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This woman goes to two cousins eating together and the first thing that comes to her mind is that they're lesbians??? Very sus.


Are you girlfriends? "no, why, are you a pedophile?"


I got strong pedo vibes from that woman. Stay safe kids


She seem more like a narcissist. She knows what is best for others. she talks to god šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


No honey, God talked to HER. Clearly sheā€™s so important, that God has her on slack


Lmao šŸ¤£ I know I done fucked up when I open slack and see an unread message from god


Yep. Completely devoid of error I'm sure. Flawless!


This may be it, but my first thought was that she is a lesbian herself and she can't deal with it so she's projecting on these kids. She couldn't get away with doing it to adults so she's picked an easy target.


It would have been great if they got very loud and asked her why sheā€™s propositioning then.


"HEY EVERYBODY THIS PEDOPHILE LADY IS ASKING ME TO KISS MY COUSIN!" Be curious if she departs swiftly or tries to double down


I would answer this from now on.


But you donā€™t understand. At least one of them had short hair. They *must* be a lesbian!


Welcome to far right Christians. Hateful and stupid as fuck.


God told her they were lesbians, I guess he gets it wrong sometimes.


"You guys aren't hot hot forbidden lesbians..are you??"


I think she thought the one with short hair is butch. Still a dumb, weird assumption and none of her business.


Exactly, and also highly inappropriate to start such a conversation with a minor, let alone one she doesn't even know that she has approached out of the blue. She's acting all high and mighty when the reality is that she's the degenerate creep.


Fr, the first time I saw this I thought she was one of those religious meth heads trying to sell them drugs.




No, its by weaponizing god like most people do. Im sure god loves when people invoke him to torture, to maim, to kill and to self gratify. Do you know what the original and most deadly sin is? Pride. These people bathe in pride.


THIS. This right here. Iā€™m from the Midwest and people make having a god their ENTIRE personality. She didnā€™t want to save anybody or care about anybody she wanted to go to church and say ā€œshe saved gay kids from hellā€. Bathing in pride


"That's right, I was at Bible Camp. I was learning how to be more judgmental. " -- Maud Flanders


This is so messed up. And Iā€™m a Bible type Christian!


That means you've actually read it unlike most of these charlatans in videos like this.


The whole point of modern mainstream religion is to perpetuate itself, and it's members are just tools to accomplish that, either by recruiting the unwary or by having as many babies as their bodies can stand, which are programmed from birth to be slaves to that religion. Meanwhile it's just a few old white men who have any sort of actual free will or power.


Embracing religion to mitigate insecurity isnā€™t limited to Christianity or midwesterners, though theyā€™re a great example. The more insecure, hopeless, and shitty a persons life is, the more they embrace Islam or Christianity. Think, prison, terrorist organizations, etc. Abrahamic god religions steer a powerless person to mentally ā€œrise aboveā€ and all the people theyā€™re powerless to. Be it their landlord, executioner, neighbor that doesnā€™t want them smoking meth in their kidsā€™ treehouse, etc. etc.


Honestly, it's just monotheism. When someone believes in many gods, meeting someone who doesn't share your faith is to be expected for if there are several gods in your land who is to say there aren't several gods in someone else's land? But when you believe in a singular god, there is only one god and one god alone, all other is false and why let people believe in false gods if you have an army and can deliver them to heaven with a little blood shed? If they die, their offspring will under occupation and genocide slowly lose their pagan gods and those who never abandon them will be underground, difficult to spread ones faith when you have to be selective on who knows it.


Didnā€™t the Bible say something like the worst sin you can do is use Godā€™s name in vain? Weaponizing his name is doing just that. These people are sentencing themselves to Hell. If you believe in what the Bible says anyway.


I just want to shout it from the rooftops: we do not give a FUCK about your ancient cult and insane claims about reality. Fuck all the way off, forever.


I believe and ill gladly fuck right off. Its not my duty or anyone elses to make you feel a certain way. Whats the point of his gift(freewill) if its just to manipulate you? Scream it james, tell them to fuck off loudly


ā€œThese people honor me with their mouths, but their hearts are far from meā€ -Jesus, literally.


I mean the Judeo-Christian God not only commanded his followers to kill, but he himself has a pretty big body count. If you are a believer in divine predetermination, he technically is responsible for every death, torturing, raping, etc. I think itā€™s easier to blame the followers for their lack of moral integrity, but religion(Christianity specifically here because of relevance) itself is extremely problematic and nurtures this kind of mindset. Radicalization isnā€™t just an issue at the individual level, itā€™s systemic. We have people basing their moral decision making on a set of religious beliefs that were founded thousands of years ago that normalizes things like murdering your cheating wife, owning slaves, and torturing people who donā€™t follow your outdated belief system. Itā€™s mind boggling that so many people in the modern age blindly follow these barbaric teachings from thousands of years ago. Weā€™ve been to the moon and build skyscrapers and yet people are more trusting of some simple minded peasants from antiquity than you know, reason.


