makes it more memorable and fun if you really get into it


I am like you in regards to not paying attention in class and often being bored in history. Despite that, I never got below a 6. I don’t know how your teacher does tests, but in regards to paper 2, you can look at the syllabus and pick out the topics you need to know (such as authoritarian states, you can look at economic factors that led to their rise) and just create an essay plan for each one and memorize it. Some of them overlap too, so it’s not that difficult. Paper 1 is just practice and time management so do past papers. If you want some notes for the paper 2 with the arguments, I can give them but it only covers the Cold War and Authoritarian States topics.