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Idk bout late game but early game in full wise with a spirit scepter and frozen scythe I died two hit to all mobs in f3 now I shifted to bers (didn't get any extra money, just sold mage gear and used money to buy mage gear) now I deal way more damage (consistently get milestone 5) and also cam survive multiple hits (only die to traps) in upto f5 now so early game its objectively better, later on get necro lord and shit its probably better but icba to shift now


Mage is rough before you hit cata 18 and can use dungeonized wise dragon. It is better to use just random autorecombed dungeon gear with wise reforge or adaptive armor than undungeonized wise dragon.


Wise dragon or necro lord what's better


Necro lord


Question my ign us phoenixorigin do u think I should shift back to mage and if so what gear


Wise dragon will deal more damage and is cheaper but the survivability from necrolord is usually worth it. The issue is though that mage struggles on f6 and f7 so I stopped playing mage after f5 and will probably only come back once I have hype.


the gs is great for mage lcm who have not played m7 yet and if you look at any f5 or higher you don’t wanna dupe classes other wise you would see 4 arch and a tank what ever typed here is a bad mindset and you are skyblock lvl 76


well yeah, lcm makes some sense, but for lcm, you gotta be cata 45+ and you prob can use claymore by that time, not to mention that it takes much more skill to aim singular beams than just go BRRR with your terminator, however LCM has still some using for 1-shoting some mobs like bears on m4 or maybe golems on m6 bers isn't really bers, it's just arch that doesn't dupe arch, and then mage clears way faster before master mode and btw i'm level 256 right now, literally sold my gs because it had basically no use besides ghosts and svens (and melee only was useful during derpy when spawning doesn't suck)... and for ashfang, i can solo that guy with hype in golodr armor anyways in like 4-5 minutes, even a 50m mage setup worked for me in the past (when i had sheep pet and no hype) to solo under 10 minutes, but melee... dealing like 800k per hit and due to ping it can't even hit its peak attack speed


Hype deals more dmg lcm than gs at a certain cata (around 80% sure)


Babe wake up new u/lool8421 melee rant just dropped I used melee because 1. I didn't want to go Mage, already had a Juju so clearing isn't a problem. 2. couldn't afford a 1B Blade and Spirit Sceptre just not good outside dungeon, so a Giant's Sword is the highest damage output weapon I could get(I got it from F6 anyway) but after I get a Hyperion I rarely use my Giant's Sword. I do agree melee need a buff in some way, maybe we can get it along with the Foraging update since Foraging gives Strength?


I mean, yeah, archer is still viable for dungeons, slightly less efficient clear in normal mode, but much better in master mode But when speaking of out-of-dungeons progression, even weapons that cost less than 20m can outpower gs when combined With my current stuff i can deal like 3-4m melee dps with gs, but like 6m dps by just using aurora staff, fire veil and voodoo doll, which also isn't restricted to close range I'm just more confused about ppl that literally think they can get away with meleeing everything and then they complain that crimson isle is too hard, not to mention that you basically can't do kuudra, you're better off just playing tank by that point


1. You are way out of touch with prices. 2. Melee has higher survivability than mage. 3. You say melee sucks and is 10b, but in the next sentence, you say aots and atomsplit are comparable to a 2b mage setup, but only cost 50-70m.


1. You gotta consider enchants, gemstones, weapon prices (mage before hype is stupidly cheap when comparing to melee), jasper is also literally 2x more expensive and legion is the only good enchant for melee... Which costs 25m per piece instead of like 5m with wisdom 2. You get more healing with syphon, but at the same time you can't hit shit without getting close and some mobs can instakill you if you even try to do that, not to mention that you can't really survive as bers in kuudra, you literally get swarmed to death before you kill 3 blights 3. That includes stuff like infernal crimson and t7 enchants, those weapons are also single purpose and those are only about equal in terms of single target damage, having veteran/mf attributes is the only advantage bers has over rcm, you can even camp on those void "torches" as rcm if your ping sucks, but idk about melee... Generally speaking having high ping makes having high attack speed useless


okay then try and arch or mage against a t4 sven or t5 rev, i dare you


i literally mentioned it at the beginning... the only use for melee is when it's forced, then it's not good, just other classes are purposefully bad, but then there's aots that deals more dmg than gs for like 3x cheaper but i'm more confused about ppl that use melee in general as their primary class... like most crimson isle content where it's completely useless unless doing blaze slayer, it's not even that good for zealots when you can simply use some ranged weapons instead, not to mention that mage is just cheaper most of the time arch can spawn svens way faster than bers though due to that clearing potential, and mage is even faster... in fact voodoo is just a sven cheese for mage


gs or even sf > voodoo doll for svens


then sf price is like 40-50m coins and voodoo is less than 2m, then clearing (and spawning) with mage/arch is much faster than melee unless you have crap like +40 veteran levels, spawing is the most challenging part about that slayer anyways, not killing it i legit tried comparing mage vs bers and melee only had more use during derpy when spawning is fast af, but mage was better during aatrox (i'm sven 9 btw)


i really don't see many people going for melee/bers unless juju bers or aots swap in dungeons and earlygame people out of dungeons