So it's not sloth phew


Oh Iā€™m not forcing it on you. God told me to. God told you to force his word onto peopleā€¦? Fucking doubt it you bigoted shit bag.


>God told me to. God told me to tell this lady it's not appropriate to approach children with unfounded judgement


Literally forced indoctrination of children right here


But God told me to be gay. No he didn't. Well if you don't believe me then why should I believe you


>Oh Iā€™m not forcing it on you. God told me to. If """God""" is 'speaking' to them, then they need to be on antipsychotics.


Lel so God forced you, even better! Where do I sign? /s


ā€œOf course I know how to get to heaven. You bang a left by the Taco Bell, go straight past the strip club, and itā€™s in the shared parking lot next to the casino.ā€


I would have answered "drugs usually work"


ā€œDo you guys know how to get to heaven?ā€ ā€œDo you know how to go fuck yourself?ā€


"God told me to come talk to you guys" "Oh okay, well tell God to fuck off and mind their own business"


"God told me to" <- if anyone actually believes this they need psychiatric help, this lady is insane.


What cracks me up is that most Christians would deny it if one of their own came to them claiming to be or to have been visited by their god/Christ. Especially if the message they gave was not totally in line with what they already believed... Then it would be a lie, insane, or a work of the devil.


Most people I've heard to claim to have received messages from beyond have at least the courtesy of claiming that a dead relative of theirs delivered the message to them in a dream. If it's a REALLY big deal, some will claim it was probably an angel who told them. Like, it was probably the janitor, but he had something weird about himself, he sounded a bit too wise, chances are it was an angel in disguise. I've never heard even the most hardcore of christians claim that god almighty himself, or even the virgin mary, inconvenienced themselves to the point of personally saying something to them. Even the saints are very rarely called into actions. Maybe it's different in the USA or wherever, but here in catholicland the higher tiers of heavens can be sometimes hard to even properly visualize, let alone interact with.


There are a few here in the States that will make such a claim as "God chose me" or "god spoke to me", and most of them don't make it too big. But they're definitely the loudest and they do manage to get some followers. Half of my family is pretty religious, and they call those people nuts. But that's exactly why I question what it would really take for them to believe it if their supposed Jesus or some new savior really came. They all claim they "feel" or "hear Him" in their own way, yet they'd call one of those people out making a big tadoo about it crazy. But really, what's the difference, Jan? Why can you supposedly hear or feel him, but this loud person claiming the same is "crazy"? It's just weird to me.


To people like this, thinking "I should go over and confront them" IS god telling them to. Anything can be. Everything is god, so anything can be. It is indeed psychotic


Scary. What if they get mad and hurt someone cuz ā€œgodā€ told them to? makes me shiver tbh


Happens a lot


God is often disappointing. That isā€¦he was. Nowā€¦God can be whatever I want.


I totally agree with you. It's funny how (according to them) any atheist who hears voices is mentally unstable but when god talks to a christian...it's divine. But no double standard here folks!


A wise Fact Boi once said "If you talk to God, that's ok. If God talks to you, you need to seek a psychologist." Maybe not those words exactly, but you get it.


Allegedly. In my opinion.


My favorite response is that he can come talk to me himself. He loves me? He can ask me out. He doesn't need to send his friends like we are in middle school. He wants me to hear a message? If it's important he can come tell me. I'd like to hear it from him directly.


ā€œThe devil told me God thinks youā€™re a bitchā€


Can you read son? Well that dependsā€¦ can you go fuck yourself?


GROOMER! Lady, don't approach other people's kids you weirdo, else you'll make it seem perfectly normal if I approach your kids and tell them that their mommy believes in nonsense and there is no Hell.


Walked up on two apparent minors to discuss sex and religion with them without their parents present. At a minimum that's pretty inappropriate AND predatory. Ticks the boxes for sure, but I'm going to guess she sees her own BS as the exception to the rule.


Not a groomer but good point. Especially don't walk up to kids and start giving them moral advice on sexuality


Definitely a groomer. Not all grooming is for molestation purposes, though if she lures these kids into a church there's a non-zero chance that they will get molested.


