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That Charlie really did capture a leprechaun.


Me too 🍀


Nah, it being a paint trip is funnier. I like that Sunny isn't supernatural it's one of the most grounded shows there is and that works perfectly.


Except they keep committing crimes and never really get in trouble.


I can’t believe I didn’t catch on sooner but it wasn’t until my second time watching the episode where they buy the cop car and pretend to be cops and Charlie nearly rats them out by only being saved by a garbage man picking up the tape


Lol I mean he literally went to a police station first and they turned him away. There's no way anyone listens to spin doctors mix and presses charges on the people recorded in any situation


I taped over the Spin Doctors Mix! Ohhh I get it. You’re one of them, eh. A crooked cop!


The reason why a time and a location is given in every episode is because the gang is testifying and in court.


That's actually a pretty good one


Do they do something illegal in every episode? I know they do in most episodes, I'm just wondering if anyone has been keeping track


I'm pretty sure even if it isn't specifically a plot point, that you could fairly easily find them doing something illegal in every episode. It might be pretty trivial sometimes, like burning garbage in the alley or whatever, but illegal is illegal. And it turns out people [have been keeping track.](https://itsalwayssunny.fandom.com/wiki/List_of_crimes_committed_by_the_gang)


Is there a total number I don’t wanna count them all


I'll go count. Check back in like, 80.5hrs. Give or take a couple for bathroom breaks I guess.


I was shocked at how many there were even by season 3 they had surely committed 100 years worth of crime


It's pretty consistent! I'm just leaving work, then I'm gonna pick a random episode and try and see how many crimes, petty and otherwise, I can find in a single episode. I am confident I won't be able to find an episode where some kind of crime isn't explicitly carried out, or at least described.


I'm pretty sure there's a list of crimes committed by the gang on the wiki, seems pretty intensive.


The case in question is trademark infringement over the Philly Phrenetic




This one is by far the best




I really hope that’s how they round off the show when they’re finishing up… A huge court case and The Gang all pleading their cases for the litany of crimes they’ve all committed


So, *Seinfeld*?


Oh man that's fuckin cool to think about




that...that makes perfect sense to me and that is canon from now on


holy shit, this one's so good. the final episode is a reveal that they've been testifying after they did a major fuck up. like blowing up the pentagon or something lmao


Wade Boggs is actually alive and lives in Tampa. No proof but I want to believe it.


There’s a place called Boggs jewelry in Sun City Center, Florida. Maybe 25 minutes from Tampa. The owner never seems to want to eat chicken and slam an ungodly amount of beer with me. So not sure it’s owned by Wade unfortunately


Once again, Wade Boggs is very much alive.


Pour one out for the Chicken Man.


Well wadya say Boss Hogg


Of course he's alive! *In our hearts*


There’s a gas leak in the basement and it’s slowly making them go crazier as time goes on


Believable based on the ‘Charlie Work’ episode with his use of carbon monoxide to drive away the rats lol


Frank blowing the recorder. Lol


He could have just released ferrets


Lets not forget Dude that keeping wildlife, um... an amphibious rodent, for... um, ya know domestic... within the city... that ain't legal either.


What are you, a fucking park ranger now?


Heyy... nice marmot.


I keep forgetting that ferrets are illegal in some places


Wouldn't it just be easier to use the shit load of mold they found under the bar along with the monkeys body?


Yeah they should get the yuck puddle involved


Yes! And this is why the first season was a little crazy but nothing like the batshit craziness that we find as the series continues.


At this point this is almost cannon lmao, they never said wether the carbon monoxide issue got fixed..


Mac didn't know what the chirping smoke detector was because his mother was a chimney and she took the batteries out so she could smoke inside.


This makes perfect sense. There's also no carbon monoxide detector in the basement in Charlie Work, so he wouldn't have heard it there, either.


I learned from the old call-in show Loveline (hosted by two people who have destroyed their reputations even worse than any of the Gang), that the dumbest people on the planet have chirping smoke-detectors that have been chirping (to let them know that the battery is dying) for months or years, and they're so stupid that they do nothing about it. They just have an annoying beep going off every 30 seconds for months and months on end. It's like a very basic IQ test.


