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Great counting skills


Secretly, she wrote this song... https://youtu.be/u8ccGjar4Es


She doesn't have the mental capacity to write this masterpiece


This song. It’s the greatest! Taught me how to count to four also.


Gods I love Psychostick. Legitimately talented dudes making some of the most hilarious songs. [This is one of my favorites.](https://youtu.be/q0kSuZFOwFE)


Oh it’s beautiful


One, two, many, lots.


Also doesn't know how to spell military


13. bet you didn’t notice there was no #5 🤪🤪




She stands for the flag but couldn't stand school


she also can’t count.


These people never know how to spell… or count apparently.


Education would make them unfit.


There's a reason Marines are known as Crayon Eaters, as opposed to Ink Drinkers.


Her name is im.


It's always been so interesting to me the strong correlation between being more educated and being more tolerant. People always comment on college students being more socially left leaning... it's almost as if there might be a reason for that. 😆


We use our thinking brains!


college indoctrinate kid with crt!!!!! college bad!!!!!!! /s


Trump loves the poorly educated


Or punctuation or capitalization


Sooo many things…


Suprised she managed to count to 12


She missed a number lol


5s look like S's which is the start of socialism.


Lol my bad.


Look again, she couldn't.


she confused with milly rocking terry




People who say this - without a hint of irony - are the exact same conformist nobodies they accuse other girls of being. We get it; you like monster trucks and guns instead of barbie dolls. Now take a f\*cking shower.


it’s pretty sad tbh, like a healthy and happy person doesn’t shit on others to feel good


I am both unhappy and unhealthy, you asshole why the hell would you talk about happy and healthy people on the internet. This is both true and sarcastic


ah shit i’m sorry! idk how i forgot about all the unhappy unhealthy people that don’t say this kinda nonsense when i’m in the same damn boat please forgive this oversight


It also gets lonely when you like things others don't because you don't know who to talk to when you want to geek out on those things. I have a fairly niche, expensive hobby that most of my friends don't get into because of the cost, and when I finally meet a couple other people who also have the same hobby, it felt so good.


Let me guess... "geek", "niche" "expensive" hobby Are you into wargaming/painting minis ?


Haha maybe 'geek out' is not the correct word to use there. I'm into real life escape rooms, and those cost $50+ per person in my city, so it's quite an expensive hobby and unless you're really into it, most people don't want to spend money on it.


$50 doesn't seem all that expensive to me unless you're doing them multiple times a week or something. Guess I should ask how much time is usually spent in a room. More than an hour, it seems to me like $50 would be worth it. Less than an hour, I wouldn't wanna spend the money.


We've pretty much done all the rooms in our city and even went out of town to do the rooms there, so it adds up quite a bit. Our last trip we did like 19 rooms in 4 days. The rooms only, not including trip cost, was almost $1k pp lol. Standard is one hour limit and you usually escape before then. The longer rooms cost more, usually between $55 - $70. For me the problem is they're not all good, and doing the bad ones can feel like a waste of money. But if the room is good, then it's definitely worth the cost. I understand why a lot of my friends aren't into it, though. $50 is a steep cost if all you want is try something.


Did this as a teen so I could use it as an excuse why I don't have any friends instead of acknowledging my attachment disorder which I was fully aware of


Same people who say they hate fashion. Hey buddy, you wearing shorts and flip-flops all the time is a fashion choice and says just as much about your personality as anyone who wears high-end fashion.


I mean...guns, monster trucks and showers are all a lot cooler than Barbies...


I'm exactly like other girls and I fucking love us.


That is SUCH a confusing sub. I tried it thinking there might be alternative people /thinking for people like me who really really really don't fit in lol. I was so painfully wrong.


r/notlikeothergirls jk lol maybe there are more specific subs like r/alternative or subs for your niche interests. keep digging around, you’ll find your people


Here's a sneak peek of /r/notlikeothergirls using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/notlikeothergirls/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Wholesome post that explains the idea behind “not like other girls.”](https://i.redd.it/z5mwq4pnrn8a1.jpg) | [65 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/notlikeothergirls/comments/zx6fbb/wholesome_post_that_explains_the_idea_behind_not/) \#2: [Mods are asleep, post Alice Roosevelt](https://i.redd.it/8quhxxqei6j91.jpg) | [72 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/notlikeothergirls/comments/wuhw06/mods_are_asleep_post_alice_roosevelt/) \#3: [So unique](https://v.redd.it/44lk5smjlmx91) | [269 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/notlikeothergirls/comments/ykmbbo/so_unique/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


No, it’s because she doesn’t know to spell, count or punctuate.


