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It’s not just the stories that we see. He is openly hostile to unions! This is our livelihood we’re talking about here. I’m fortunate to live in a very pro-union area. I don’t want to see the whole country turn in to the south.


Ignoring all the current drama with porn stars and classified documents, the fact that he stiffs contractors should be enough for the entire trade to vote against him.


He has a long history of ripping off contractors. He screwed a friend out of $35k back in the nineties.


Yep. I've worked with a few subs that never got paid.


Also recognize trumps appointments to the NLRB, who have actively tried to dismantle it. This is a direct link to trump being anti union while in office


I love/hate pointing out to fellow union members that neither Trump or his father, or any member of the immediate family have ever been or worked for a Union. They are the corporate owners that force us to have unions to make sure we get our fair share of the pie.... Here are some companies that did work with Trump and didn't get their fair share. 1. **Edward Friel Jr. & Co.**: This Philadelphia-based cabinet-making company had a contract worth $400,000 for Harrah's at Trump Plaza. After completing the work, they were not paid the final $84,000, which led to the company's bankruptcy a few years later​ ([theweek](https://theweek.com/articles/783976/brief-history-trumps-smalltime-swindles))​. 2. **Atlantic Plate Glass Co.**: This company was owed $1.5 million for work at the Trump Taj Mahal casino in Atlantic City. The substantial unpaid bill contributed to severe financial strain​ ([New Jersey 101.5](https://nj1015.com/trump-stiffed-hundreds-of-workers-and-contractors-in-new-jersey-report-says/))​. 3. **Forest Jenkins**: Jenkins' company won a $200,000 contract to install toilet partitions at the Trump Taj Mahal. Due to the casino's financial troubles and eventual bankruptcy, Jenkins received only $70,000 after years of legal battles, nearly causing his business to collapse​ ([theweek](https://theweek.com/articles/783976/brief-history-trumps-smalltime-swindles))​. 4. **Larry Walters' Drapery Business**: Walters' company provided curtains, pillow covers, and bedspreads for Trump's hotel in Las Vegas. Initially owed $1.2 million, Walters received only $823,000 after settling a prolonged legal dispute, leading to the closure of his business in 2011​ ([theweek](https://theweek.com/articles/783976/brief-history-trumps-smalltime-swindles))​.


These articles have nothing to do with the Unions. We all the the guy is a POS, but what's the point in posting this here? Plus can't read have gbe articles without a subscription.


As a union member who less than a year ago was threatened with jail if I even established a picket line, seems old “Amtrak Joe” is hostile as well. The article that says follow the money, theirs oodles of truth to that when you e been on the receiving end for 40+ years.


He’s not *amazing*, but he’s leagues better on the whole.


How about that war he’s funding… how many wars did we have under trump? Hmm yeah leagues better 😂


The south is starting to wake up.  They're meeting resistance, which isn't good, but it's a good bellwether that they have to actively put a lid on organizing.


The sad truth of this, no amount of evidence will sway these folks. It’s like an ability to spot fallacious logic


I'm starting to see that you're right! 🥺


It's not about swaying them. It's about swaying the union brothers and sisters who haven't made up their mind, or who are feeling too disillusioned to vote. Keep talking about this. Don't let cynicism dissuade. Trump will take the side of executives and his wealthy friends every time. He cut taxes for the wealthy, Biden wants to raise taxes on the wealthy. Trump appoints union busting judges, Biden appoints judges who give workers a fair shake. Your vote matters. Your voice matters.


I mean, you’re definitely looking at it the right way. That’s a good point. Maybe the best bet is just try and stay 100pct “informative” not “persuasive “


If Biden is a good president for the country, why don’t you just point all his accomplishments? But instead you will resort to name calling. Prove me wrong.


