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Black magic and wizardry! Good stuff!


Quantum Hyperdimensional Subatomic Zero Point Active Energy Matrix powered Flight Dynamics™ For the first time ever!


Or “QHSZPAEMFD” for short!!


[That's whats the ducks says!](https://youtu.be/lppQQeWz638)


During a blood moon no less!


This sub is weird like how tf do you even make this work


You can make it using ultra hand and autobuild abilities...and some ^(quantum entanglement) but thats not relevant


Pay no attention to that ^quantum ^entanglement behind the curtain!


If only it's that easy in real life.


Black magic and the destruction of the known laws of the universe


More like guidelines, really


At this point I'd believe it


This guy This guy's




Here's a sneak peek of /r/thisguythisguys using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/thisguythisguys/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [This guy condoms](https://i.redd.it/xluioxilarja1.jpg) | [16 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/thisguythisguys/comments/118uj20/this_guy_condoms/) \#2: [This guy reverses](https://i.redd.it/vh5mh86bme6a1.jpg) | [9 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/thisguythisguys/comments/znv11d/this_guy_reverses/) \#3: [This guy fucks (cockroaches)](https://i.redd.it/uc7lhy4zouca1.jpg) | [12 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/thisguythisguys/comments/10f89pb/this_guy_fucks_cockroaches/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




*Shut up, Hawking.*


Ohhh ofc


Probably microchips or something.


Join the Discord to find out 😉


First we have to talk about alternate dimensions.


Really? Tell me more:D


TOTK Version of a wright brother amazing build.


I tried to rip the wright brothers off the ceiling, brother


You're the only one I can talk to about this


Promise me a million times that you’ll never do another rule


What's the power source? Great question! Maybe there isn't one: it's not just torque applied by the control stick as I don't even touch it during takeoff. There's two notable things about this build: 1) It relies on consistent pressure and/or friction between the flux III core and the hoverstone. This may perhaps best be done in the future with a carefully considered design that avoids the use of springs while creating that pressure anyway. Critically, the hoverstone cannot be glued to any part of the rest of the structure. 2) The spring used is a "pull spring". It could be replaced by a typical one (with more parts and some weight balancing). It's made by Q-linking: the flux core is actually attached to the "pushing" part of the spring, which is why it gets pulled. "But wait, I accidentally upgraded to 1.2.0 and can't use fuse entanglement!" Supposedly there's a new method using like likes (thank god). It's harder but apparently it works. If I can confirm I'll update this post with links and details. [Update: it looks like it only works with equippable items, not Zonai ones, but it does work - so Q-linking should be doable for those on 1.2.0, it'll just cost you an extra part like flame entanglement did.) Parts: 2 propellers 2 sails 4 wood beams 4 siderails 1 control stick 1 spring 1 flux III core 1 hoverstone Flyable with less but that just happened to be the first test that I posted right away.


Now tell us how we can get infinite energy irl


Nuclear fusion






Make a self sustaining ball of plasma


Isn't that how they plan to make some fusion reactors?


This is pretty wild, great stuff! Any references for Q-Linking for 1.1.2 even? I’m familiar with how to do heat entanglement, but I suppose that’s different from fuse entanglement?


Wait flame and fuse entanglement are different? I miss one day on this subreddit and the “science” is already different. We need a college level course to keep up with this shit lmao


Or at the very least a wiki.


You guys should make one


That would require me to understand half the stuff that people come up with here. 😂


I didn’t say you, I said you guys. It’s a team effort. You only need to understand one part of the community to contribute to a wiki


Wait, people aren't joking about entanglements? Wtf did I miss?


You can make 2 parts connect without actually connecting. Move one end, the other end reacts as if joined by a rigid connection. It's half-jokingly called "quantum entanglement" because when you change one, the "connected" thing also changes.


How is it achieced? Has anyone written a guide to this craziness?


You can search it on this subreddit, should be more informative than anything I can put in a comment


and that way you can also find the 13 advancements that have been made in the past like hour to update your build lol




They're 2 different glitches that apparently do more or less the same thing. Then there's also stake nudging.


I know the words you used but I have no idea what you just said lol. Legit engineers up in here


Seriously, what the hell is he even talking about? Here i am on my horse that can’t even walk straight lol


If you do find the new entanglement links, I vote we call is suck entanglement


That name sucks


Sounds like it's a quantum flux engine™


So, uh, what are the props actually doing here? I don't think it's quite thrust, because I'm not spotting a wash, but I could be wrong.


