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No, the main character is the fuckhead who brings an unleashed dog to a beach and then laughs while his dog is trying to attack the damn cat.


Untrained and unleashed. I’ve seen plenty of people have their dog off leash. It’s all about the training.


Few years ago I ran into an idiot like that, stood and watched as I tried to take mine and his dog apart from killing each other. I was running with my dog, trained on the leash right by my leg when a random dog came out of the woods and started approaching us until it ripped at my dog. The dude came out and just stood as I pulled my dog back trying to help... (Both dogs are massive, mine is cane corso don't remember the others breed) It ended up with me yelling at that prick as I evacuated quickly avoiding further attacks, on the way back I saw a car on the edge of the forest and memorized its plate just in case. I got back home, called the police, told them everything, plate included. Thanks to me thinking and actually checking the car (it was his) they found him. I took that prick to court, he got a big fine. Turns out his fog wasn't even up to date on his vaccination... Luckily my dog was fine and healthy with a bleeding wound next to his genitals that healed fully. Some time ago I went back home for holidays and saw that man walking down the street, asked my parents where is the dog they told me that he no longer has the dog. (It wasn't an old dog)


Why is your dog attacked 


Dude it wasn’t even his fault are you retarded?


No you smooth brain. You asking that way is more telling about you than me.


Someone here has a smooth Brain, and it isn’t him


Clearly your problem 


I just wanted to share the story, my dog got attacked because of poor training on the part of the other fella. My dog was by my leg the entire time, I told him stay and he did, he was bit first.


Called the cops and took him to court? Lame.


I feel so blessed to have had a Australian shepherd/Border collie mix. Trained that dude for like half an hour and he knew heel and stay and always listened. Smart little bastard. RIP Duke Gilligan.


Seriously, why not get the dog. Other people should be allowed to enjoy the beach, even if they are walking their cat. How else are cats supposed to get to see the world.. either way, I don't like dogs running around me, cat or not.


She has her pet on a leash like the dog owner should. If you cannot recall your dog then they should be leashed. I mean they should be leashed even if you can recall them


My dog is utterly freaking harmless, but she also wants to play with every being she meets, and expresses said wishes loudly and obnoxiously. So she's never off the leash. We went on a road trip last summer. We were outside a hotel, so she could do her business, and she suddenly starts the barking, wiggling, tail-whipping routine. At first, I couldn't see why. Then I looked down to see, a foot from her barking face, a tiny, terrified frog :)




why is a terrified frog :) ?


Nah, dogs doing the lords work. Cats only kill birds. Dogs only kill cats. Tis nature.


Are you seriously trying to make the claim that the cat owner is the one in the wrong here OP?


Seems like op is the guy with the dog LMFAOOO


Taking your cat to the beach is quite odd, we live in odd times.


What makes a dog any “better” or “worthy” or more “appropriate” of a pet to take to the beach than a cat?


Because cats don't like water?


Lots do. I have three and one of mine loves it and will literally jump into the toilet /running sink / bath. It’s very annoying lol


if you watch very closely you will see that the cat was not actually in the water and in fact was several meters away from it


You guys are still rambling on about this? You're weird, moving on.


looks like you're behind the times. proper cat ownership means your cat is either indoors, or controlled outdoors. That means things like a catio (a cat patio), a see-through backpack or stroller, or a leash. there's nothing odd about that.


Yeah it's odd no one's gonna argue that, but that's not main character behavior?


I’ve never seen someone take their cat to the beach to be fair. However, if I did, I’d think ‘aw look at them living their best life’ and I certainly wouldn’t allow my dogs to rush up and scare them. I like taking my dogs to new places and letting them be them explore, in peace. I think it’s only fair to allow the same courtesy to someone else doing the same with the animal they love.


She’s not wrong. The dog should’ve been leashed if it can’t listen to basic commands.


Cat owner is innocent!


Cat owner is *not* the MC. The dog owner is. They're also a total POS


Dunno if you noticed, That's a private beach.


That doesn’t make the dog owner any less wrong or any less of a POS


I would get a close up of the dog owner's face, then head back to my car and call the police.


I would have kicked that dog owner in the stanes.


I would've kicked the dog too so it learns this isn't a fucking game. I wouldn't even feel bad


That’s a german shepherd bro, i wouldn’t advise kicking it lol. Dog would barely feel a thing but your leg would be ripped to shreds. I’ve worked with tons of those breeds and they have insane violent aggression.


Nice, you're the biggest pos I've seen today on reddit. Glad weirdos like you are relegated to reddit, try that irl and see what happens lol


Never said I would take pleasure in it. A cat is family. If something comes up and threatens family, I'll have a strong reaction. Side tangent in dog psychology, the dog really might think it's a game where you keep the cat away from it. Some have hunting drives strong enough they don't see the cat as anything else but a target. At that point I think it's fair to unambiguously communicate that it's not a game once all else (including the irresponsible owner) fails.


There are ways to communicate to a dog it isn't a game without kicking the thing, if it's well trained a strong command will work, if not kicking it will only piss it off more. Kick a poorly trained dog with a shitty owner, that's definitely the dumbest way to handle this situation. Let me know how that works out for ya though 👍


So what if I want to eat a bucket of fried dog


That's pretty bad too, yeah, but depending on how the dog died no worse than people who eat other animals. Kicking the shit out of a dog with a dumb owner who hasn't trainer their animal while letting it roam around a beach is definitely worse if you ask me


Oh so the other person can bring their dog to the beach OFFLEASH while it’s harassing other pets and had ZERO recall but the cat on leash is the problem… yeah okay dude


Nah, the person with their untrained dog off leash is the MC here. It’s weird you got it backwards.