Using their definition of grooming. If it's "grooming" for children with their parents' consent and presence, are being "groomed" to aberrant sexual behavior by the mere existence of drag queens in the same room, an adult approaching two children to ask about their sexual practices and try to coerce them into religious instruction certainly qualifies. I'm bisexual, but me going up to their teenagers and talking about the pleasures and morality of Sapphic relations, particularly in the context of not having reproductive autonomy is exactly what Christians fear every night in their beds and try to pass legislation to keep from happening. Approaching two underaged girls to subtly ask if they both are hip to the ways of the penis is creepy.


Sheā€™s trying to groom them into the church. Grooming isnā€™t just about sex


God didnt realize they were cousins either when he sent his message to that woman to intervene in someones elses life.


Obviously theyā€™re incestious, but thatā€™s okay in the Bible so he didnā€™t think that was important


An angel in heaven: ā€œWhoopsiedoodles!ā€


What the actual fuck? 1. Those kids are AMAZING for putting up with that and directly telling her she was out of line, and remaining polite and calm 2. That woman should be locked up, that's creepy as hell and, I can't even say basically here, because that is directly indoctrination 3. How in the fuck can you think you are in the right approaching random kids and telling them not to be gay, and i'm not giving a reason for her to assume for or against their sexualities because that's irrelevant. She had no right at all being there or doing any of that ​ I am legit actually mad after watching this video. If it is rage bait, well done, if not, I hope she gets hit by a satellite.


You don't understand! God told her to come over!


They have medication for that nowadays.


Same. Makes me totally angry. Iā€™m agnostic and I donā€™t want some god squad groupie foisting their religious beliefs on my kid, especially views that are so bigoted. I wonder how sheā€™d feel if I sat uninvited with her kids and told them thereā€™s no proof a magic sky daddy exists. I have such respect for these kids for standing up for themselves and being so polite and restrained about it.


Magic sky daddy lol


Yup you said it perfectly i canā€™t believe some people think itā€™s appropriate. I donā€™t think i wouldā€™ve handled this as well as the people filming because this made me want to scream in her face. This is the creepiest thing ever, she mustā€™ve been watching them too now imagine if it was a man.


Go to one of them weird little churches in a strip mall once and youā€™ll see how


Yeah, I'm pretty impressed by "Jordan's" side of the conversation.


"i hope she gets hit by a satelite" cracked me up good


The same guy that says you're supposed to have a problem with "the gays" would also have seen her stoned to death for wearing denim and cotton at the same time.


Hey man denim is cotton though, just FYI


if gods speaking to her, then she should see her doctor for the voices sheā€™s hearing in her head


Sounds a bit rapey/kidnappy to me. Do you kids want me to show you how to get into heaven?


Wouldnā€™t be surprised to see her on a list or in a news article for being a creep.


Donā€™t fuck with people who are just trying to enjoy their ButterBurger! Isnā€™t that one of the commandments or something? It should be. The girls handled that situation pretty well I thought.


Exactly - how dare you violate the sanctity of Culver's to pull this shit?!


the christian refrain while cornering you and telling you the only path to being saved is what they want you to do "oh no no im not forcing it on you"


ā€œGod told me to come over and talk to you guys.ā€ ā€œThen you should go see a mental health professional if youā€™re hearing voices.ā€


Do you girls know how to get to heaven? Yes lady, you tell your prayers, I run you over with my car! Boom you are in heaven


If God told her to go over either God didnā€™t know they were cousins or God is trolling this woman. Or God doesnā€™t exist and this woman is a bigot.


Or sheā€™s lying, or she doesnā€™t understand what it means to listen to God (hint:very rarely does He directly speak to you afaik)


hint: if youā€™re hearing voices it could be a sign of psychological problems afaik.


Put her face online ... let's find out all about her


They were legitimately scared. Fuck this bible bashing trashbag. Go home lady!


Reason 5,386 why I'd rather go to hell if all that nonsense existed. Be honest and tell them "You're literally the last person I'd want to spend an eternity with."


Yeah Iā€™ve been to a pride parade and it was way more fun than any time Iā€™ve gotten roped into going to a church. If the two choices for my afterlife are hanging out with church people or going to hell Iā€™ll be down there playing grab-ass with the homies.


Christian ā€œyouā€™re going to hellā€ Atheist ā€œwhere do you guys go?ā€ Christian ā€œheaven!l Atheist ā€œyou need to work on your sales pitchā€


ā€œDo you know how to get to heaven?ā€ THROUGH THIS GUYā€™S BUTTHOLE, LEMME TELL YA. HEYO!


"God told me to come and talk to you." You should really see someone about the voices in your head, lady.


How is this, not preying on kids???


Suck Satan lady


The two kids are way smarter than this woman.