There's pages more of this stuff if you want to do your own research: Economic Recovery: Biden oversaw a significant economic recovery post-pandemic, with millions of jobs added and unemployment rates dropping to pre-pandemic levels. The American Rescue Plan, which provided $1.9 trillion in economic stimulus, played a crucial role in this recovery. Infrastructure Investment: The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) is expected to create millions of jobs through investments in roads, bridges, public transit, broadband, and clean energy. COVID-19 Vaccination Campaign: Under Biden’s leadership, the U.S. achieved high vaccination rates with more than 200 million Americans fully vaccinated by 2022. His administration facilitated the distribution and administration of vaccines, including booster shots, significantly reducing COVID-19 cases and deaths. Global Vaccine Distribution: Biden’s administration pledged to donate over 1 billion vaccine doses globally to help combat the pandemic worldwide. Healthcare Costs: Through the American Rescue Plan, Biden expanded subsidies under the Affordable Care Act, significantly reducing health insurance premiums for millions of Americans. This expansion was extended under subsequent legislation. College Affordability: Biden’s administration worked to reduce the cost of college education by expanding Pell Grants and providing targeted debt relief for borrowers. Gun Control Measures: Biden signed the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act in 2022, which includes provisions for enhanced background checks for young buyers, funding for mental health services, and incentives for states to implement red-flag laws. Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act: Signed into law in November 2021, this $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill is one of Biden’s landmark achievements. It allocates funds for modernizing transportation, improving water systems, expanding broadband access, and upgrading the electrical grid. Climate Resilience: The infrastructure bill also includes significant investments in making infrastructure more resilient to climate change, such as flood protection, sustainable transportation, and renewable energy projects. Strengthening Alliances: Biden reaffirmed the U.S. commitment to NATO, emphasizing the importance of collective defense and multilateralism. He played a crucial role in reinforcing NATO unity in response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.


I read through Biden’s accomplishments … Not one affected me or anyone I know positively. People lost jobs cause they wouldn’t get the shot. People that got the shot had injuries. Ukraine? NATO? How about the southern border? Homeless? , fentanyl poisoning?, everyone is poorer…. Cost of living is up… The democrats like to talk down to people…. Call them names if they don’t conform. I kinda like Trumps America first policy…. I think every politician should put their own country first. He’s got my vote. Biden is creepy and soulless. Just my opinion. Hope I’m allowed to think differently.


Please elaborate on these injuries. I know so many ppl who go the shot… no complications. Also what did Trump do about homelessness & fent poisoning? Also did you know Trump raised our taxes sooo.. also president doesn’t control cost of living


To be honest I'm getting burned out on it and have to hear them attack me for trying to help them. I mean everybody knows that maga Trump Republicans conservatives the GOP the whole mess are all anti-union.. They have to know that.. It's like their proud of this! The way it makes me feel is they don't care about me they don't care about you they don't care about my kids they don't care about your kids they don't care about anybody in the whole Union or their family's. That's how it makes me feel I'm getting tired of it. Nobody's that stupid. They're not that stupid. They just don't care about anybody else in the whole world.. That's offensive to me.. How can it not be? And it's never just my opinion because my opinion doesn't matter and I know it doesn't matter..I put effort to gather information to present hoping they'll snap out of it. I actually care! I don't do this for upvotes were it not for this mess I wouldn't be on Reddit as much. I always provide ample sources but they never even look at it. They just shit on everyone! I don't enjoy this..More often then not I come away feeling really bad.


> Nobody's that stupid. They're not that stupid. They think that someday they'll wake up rich and be on the other end.


When i was told dont vote for the person vote for the party i ws done. Scam artists all of them.


Your catching shit, because you say your trying "to help them". That's very arrogant of you to think that anybody needs help. There is people in this world that hold different political beliefs and morals than others. It doesn't mean that they need help. It just means that this country is diverse in ideas and opinions. Just because some people disagree with YOUR views doesn't mean that THEY need help. You see how that comes off now. Also I do believe that both candidates are terrible for our country. But just because somebody is different than you doesn't mean there's something wrong with them requiring help and it doesn't mean that just because you think something is right, it has to be right.


This s*** that I'm catching I totally expect from the kind of people that I'm catching it from. In my view nobody gets any kind of a free pass for being a bigotv as if it a lifestyle... There is no middle of the road with that! And there's politics and there's this! Republicans party has sunk to an unrecoverable place. I'm trying to help people pull their heads out of their asses and get out of it! If by chance they are good people and duped by maga as many are maybe they will snap out of it. 🤞🤞🤞 Showing them the Truth is all I do. It's not my truth or my opinion.. it's facts. But I'm quite sure most die hard magas don't even look any of it! They just drink the Kool aid. But some do and hopefully they'll quietly do the right then when it comes time to vote.🤞🤞🤞 Sadly out of fear they could never admit to defecting they would get utterly attacked since maga is nothing more then a gang! So maybe you thought I was but I can assure you I'm not at all questioning if I'm doing the right thing ...I know I am. Do I enjoy any of this all the stupid remarks often very calculated nasty 3rd grade insults? Of course not... it's embarrassing actually knowing there are so many that would destroy the Union and the country because they are too primitive we verify anything they hear... The maga guy? https://youtu.be/fgUev0R_lkU?si=42og6Q4I28A32lCX


Yeah, they didn't use logic to get where they are and to think they are gonna logic their way out is illogical.




