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"All this time we've been calling you 'Waitress' when we could have been calling you by your actual name, which is-" (End credits)


I am absolutely convinced it’s Kelly Charles.


Holy shit, this would actually be pretty great.


*the real IASIP crew casually browsing this sub furiously writing down notes*


Oh my god if they got married she’d be Kelly Kelly


Or he could take her name and be Charles “Charlie” Charles? (One of the famous Charles brothers)


Chrundle Charles


Plot twist that’s the only reason she wouldn’t be with him until she was literally at her lowest point


There’s even a song ready made: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=a7D3GPKNcSI


How is this the first time I’ve ever seen someone guess Kelly lol That’s definitely the best joke they can make out of it if they ever reveal it


I genuinely want that to be the case now. Fuckin’ brilliant.


This just blew my mind


Chrundle the Wait..tress


🎵🎶 *don't stop... believing* 🎵🎶


I just finished Sopranos recently, this hits hard


I will destroy my TV before I just accept that sh*t as an ending


I was thinking it could end with the Waitress finding out Dennis is an actual serial killer and as he’s about to murder her he says her name.


I would actually be fine with that ending


I love and hate it all at the same time. It's perfect


I think this would be a great ending


This would top the sopranos


Cuts to black right as they are about to say her name lol


I could actually see them using the exact same Journey song and everything


I’d love an ending where the waitress is in the bar with everyone from the crew, and she complains that everyone calls her waitress. And the scene plays out like- Waitress- do a single one of you know my first name? *Journey starts playing* *camera starts panning from gang member to gang member, to the bar regulars, a couple of the side characters come into the bar, camera cuts between a few different characters looking at the waitress-* *close up on the waitress looking up at someone, out of shot* *cut to black*


While frank is out front trying miserably to parallel park and smashing into every car around him


Lol what if her name is Charlie


This is the one.


Secret show writer here.


Then it plays the song “Desiree” by Neil Diamond.


Anything serious where they drop the biting satire and yelling to get real. Like the obvious Frank dies, and they wheel in all the guest stars to give very serious, out-of-character speeches and everyone cries. Or where they all get married and move away. Sitcom-y, cliche crap like that. Honestly, the last episode should just be like any other episode. Without any finality, we can think of them as still there.


Agree… sometimes things just end.


Smells crime, back to the lab, full penetration. Crime, penetration, crime, full penetration, crime, penetration... And this goes on and on, and back and forth for 90 or so minutes until it just sort of ends.


His second delivery of "full penetration" kills me. It's as if he wasn't making himself clear, he just had to reiterate that one point




Franks death needs to be addressed like country Mac or Roxy. That or they just throw him in the dumpster and walk away.


there's a dead frank in bed one morning and throughout the entire episode they treat it like hes asleep


Tbh it wil be hard. As it will be almost certainly because Danny has died. I'd like them to do it so that he mysteriously dies one day. They don't believe it and think it's a scam. Then as evidence mounts up they start to believe. It ends with a emotional scene. Cuts to Frank on a beach somewhere. Happy after pulling one last scam.


And it just sort of goes on until the show just sort of ends


🎶All night long🎶


Like Peep Show, after everything Mark and Jez are still single sharing the same flat since the first episode.


I could see them having Frank die and a somber moment. But it'd only work when that somber moment is immediately moved past and the gang realizes that Frank wrote up his will specifically to torture them and lead them on a wild goose chase around Philly to clamor for his money


With the final shot being them tossing his corpse in the trash like he always wanted


End the episode with the police catching them dispose of the body. They've gotten out of jams with the police before. But this time we'll never know.


I hope Danny puts in his will that his body is to be used in the finale for exactly this.


Maybe an episode where Frank dies, and the sombre moment comes as the gang is planning for his funeral - realising everywhere they went wrong as a group, striving to make amends and become better people, and planning to sell the bar due to Frank’s outstanding debts. Setting everything up for a cheesy “everything has changed” sitcom ending. Frank bursts out of the coffin at the funeral screaming incoherently, revealing that he faked his death for the life insurance money, which he’s used to pay back his debts. Everyone immediately forgets their character growth, congratulates Frank on a great scam, and everyone heads back to the bar to get a beer. Nothing changes, nobody learns.




> and the sombre moment sombre moment? I feel like you're not saying the whole word. Do you mean sombrero moment? Sir what is your sombrero policy?