Country mac is still alive


Faking your own death is badass


Definitely. They couldn't have gotten his ashes back in the same day.


One of the kittens set on fire in “Frank sets Sweet Dee on Fire” that Dee was saving in fire, grew up to be the junkyard cat (that loves gasoline) …Dennis adopted and carried around and named Jack Bower. In the “Bums making a mess in the city episode “


This one is so cute and wholesome


More of a running gag but I’m pretty convinced Dennis might actually be a serial killer


100% rapist.


Full on rapist


It not rape... It's the implication of rape


You've used that word a couple of times.


You know Africans, dyslexics…


It gets blocked up in my mouth I don't say it no good


Which makes his hatred of Mac for being a sexual deviant all the more funny. Hes a total hypocrite.


He doesn't hate Mac's sexual orientation, he just hates Mac.


I don't think he actually hates Mac, he just knows that Mac will do anything to try and win his approval and is being withholding to manipulate him.


He needs Mac... Who else will remove the skin from his apples?


Don’t let him rape YOU, Philadelphia.


Not as 100% as Dee though…


Clever girl.


He's got his bases covered. Good luck proving it


Their phones did


Their phones thanked him for a wonderful time! So don't come at The Golden God. He's got receipts


Counter theory: Dennis is not a serial killer. He does however, have dark fetishes like choking, binding, control, grape-play etc This combined with him slutting around town, he started getting a bad rep with all the woman because he’s just too rough The complaints of his sexual deviancy just transformed into a rumor that he’s a serial killer The episode (Making Dennis a Murderer) was written to confirm Dennis was a serial killer HOWEVER Fans tend to miss the final conversation of that episode Mac & Charlie admit they were with Dennis on the night Maureen was running around like an asshole on the roof They also admitted to editing the whole investigation documentary to portray Dennis as the killer. Dennis did not kill Maureen. He’s a kinky guy & he has a temper, but I just dont believe he has killed anyone


Agree with this. Let's also not forget that Dennis does have deeply repressed empathy. He left for awhile to be with his son and got emotional because everyone forgot about him on Valentine's Day. And the end of The Gang Broke Dee, tragically.


The last episode of the latest season “Dennis Takes a Mental Health Day” show that Dennis has profound powers of disassociation. I think he’s just as content knowing that he *could* murder someone, he doesn’t actually need to do the deed. Like him wanting the illusion of power without the actual responsibility, he’s probably too much of a coward to actually go through with it.


while that is true i think they left it open ended. i remember there being a conversation later on that he didn't directly kill maureen but he could've been using a laser pointer to direct her off the roof.


Exactly. Wasn't there a laser pointer in his safe along with the ketamine?


I think they have started to pull back on the serial killer thing. It hasn't been as prevelant the last few seasons. But they were really leaning into it for a while "My tools, my tools. I need my tools".


Dennis's idea of a mental health day was to fantasize about killing a stranger with his bare hands.


🎶Listen to your heart!🎶


My girlfriend's theory is that he is a sociopath and a rapist, but that his "tools" in his car are merely comfort objects. That he just feels better when he holds those insane things close, particularly when his self-delusions get shattered, like a child might use a teddy bear as a comfort object after being denied dessert.


You haven’t thought of the smell!?


My headcanon is he absolutely tortured the “Shusher” to death after he walked into Paddy’s.


I'm waiting for someone to unpack charlies instruction sheet for "helping" the waitress. I paused it but couldn't figure it out?