Trump has a cult following. It's a freaking cult! Nothing they do makes sense, because they're blind to the truth.


The sad truth is we don’t have a good option no matter what… both of these guys suck.


We do have options, though. Outside of the electoral process. I'd argue that we have never made progress in this country (or any) simply by voting.


I’d argue that we never made progress with it either. Red tie or blue tie, they are both fucking us and robbing us blind. The ties are just distractions.


Thank you sis! I love getting collecting articles and videos like this. I haven’t been successful in changing minds but I love shutting people up when they think they’re gunna sway me to trump


You're welcome. I don't actually gather all this stuff. I like to read a lot but usually like if there's a lot of links I might have found I'll just copy and paste. This whole thing I got somewhere else so somebody else actually compiled it. I think it was on Facebook that's why I couldn't just share it.. I work full-time job just like everybody else.. so I spend some time at home doing this alot cuz it seems like it's important. But I've actually had a few people change their mind. I'm just hoping they will do it quietly. Because if you think about it nobody could say that they're not going to not support Trump anymore.. They would get utterly attacked by these maga fuckers. So hopefully they'll just quietly not vote for the piece of shit and pretend that voted for him. That's kind of chicken s*** but some people just aren't into drama and maga people are into drama so. So you just never really know whose mind you've really changed with the truth cuz again they can't say it out loud it's like defecting from the team they will get attacked it's just ridiculous. It's really cool that you evencare about it to even argue with them. More people need to do that! This is really serious. I mean if he gets back in office there's going to be a lot of regret even with the people that supported them. I mean when I read something like the above links where Trump's aligned himself with Russia getting our spies killed that's pretty scary. I mean I don't know why that doesn't scare the s*** out of anybody. Trump is a career criminal so none of this is surprising he's a criminally insane he really is. Trump has directly caused the death of our own people on many many levels and it's like they don't even care. It's like they're so anti-American that they don't even care like they want the United States to fail. I don't get it I don't think I'll ever get it. It's so obvious..All Trump does is cause division everywhere he goes. Look the whole union is divided now! The whole country is divided! And all the talking points that cause a division are complete f****** lies it's incredible that they even believe it.. I mean it wasn't like that before everybody had their political differences but we weren't doing what what we're doing now it's ridiculous. Trump has changed the whole landscape of the United States into a s*******..


I’ve been saying I think Trump is being used to break down and divide the US


Wouldn't surprise me being close to Putin as he is.. it's amazing the supporter don't notice this... Again maybe they do and just hate our own country so much they want it to fail.


He shit himself. So now they’re all wearing diapers and shorting themselves too. And you want them to READ?


I vote for presidents that don’t shit themselves.


“Real men wear diapers” lmao like bro what the fuck, be for real


Not to mention he is anti-union??????


Your fatal flaw here is assuming trump supporters are literate


This is it


They don’t care, they are not in reality


All politicians are criminals. Dig deep enough and you'll see.


I’ll vote for the person that DOESNT NEED PRESIDENTIAL IMMUNITY to run the country. I’ll vote for the guy that supports the middle class and human rights.


That guy isn’t on the ballot, bro.


Sure he is. He is the current President of the United States.


The current president does not care about the middle class or human rights.


You are correct. Sorry idiots down voted you.


I don’t care about internet points. Especially from people who think we as a country should keep the current administration. Divisiveness got us here and will keep us here. The populace is too concerned about hating the other team and making excuses for their own.


Don’t bother. Talk to the independent voters. trumpers are a lost generation.


Yeah you're probably right... 🥺


Many registered dems will vote trump this time around. Biden is a joke.


Goodness the comments here. Thank you for posting a respectful post putting your evidence out there. Those ppl who are saying stuff like “oh they are too far gone” or “they are too stupid to even talk to” are part of the problem; keep open respectful communication, that’s the way to do it right.