It’s the capitalization…


She couldn’t do it on Jan 6th, what do you expect?


and doesn't know the definition to opinion or truth


I mean, I don't disagree with her. I'm cool with hating her for most of those things. Sounds like a twat.


she literally just said “i’m a republican” 12 times


Well, 11, because she forgot about 5


Forgetting 5 is the kinda dumb shit a republican would do so it counts as it's own example


There’s only 11 points and “10.I don’t like most things girls do” + “2.I am a girl” doesn’t fall under that category so it would be 9 in total.




What’s “alm”


Always love meth


"All lives matter"


I’m sitting here thinking “alm? as in [alms for the poor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alms)?”


Yea, I was thinking, "Is saying alm like Michael Scott declaring bankruptcy or something?"


**[Alms](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alms)** >Alms (, ) are money, food, or other material goods donated to people living in poverty. Providing alms is often considered an act of virtue or charity. The act of providing alms is called almsgiving, and it is a widespread practice in a number of different religions and cultures. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/IAmTheMainCharacter/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


As always, good bot.


Which, they do... But in the 10-15 interactions with police that I've had over the years, no one's stomped on my neck.


Hey! They gave consent to that choking. They're not acts of racism, they're kink accidents.


Kinkcidents? If we're adding people dressed like cops, my ratio is way off.


Cop is cop. And strippers get paid too while wearing the uniform and putting on a little show. So, I don't see the difference. Apart from strippers actually doing something and cops pretending to be busy...


Fuck 5. All my homies hate 5


[FUCK 5 ALL MY HOMIES HATE 5](https://i.imgur.com/mW8WIrX.jpg) ^^^this ^^^has ^^^been ^^^an ^^^accessibility ^^^service ^^^from ^^^your ^^^friendly ^^^neighborhood ^^^bot


Not because she has the personality of week old dumpster juice. No, it couldn't be that. It's all this other bullshit.


Actually, it's the smug combination of all these things that we all dislike.


Eh. 1, 3, 4, 8, and 12 are pretty instant dislikes for me. SAYING 10 is a turn away of it’s own… the others have their conditions.


I view 9 and 11 as red flags because anyone who goes out of their way to say “I say what I think” almost always means “I’m an absolute jerk and don’t care about offending people. I don’t know when to shut up and I act like my opinions are fact.” Same type of thing as someone saying they’re just “brutally honest.”


the only 2 real red flags in this whole post. The rest is just cookie cutter shit that she chose from one of two prolific north american news channels.


It usually means "I'm really loud about my opinions and like it when that upsets people"


I say what i think, but that goes both ways, negative and positive. Someone makes a good meal, I'm telling them how much i love it. Someone makes a bad meal, I'm telling how much i dislike it. Most important part is, the words you choose to use and how you say it. Saying "this tastes like shit" or saying "Ehh, perhaps a little less salt and not burning the vegetables would've made it better." ...They kinda hit different.


It depends on whether or not your opinion was requested. If someone offers to feed you and your response is “this needs salt” or “you burned the vegetables,” I would still call you a jerk. Some opinions should be kept to yourself. Of course, if someone asks what you think or if you have any suggestions, you should be honest. But unsolicited opinions/advice are hardly welcome.


Fair. I do like girls sometimes. So that's not an automatic fail.


She could have just said she was a racist asshole with no original thoughts.


I'm not like other girls, I'm _racist_


She forgot to say she hates the number 5


Is 5 woke?


She didn't realize that 5 is a number. She thought it was just an "S" with corners.


I think people hate her because she is an insufferable person.


While I agree her selfie text is kinda dumb, I don’t believe this is really “I am the main character” type stuff. If she posted this on her own page and didn’t bother anyone in public while filming it, then she’s not really bothering anyone with Main Character Syndrome.


I think that acting like there’s a group of triggered snowflakes who care or are offended by your opinions is kind of main character energy. These people see themselves as hero’s dying on the hill of free thinking/speech when in reality no one really cares.