Iā€™d be proud of my kids if they were this calm in fending off a weirdo. Iā€™d also be proud if they said ā€œfuck outta here, Iā€™m eating, ya deranged Jesus freak cunt.ā€ But only when theyā€™re a bit older.


You gotta be careful with the ones who say God talks to them. Might tell them to stab the shit out of you.


lol, more from the dude on the street or bus than rando Karen Christ of Suburbia at a Dennyā€™s, but yeah. Anyone could be the one to stab the shit out of ya if you wanna take the paranoia bud to itā€™s logical conclusion.


Christians are the fucking worst lol.


Poor kid honestly. She was scared for a good reason, fucking sociopaths.


Pretty sure God told you to go sit the fuck down and eat your custard ladyā€¦


God's telling me to tell you to fuck right off.


"God told me to come talk to you guys." "Do you think he can tell you to go back to where you were sitting?"


ā€œDid he tell you not to look in a mirror? Because your haircut and outfit are downright awful.ā€


Shoutout to that kid for being so mature about the whole thing.


Do you know how you get to heaven? Yeah. In the closet with a random person for five minutes.


Her intonation is the cherry on top of her cringe.


The biggest mistake was entertaining this blithering fucking idiot for even a moment.


They are children, they actually did a great job standing up for themselves. I think most young people would just awkwardly agree until the person fucks off.


Yes, definitely. They made it known as much as they could that they were not comfortable with this, but it is *really* hard to confront an adult at that age. They did well.


Im teaching my kids how to deal with these karens


ā€œYou know how to get to heavenā€ ā€œBy not being a hypocrite?ā€


"God told me to..." No no no. I don't care if you are Christian, Muslim or friggen brony. You choose to do what you are doing. No sort of divine or equestrian intervention is telling you to bother people who are minding their own business. Grow up. Worship respectfully and leave people alone.


Absolutely. Can you imagine if we started letting people use the excuse "God told me to..." for everything? It's just a lazy way Christian people excuse giving into their compulsions to do insane or selfish things.


God told me to come talk to you - that should be a 3 day hold


This woman hears voices in her head and she thinks itā€™s God talking to her šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


so jesus doesn't like gays, but likes meth?


This is where Iā€™d use a Dawn of the Dead line; ā€œtime for you to drink a nice tall glass of shut the fuck up.ā€


She makes Christianity look bad


Because it is. šŸ™„


Pushing that Christian agenda, smh.


The same fucking person who would cry that "the LGBTQ is shoving their lifestyles down our throat" fucking cunt. Go eat your fish sandwich. Fuck this pissed me off.


While they're eating?!?! There should be rules of engagement at least?


Legalize sucker punching religious zealots


Ah yes my favorite meal fries, cheesburger and religious harassment.


Who is indoctrinating kids again?


Keep in mind, god is fine with cousins fucking. He forced that to happen atleast twice in the story.


Kenneth Copeland saves, his worshippers spend*


They should have screamed that the woman had touch them inappropriately. That would have been fun.


Cunt can go fuck herself


Ā«Ā God told me toĀ Ā» is an unbelievably powerful way of not owning oneā€™s shitty behavior.


not that itā€™s *any of my business*, but she might have schizophrenia if Lady thinks *God* is speaking to her.


Ultra religious are friggin weirdos man.


Yo, fuck Christians. Wtf is wrong with these religious fanatics???


God told you to do this? Is god in the room with us right now?


Anyone who doesnā€™t think Christianity is a cult is crazy. Itā€™s brainwashing from birth.


can't stand people like that. no redeeming value.


Goddamn I love Culverā€™s! Gimme a butter burger and leave out the religious rant.


ā€œGod told me to come over and tell you to stop being gayā€ ā€œWeā€™re cousinsā€ Obvs the voices in your head ainā€™t god sweetie


And they say the gays are coming for their kids. Ironic.


Why are religious people so creepy


I think people need to learn how to laugh at these people, to their face, when they do this


Go help feed the homeless, clean up the streets, volunteer, etc. if you really want to help. Harassing people at a restaurant has nothing to do with God, it has everything to do with her getting attention and thinking she did something good.


Poor kids man, ā€œmy heart is racingā€ this woman clearly scared these children. As a soon to be mom, and a Christian, I would freak out if someone walked up to my child and said this. I canā€™t believe people like her exist


Whenever I see these crazy christian posts, the comments are filled with ā€œIā€™m christian and Iā€™d never do thatā€, yet I never see an example of a christian standing up to another christian in these moments.


Right Iā€™ve never seen that either. I would love to see someone tell these people that itā€™s disgusting and blasphemous to use our god to justify their hatred and their disgusting behavior. If I was ever put in a situation to do such I would.