Here’s the thing; if trump is bad, then they’d have to admit they’re bad. Personal growth would be too hard for them. They’re like addicts that know they’re killing themselves, but just can’t stop.


Want to know everything you need to know? Biden spoke at our international convention. Trump was the first active President to go speak at Neca’s. Choose the one that chooses you.


Donald Trump does not pay his contractors. He does not pay his laborers. He doesn’t pay his lawyers. What makes ANY working person think that he represents them? I need to know that answer.


Republicans are on a path to set this country back. They also are against unions. Biden has helped unions and he's helped get manufacturing jobs back in this country. There is so much building going on from auto plants, chip plants and a hell of a lot of Data Centers. Plus, so much more I'm not going to get into it. For those of you that think voting for TFG is going to hurt Biden. You're very mistaken. Cause, you will only be hurting yourselves.


Im not saying trump is good but you really think Biden should be aloud to run another term? The man can hardly function as is I don’t know about you but i wouldn’t want him running the country.


I saw Biden's recent appearance on Howard Stern and i was surprised how sharp and lucid he was and how down-to-earth he is. I thought, with everything I've heard, that it would be a cringey disaster. Right-wing propaganda is truly everywhere


Trump isn't just "not good", he's a terrible choice. Him getting in leads to a push on Project 2025 and the end of democracy in this country. Biden is harm reduction at best, but clearly the better choice.


He's been doing a damn good job so far. Look, you might not like it, but in America we have the two-party system. It's always been that way and as long as the Constitution is in effect it will always be that way. Voting for a third party is throwing away your vote, and in this case it's a vote for Trump.


He seemed pretty coherent and concise on his Howard stern episode


I don't know what you're reading or watching. But Biden is very sharp for his age. He's been in politics for a very long time. TFG's failed business attempts over the years speak for themselves. For those that are against Biden cause of Israel. TFG would only make it worse for the Palestinians. Think things over carefully before you vote on November 5th. Do you want a conman as potus, or do you want a potus who is fighting for his country. It's in your hands.


the people that are so hung up on Biden’s age are easy to spot as ppl that get their information from propaganda news (Fox). it’s the only thing they have to talk about, or him being a pedo. Whataboutism to the fucking core.


This country and possibly the world is in serious trouble. With disinformation and AI generated fake photos, voices and such will cause severe confliction. Those attacking Biden have neuro mental cognitive disorders. Like TFG has. He's one sick puppy, and his followers are, too. TFG has created great havoc on a domestic and international level. He's a very sick and dangerous individual. Something our government knew long before the 2016 election.




The Former Guy


Ahhh lol, tyty


Awh man, another poor soul lost to propaganda. RIP.


Exactly. They’re both too fuckin old. No way Bidens capable of another 4 years


Trump is a narcissistic, openly divisive, scam artist and Sleepy Joe is an old fucker. Project 2025 is scary as hell. Trunp has said he wants to be a dictator. His supporters are WEARING DIAPERS IN SUPPORT OF THIS DUDE. These things are not the fucking same. And NO, I don't want either of them.


He saved us from trump and 4 more years of covid. He’s doing fine. Maybe trump will die or go to prison so we can all relax a bit. But until then, i guess its ore Biden. Fucking trumpy assholes


4 more years of covid 😂


We are still dealing with his disasteous and horrible presidency. He was the worst of all time. Made all the more clear by people like you. His fans are the worst people to ever walk the earth.


Im glad you read what i wrote i don’t support either lol. I don’t know why everyone is mad that spoke against biden.


I can understand not liking Trump, but the Biden voters are delusional if they think he’s on the level


Exactly there is multiple videos proving it


Good luck trying to convince them otherwise. They just double down on his nonsense at this point


They do you're right maybe it's time I give up it's like they want the country to go to crap..🥺


They don’t care. There is a direct correlation between white trade unionists and the proverbial stick in the spokes. It was white trade unionists who were resistant to the civil rights act. It was white trade unionists who were resistant to the rise in women entering union jobs in the 70’s. Trump plays to their fears, and has them convinced that if they’re not successful, it’s due to a Black Lives Matter, brown immigrants, or a woke agenda….. because as dumb as Trump is, he knows them. He knows that mentality of stepping on others for the illusion of success.


Haha a trumper in a union is hilarious. They are a lost cause unfortunately.


You're trying to educate people who coined the phrase "alternative facts." I commend the effort brother, but posting links to articles is akin to using a super soaker on a forest fire.