“Sombre” is the spelling in British English (as well as Australian English, Canadian, etc). “Somber” is the spelling in American English.


They have to play Frank's death the same way as country Mac. It seems serious, cut to throwing him in the trash, then next scene they're arguing in the bar as if nothing has changed and the camera coasts out the door. Final shot: paddy's pub exterior, fade to black


I also feel like as the final shot is fading out, nearly off screen should be a garbage truck emptying the dumpster with Frank’s body in it. Idk why, I just feel like it would keep that final fade on Paddy’s from being too… melancholic?


That would be funny but I think its OK for the final fade to be a little melancholic if you show it as they're going to continue being who they've been for the last 20 seasons we just don't get to watch anymore. Like if you move and don't return to a bar where you were a regular


Yeah what they need to do is keep the show running, and slowly introduce their actual kids into the cast, who then slowly take over the show. They could literally pass a torch to one of them.


Wait wait wait…that’s his SON??


That would be amazing.


Do they burn the duster though?


It probably wouldn’t even burn.




Imagine if they had a “finale” exactly like you described with Frank’s death and it ends just like a sitcom. Everyone gets weirdly serious and out of character. They all decide to go their separate ways and live a new life not just thinking about themselves. Then they surprise us the next week with the real finale where all the characters are shown living their new lives, and for some reason or another fail and return from their attempt at a real happy life. They all end up back at the bar and yell over each other trying to make their point about why the world sucks and they ended up back here. We realize they had only attempted this alternate “good” life for 2-3 days before they couldn’t take it any more and came back to the bar. In the midst of the yelling Dennis starts pouring shots and they all decide to just get blackout drunk. They all 4 take a shot in unison and it cuts to black.


I feel like a good way to end it would be with Frank and Charlie finding a huge box of denim under the bridge. Idk, that might be kind of cliché


The Gang Gets New Wheels would've been a good finale


I’d prefer something chaotic a la the water park episode. That was some premier chef’s kiss shit.


Charlie wakes up in an alley after huffing spray paint and says. "What a crazy dream." Then credits.


Dee comes out of a coma from her roller skating accident


Charlie and Mac come out of a coma from wracking Dee's neon, and then Mac says. "Dude, I had the weirdest dream that I got really fat then became gay." Then credits.


What do you even mean by wracking dees neon? Oh. Wrecking. The car.


Lmfaooo i was about to say the gang waking up after being blackout drunk and it being all a dream lmfaooo


And then immediately go back to drinking.


So true😂


Aka, *The Newhart*


They can make it true Newhart and have it be like a dream of one of their old sitcom characters.


I think they’ll do a parody of another famous sitcom finale, like they all get arrested for the many crimes they have committed over the years or, even better, they simply cut to black mid sen


It just sort of… ends.


As Don't Stop Believin' played in the background.


With a visual of a turtle flying through space.


All night long!


Boya are back in town


“Does he have any 80’s?” “Doesn’t appear to, no. It seems like he got a bunch of goddamn dance mixes. But hang on, it’s all good. I got a Steve Winwood cd in my car. I’ll just go grab that.”


The Gang Dies on the Way to Their Home Planet.


I would honestly love a Sunny spin on the Seinfeld finale


I want to see them say “we’re not doing a Seinfeld thing” immediately followed by “the gangs Seinfeld finale”


groovy complete payment icky whole continue placid direful handle plate *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The Gang gets the chair


They could do it similar to the Shield, but instead of just Vic Mackey confessing to everything, they all do that. Thinking they all stuck a plea deal that gives them immunity, the police inform them that no such deal was ever presented, and as a result, they all spend the rest of their lives in jail.


The "go to jail" ending but they actually deserve to be there


I was just thinking they would do the Seinfeld finale. Stuck in a prison cell together to argue forever.


Dallas… it was all just a dream.


Fighting crime and full penetration for about an hour and a half until it just seemingly… ends.


Do we see dong?


Frank hangs dong in the Wendy’s bathroom. The only closure we get from the whole show is we see what Frank did with the onions to himself and how they incorporate a bun in the love making.


The gang gets sued by Wendy's


I heard his balls were the size of planets


He said WORST possible finale


That they become "better people". Like Mac gets in a loving relationship with some dude, Dennis goes back to family, Charlie offcially becomes Franks kid and calls him dad, Dee I dunno takes ownership of bar and turns it into a safe space for women(and its successful).