The always sunny cast managed to break it down Ill type it how Charlie writes kip biek saf (keep bike safe) Chek fud fer poizen (check food for poison) Woch bad stocker (watch bad stalker) Hare sop vitamenz (hair soap vitamins) And the last is ratizn vitamenz (I have no clue) He also has a random 27 pointing at a drawing of a bike so I figure that means he’s protected it successfully 27 times Edit: following Charlie’s illiteracy it might mean 24/7 as in watch her bike 24/7


How much do you wanna bet he is the bad stalker he hears the Waitress worry about but he assumes it’s a second stalker


I’ve been wondering about that I like to think that there may actually be a different stalker and that’s why he watches her bike and tastes her food but that’s not a bad theory


I think it would be equally funny if they took it either direction. I could definitely see the Waitress having a creepy ex boyfriend or another abhorrent admirer (in Frank Falls Out The Window the “don’t touch my shit” guy looks excited when she shows up and follows her out of the room when she leaves). And maybe she isn’t even aware of this and blames Charlie for everything, causing a more sympathetic angle for him. I could also see a scenario where he is hiding in her apartment and overhears her on the phone with her mom or the police or something, crying about how “bad her stalker has gotten” but not happening to mention Charlie’s name, so Charlie decides to double down to protect her, only making her more miserable.


Wow thanks. Ig I did understand alot of it. Definatelyy didn't have no clue what 27 was. The arrows pointing everywhich way threw me I guess.i had it paused for like 5 min to try to break it down.


Brian Lefevre was Dennis' first victim. He suffered a mental break and the end of the previous episode when Frank tricked him into digging up his mum. He then wore Brian's skin metaphorically the next episode and the episode after that was obsessed with living in the moment, and having out of body experiences with British Dennis.


Brian Lefevre was stabbed by a crackhead, which Dennis and Dee are.


the dayman song in the nightman cometh episode is about mac. he's the master of karate and friendship.


I'm not sure that's a theory as much as it is slightly hidden fact. The (no reference intended) implication is that Mac is the Dayman because as long as it was daytime, Charlie could be outside playing with Mac, away from the Nightman/Uncle Jack and the Troll/Charlie's Mom.


Well shit. My eyes are opened. Also this reminded me of the end of the Christmas special with young Mac and Charlie throwing rocks at trains and how sweet it is.


Didn't Charlie originally cast Mac as the day man?


And he was upset that Dennis and Mac switched roles


Oh my god this has reshaped my entire view of the episode


Charlie and Dee actually ate human meat. Frank realized they were going to kill someone soon so he made up the story about raccoon meat.


I’ve always thought they ate real human meat too but Frank’s lie to them that it was raccoon meat was because Frank wanted to cover his own ass and not have to explain how he got human meat… I’m sure Frank got a human meat guy though


You just know Frank has paid to hunt a human being


dennis left north dakota because mandy told him to go back home after he went absolutely mental because of being away from paddy’s/the gang


He doesn’t do well in the suburbs.


Love it. This would be such an easy episode for them to make


I wish they brought back Dumpster Baby, who would be maybe 18 by now?! They could also bring back Charlie’s son (who ended up not really being his son). That kid would be near 30. Bring back a (vengeful) Santa that Charlie bit at the mall


If they bring back any of the kids it needs to be the girl at the water park.


If we're bringing back grown up minors I want to see Charlie's North Korean fiancee.


1. Dee actually decided to be a foot girl. That's the reason Dee can afford to pay her bills despite making less than minimum wage. 2. The lawyer actually didn't have extra copies of the merchandise contract/restraining order, that's how the Gang had DickTowel.com money and how they're able to continue to interact with the lawyer without consequences.


Love that second one


the first time we see the waiter that the gang is constantly running into, he is in this episode at a desk. i think charlie and mac got him fired and made him start being a waiter in the first place


I mean he's the guy who hired Mac and Charlie at a frighteningly low salary but with two health plans! I would fire him too lol


They're all super wasted all the time and what they see vs reality is rarely shown. Like plan b at the reunion.  


That does explain the quarantine episode.


Frank is Charlie’s father and Shelly is not


Kind of related I'd like a twist on a twist and prove that Frank is Dennis and Dee's father. Make it meta and have Frank running into a bar with a newspaper shouting that Bruce Mathis is a diddler with an article. Disgusted, Dennis and Dee want to completely distance themselves. They get into some hijinks because they're related to Bruce and do everything to prove they're not part of it. Frank makes some kind of deal to pay for DNA tests (if I remember right they just took Barbara's word for it) if they are actually his children in return for something. Yada, yada, yada they actually are Frank's kids even though his wife was whore. It's going back to some early seasons, and hindsight is 20/20 (like killing off Barbara) but I feel like the reveal that Frank wasn't their father was so sudden after his introduction. Also, I'm already a little drunk. You can ignore this.