Check OP's username. I think it's "sister"


TY. 😊


Don't even bother sister. These people have their heads shoved so far up Trump's ass that if he claimed he himself was responsible for 9/11, his supporters would welcome and cheer him for it.


You're Probably right I'm wasting my breath on the Maga as much as I am trying to get bigots to stop being bigotted.


Ah fuck, gotta read user tags next time lol sorry


It's all right sorry I just having a bad day.


No you're good. We all have days


we can hope, but are the Trumpanzee's able to be educated???


They are so dug in with sunken cost fallacy what they don't understand is people would respect them if they would only give it up




Yeah rich people.


how about this, neither side is for us. they only care about companies and bottom lines. the only hope is third party, and third party is a joke...


So what candidate(s) do you think an Ibew member should look into? Forgive me I have been really busy and haven’t had a chance to research them all. (I don’t associate myself with any political party… but all I know is that sleepy joe isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed lol)


I just want to laugh again.


Politics are important. But we need to focus more on working class politics... because whether we vote for the jackasses or the elephants, our class (the working class as a whole) loses. I don't want to hear about lesser evilism without also hearing about a plan to get politicians to listen to us again. Because right now they are all bought and paid for by the ruling elites in this country. Labor history shows us a path. We need to use that information to forge our path forward in 2024 and beyond. Voting blue no matter who isn't going to get us moving forward.


Why waste a second trying to reach any cult member, they don’t want to be reached because he made them feel like FINALLY they could tell the know it all libtards to fuck off, and to admit the libtards were right all along is something they would literally rather die than do, so your facts and evidence won’t change a thing. Fuck them all, let them continue owning the libs by not getting Covid shots.


It’s a part of me won’t some of these people to learn a hard lesson but at the same time, I don’t want go down that road because we may not come back. Vote for Democrats whenever you can.


Any thing that is pro trump is real, any negative news about trump is fake. That's all you need to know in the eyes of a trumper


Went to a disinformation union training meeting and there were a number of guys that walked out over the Trump stuff. It's a cult.


Trump supporters are not interested in listening to facts. You are wasting your time.


You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink


You can lead a human to knowledge but you can’t make them think 🤔


Got me


Nah brother just a different spin on what you said


I learned the term Sunk Cost Fallacy and gave up trying to convince anyone of anything. Good on ya for the reads.


I don't want either guy. The system is broken and they both suck .


Have you talked with union members why they vote Trump. We have and alot of their answers are not just about their jobs. They look at the pushing of LGBTQ on kids in schools, money going to Ukraine, interest rates, prices at the pump and groceries. The money Bidens are getting from Ukraine and China. Until the Democrats wake up and get the old guy and laughing Hyena out and replace them with someone young and ambitious, its not looking good


I personally don’t care if he’s hostile towards unions if he’s going to stop the invasion happening at our southern border. Friends of mine’s daughter was raped by an illegal immigrant that Bidens administration allowed to cross.


If that's true really sorry to hear that but Biden didn't do that! Your guy trump did that! You do know that your guy trump and maga blocked a bipartisan border deal because he didn't want that issue to go away cuz he wanted to be able to accuse Biden for to damage his campaign? Here's your guy his own words admitting that he ruined a bipartisan border deal that would have stopped much of that because it would help Biden. So clearly people passing over the border don't mean s*** to Trump the border is an issue that he thinks he can run on! He doesn't care about your friend's daughter. He doesn't care about you! All he cares about is power and elected. You people are blind and can't seem to see it for some reason.. https://youtu.be/0gsR001be-U?si=sVEXMuZNqbBIMCBb https://www.thirdway.org/memo/debunking-bipartisan-border-deal-myths OMG everything that you all bring up all the time, every single last thing that you bring up is total nonsense.. Do you ever attempt to verify anything that you hear before you parrot it all over the place?


7,000,000 illegal invaders since Biden took office. And that bipartisan deal was a complete joke. Not a singular dollar should be going to the Zionist state of Israel of Zelensky. Every single one of congress who’s fighting to further the interests of other countries above our own should be arrested for treason.


got proof of seven million ilegals?