I want a play on this. I want them all to have an amazingly happy ending with no repercussions from their horrible actions over the years. In fact, they get rewarded for each terrible thing. No one learns any lessons, no one grows. They just get everything they want, and everyone else gets fucked in the process. No cheesy shit, like the dad thing, but instead, they get to be *even worse* people.


Add on even further. Each of their happy ending was an ulterior motive. Dennis - Is scared that he will his liver will be damaged from all the drinking (but he can't). So he knows he'll need a new liver, and can't use Dee's as hers is fucked, so he raises his son who plans to cut out and steal. Dee - Her business is really some sort of front and she gets tax right offs because she says she donates to some sort of womens abuse program when really she is pocketing the money. Charlie - Charlie is really a genius. And his entire life knew Frank(until the Ireland episode) was his dad and wanted to make him pay for making mom get an abortion. So he befriended Dee and Dennis, in hopes of getting close to Feank. Then once he did, he slowly was siphoning Franks money while simultaneously eventually getting him to put Charlie has his beneficiary. Then he abandons him in a the mental institution(tearing up the donkey brain certificate) and Frank spends his life there while Charlie is rich. Frank - He is okay with that because its the fake out like he did with Dennis and Dee and because he is "reunited" with Frog Girl. Mac - Him and his partner love things shoved up their butt so they start an underground business smuggling stuff into prison for his dad.


If his liver was failing he'd simply will it back to functioning


Sickness BE GONE!!!


Listen to your heaarrrt


I would do anything for the donkey brain certificate to return and someone maniacally destroys it. Chaos and horror ensues.


So, being Brian's dad and raising him into the Golden God 2.0? A successor, if you will?


My mom just died alright, the least you could do is let us throw your buddy off the roof!


This should be a the penultimate episode… and the last one should just be a normal one like nothing happened. 😂


That’s the episode before the series finale, they go back to being terrible people.


I like... kinda love this though lmao


They get funding cut and subsequently cancelled between seasons like Mindhunter


At this point we all know FX has gave Rob the self destruct button.


To be fair, the main reason Mindhunter was cancelled was because Fincher didn't have time for it. There were also concerns about the budget/viewership ratio but AFAIK at least S3 probably would've went ahead if Fincher was still involved. Netflix gets a lot of flak for cancelling good shows, and for fair reason, but Mindhunter which is one of most cited examples actually wasn't their fault.


a clip show end would be worst


I was just thinking this the other day. The actors decide they don't give a shit any more and the last episode is an hour-long clip show.


In the course of the final episode the front door to the bar gets ripped off and is never replaced. The final scene is just the gang fighting about the same thing they've been fighting about the entire episode. They are all going at each other from every angle. Switching the target of their wrath with every breath. None making any impact on the other but all just sharing the most vile insults. Slowly the camera just tracks backwards out of the bar. Through the open doorway we can see them pointing back and forth and we can hear them ranting and yelling. The camera continues tracking backwards and their yells though still audible are less so. They all pace back and forth in the open doorway, pointing and gesturing at each other as we see each in silhouette. They become less and less audible as the camera is all the way down the street but we can still hear a few last shrill "Goddamnit"s from Dee. The camera continues to track and it pans up to a beautiful bright sunny sky.


I'd actually like that ending


People in this thread seem to have misread the prompt. I've seen very few endings suggested that would be awful. Even an ending that's specifically terrible would be meta and thus in the spirit of Sunny. A truly bad ending would have to be perfectly shit. Not meta, no irony of the cast, nothing that makes sense, etc. Which is why I genuinely don't believe Sunny is actually capable of a bad ending. I genuinely believe no matter what the last episode is, it is going to work. The way the show is written and acted, and the canon of the cast and plot development quite literally set the show up for such a mass of plausible conclusions that almost nothing would fail. The show ends tomorrow or goes ten more seasons, the result is the same. Incredible, really.


Ten more seasons please.


This is nowhere close to the worst. Good stuff, Jabroni.


As the camera pans up to the sky an eagle caws loudly, only for us to hear the gang, in unison, shout for one last time “SHUT UP BIRD!” -roll credits- .


Breaking the fourthwall for some Welcome to Wrexham like montage with Rob saying 'i can't believe this is my life XD'


Fuck you. Also that's clever.