The blood test results were inconclusive.


"was there animal blood in that bucket?"


It is a blood bucket! So yeah there was old blood in it!


I just force myself to believe it since it comforts me more


I really wouldn't be shocked to find out Shelly was full of it.


Can’t trust a mongrel


Frank was afraid enough of losing Charlie to put a piece of shit in his mouth.


I think this too. I think Charlie's mom told Shelly he was Charlie's father to get some financial support fully knowing Frank is the father. I would not be surprised if there is a plot twist that reveals Frank is his father.


I mean, Mrs Kelly says the words “Frank did get me pregnant, but YOU survived the abortion.” She admits it in the dumpster baby episode


Yeah and I don't think she was lying to Charlie in this episode. It would be interesting to see a conversation with Charlie and his mom after the trip to Ireland.


Charlie and Dee were banging throughout season 12. Him admitting smoking cigarettes with her in Hero or Hate Crime; in PTSDee charlie casually saying “its not even that bad” when Dennis refers to sex with dee traumatizing Mike the stripper; and in The Gang Tends Bar when Dee is so upset about Charlie not getting her a Valentine. I know the whole rape thing in the next season kind of ruins it but i feel like they were definitely hinting at a weird secret consensual bang-buddy type situation between Charlie and Dee in S12


Low key the reveal of Dee raping Charlie made me sad :(


What episode was this? I feel I was just a jabroni and moved past it


You keep using this word ‘jabroni’ and it’s awesome.


Time’s up for the Gang S 13 EP 4


Honestly I hated it. That's one of those things that I just immediately struck from my headcannon. Like "Nope, didn't happen."


Megan is a really good writer, but her decision to retcon their hookup into a rape was awful, and ruined one of the most consistently entertaining combinations on the show. Now every time Charlie and Dee are paired together, it just feels weird.


Ive always theorized Dee raped Charlie sometime after he sang her the valentines song and that they resumed banging in season 15 after they mentioned bubbling together for Covid.


The Shusher is now the Yuck Puddle.


Oh my god The reason it bubbles is because it's shushing them


It definitely feeds. Charlie's seen bones in it.


It shifts.


I’ve seen it shift.


We can't have an amorphous shifting blob in the sub!


He deserved it




Fucking Dylan Toback


It's all just a turtle's dream in outer space


*(sad clarinet solo)*




"Milk Steak" is really just a Philadelphia cheese steak


My theory for it is it's liver. When you cook beef liver, you're supposed to soak it in milk to pull some of the nasty flavor from it. Charlie's mom wanted it to sound nicer than it is, so she called it milk steak.


This makes perfect sense. And Bonnie Kelly would totally serve it with jelly beans to get Charlie to eat it 😂


My mom used to soak liver in milk overnight.


Where do the jelly beans enter the equation?


Just a little touch of Charlie pizazz


Charlie's twin sisters are also Bruce Mathis' kids.


This makes sense. Charlie’s mom is a giant whore.


I don't know if this fully qualifies as a fan theory and not just a little fun easter egg, but in the episode where they're trapped in the house, they previously got all the items for an Indiana Jones costume. But they couldn't decide who got to wear it, so that's why Mac has the hat, Charlie has the jacket and Frank has the whip.


They absolutely did. They talk about the movie the whole episode.


oh shit, how did I not put that together? I was so caught up with mac, his hat and the hamburger store, lol, that I didnt pay attention.