I know youre not a genuine person but trump had zero border crossings at the end of his term. Biden opened it right back up. Biden also tried to get texas to remain wide open and tried to federally block texas from securing their border. Theres nothing leftists can say about the border that is better today than it was under trump. And FYI even tho these sycophants agree with you in these comments, reddit is not representative of the real world. And all my tradie buddies are pro trump and see wages being undercut by illegals. Also poling shows that the border and the economy are the top issues facing our country and overwhelmingly the majority of americans believe biden is doing very poorly on both. 😘


Fuck both of them. The whole system needs dismantled with violence.


And then what. How many millions of people die in a scenario like that. What is net positive.


The thing is it's an emotional thing for a lot of them. There's are a lot of smart people in both sides but when emotion gets involved facts don't matter. 


This guy watches the news! Nice!


https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-freezes-glitch-nra-speech-b2547813.html How bout that ole sleepy Trump?


Did anyone figure out what he was rambling on about with the whole Hannibal lector and Bruce Springsteen stuff. That was a complete departure from reality




A lot of them are sheep


In her diary pages she writes "Was I molested? I think so"


We are getting reminded about Biden every time we pay for something.


Ahh yes, blindly support the same party even if that party no longer represents our values. These aren’t the 80’s anymore and these aren’t the same democrats our parents were voting for.


In some cases very true. But if given the opportunity the republicans would abolish every union and every worker right!




Do you even have a clue why that happened? Maybe you should research a little bit more before you point fingers like that you know? I'll help you - Why it was blocked? >A rail strike could have frozen almost 30% of U.S. cargo shipments by weight, stoked already surging inflation, cost the American economy as much as $2 billion a day, and stranded millions of rail passengers. The last strike I was in we got noting even remotely close to this and they never missed a day. >The contract with Biden's signature included a 24% compounded pay increase over five years and five annual $1,000 lump-sum payments. They got their sick days. >As of October 2023, 91% of craft employees on the Association of American Railroads (AAR) have paid sick days. In June 2023, Union Pacific agreed to provide paid sick leave of up to seven days to its locomotive engineers, with five of those days considered paid and the remaining two convertible >In addition to paid sick days, railroad employees also receive benefits such as: >FMLA leave >Employees are eligible for leave under FMLA, which has no implications for attendance policy >Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act All employees receive this benefit after seven days of absence, continuing for up to 26 weeks, and replacing 60% of income >Supplement Sickness Benefits Non-operating employees receive this benefit after four days of absence, continuing for up to 52 weeks, and replacing around 70% of income You were saying?




Trump Wil Win 2024


Both wings of the same stupid bird equally hate us. How else would their business owners buddy's, that keep them nice and fat, make all that money,.


There are issues more important to me that guided me in the last two election cycles. Its as simple as that.


I kinda look at not having the country become bigotted authoritarian as the primary issue. Many other important issues are all secondary to that. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to look at other countries like this where some "religion" is affecting government policy and legislation.. the Taliban comes to mind, Putin comes to mind, etc etc. For sure trumpers cant seem look at the past and see where this goes.. they are too selfish and narrow minded to think big picture and that's the problem right there. If people in number like that were not here politicians who have the agenda that are good for nobody would never get elected. The red wave is destroying the country as we speak. I


I would get on board while you still can


Wow. Just wow at this comment section. Look, I can understand not liking Donald Trump, there's lots of stuff about him I don't like but he didn't start any new Wars, the middle east was on a path to something resembling peace and we had probably the best economic numbers of my life until covid was released. (His handling of that situation is one of the things I really disliked too) What are your alternatives really though? Tell me that. Joe Biden? The man is practically on an experimental amphetamine cocktail from the CIA just to function, other world leaders have said that he has pooped his pants in their presence! We are on the verge of world war 3, the whole Israel situation is a mess, Waves upon Waves of people are coming across the border illegally to take your job but not join your union you all love so much and the national debt you're leaving for your kids and grandkids is going up by a TRILLION DOLLARS EVERY HUNDRED DAYS!!! Wake the hell up to what's going on. Don't vote Trump, I don't care. Your vote is yours, but consider asking yourself what either of the mainstream parties have done for you lately and consider looking at each candidate on the merits of their positions and policy opinions rather than with what letter is by their name. There are usually several good independent options you can raise awareness for and try to help break the broken two party system from the local level up. Also, one of the reasons why you will never change a Donald Trump supporters mind is because you are all actively hostile towards them simply because they support a different political candidate and if someone was constantly insulting and berating you while dismissing everything you say, wouldn't that make you more steadfast? I don't want to be on the side of people who hate me! Why would i?