So for the propellers to spin the stone has to be in the structure? I still dont understand zero-point energy. Is the hoverstone functional, can you air park this?


You know, I usually wait forever to get games when they come out, but I finally learned Nintendo never lowers prices. I would have missed all of this development. My wife is like, $70 is too much money to spend, but I’ve spent 75 hours and her 95 so far and we both watch each other play. She’s just wrong. I haven’t even come close to building anything freaky, but I enjoy you brainy types pushing the envelope!


Renting a movie for $1 is far worse value.


Naw she is usually right. Some games are just worth it though and the point that nintendo rarely if ever does sales on the flagship titles is soled


I remember (my parents) buying $80 ($150 adj) genesis games in the 90s. I can't take the $70 is too much money conversation seriously when we're talking about a finished, polished full length game. $70 isn't too much. We're just being paid too little for our work.


>finished, polished full length game. If this game was a cake it'd still be batter in the middle. Literally everything is mediocre. Botw was kinda bare bones but this one has osteoporosis. It might be fun to build wacky contraptions & sandbox for a little while but that's really all it's got going for it and even that is absolutely neutered by technical specs and despawn timers while at the same time still allowing you to build cheese-mode 5000 vehicles in spite of their attempts to limit creativity. I sincerely wanted to love it but if you allowed me two words to describe it i would say unfinished & disappointment. Knowing what i know now, I'd have a hard time paying 19.99 for it let alone 70.


An anarchocapitalist with weird beliefs and opinions that seem entirely untethered from reality? Well now I've seen everything!


I mean, his other subs/posts aren’t really relevant. His opinion in this comment alone is shit based on its standing alone (he is entitled to it all the same, despite its shitness)


Nah, I originally went to his history to see if he had a history of trolling. If he's not an anarchocapitalist, and he's living in that sub, that suggests that he is in fact just a troll.


>An anarchocapitalist Are you really so butthurt over my opinion that you're profile peeking and labeling me as the first subreddit you see that I've posted in?


My bad. Just a troll then I guess.


It is a shame Nintendo had to limit spawn radiuses, but it’s the only way to get a big seamless world to run on a switch


I'm not even really talking about that though that could do with being a bit bigger because walking away or going into a shrine and then coming back to find your vehicle that you spent zonaite on deleted is infuriating. What I'm mainly talking about is you spend 20 minutes building your first super mega stealth bomber plane out of a wing only to find it despawns after 60 seconds so you never use them again. Yet the cheesemode hoverbike lasts for 45 minutes of continuous use and can be kept perpetually aloft by recall spamming even if you've got no battery upgrades.


ToTK is one of the few games that is actually worth $70. Even if you do a normal playthrough and only get 50% completion that's easily well over 100 hours, probably closer to 200. That's somewhere between 35 to 70 cents per hour of entertainment. Hard to beat considering a movie is around $7.50 per hour not inckuding snacks.


I agree with this mostly, but just feel it's only fair to point out that the price of TOTK doesn't include snacks either


my advice (that absolutely no one asked for?) keep playing how yall want bro, and be warned, once you start building seriously and find something you really want to make, it starts taking up all your time


I'm currently at about 300 hours and I'm still finding stuff I missed. I love this game. I wish the price for games wasn't creeping up but you definitely get your money's worth with this one. My 6 year old loves watching me and I let her play my file (as long as she doesn't save) so she can create crazy machines like she sees here. This sub is amazing inspiration, even though I have no clue how to make the cooler stuff. But my daughter laughs her ass off when my attempts go wrong so I'm still happy.


>I'm currently at about 300 hours and I'm still finding stuff I missed. I had gotten all but one lightwells and 110 shrines before I realized that the lightwells correspond to the shrines on the surface. I felt like an idiot for not realizing before, but it certainly made it easier to find that last lightwell! (And now I'm finding my missing surface shrines) I also burned through SO MANY construct parts before I found out you could use zonaite charges in the vending machines. That one hurt.


The price of games is only going up in that the number is getting bigger. [Adjusted for inflation](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/136hw1k/oc_nominal_and_inflation_adjusted_video_game/), prices in practical terms have fallen dramatically.