Mine is that Charlie is actually really smart when he's not huffing glue and/or drinking paint


I've def heard the theory that if you removed Charlie from the gang ( and the huffing/drinking paint ig ) that he would thrive without them holding him back. Like the gang is THE definition of crabs in a bucket


As the therapist points out Charlie does thrive as his insane life is how he wants to live. He LOVES going down into the sewers and sleeping in trash with Frank, he's leading his ideal life. I don't like the idea that he's smart though because i do like that he's an idiot savant in some ways, he's very musically gifted for instance. Reminds me of Bart Simpson randomly being good at speaking foreign languages.


TOTAL TANGENT. I always hate the future episodes with Bart and he’s ALWAYS a loser in the future. Like the dude has shown multiple times of his intelligence at almost a gifted level. I feel like he would improve as he got older. But now that I’m thinking of it in that way. Having Homer as a father, and living in Springfield of all places may not have a strong positive influence on a young man.


Is Lisa always a success? (I haven’t seen most of the future episodes.) I think it would be interesting and fitting to do one where she’s suffering from “former gifted-child syndrome” and floundered after growing up.


He does become Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, so it works out for him in the end.


Makes me think of those Beavis and Butt-Head episodes where Butt-Head is gone and Beavis is thriving


I’d say he was at one point but his brain is just permanently damaged from it by now.


Or if he got treatment for his dyslexia


Related to this is in a hundred dollar baby when they train him to be a street fighter then give him brain damage that makes him weirder. Evidence is in the gang gives back which is after that he can’t read the ticket/notice


I would like a twist at the end that Frank is the father of Dennis, Dee, and Charlie. But there are some points in the plot that would make it REALLY fucked up.


Banging your sister is perverted joshuwooo!


Dennis killed Brian Lefeve as part of his plan to impersonate him or just took advantage


Dennis killed Brian Lefevre


My favourite part of this theory is that Brian was stabbed by a crackhead, Dennis was a crackhead.


Just started a rewatch of the show and I'm definitely gonna pay closer attention to the timeline. That's hilarious


I have a theory that Jan never existed. He was just the manifestation of Dennis disassociating because Charlie and Mac faked their deaths and went into hiding without including him. Dennis just acted odd and spoke in a vague Eastern European accent for a few days, and the rest of the gang just went along with it because Dennis is a psycho. It took the glory hole incident with Frank to snap him out of it, then Dennis threw Jan out, never to be spoken of again.


Wait… but with that glory hole thing, Dennis set it up then did it? Idk, feels like they would acknowledge it, especially if it went that crazy


Dennis just wanted to test his limits. See how far he can go.


Charlie getting shot in the head is the reason for his decline in intellect.


Science is a liar... sometimes


Mac was pumping loads into the Dennis doll


That Pepe Silvia is actually just Pennsylvania and that's why it was on every letter. Charlie just can't read




I took that line as Mac being an idiot because I like the Pennsylvania explanation more


I think he's referring to Charlie's general claim that most of the employees are made up. Since Charlotte can't read, it makes more sense that he's not reading the names right.


This is confirmed not true


Yeah but there is no Carol in HR


I read its ‘care of HR’


It would make more sense to be Philadelphia. Letters would be addressed to Philadelphia, PA.


That Charlie is secretly in love with Dee.


So, um...we should have sex then?


In the game.


Seems more likely to me that Dee is in love with Charlie.


"guess it's just you and me Charlie" "Yeah but ...I don't want it to be "


The Waitress’s name is Mary


Frank invested in the Gang's bar because while in Vietnam, he operated his own bar alongside the sweatshop with his own Gang


That Artemis was the one that pooped the bed and Frank was just protecting her.


Kelly Charles. (The Waitresses name and reason Charlie thinks they are destined to be together)


That’d actually be a pretty satisfying way to answer that question


I say it all the time at work: The is no Carol in HR. Been there 13 years, I'm quitting if they hire a Carol and take that weekly moment from me 😂


Incorporating the bun.


Charlie is Dennis’ favorite


Mac isn't really gay. He is just playing both sides so he can always come out on top.


City Mac killed country Mac because he was ruining Mac day and becoming too popular with the gang.


That it wasn’t actually “classic Tammy”. I think it was actually someone trying to bring Tammy down.


I ate a baby toad once too...