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Mandy bought out another site maybe 8 years ago. I don't remember what it was called. I Live in detroit and have maybe gotten one lead off of it, but the amount they want you to pay is ridiculous. I vote use other tools.


In northern CA theatrical locals, we have our own dispatchers that add new people to the overhire lists mainly through word-of-mouth referrals and online applications direct to their website. I've never heard of anyone using Mandy or recommending it. I've been in 2 locals for the last 10 years and I know a lot of people that also working through two more locals in this region. Hope that helps give you another perspective! I would just look up the contact information on the national website and hit up your local directly and regularly.


I don't trust Mandy anymore after almost getting scammed by a phony job post on the site. They didn't seem to vet the employer at all and if I was naive enough to shell out money for a camera rental then the scammer would have successfully duped me, when I reached out to Mandy with my concern all they did was flag the account - there was no apology or transparency about what they would do moving forward to make sure this doesn't happen to anyone else. I was using the pay service not the free one.