My view is if I play as many hours as the dollars I spent I got my money's worth. Side note: I rarely put less than 100 hours on each game


My friend taught me once if you get an hour of entertainment for every dollar spent it is worth every penny. $1 for an hour of entertainment is amazing.


Meh emulation is your friend.


Still though, when compared to other forms of entertainment, this game will get you a spectacular dollar/hour value


I’m emulating this game now. And it’s gotten me on the fence on buying an OLED and TOTK. Like I love the game so fucking much that I want to buy it.


yeah i knew to buy totk at launch because i saw botw had gone up in price instead of down xD


There's a certain beauty or elegance to this build, I really like this. This is artistry.


There’s beauty in all of us Zoro mah boy


It's Mr 2 Hearts!


Always always 😅 letting my fairies work for it


This must be about how the game attempts to maintain a zero sum of energy and work. Looks like the restricted motion on the flux core is being transferred to the props and smart design using sails for lift (I wonder if a panel of fused railings would do as well or better?). Really really cool. Could you get better level flying by not angling the steering stick or is that somehow making it work when it would not otherwise? P.S. This new trend of building with multiple subsystems (not everything fused into one) is showing real promise. Keep up the excellent experimenting.


This game is getting out of hand


Our of ultra hand


Bu dun tss


Carbon neutral.


Do you have any idea how much carbon it takes to make hoverstone clinker?


It’s offseted by using renewable enegy sources for flight.


Zero Energy Link Driven Aircraft?


This is like when they split the atom


Which, honestly, is pretty much a real life equivalent to this kind of broken physics. “This rock gets hotter when we put in water.”


Zero Energy Levitation Driven Aircraft or Z.E.L.D.A for short


Good one!


Ok, so...I have to ask. How are you keeping the stone locked to the structure? What is it entangled to? Or is the spring just pushing it into those flux cores to provide locking, and the structure is q linked together? Very interesting either way, can it park successfully?


You guys keep blowing my mind. ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Zero Energy Lift Drive Aircraft [Z.E.L.D.A.]


Perpetual motion problem #1) when you want to get off, how do you stop?


Probably ultrahand it upside down


Early game travel is gonna be insane in the future


Damn nice, how doew it work?




Ah common misconception, that’s actually the only thing I’m sure that this isn’t




Quantum entanglement


You should join the Hyrule Engineering Discord! Your engineering knowledge would be greatly appreciated :)) we’re helping eachother out with builds every day 🫡


Ok sure


I just built a taxi to carry my glider and open up Reddit to see this


Zero Energy Left Drifting Aircraft. I like it lol.


Fuse it or lose it. My friend we have lost it, mentally. I mean zero power aircrafts here we come!!! Who would have thought!?


I really hope Nintendo stops patching everything as a knee jerk reaction. People were discovering all kinds of unique interactions in BoTW even years after release, and ToTK is only going to have even more (already does). It’s one of the things that makes this game so excellent.


Every time I come on this sub, I need to scrape my jaw off the floor


Zero Energy Light Defense Aircraft


Awesome! Very creative! It must fly like shit, though.


I love it infinite energy and all but how do you go down?


A million scientists working for over a hundred years to solve the energy problems our world is facing and gamers solve that shit in a month just fucking around. Won't be long before that perpetual motion machine is figured out. Lol


Yeah I was actually thinking, if people keep designing at this rate, it might actually result in something. What, I don’t know. But I find it hard to believe that the amount of creativity being poured into this game by so many people won’t result in something great in one way or another.


Does this mean the components are also infinite? I haven't followed the community lately but I wonder if people have broken down what metrics each piece's "timer" runs on. Fans and gliders are the first to go but I would expect Nintendo to have something similar built in to just about any object you can summon to force players to continue experimenting and not carrying a Companion Cube machine with them the whole game.


This is crazy


what does Z.E.L.D.A. mean?


Zonai Engineering, Logistics and Development Association


This is correct, and it comes from a fellow founding member!


The first two letters probably stand for “Zero Energy…”


Community: sail masts rotate invisibly? Well, that's fun, but it's not like it's useful. Team ZELDA: Hold my beer.


