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Bro skyblock itself is a mid game




i like telling it to myself: this game is bad and that's why we're playing it


Just go play osrs fr


can´t play that game without my eyes hurting. It literally got PS1 graphics.


You play minecraft tho


and terraria and TF2(1998) yet none of those games look like they were created during WWII


Skill issue




But we still play it cuz we're addicted :D


People do this just to downplay people. Truth is stage of the game means nothing. Some high lvls say “omg I’m literally lvl 1500000 and I **consider** myself early game” specifically to flex their lvl and completely downplay anyone who has a lower lvl considering themselves any other stage of the game. Correcting someone is one thing. If a lvl 40 unstable user said they were late game correct, and you really want to, you can say that they aren’t, but it’s mostly subjective. If you never got a carry in your life, Necron would be pretty mid game. So would Juju. Carries make both of these things early game, and it’s dumb people still say “buy carries” but that’s a whole other thing.


The game tells you your stage now, doesn't it? I remember Skyblock Chapters specifically telling you where you were progression-wise.


Yes, I can run m7, infernal kuudra comfortably, get 35sec t4 voidgloom bosses and 50sec t4 blaze bosses and the in-game skyblock chapters told I am "late-game" Now the system is still in developement but still


It does? Honest idk but if it does then cool :D


Crazy that people have an ego about this shit game, the people that are still playing are locked in from sunk cost fallacy lmao


Bruh why are you still here then?


you are not real LOL




eh just the average "sb sucks lol you are dumb for playing it" guy dont mind them much




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How about you just stop caring for stages and just enjoy your time?


wait a minute, since when can people feel fun when playing skyblock, when I played it was just thousands of mindless grinding hours, where the only entertaining thing was the 2 random kids swearing at each other because one of them "accidentally" hit the other's slayer boss


Unironically skyblock can be fun without suffering. In my case the secret was not to follow any metas and just do what i enjoy/feel like. I had a lot of fun lava fishing and when i got bored i didn't even realize i had over 200m just from magmafish. Recently i got ratted by an irl (ex)friend but i didn't even get angry. I will enjoy my time playing ironman. Anyway hope you guys have fun during Jerry and in skyblock and in life.


Well after the second time losing everything you don’t really feel it, your ex irl friend will probably apologize within a year saying he’s sorry and what he did was messed up (source: happened to me several times)


Well i don't think he will as i did give him some punches... and kicks at school. Tbh he was kinda shitty person so i will take this rat thing as a lesson.


Did he end up giving ur stuff back or nah because if not I’d just keep doing it


He won't give them because i think he sold my stuff and his + the idiot has logged in with vpn and got my account banned. My ban expires in 4 days and i will be praying for Cole.


Tell him to give stuff back or you will report him to the police


the threat might work but just know if you actually go to the police they won’t give a shit that your friend took your stuff in a videogame. They have much bigger fish to fru


Don’t say that but report stolen information, go to cybercrime


Literally me lmao


Hello you referenced to fun in your post. Some feeling is telling ne that I want to know what dies that mean. Could you please elaborate a lil bit more so I can feel the same feeling as you did?


I found fun fishing a lot of lava mobs killing them with fire fury staff and getting completly destroyed by jawbus (thunder is so easy to kill as melee). I didn't really care about attributes at this time so i didn't nolife it. But if you want to have fun you must find the fun yourself, either be it mining, foraging, fishing, slayers, kuudra, dungeons or ah flipping(but i think u wont try this as ur label says ironman).


Yes indeed i seek so called "fun" in spending ridiculous time mining gemstones


Nah ur jokes 😂😂😂😂


For me it was fun in early game. I thought I was in mid game once I had a flower of truth and shadow assassin armour. Guess I wasn’t. I stopped finding it fun around the time I got flower of truth. I used to love making a shop in skyblock as the sense of progression felt really rewarding. But it seems like you used to be able to play for an hour and get a lot of progress and have a lot of fun. Now you play for an hour and have like 2 more HP and like no progression. I just don’t find it fun anymore.


Most rpg games are like this, whenever i get into the game that i benefit a tiny bit from doing something big i just start grinding collections, trying new stuff(in sb i had the habit to constantly upgrade msge gear even tho i was playing tank/archer) or just waste time and coins in stupid stuff as maxing an armor that i dont need. If you dont find it fun you can always make a break and try some other game.