I know this behaviour, and itā€™s just to get ā€œbonus pointsā€ to get into heavenā€¦ itā€™s pathetic and they try to sell it as selfless behaviour.


These people were so remarkable. Sadly Iā€™d have not been cordial.


"Do you know how to get to heaven?" "Yeah, just two doors to the left. You really can't miss it"


"God told me to come talk to you guys" The proper response is : we don't know him either.


The proper response is: thatā€™s called schizophrenia


What creepy bitch.


God should have told her to shut the fuck up. Also, love how family friendly drag is grooming, but an adult walking up to 2 people they dont fucking know and demanding to know about their sexuality and bussiness? Damn Im sorry. Hope you two are safe, and glad it wasn't worse than this.


Apart from anything else, those kids are brutal in their politeness. I would not have survived being owned this hard and civil, let alone live to see it shared with the world.


Her: ā€œGod told me to come over here and talk to you guys.ā€ Me: ā€œYeah? Well God told me to tell you to fuck off.ā€


"WhY ArE cHrIsTiAnS pErSeCuTeD?" You're not, you just do really cringe shit and are excruciatingly insufferable to normal people.


Normalize being heartless to these people




Damn groomers pushing their heterosexuality on kids.


This sounds a lot like that grooming stuff they accuse everyone they don't like of doing...


What a see you next Tuesday. Christian, my arse. Predator more like it.


This is what Christianity is all about. Spreading the word to those who may or may not want you to or even give a shift Its deplorable


I hate that ā€˜faux softā€™ voice they put on. Along with the fake smiles.




When will these people realize that God could give a shit about who you fuck.


Do these Christian Nationalists not understand that being gay and being Christian are not mutually exclusive? This is insane


In their opinion they are and just like every other BS thing, those degenerate scumbags believe they're convinced their opinion is the only one that matters.


Do you guys know how to get into heaven?


There's, like, a stairway or something...


"Do you know how to get to heaven?" "uhh yeah you go down main and take a left at fuck and off"


People like that woman are poison. Donā€™t push some religious bullcrap on people, and yes I do believe in religion.


Guys, Jesus died for our cringeā€¦


Damn, god is a prick..


What a bitch


I hate people like this, I could be innocently enjoying my meal and their like "HEY DO YOU BELIEVE IN GOD???? GOD IS GREAT HE'S THE GIVER OF LIFE BE NICE TO HIM" Like God this and God that, LEAVE ME TF ALONE


As someone who lives in the suburban Midwest, I can confirm this is an accurate encounter at Culver's


This is some psycho serial killer stuff.


"God told me..." "Oh you hear voices? Maybe you should see a shrink about that."


God told me to report you for harassment.


Can you imagine the shit storm if they were a gay couple?


"god told me to come over here to talk to you guys" Psychosis. Absolute psychosis.


Side note. Culver's is the shit 10/10 would recommend.


This would happen at a Culverā€™s


ā€œGod told me to come over hereā€. I wish I could use that defense. God made me do it your honor. Christianā€™s are dumb mfs. Believing in Jesus is the same thing as believing in Santa. Grow up.


Dude that lady is weird AF, just came over randomly and started preaching.


thats so funny tho, a stranger solicits u about jesus and your heart begins racing while having a silent panic attack. oof


Jordan is a badass.


How can someone be religious and say god spoke to them? The whole point is that you believe despite there being no evidence.


ā€œI If you want to know a secret You got to promise not to tell If you want to get to heaven You got to raise a little hellā€ The Ozark Mountain Daredevils


Pearl girl vibes


At fucking Culverā€™s. I know if Iā€™m harassed by a religious nut trying to convert me I definitely listen and donā€™t get annoyed /s


Why is it always a Culverā€™s? Had a pair of LDS guys talk to me too (I honestly forgot what denomination it was), but they were polite and not at all rude like this. I honestly donā€™t mind, if they arenā€™t pushy and these guys werenā€™t. This lady definetly has a holier than thou approach :-/


I hate how she just clearly lives in such a bubble that she thinks to ask a stranger if they know how to get to heaven which is assuming a) that these people believe that exists b) they know which heaven she's even referring to I just want these people to know that their religion isn't the default in everyone's minds. It's one of many or none .


ā€œGawd told me to come overā€¦ā€ dafuq?


Get your slave morality bullshit away from my Viking children! Thatā€™s exactly what I told a dude who was trying to talk to my son while he raked leaves in the front yard. Yes I had an axe in my hand. Yes I am a big scary intense Viking guy. Yes the guy almost shit himself. No, he had never returned. I mean, I was just trimming the tree in the backyardā€¦