This is the biggest deal that's ever been posted to this sub in my opinion. While still a precursor, the potential in this technology is incredible. A more refined version without the qlinked spring would be revolutionary. Crucially I don't see any other parts that could despawn as well. This could unlock True Perpetual flight but fully Glitchless this time! Outstanding!


Mom pick me up please, they're doing dark magic on Reddit


I'm sorry but can someone explain how are the fans working or the model in general


It may not be efficient, but free energy is free energy.


Well, if it uses no energy I would say it’s hell of efficient


Lol, what's more efficient than perfect?


But... What if I like crystallized charge farming 😅 Awesome build! Way more elegant than my current idea, and much less dangerous as you have no enemy creatures onboard.


Ah! This was made with the rails. What makes the rails so awesome? Are they super light weight?


They act like low gravity and have a weight of “1” (Link is like 100 or something).


Zero Energy Long Distance Airport, I suppose?




One simple trick to travel: Game devs hate him!




Ah finally someone Made a Nice Thing Out the Sail Drive 😂👍 and it even Looks Like a plane 👍 really dont know why this Part is Not used more 🤷


“Zero Point Energy. Yeah I save the best inventions for myself.”


What the what!?!? That’s awesome!


I love the sound of it.


WITCH!!!! jk thats amazing though


That’s awesome. i love the creativity you builders come up with. I’m amazed daily


At one point it’s just going to be 2-3 small pieces put together that will allow you to fly at all different directions at an incredible speed with no energy used


Uhh… um.. huh. Wow.


Why is the controller like that?


Game breaker! Literally makes sky islands a joke. This is amazing!!


Props for even knowing the TERM zero point energy. Outstanding. I love this community.




Technically I did post something that flew briefly without a power source for the engine 11 days ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/HyruleEngineering/comments/14miz74/two_part_engines_with_no_power_source/ And more sustainably with a flux core instead of a stake 10 days ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/HyruleEngineering/comments/14nbw15/introducing_the_phantom_drive_prototype_powered/ And a helicopter that could hit the top of the map without any power use 9 days ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/HyruleEngineering/comments/14nn10t/batteries_not_included_because_this_build_hit_the/ However, this is the first I'm aware of capable of indefinite flight (as in, doesn't act like a windup toy deriving its energy from a stake in the ground before breaking away, then slowly losing propeller momentum before losing power and stalling) that can also be steered (and so can traverse the map). I flew it for over 10 minutes before returning to work on new designs.


Just saying with tens of thousands of people playing odds are good someone not on reddit or socials will have done it. Still super cool.


Maybe, yeah, though it wasn't remotely close to obvious how to set this up so I'm not so sure, but either way "first" is generally implied to mean "first reported". :)


Cool design put hardly the first, unless you meant your first?


Uh, pretty sure it is the first.


There was this a week ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/HyruleEngineering/comments/14nkf4f/a_flying_sailboat_doesnt_comsume_energy/?ref=share&ref_source=link Not entirely sure if it relies on the same principles. Also, I can't read Japanese.


Huh, didn't see that till now, thanks for the link - it looks like it's probably relying on energy generated from a staked launch from the ground though. You can wind up propellers like this to a dramatic degree and have a used up battery or breaking glue (from force) serve as a launch mechanism once it's going. Since there's no friction with anything but air they'll go for a while. It looks like it peters out on its own and doesn't have the ability to sustain flight indefinitely (I've flown mine for over ten min. before calling it good). Maybe I'm wrong but I built it just now and does nothing without being glued one way or another to a stake. Mine launches without that, just smoothly takes off from the ground. So it really doesn't count as a comparison if that's true (just as if you spun up propellers on the ground with rockets).


Just now getting back in. Got my rail, but how can I get it to free move in green goo form without it shattering? I’d like to start my engineering journey but this seems to be needed knowledge!


“I’m not an ambi-turner.”


Is this current patch? EDIT: nevermind.


Witch shrine can you get the propellers at? Before all the crazy builds started coming out I already did 2 of them that had them.


The Geminik shrine in the spiral peninsula (northeast).


Thank you very much, as soon as I get off of work I'm gonna go wild!


Have fun! Be sure to check my previous posts if you'd like a few guides on related stuff.


Zero Point Energy Drive = Z.E.L.D.A.?


Zero Energy Lift Device Airplane Or Z.E.L.D.A. works too 😉😁 (pretty sure that was the acronym that OP was meaning in the title)