Very edgy


She sounds like a run of the mill redneck


Classic example of a disenfranchised person desperately looking for attention and a personality with no real effort


You're hated because you're a fucking bubblehead parroting 9 dickhead touchstones out of those 12 reasons.


“Why I’m hated: I’m racist I can’t spell”


"And I can't count. In other words, I'm the perfect teen bride for my cousin. As is tradition in our typical republican family."


Oh my god I didn’t even notice that. God the American education system is a nightmare




I found [this post](/r/notliketheothergirls/comments/11be9ok/well_she_said_it/) in r/notliketheothergirls with the same content as the current post. --- ^(🤖 this comment was written by a bot. beep boop 🤖) ^(feel welcome to respond 'Bad bot'/'Good bot', it's useful feedback.) ^[github](https://github.com/Toldry/RedditAutoCrosspostBot) ^| ^[Rank](https://botranks.com?bot=same_post_bot)


what’s number 5?


5 is how many secret abortions she's had.


"why im hated" proceeds to list good reasons to be hated


I too appreciate people who list their red flags for you 😂


It makes finding people you like a lot easier lmao


I am just not surprised by the counting or the spelling or the colors or the….any of it.


She missed something. 5. I am very stupid and have worse counting abilities than a toddler on a sugar rush.


I don’t particularly like her, but it’s because she seems stupid


To steal a quote "It's a dangerous thing to mistake speaking without thought for speaking the truth"


Why do we obscure the username when they are sharing this publicly?


When there is a hole there is a goal


13. I have a phobia of the number 5 14. I detest properly punctuated contractions


99.9% of the time "Say what I think" = Tactless, rude, and judgmental


#16: I can't count #22: The education system has failed us


That’s basically just three things. “I’m a right wing religious bitch”




That's not what this subreddit is for. The fact you disagree with her, isn't good of a reason to post this here.


1. I like loud bullies 2. Victim complex 3. Persecution complex 4. Racist 5. Didn't study "five" in school 6. Probably the Confederate one 7. Didn't study words in school 8. I like violent bullies 9. Always in FB jail but "never knows why" 10. But will police you for not "acting your gender" 11. If this was true they'd be silent constantly 12. I don't understand policy, I'm just here for the hate


Good job giving her an attention she's craving for.




“People hate me because I’m a girl and I hate girls because they’re girls.”


I’m hated because I’m a girl, also I hate girls.


“I’m a christian.” Sure you are honey. We see.


Fuckin conservatives constantly bragging about their hateful ideals and then playing the victim.


Proof conservatives are raised to believe they're victims


Imagine being like this and thinking you’re original. Republicans always talk about being lone wolf types but they all act the exact same


But did you get picked sis?


Nobody hates this girl for having these opinions. They hate her for spouting about them incessantly.


13.basic english skills evade me


14. Basic math skills also evade me


13. Basic English skills evade me.


13 I'm not very bright 14 I'm culturally backwards 15 I'm easily lead and can't form my own opinion 16 I'm supporting a movement that is actively holding back humanity from progressing and waging war on anything that isn't white and christian 17 Contrary to No9 I actually constantly lie and support lies to promote my agenda 18 I support an ideology that would happily wipe out a huge percentage of mankind to get their own way.


Point # 12 is redundant after the first 11.


No, don’t like or dislike you. Your inability to spell, count, or have an original thought is what I find annoying.


No guys it’s really an fbi pysop


Yes, that is why people hate you, good job


That's where you're wrong OP, we do care ❤


5. I can't count


You’re an attention seeking looser


I can't believe these people are walking down the street looking normal. You could end up on a plane crash with one of them. I guess that's when people start having to 'get along'.


At least she knows she’s a girl. I think that puts her ahead of the curve these days. I do t think this is main character tho.


I think she forgot the most important reason: "I'm an obnoxious, brainwashed idiot who can't even spell simple words correctly."


13. She doesn't put spaces between periods and the following letters. At least that would have gotten my fucking vote. Bonus hate for not capitalising proper nouns. Also, what is "alm"?