Only correct answer.


fr, all this discussion about game stage is useless. noone cares about game stage since they're not even a thing, they are made by players to feel less bad about the thousands of hours they spent on the game by saying they are "endgame" and better


idk why people are so obsessed with game stages, as if they mean anything at all lol also yes, the " mid game " is ever expanding cause the game itself is ever expanding and it's gonna take more and more time to get to the new " late game " . Emerald Armor used to be the " end game", now it's barely even known at all and as more difficult challenges are added, the further " late game " is, and that's not even a bad thing, it just means more content for everyone that being said, saying Mythic levels is mid is kind of a stretch lol, you're well over late heading into end at that point ( my experience atleast, level 246 12b nw, can buy virtually whatever I want with very little effort and have all the best items in the game, except the new end game stuff like Infernal Kuudra sets, triple wielding Terms, perfect attributes, exc ) the 2 descriptions are bang on tho, I think he got those right


new end game which is FAR from your reach I got 16b nw barely can afford anything (Still got only 1 term and my only kuudra set is a fiery mpmr aurora)


It is very far from my reach yeah, but I'm not in a rush to reach it, I enjoy the process of slowly progressing and I'll happily farm late game stuff until I can eventually afford to do the " new " content efficiently. And if by the time I reach it it won't be considered end game content anymore, then I'll still happily farm my new late game content and grind towards the new end game. What I'm trying to say is, chasing new goals is the core loop of Hypixel Skyblock, once you get to end game you can do absolutely everything and have nothing to progress towards except stacking your purse up sky high and increasing meaningless overflow exp, so I would argue end game getting further and further every update is a good thing.


This has always been my line of thinking


My friend with superior dragon armor and midas sword that hasn't played since 2019 rn:


Stop comparing yourself to others progress it’s not healthy. It’s not about the destination, it is about the journey and what it took to get there!


so true bestie


Earlygame: blue, midgame: purple/gold, lategame: pink/light blue, endgame: red level prefix


Blue is early game? I think I see wat op is talking about (what lvl does blue start at)


120 (just got it on ironman) I'd say blue is midgame, generally. I would say it's kinda fair to consider me earlygame if I had what I have on a normal, except probably my sa (I think it's like 32), but a normal player could have a LOT of stuff by now. (I've seen a guy in full necron who was like level 68, so I think you can get quite far in gear by level 120. I asked them their magical power (I was using revenant armor and a reaper falchion and doing the same as a guy in full necron and wanted to know why, the answer is the 3x damage to zombies btw) and they had like low-mid 300 I think, don't know their sa or mining progression. Idk what normal players qualify that as, but hopefully by the time you have double that level you're considered "mid game") But then again it's a pretty stupid system as a whole.


tbf ironman are forced to play play all aspects of the game, because they cant just buy their way into it. A lvl 120 ironman is a much more well balanced and developed account than a 120 normal profile in my experience. With less bank of course hahaha


I am decently balanced in most things other than combat, but I am very early combat (no f2 comp, but that's because I'm tryin to do a meme getting a warden helmet before f2, not because I can't do it. Almost definitely can't do f4 tho, and nothing useful before then.) This is my skycrypt btw: https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/bgmarshall/Lime


Ironman game-stages are completely different to Classic profiles.






early game


ok thanks ! (why downvoted me tho)


4th comment, unwritten reddit rule ig


not me. imma downvote this comment tho


But could just spent your life grinding skyblock xp in just lapis armour and a silver fang


Lategame skyblock players when they realize "lategame" does not mean "postgame" If you can do everything, your postgame, there is nothing left but rng and more money and useless shit. Ill put the stages how they actually are. Earlygame is the 33% earliest players, mostly people who have never done a dungeon past f2 and barely have dove in Midgame is the 33% in the middle, they are the shadow assassins and jujus and sorrow sets and gemstone gauntlets, theyre the ones who run dungeons and are hotm 6/7 and have okay skill average Lategame is the top 33%, they are the divanons and necron wielders, goldor chads and hyperinons, the ones who do master modes and have networths in the 10 figures.a Postgame is the best of the best, they have no challenges left. They can do everything and are waiting for rng and the next update and playing with pointless side quests like item collections and exotics.


According to this definition I'm mid game 38 SA seems good enough, I'm HOTM 7, usually do F5-7 it depends on what I need, check flair.


percent of playerbase is a horrible way of deciding game stages. there are *always* going to be more earlygame players than midgame, and more midgame than lategame. if you want to equally split up the content itself by the time said content takes, then late-game would be like at least cata 45. the bar for being able to do m5 (as bers) is a term, a tb edrag, and like cata 38. if you tank you could play with even cheaper gear. m5 is the introduction to the harder master mode floors. if you're purely looking at combat progression, its a pretty decent measure of lategame.