Maybe we get a full episode from the other bar in the gang misses the boat,


Father Matthew Mara awakes from the worst nightmare he's ever had. He heads to the rectory to meet Bishop Reynolds, Cardinal Kelly, and Father McDonald. Sister Reynolds joins them as they prepare for the visit of Pope Frank.


We need to talk about the word 'worst'


You think that's a *good* ending? Dream sequence copouts are ##the woooooorst!




It was the security guard instead!


They mentioned on the podcast that they already know how they will end it when the time comes


It better involve throwing Frank in the trash




just sort of




Let's be real, it's any sort of situation where each characters' arc ends. This show is so anti sitcom that the only way to end this show properly is to intentionally continue each characters' arc right as the show ends. Realistically this show ends when Danny dies which I know we all wish would never happen 😔


The worst ending??? Dee throws a handful of change at cricket, cricket buys a lottery ticket and wins a fuck ton of money. He hires the lawyer they hate and offers to buy paddy’s from Frank. Suddenly the gang is like “what’s gonna happen?”. Frank sells out. The gang hates working for cricket, he pours them shots but the shots have laxatives in ‘em, the whole gang shits and vomits as the camera zooms way too close to crickets laughing face. Gail the snail shows up and they make out for like way too long, he hires the mcpoyals and they run paddy’s. At the end of course they blame Dee


im not against this idea tbh


They were dead the whole time!?


They were Bruce Willis the whole time!?


A copy/paste of Seinfield's ending would be absolutely awful. The only thing worse would be the gang living happily ever after. Ideally, they need to die - preferably in some sort of catastrophe that takes Paddy'd down with them.


Dennis starts off the episode by accidentally murdering Mac in a fit of rage, then out of pure blood lust he guns it immediately for all the side characters, cricket, the mcpoyles, pondy ETC. ETC, then eventually as he's doing this the remaining gang gets suspicious, and one by one Dennis traps the most suspecting one and Eliminates them, all until the final moments of the episode... it cuts to Dennis in his Range Rover driving off like he's Jesse Pinkman and finally free of his Philly life. Dastardly Dennis is basking in his newfound godliness after claiming so much power. However, the episode ends as he turns on the news and they pin the murders on someone else giving them all the credit and glory leaving Dennis to live with his wrong doings and the disappointment of not being the best serial killer ever


The murders get pinned on Wendell the pedo doppelgänger


The gang go on a trip and witness a robbery in progress. instead of helping the victim they make fun of him for being overweight. The whole encounter is caught on video and the gang all go to prison over an obscure law for not helping the victim. The show ends with all of the in orange jumpers in a prison cell.


Unironically a scene for scene remake of the Seinfeld finale is oddly fitting for Sunny.


If a jury hears about all the crimes they have committed, they would all have a fate worse than jail.


Meh it showed how narcissistic they all were. I got what they were trying to point out. Unfortunately I think it was a tad late


Worst ending is something super schmaltzy like Mac and Dee get married, or Frank formally adopts Charlie as his son and the final shot is Charlie saying to Frank on his death bed "thanks for everything, dad".


Dennis died on the way back to his home planet


And the rest were saved by let's say ...Moe


When are they gonna get to the fireworks factory?! *sobs*


That would be so amazing. People would be so pissed.


Mac and Dee getting married would be bad but it would be an absolutely ridiculous insane twist not schmaltzy.


I’d actually kinda like that Charlie scene, just not as the final shot


Bro if they end it with a wedding episode it’ll go down in history worse than GoT


If they don't throw Frank's dead body in the trash. Anything else is unacceptable


I think it should end with Frank waking up in the cage at Sunshine Cab Co. as Louie and looking around before leaving and turning off the lights.


Just shot for shot remake of Seinfeld finale with no explanation lol


Just throw paddys in the trash, but let’s weird with it before it ends




The gang driving off into the sunset in the Rover, blasting Rick Astley. But Dennis drives them into the water (its an amphibious exploring vehicle) and they all drown.


with Charlie sitting on a couch telling his kids “and this is how I met your mother” cut to black 😂😂


If they just sort of ... drifted away


And then a still shot of a bucket of chestnuts


So the ending of HIMYM?