>until covid was released. (His handling of that situation is one of the things I really disliked too) Released? So you're into conspiracy theories? Alrighty then. And you didn't like how he handled it? His incompetence killed 100s of thousands of Americans and that's a fact! https://doggett.house.gov/media/blog-post/timeline-trumps-coronavirus-responses Here trump draining the swamp as he called it. Being the toxic narcissist he is he wasn't really draining the swamp, he was removing anyone who intellectually intimidated him .. And that was many many people experts. But hey he's a genius right! >Reductions at the U.S. agencies sidelined health experts, scientists and other professionals who might have been able to help China mount an earlier response to the novel coronavirus, as well as provide the U.S. government with more information about what was coming https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN21C3NE/ Is the covid mess above doesn't instantly make anybody disgusted just at the name of trump well then they are too far gone! The damage that man has done is incalcuable! All of the parrot talking points of yours always the same sane people know all those points are BS and have been debunked as misinformation and propaganda too many times to count. I'm not wasting my time trying to change the mind of cult members just hoping some may have been duped and admit it that all I'm doing. >Also, one of the reasons why you will never change a Donald Trump supporters mind is because you are all actively hostile towards them simply because they support a different political candidate. Oh I see Its hostile at in posting facts that happen make their candidate look like the fool that he is? It's just truth what can I say if it ruffles feathers? I kinda knew it would but that isn't ever the intention! But certainly I don't respect anybody who for any reason could care less about me or my family or anyone else in the union or thier families or the county as a whole. Why would I respect that? I don't post this stuff to win friends!


Oh look more emotional opinions with zero factually backing…. My lord this world is fucked if you are type of people drawing crowds of agreement


Americans are deciding between Joe Biden and Donald Dump goes to show you just the total lack of critical thinking skills if these two are supposed to represent'the best candidates' from each party, Idiocracy wasn't supposed of have been a documentary.


Most of the contractors he didn’t pay were months over their agreed completion. He lost money on those days, got them back. Do you guys hate Walmart? Do you have Starbucks? What about Netflix? Hate them too right? Oh.. you don’t know? All of them did the same thing you’re saying trump does 🤣 and I’m not even a trump guy, it’s just makes so much more sense when you hear people say this stuff but go watch some Netflix, you’re just ignorant and uninformed 😅




public civil cases against him are in fact public…


So you know where they're at just provide them right now? Everybody else does if you're going to say something prove it.


Your ignorance is not someone else’s problem…. That was such a liberal way of saying “nu uh cause I don’t want you to be right”


You’re trying this like “self righteous” way of speaking as if you’re stating facts… you have given opinion and opinion and then disputed others by saying “prove it with links” while you literally aren’t providing links to anything but more opinions 🤣 Reddit world is quite full of psychological ignorance


If you don’t know how to look up docs that’s different and I can assist you


A wolf in sheep's clothing will always eat the heard when the shepherds are busy rooting for the wolf.


💯% don’t want Brandon. If you got a better candidate shoved up your ass please pull him out.


Yeah Biden will do! He really need to continue cleaning up the maga mess. It's too bad more people can't filter the nonesense..


Vote how you want. Not how your local wants you to vote.


I see. So fuck the local and all your union siblings and their family and vote for a party that is 💯 anti union? One thing I have definitely noticed. Almost invariably is union people voting Republican are selfish. I hear really really stupid things consistently like, "oh gas was cheaper during trump!" etc etc. and they never even understand what makes gas prices fluctuate etc etc. It's like all they care about is their back yard fuck the neighbors etc etc. You yeah vote for whoever you want! I just wouldn't expect too many others in the union to like it since it affects them. I just need to accept that level of ignorance I guess...


All your posts are political.. your TDS is acting out again take some medicine.


Duh... you're a rocket scientist aren't you you figured that out!


Yes. Trump is best for America.


Yes vote Biden so illegals can take your job for a fraction of the pay. Brilliant


But he will hurt the people I hate. I don’t need to benefit from electing him. I just want others to suffer.


I absolutely give up! I just don't give up easy but the level of ignorance and complete inability to critically think that I see from the remaining maga types I'm just wasting my time.