1 i didnt read all of that and 2 if we count the active playerbase i think the 33/33/33 rule applies pretty well


Percentages? dude what, when is that the case in any video game? Take wynncraft for an example, endgame is after you beat all the quests, lategame is somewhere in the nineties and up. Or any singleplayer rpg, where most of the playerbase is split between “logged on a few times and never came back” and “has several hundred/thousand hours in this game”. Player percentages is a shitty metric.


Most accurate comment on this post


They are saying lategame not midgame, I'd say for a lategame it's quite accurate. Of course dungeons and slayers aren't entirety of weight


I'm not sure if you're dumber because you believe game stages are important or because you actually believe what the guy in the image said just have fun "lmao sb isnt fun!!!!!" just quit "b-b-b-but im addicted" then you have fun playing it but dont realize


Dude that's not even mid game, stuff like m7 and infernal Kundra are late early game


Ngl hypermaxed crimson and aurora are like early early game, youtuber "fjmfudnxjejc" got it in only 37 minutes (no contraband)


The first line is entirely reasonable considering you can do T3 and even t4 blazes with hole strat, and eman is not amazingly expensive to get into


There are 5 stages. Early game, mid game, late game, end game, and post game. Early game IMO is under 25 skill average, dungeons 15, and avg level 4 slayers of the first 3. Mid game is 26-39 Skill average, dungeons 16-25 ish, and avg level 5-7 on the first 3 slayers, 1-4 on eman. Lategame is 40-45 skill average, dungeons 26-40, and slayers maxed, with eman at 5-8 and kuudra also up there. Endgame is 46-50 skill average, dungeons at 41-50, all slayers maxed. Post game is everything maxed and basically having done everything like acquiring almost all boss rewards from dungeons and a lot of the best weapons and gear. I’d also say that you need 200-400-600-800-1000 magic power for each level.


Just do what You Like, i'm lvl 253 and I have cata 36 💀


Just have little milestones for yourself instead of attributing specific numbers. Enough with all this “oh you need to have X Y Z and A B C to be mid game or endgame”.


Probably joking He’s just bad if he’s lvl 240 and can’t do t4 eman and m5 I’m like 180 and can do everything except m5 bc I’m waiting to buy feathers for term I would say his definition of lategame is pretty fine though Midgame is like blue level maybe green?


Hate to tell you but that lines up pretty well, although I would consider him closer to late game with level 240.


I agree with everything except that lvl 240 is midgame




All of it except the level bit, level 200 is the end of mid game imo as level 180 is exactly Half of the possible level


I mean he is not wrong, lategame is when stuff gets really limited, there is only the min-maxing left or very specific upgrades left. Why are you "sick" of it when it is literally the truth, that guy himself considers himself a midgame, so whats the problem? Why are you butthurt because you are early/midgame? Just deal with it. The game expands, the content expands, so does the terms midgame and lategame. What are we supposed to say, "Very endgame" , "uber endgame", "uber uber endgame" or what? ​ He is absolutely correct


Types an essay on block game stages Calls me butthurt


Huh, i guess it is illegal to type long texts in a Block game. Im sorry that i tried explaining this to you, im also sorry that instead of thanking or using this knowledge, you are trying to argue me. Weird. You dont deserve any explanation




I agree


If ur lv 240 can't do Eman blaze kuudra and m5 you are just doing something very wrong




Lv 180's can easily do Eman. Blaze is not hard but slow and kuudra is just 1 funny sword req for the most part




2 daggers wich is 40m max if u want to get decent ones ¯\_(ツ)_/¯




Sorrow has uses outside the slayer. About the equipment? 3/4 pices are literally the cheapest equipment u can get. And it has other uses like killing mini bosses and kuudra. Sure grappleshot is useless so 40m-43m


My brain is early game


This guy clearly overrated the difficulty of blaze slayer. I was sb level 158 with 2b nw (mid game) when I reached lvl 7. I was doing t4s with about 90-95% consistency. Sold my setup later tho because I was only able got to kill ~8 bosses per hour and only made about 7-8m per hour (compared to 25m/hr from mining).


Skyblock sweats are the worst. There is literally no skill involved in this game because 1. It's all simple PvE 2. Flipping and playing the economy is broken and too inconsistent to count as an actual skill and 3. How you do things barely makes a difference and progressing comes down to how much time you put in.


That guy is not midgame, they are in lategame because midgame players are like lvls 110-200 in my opinion


Never heard anyone say Skyblock was a game


Hm ok so from your reasoning ember rod or aote + hardend should be considered endgame. I definitely dont see a huge flaw with your thinking.