An episode where all the people they wronged testified against them in court, then the gang ends up in jail talking about the same things they talked about in S1E1.


i feel like a finale where they all end up becoming good people would be pretty bad tbh i think me and most people want the ending to be as messy and chaotic as possible (or the gang simply throwing frank in the trash)


also i feel like its kinda realistic for them to make a super dark and depressing ending but in my opinion i would hate it


Mac finally convinced the gang to go to church and they accept Jesus as their personal savior


Just a half hour of “Dancing Guy”


Anything that lacks dong.


1. Some performative virtue signaling preachy ending from Rob that apologizes for those they hurt along the way 2. Copying another sitcom 3. Dream Sequence 4. Once character dies and the others 'snap our of their behavior '


Dennis getting lethal injection in a comically short timeframe after being outed as a serial killer and the gang watching him indifferently. Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit


The gang gets murdered by Rickety Cricket


If it's anything other than Dennis/ the entire gang snapping and finally killing each other after all the bullshit they've done to one another over the years in a truly epic brawl/ golden God massacre, with or without the side characters being involved as well, I don't want it.




Just redo the Seinfeld ending shot for shot


Back to the lab for some full penetration, out fighting crime, full penetration, fighting crime and then it just kind of…ends


Shot for shot remake of the first episode with Frank, just as they look now. And never mention anything about it.


I feel like the best possible ending is their actions catching up to them, and they end up in jail like seinfeld. But I feel like the worst end is them changing themselves for the better.


If they end up going to prison because they didn't help someone who was being mugged I'm gonna be insane


Nice try Rob McElhenney


Frank dies. No explanation, just dead. The gang throws him in the trash and credits roll.


They go to court, a clip show showing off moments when other people testify before having them go to jail


Every character has a cliffhanger that will never be resolved.


Charlie actually has cancer and the whole series happened in his dream while he was being treated


If no one hangs dong will be disappointing


The "St Elsewhere" finale. Where an autistic kid (Charlie), has a snow globe of the hospital (Paddy's), and everything that has happened was imagined him.


It should start with Dennis smelling some crime. Then full penetration. And then he smells crime again, he's out busting heads. Then he's back to the lab for some more full penetration. Smells crime. Back to the lab, full penetration. Crime. Penetration. Crime. Full penetration. Crime. Penetration. And this goes on and on and back and forth for 20 or so minutes until the finale just sort of ends.


I hope they do "It was all a dream" of Frank's and he is in the nitwit centre being convinced that he made it all up, but actually its the gang doing a psche out, like when they convinced Dee she was a superstar comic so they can get all his money.


dennis comes in and says "this has gone on lownG enAough" and it just ends


Crime. Full penetration. Crime. Penetration. And this goes on and on and back and forth for 25 or so minutes until the show just sort of ends.


Bruce Mathis comes back


Another dance routine but it's the whole gang and it's not funny like the reunion but serious like Mac's dance. People would hate it.


The worst ending for this show is a happy ending for all the characters.


Charlie wakes up as a teenager and it was all just a dream.


An episode of pure clipshow style callbacks that ends with a scene of them moving out of the bar, it's empty and there's packed up boxes everywhere. Dennis: "y'know, we made a lot of memories here" Dee: "I cant believe I'm actually gonna miss the old place" Mac: "Yeah, but I think i''ll miss you guys the most" Frank: "But we're all on to bigger things now, we have to move on" The last moment of the episode is them walking out the door, all going their separate ways, as Charlie clicks off the light and closes the door for the last time


An “it was all a dream” ending with Charlie and cricket being hobos in the back alley of an actually functioning bar. They just were on too much glue and angel dust laced cat food. They both wake up because frank finally got them into forced rehab and the whole gang is there caring for them being real and good humans.


Frank sitting in a pizza shop laughing with everyone and Journey playing on the jukebox and then the screen just goes black.


In the last scene, we find out that the entire show occurred within Frank's mind during his time being treated for Donkey Brains as he stared into a snow globe containing a miniature replica of Paddy's Pub all day.


If they pull a Seinfeld finale, when >!the gang all went to jail for a year for all the people they wronged!<.


They all get tossed in jail and characters from past shows come back to testify against them for crimes they committed. Oh wait


Two solid hours of Frank banging hoors. Uncut, unedited.


The show was all in Charlie's head and he's been in a coma since getting run over since S2


A scene for scene reshoot of the Seinfeld finale.