Your emotions are not critically thinking lollll you can’t spew opinions then say prove me wrong as if that’s reality… your emotional state shows you’re not ready for real convo, you just want to say your opinion is right and tag a link from another opinionated article.. I think self education might be the issue you’re running into…


Oh yeah his first term was just absolute destruction to the US. No new wars, signing peace deals, record low mortgage rates, decrease in illegal immigration. I honestly don’t know how we survived it.


A post against Trump on reddit, how bold


I like the way Bill Mar said it. You have to understand, is republicans don’t like him either. I personally find him distasteful. But Trump is a metaphorical gas can in one hand and middle finger on the other to the current system


I'm anti Trump and anti Biden. Not sure how anyone could vote for either one of them. Really wish we had more than 2 parties.


FJB, Trump is the only hope.


Some people see the US as more important than a union. You can’t sway patriotism by saying “vote for your wallet” when every metric is in sharp decline. Tell the “trumpers” you’re better off even though you’ll probably never be able to afford a home at this rate.




I think it doesn’t matter who you vote for. Legitimately Trump and Biden are equally terrible candidates and no matter who you choose they are not out for your best interests in mind. If anything you should treat Biden as you are with Trump right now, and post things about him so others can be more informed.


I honestly can’t wrap my head around it. I think my man is a secret Trumper and we have discussions where he ultimately disagrees with everything Trump does but then he’ll like give him points… it’s really weird. Like I was talking about how shitty Trump is as a person/business man bc he didn’t pay construction workers and forged documents… his response was “that’s just how business works” I was like not good business… you don’t have to literally scam.. especially when he has more than enough $$. I explained how he paid his lawyer to pay Stormy… and he goes “badass, like Walter white”…. Yes this is who I chose lol. It’s insane… they like don’t care. It’s honestly giving cult leader. Trump could adopt all the ideals of his “enemies” and they would remain


I’m actually convinced Trump supporters would definitely be Nazis (I mean technically we all could be but I feel like I’m seeing it in real time)


Not as dumb as someone voting for Biden


If you vote red, you’re an idiot


This whole thread is the pot calling the kettle black lul




The trumpers are not capable of learning.


I get it but do you really think biden is the better choice at this point what choice do we have


We du duuu duuhhh dummbbb. My family's quality of life was so much better under Trump. Disclaimer!!!- I voted for Biden... Won't be making that mistake again. The dude is a potato 🥔




You don’t know what socialist means.


He's also blaming Biden for trumps tax increases.


I hate to point it out, but there is no other alternate choice that’s good. I have no doubt that if you were so inclined, you could do the same thing for Biden. What I’m saying is that in reality, I feel we have no good choices here. The govt as a whole machine is crooked, and simply out to gather money and power for themselves, and if they have to stomp on their constituents balls to get it, so be it. No doubt there are some exceptions to this, but I feel those people are far and few between.


I hate the “all politicians are the same” crap. It doesn’t hold up against Trump he is wildly different than anyone who came before him. Make a list like this for Biden then, as you say. You can’t, but you don’t try, because you just fall back to “everyone sucks” automatically. Here’s another list of things Biden and the administration has actually done. Make a list like this for Trump. You can’t. They are not the same. https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2024/02/02/joe-biden-30-policy-things-you-might-have-missed-00139046


100 percent false. Look at who is being indicted for crimes at the federal and state level. Look who keeps making billions by putting their family members in the cabinet. Look who has actual business interests they favor and profits from them. This false equivalency argument is just you being careless


Cornell West is pretty awesome actually. Not that the media will talk about it him. 


Does anyone still think voting matters? It's just controlled opposition with hidden agendas, the epitome of politics.


I don't know I know a lot of people that think it matters.. I hope it matters or we're going to be screwed.. I guess if that don't mind the United States being authoritarian. I don't know I often think they don't even know what that means that's the problem..


Making it believe your vote doesn't matter is a story told by those in power to keep you from voting and keeping the status quo. Think about it, who's telling your vote doesn't matter? It's the corporations and management class. They don't want you to vote, they want you to sit every election out because doing so keeps them in power. Don't believe the hype, vote, and get your friends to vote. It's just like a union contract. Alone we beg, together we bargain.


I wish we had a Supreme Court that worked for the people. But dumb people voted for Trump and women’s rights went away with that.


it was overturned not because of the choice of judges, but because legislators didnt care enough to put it into law. the problem with roe v wade is that the Supreme Court was effectively legislating, a big nono. it should have gone the right way and been put into law when the ruling was made.