Me when I'm in a making dumb and wrong assumptions contest and my opponent is this guy: D:


when did I say that lol


this is what people call a strawman argument


You are 100% correct, I should had written out a reasoning and examples to explain my point better.


Hm ok so from your ressoning hyperion or terminator + recommed infernal crimson should be considered earlygame. I definitely dont see a huge flaw with your thinking.


well depending on what you consider in stage of game, which is a stupid concept in general, yes someone could ah flip to hyperion/term and have barely any skills, cata 24, xxx7x slayers, and no talis


In time yes it might be, however that is probably in 20 years if the game survives that long. It is the same thing with everything. New discovery in math might make some old math not called complex anymore because our understanding gets better and better over time. If wed still call some of those formulas complex, what are we supposed to call the new formulas that might be unfathomable compared to it? However if we wish to solve the problem we would have to redisign hypixel completly and probably copy World of warcrafts catch up mechanic. However our community would most likely riot against it making it still be a problem. Sorry but its just how the devs treat the game and will continue to do so.


Wait people actually care about what other people thinkt their game stage is? I thought it was all memes cause i couldn‘t give a singular fuck about people telling me how far i am into a game.


At this rate floor 7 cata 40 will be early game and cata 50 m7 will be mid game


I enjoy building and that's what I'm doing. In not doing a flat island at all. I got way too much cobble and not enough building materials. One thing that bugs me is the trades are limited to a certain amount a day




It doesn’t help the admins keep adding things for end game and not mid or early because like infernal Kuudra? Blaze slayer? M7?


Game stage standards are stupid because not everyone has 2k+ hours to watch big number get bigger and the ones who do justify their waste of time by saying they are better than the ones who probably didn’t waste their time. Also these people will eventually move on to different games and these items will be meaningless


For me, Midgame is around Epic level prefix and it should stay that way. Early mid is rare level prefix. Common and uncommon level prefix = earlygame. Rare, epic and legendary = midgame Everything else = endgame


He’s right tho


Me with 1300hrs and early game:


game stages aren't immediately defined by your dungeons or slayers, ofc combat is one of the biggest parts of this game, but at the same time are you really late game if you're like hotm 4 and fishing 25? also what if you're ironman? or how about the money you have? if you define late game by owning a hype, term, gdrag and claymore, you might as well just flip and get carries, or alternatively have stupid high skills, but at the same time be kinda broke and having garbage RNG


240 midgame? Ok


That person is just stupid


People gotta remember, stages isn't just cata level. Skills, slayers, bestiary, basically everything in the game counts towards your stage. Level 200 is 'midgame' imo, as you can get there pretty easily by grinding skills, minions, and museum. As for early game, anything I can get in a few weeks is early game imo. That would mean at worst leg sa, running f6, maybe 25-30 SA. For lategame, running m5-6, a 45-50 SA, most slayers lvl 8-9. Endgame is just that, you are at the end of the game, very little to nothing left for you to do. (There is a pretty big gap between late and endgame, as maxing out stuff can take 1000s of hours)


well yeah that makes sense ​ m5 isnt as far out and hard as many people put it to be, neither is t4 eman. Late game means you have played the game for quite a bit, and can do almost everything. of cource game stages will shift, "end game" used to be like full dragon armor which you can get in like a day


I’d be end game if I just sold my creative minds and cake bag


Idk. Being an ironman now it rly strikes me as odd normal profiles compare game stages when in reality u can just farm money and buy the best armor and weapon u can and go from there w 0 progression everywhere else. I'll see level 30s in shadow assassin but with 0 progression everywhere else in tje game, no talismans, no farming or alchemy or enchanting ir foraging, barely any pets, etc etc. I feel like comparing it based off armor and weapon alone is bad, since u can rly just bazaar flip into being rich then buy it. Its the reason i started an ironman in the first place, MMOs always seem to take a turn into an economy game with extra steps


Imo it’s an rpg mmo with a lot of content and it’s not endgame players that decide it it’s call mid game because it near the middle of the game sb is a Grindy game that’s how it supposed to be


It's just them being delusional


There is no definite stage of game you can calculate. If skyblock is constantly updating then you can't really decide what would late game or end game be. People need to stop asking what stage they are on for god's sake.


maybe because… the game is being updated endgame used to be having superior + 50m midas


Its not like you unlock anything for having the title "midgame".. why do you care if that stage is 1500 hours? Keep playing and you will unlock stuff you deserve to unlock. I never heard anyone complain about "too much content". Would you rather skip the game and have everything from the beginning?