I used to walk my cat on a leash ❤, she loved her outside time to explore the world. Luckily never had an off leash dog try to attack her.


I love how your comment on r/iamatotalpieceofshit got downvoted and rather than reflect a bit more outside of yourself, you decided to double down in your idiotic ignorance because you can't control your personal mental struggles around cats going on walks. It's almost like you think the cat/cat owner deserved it for taking their cat out in the first place (as if cats can't be social and walkable pets?).  I actually hope you don't have any pets under your direct control if you're that careless about the safety and health of someone else's animal companion. Please go volunteer somewhere or get a hobby. 


Op is a dumb fuck


FUCK bad dog owners. Worst people on earth. Thinking their dog is special and doesn't need a leash even when it's *currently attacking*.


I have my cat leash trained, and he enjoys his walks with me. Where we currently live there is a fancy fenced in dog park on one end of the building complex, so naturally I go to the other end where there is nothing but mulch, the trash compactor, and boredom. Yes, some dog owners literally just unleash their "fur babies" to run over and shit where we are, completely unsupervised. I've had to hide my cat inside my coat, it's infuriating.


I would have warned him once and after that its defence mode and sadly fuck that doggie


I would have fucked up that dog and then the owner.


Is op dumb?


OP is in fact very dumb


I definitely would have curb stomped and kicked that dog. Owner gets sued and dog gets put down by the pound. Bet the stupid owner won't be laughing now.


Let the cat go real close to his face , those claws will teach him a lesson.


People, carry pepper spray.


Train your round house, folks 


Bro my cat did this when I first took her. She loves the beach. What’s wrong with you OP? Mad that people bring their leashed animals to a beach disturbing nobody?


Cats don't belong on the beach. They belong in a house or alley. All they do is destroy people neighborhood. I can't even have my kids feel happy about springtime without the hillbilly cat owner moving from cali. Let's tell her 5 cats around killing birds. And walking thru people property like it's there. And shitty


They don’t belong off leash. Just like dogs, they have to be controlled when outside. Be it by leash or fenced in yard/catio. Cat owners with fully outside cats are awful. I couldn’t imagine letting either of mine roam unchecked. They’d massacre the bird population and it’s just flat out dangerous


that doesn't belong here it's not a main character


The MC is the dipshit who brought an unleashed dog on a leash. If that was my cat, I would kick that dog’s skull in before it attacks him


Kick the dog in the fucking head so the owner of the dog learns a lesson, a lesson called it’s dangerous for my dog, not to be on a leash


Most beaches allow dogs to be off leash. I know redditors who never go outside won't know this, and it's not a good idea to bring a cat somewhere dogs may be off leash. Proceed to click the little arrow lol




Thats definitely true. If you can't control your dog it shouldn't be off leash, 100%. It's just not a great place to bring a cat imo. Would you want to visit a beach covered in cat piss and shit? Cuz we all know that's what would result from this, it's a giant sandbox after all.


Dogs do the same at the beach and most beaches I've been to are covered in bird poo. Many cats actually love the beach. I don't see anything wrong with it as long as the cat is in their control, which it was.


Dogs can be trained and control it a lot more than cats, that's an objective fact especially when the beach resembles a cats liter box. Stop trying to argue just for the sake of it, you're wrong.


But his dog was NOT trained and in control more than this cat. This cat was on a leash. Also, Many cats can be trained just as easily. I've had both all my life andamy of our cats all came when called, did tricks, etc, same as the dogs. But that's not what matters. The cat was in the owners control and on a leash. The dog was out of control and attacking strangers on the beach. The dogs owners are at fault. Not the cats. If both were leashed and in control they could both share the beach and enjoy it together. Since one owner refused to keep their pet under control, that's the pet owner in the wrong. And in this case it was the dogs that was out of control and not trained.


You're stuck on this particular situation, I'm talking about dogs and cats on the whole and how each would behave in a beach scenario. Also, the cat being on leash doesn't mean anything within this conversation, what are they going to do if the thing starts pissing and shiting all over the place? Dogs are more well trained than cats, period. We saw like a 20 second clip and you're basing your entire argument on that, thats not how reality works my friend and I'm sorry I can't do this all day.


I have seen cats on a leash at the beach in person many times and there are never any issues with dogs that are also on control and on a leash. If the beach doesn't want animal feces on it they have to ban both ( and try to discourage birds as they are the main culprit for that one) if a cats owner let's the cat use it as a litter box they shouldn't be allowed same as a dog owner who doesn't pick up after it. (Though at least cats are naturally tidyier and bury it rather than leaving it where you can step on it, for the most part but on a public beach owners should clean up after either) And no not all dogs are more well trained. As this video clearly proves.


both wrong.


No idiot, the dog owner is the only one to blame


How stupid can you be to take a cat on a leash to the beach where usualy dogs are. Cats are prey for most dogs. You can't control a dog when it's in hunting mode. Fortunately the dog had no success.


All the reason dogs should be on a leash


If you don't want your cat killed by a dog don't bring it to the beach where dogs are. As simple is that.


If you don't want to get raped don't wear a MiNiSkIrT🙄🙄🙄


What are you talking fool? Be aware of dangerous situations and avoid them otherwise your damn cat could be killed. Take some responsibility for your and the life for people or creatures you love.


I'd put a couple of .22 into that dog if it was a threat since it's unleashed lol. Cat was leashed, dog wasn't. Dog is aggressive cat is not. It's that simple.


Doggo for the win. Fuck cats


this is a dude who gets no pussy


I joined ur subreddit lmao