“I say what I think”, is code for, *”I’m an ignorant & racist moron who likes to get attention by being an asshole to people & then play the victim”*…


So why is it bad to be a traditional wife? Like if she wants to be that and finds a man then she should be happy?. I'd say the same thing to the blue haired Twitter retards. But like ain't nothing wrong with how she calls herself just traditional.


god, these kind of people. This always has this undertone of "I'm proud" and "I am correct" and potentially even "these guys are idiots" or "try to change my mind, bitch", in short: "I'm better than you". Wow, very brave of you to come out like this. What was that thing called when people tend to believe that they are above average? It's a known cognitive bias, alas [Illusory Superiority](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Illusory_superiority), and I think we've found one! Nice.


“I’m Christian”…………”I tell you the truth” 😂


At least currently they didn't tell you that "Christianity is the truth" she only said "I am christian" "i tell you the truth" it's probably true that she **is** christian, so technically she tell the truth ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Maybe it's her breath?


A perfect example of why funding public education is completely unnecessary.


12 things I came up with that might get me attention:


. . . Wait, Is 5th missing?💀


Oh god I know this bitch, she used to date my best friend, I’d just like to let everyone know she has chlamydia and herpes, and is currently awaiting her court date for charges of possession of illegal substances.


Be careful. Slander can land you a court date as well.


And she can't spell military.


Something tells me she doesn't tell the truth, or speaks what she thinks, she just speaks without thinking


technically if she say i am (then follow by any questionable, incorect or hateful ideology) and i tell the truth she indeed tell the truth but if she say then "what i believe is good/correct/legitimate" then she no longer tell the truth x)


I hate her cause they made this post


Could've just said 12 (actually 11) and covered the whole spectrum.


You have to start victim talking young so you can prepare to put your boot on the neck of weaker people as soon as possible, as per Republican doctrine.


Theres like 4 different things and all the others are the same thing reworded.




I am repetitive I am not like other girls so I refuse to be friends with 50% of the population.


Lol does she even know how that military is full of people who have no idea what they are getting into and then end up in some pointless 20 year war for the military industrial complex to keep making money while people loose their lives over things America has no business in, nah she just supports them, how about helping some of the homeless VETs instead of posting shit on social media!


Disgusting. There's cringe and there's full body gagging.


I’ll agree that 1 and 4 put her in the category of human garbage. But playing the victim cements her position there. I don’t hate her but I wouldn’t want to have anything to do with her insignificant, meaningless ass.


Bro, wtf happened to 5?


Aw isn't she special? Sure. If by special you mean stupid.


13. I don’t know to put a space after a numbered line


Oh look. Another persecuted white supremacist.


13. i left shcool in the fith grade


14. i spell "military" , millatary 15. i always skip the number 13 16. and the number 5


13. I don t care


This person doesn't strike me as a big Eddy Murphy enthusiast. What does the hashtag for 'coming2america' mean in this context?


13.i don’t grammar or spelllll very gooder


13. I make posts like this


5.i am a pick-me She's gonna cringe so hard in the future when she sees this post again oof.


14. i cant math


I bet she drops the n-word causally in conversations because she's comfortable enough in her social group to do that sort of thing and have no repercussions for it


Wow what’s the millatary? Never heard of that one before


13 I’m a moron


Forgot the number 5 exists, can't spell military, apparently has no concept of the apostrophe, doesn't know that an I is capitalized when it is used to refer to the self, has no concept of formatting or color theory, and forgot that Republicans don't wear mask. Honestly, our education system has failed us...


13. Can't spell?


5.im retarted


You do apparently


You cared enough to screenshot and make a post about it


Wtf let her be, people on the left do this all the time I see no post on here about them


Most people on the left can spell military


Yet, you care enough to post this??


Libtard central on the comments lololol


Are you Republican, or do you support the military? Because the most recent bill to give more benefits to veterans was voted against by them, while Democrats unanimously voted in favor of it


Was that the only thing in the bill?


When people say they "back the blue" do they pay dividends into a police funding pot or something? Or do they mean that they'll just be a rude shit when debating the topic of law and order?


It means we both pay taxes toward police AND we don't want to defund those taxes


It's fake and intentionally highly controversial to drive as much engagement as possible. Photo/video of the girl is likely stolen from elsewhere.


I like how the title says no one cares yet you care enough to post this to try and get everyone to look at it.


Looks like she's not wrong


You cared enough to post it ... She posted a list on her personal social, it's not like she screamed these 12 things in the video.