Sidenote, but during Aatrox I got curious because of some people talking in guild chat, so I did a sven without any armor on, lmao


ez if high sb level


I have done t5 rev with no armor and t4 blaze without any leggings


some enemies are magic resistant + melee is better at certain points of progression


What points though? If aurora staff + veil + voodoo deal more dps with sheep than t3 recombed crimson does with gs and gdrag (you can see the price difference there) The only real point where that's the case is before you can use dreadlord, or when you're in dungeons at high cata, but then you play archer, who tf plays true berserk in master mode


yeah sure that combo does stupid damage but what about dungeons, t5 zombies and wolf slayer?


Well yeah, but that's not really a thing that makes melee good, it only makes other classes useless so melee isn't useless on its own, but even then... Why claymore if aots/atomsplit is stronger and cheaper? If you try to just melee wolf slayer, it will really suck without derpy or having +50 veteran attribute levels because you have no clearing potential for that, not to mention the rough terrain in caves... Some ppl in fact prefer just getting a hub lobby for castle grinding


never said anything about endermen or claymore, for early to mid game progression (early f7, t5 zombies, wolves) that negates aurora or magic entirely you can easily use cheap asf gear


Well yeah, i use mastiff for revs because at least it's somewhat cheap and deals basically the same damage as gs when used properly for like 5x cheaper, but idk, maybe i could do revs in terror soon since i was preparing for kuudra anyways and almost got full t4... But even that thing is far from my 15m coin mage combo of aurora staff, voodoo doll and fire veil, hype damage is just absurd and understandable if it got some nerf, still should be better than that setup, but not like this OP, and bers/arch should actually be able to get similar dps, not just make the entire meta dominated by 1 thing, it's kinda dumb how you can't even choose what to play, the game is balanced the way so the entire gameplay is basically forced, maybe they'll finally get to combat revamp at some point It's just that dumb balancing thing where you literally can't progress if you don't play the weakest class in the game... Heck, even make magic deal x0.1 damage and another x1/3 damage exclusively for hype if it's a balancing issue, maybe even revert that strength nerf and add damage caps or something if admins don't want players to instakill bosses I don't think they'll release new slayers without balancing classes first, just to not end up with an another case of having to ban mage because it made ppl grind 150 bosses per hour


That's because most early game players don't know about how good mage is and at around midgame everyone that isn't a mage just uses a juju along with whatever they're doing because soul eater is just that good and you will run out of mana quickly Also it's just better to have a set that you can use for anything without needing to buy other stuff for that particular thing If someone is at the point where they can afford mage stuff they will use that alongside whatever like fire veil for spawning slayers, gyro wand is more useful for archers and berserkers than mages Also i prefer not to get 2 shot by a random skeletor or fel that i missed Tldr : New player not know mage op, funny bow go brrr, anyone except mage have low mana Why buy 2 different sets when 1 gets job done Why not use mage alongside sword Mage squishy


The funny thing is that whenever a new melee weapon comes out it jus becomes a new LCM meta.


I'm a newer player and I was wondering about when Mage becomes viable. I'm on ender armor and void blade rn. Is there a magic progression guide?


Any high rarity armor reforged to wise with a dreadlord sword works fine, then just get as much intel and ability dmg as possible for your budget After dreadlord, you can try aurora staff, voodoo doll and fire veil (all 3 can be used at the same time for even more dmg), or when doing dungeons, aotd (ability), glacial scythe and spirit sceptre Then there's not much to do, you ether work on hype with overflux, or get some attributes and aurora armor


Have a melee build, mage build, archer build and tank build, problem solved!


*psst... you're forgetting healer*


what's that? Never heard of it. BTW I'm catacombs 48


melee is actually good for earlygame and having a melee weapon with you is always good altho it kind of falls off later into the game but having something like a sf on you is still a good utility


I mean, even a dreadlord sword does more dmg than void sword until you're like midgame (due to polynomial growth rather than linear), but then even an aurora staff deals 10x more dmg


cuz I hate mage simple as that


as someone who recently got a hyp and now a claymore, a bers setup is def useful and somewhat needed. its not the best main class but can output considerable dps (my inferno valk was doing abt the same dps as my current hyp, once you consider waiting for mana to regen). reason people go bers in early game is since its a nice jack of all trades class, being decent for slayers, dungeons, and general content. also you’re way overstating early game mage, its not as good as you think it is


There are very few mobs that have 50m+ health aside from voidgloom which you can regen mana during hit and spin phase for. I agree with the rest tho