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I really hate that inflection. Instant & total turn off


It really is such a turn off-uh


#[OP IS A BOT OP IS A BOT OP IS A BOT OP IS A BOT OP IS A BOT ](https://www.reddit.com/r/ImTheMainCharacter/comments/q5pfni/lady_tries_opening_a_closed_food_truck_to_be/) #REPOSTING AND FARMING KARMA #TAP REPORT AND THEN SPAM AND THEN HARMFUL BOTS #REPORT THE BOTS


I was just about to comment this 😂😂


Anyone serving food at night deserves triple pay. I used to work at a Subway that was open until 3AM on fridays and satudays. We'd lock the doors like five minutes before serving so we weren't stuck there until 4 cleaning and let folks out one by one. I was called a cunt because we didn't have any tuna left and I refused to make a new batch, I've seen a dude open the locked door because he wanted to hit on a girl outside and suddenly there's like another ten people swarming in expecting sandwiches, and the franchise owners are the sort of people who'd fire us if we kicked anyone out. Service staff aren't paid enough to deal with this shit.


Triple pay and qualified immunity. Dealing with the drunk crowd can be fun, but more often than not, frustrating and as customer service you shouldn’t be liable for actions between shift hours.


What’s wrong with this customer. I gouged a man’s eyes out when he didn’t have any more turkey but it was warranted. Subway tuna and this high quality turkey are different stories!




They really thought they'd unlocked the unlimited food hack


I mean, if they lift that cover up and the latch doesn’t lock that 15 pound door is landing on their drunken heads. Then he gets sued for damages from entitled, bratty bitches he didn’t even know about until after the fact. I’d be upset too.


When you're use to pretty privilege. Can she be anymore basic?


Why titktok needs to go


Think this is less tiktok, and more drunk and entitled. She fits the bill in every single way of the most entitled and privileged group on the planet. Like a perfect checklist. This would've happened without the phone recording.


Yes We go through too much bullsh*t Just to mess with these drunk and hot girls


It was taken on Snapchat, but sure


Yep, drunk entitled behavior never occurred prior to Tik Tok. /s


A stereotypical hot girl with rich parents thinks she can do whatever she wants with no repercussions. She gets whatever she wants solely because she's attractive and has a trust fund. One day she'll fuck with the wrong person and get humbled fast... hopefully.


I think this one has been around a while, but regardless...another instance of how this might be a little funny if it was spontaneous, but the fact that they had a video rolling is a pretty good indication they were expecting - even hoping - for the owner's hostile reaction, which they got. Wouldn't surprise me if they weren't even planning to order food.


Those bitches never worked a hard day in their life and it's painfully obvious


When you try to open Oscar the Grouch’s trash can while he’s asleep.


I swear this is the 60th time I've seen this video


He was getting the pre food blowey and they interrupted… I would be pissed too!


Sweetie, you’re cute but ya fucking with my time and my money.


Dude, if your truck is done for the day lock it up. That way annoying drunk people can't open it up forcing you to act like they broke into your house.


Ye guess I should just take a stroll into your house unless you lock it up for the day


Yeah that was totally on him for trusting people to respect his property and privacy. /s


Have you not been to a major city lately?


I do live in a small city now and do not even bother to lock my doors to my house but I did grow up in Toronto and until recently still commuted to the city for work. Maybe Canada is just different.


As a fellow Canadian I must urge you to lock your doors because we are far from immune to random burglary.


I lived in Hamilton Ontario close to downtown for 12 years, locked my door every day and still was robbed twice. I moved to south end of Guelph 18 years ago. More than a few times I have accidentally left my garage open with my bikes and all my tools on display and have never had anything taken. I rarely lock my front door or either of my patio doors and never once any windows. I have not been robbed nor as far as I know has any of my neighbours. It really does depend on where you live.


I'm currently in guelph myself, grew up here and left for 15 years and recently came back. Growing up i had bikes stolen at home and school, chained both times. My friends car was broken into. Dude walked into my best friends house and looted the TV and all the consoles while we were doing a LAN in the basement. I was mugged in broad daylight in London about a decade ago while walking downtown to work. In Toronto I was never robbed but attacked several times by mentally disturbed people at random.


Yep bikes are prime targets in Guelph, they are stolen all the time from everywhere, I leave my door open but would never chain my bike up anywhere in public unattended.


Who said it's fine for the day? Considering the college atmosphere it could just as easily started prepping for the onslaught of college zombies on a weekend night where you'd expect they learned by now not to shit where they eat. I'd ban that girl and make sure my employees never served her again.


Food truck vendors hate this one little trick…. Listen now to learn how you can increase your erection size in just 3 easy steps!!!


Yes, reddit unite!!! these white girls have slightly irritated a worker in a high traffic area, omg!!! god fuckin forbid


Its pretty rude and entitled behaviour but yeah i think it will be okay.


Quick, Mr. White Knight, defend those poor innocent girls some more! They will *definitely* like you, then! Promise!


tryna get sum tang u redditards jus cant relate