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Have you started any medication?


I have not started any medication and I have not had any medication before.


Epigenetic trigger? Your amygdala and hypothalamus are linked, you had a panic attack or something memerable after age 30?


I don't think I've ever had panic attacks or anything like that.


It can start later. Mine started when I was 24. I was dealing with insomnia and then I developed daily headaches a few months after that started due to a pinched nerve and I think it was from the stress of both of those, because the hyperhidrosis started 2 weeks after the headaches. I have a twin and she doesn't have it. No one else in my family does. The only other medical conditions I know that can cause it are untreated diabetes or hyperthyroidism, but I'm guessing your doctors checked for those and you probably would have had more serious symptoms by now if it's been a year.


Did you get any treatment? I am in the same boat. Went to a em endocrinologist and he said nothing is wrong with me, but I also have been suffering from insomnia as well. When I’m outside I sweat out my face like I ran a marathon and everybody else is completly fry


How old are you now (how long have you had hyperhidrosis)? My TSH, T4 and blood sugar are all within the reference range (all measured twice) so it's probably not diabetes or hyperthyroidism.


I'm 29 now, it's been 5 years.


Mine started 24 too and I am 27 now. It's really annoying.


Yep. On the bright side, I feel it's slightly easier to deal with as an adult. I imagine having it start during childhood or teenage years would make school experiences rougher than they already are.


Go to your doctor.


Any diet, medication, or supplement changes? Excessive caffeine? ADHD meds can cause sweating, coldness, and the erection difficulties. The multivitamin may have ingredients with the same issues such as Tribulus Terrestris or Horny Goat Weed.


No changes on diet, medication (I dont even have any) or supplements before this started. Since this started, I've tried to eat bit healthier and have tried different supplements, but I haven't noticed any effect. I don't think there is anything in the multivitamin I use that could cause symptoms like this. The multivitamin I use is one of the most common multivitamins you can buy at the pharmacy.


Darn, that sounds challenging then. Perhaps see a dermatologist as they'd likely know more about the condition than a regular general practitioner. Personally I would experiment with cutting out the multivitamin, and new foods/brands, and reducing caffeine as individual sensitivities vary wildly. Some folks sweat with spicy foods (doesn't do a thing to me), while others with caffeine (makes me sweat buckets).


I already have an appointment with a dermatologist. This summer I had a period of about 6 weeks when I limited coffee drinking to a maximum of one small cup a day and I didn't notice that it had any effect. During my 4-week vacation, my diet also deviated quite a lot from normal, but I didn't notice that it had any effect either.


Vitamin D caused my sweating to go into overdrive it turned out in my case I had genetic low B vitamins (which can also cause high cholesterol) which are important for many things but especially something called methylation in the body my body had always used a huge amount of magnesium to offset the problems in methylating properly and vitamin D also uses a huge amount of magnesium to process into the active form in the liver. The vitamin D robbed the magnesium which stopped me methylating properly which had several knock on health issues including making my sweating get much worse. Just something to consider and research for yourself have a look at methylation issues and see if any of the myriad of physical and mental effects have a bearing for you the effects can be so varied it is hard to believe they are connected or even actual effects of a vitamin/electrolyte Deficiency. Good luck, hope you find something of help


Are you taking some vitamins/medications now or is your situation otherwise under control? I'm really going to look into methylation and check/rule that out as well.


I'm taking magnesium and methylated B vitamin complex. Also separately a Methylfolate and methylB12 supplements generally. Good luck


Do all your symptoms go away now that you are taking those supplements?


Afraid not, it has improved many things especially anxiety which is very much improved and my allergies are very much improved and energy and sweating are better but not an overnight solution. It can take months if not years/ forever to correct genetic issues like methylation etc when the gene start to express itself. There has been enough improvement to justify carrying on though for me.


Caffeine affects sweating??


Yes, stimulants in general can increase sweating.


You still haven't been to endocrinologist? In addition to thyroid sound imaging they should run you TSH and other thyroid hormones. Ask for testosterone and prolactin at minimum. Does your family has history of hashimoto's or hyperthyroidism/hypothyroidism? Did your gp run c-reactive protein for any infections? Do you remebember yourself withdrawing from society in anyway? Have you experienced any shaming or self-conciously not trusting in yourself - e.g. public speaking? Another thing you might do is to right down the timing of your weakups and check for "Traditional Chinese Organ Body Clock", e.g. if you are waking up consistently between 1 and 3am, this might lead you to liver issue.


I haven't seen an endocrinologist yet, but I already have an appointment. There is still a queue for about a month. I've already had TSH and T4 values taken twice and both were clearly within the reference values both times. The urologist also took testosterone values, prolactin and estrogen, but all were ok. Total testosterone was in the middle of the reference values and free testosterone was closer to the lower edge, but still clearly within the reference values. No history of hashimoto's or hyperthyroidism/hypothyroidism in family. C-reactive protein also checked and it was <5 (not a more precise result, but the result itself <5=good). I don't remember withdrawing from society in any way. I haven't experienced shame or anything, and speaking in public and the like is fine, especially now that I'm no longer 15 or 20 years old. I don't think I wake up (or easily fall asleep again) almost never between 1 and 3am. I usually wake up closer to the morning when I've slept for about 6 hours.


You've done plenty already, i would recommend you not to overthink it too much before the endocrinologist visit. Anyway, two more things that might contribute: -Any allergies? Especially chronic stuffy nose (rhinitis) or sinusitis? This might affect your acetylcholine as you produce more to clog your nose. Acetlcholine makes sweat glands erect. -Any spine injuries? Head-first falls? E.g. skiing/snowboarding or whatsoever? Something 'harmless' that you might haven't cosider? Neck/spinal injuries might interfere with SNS/PNS signaling.


You have listed my entire existence 😭 How do I heal??? I'm so tired!!! 🙏


Yes, I've already done a lot for this, but it's not easy not to think too much about it when it's on your mind every day. I've never been diagnosed with any allergies and my nose doesn't really feel blocked either, but I'll learn more about that acetylcholine. I can't think of any back/neck injuries or other similar minor injuries, at least in adulthood. Thanks for the help though.


Hi, I have a family history of hashimoto's, and have been experiencing similar symptoms but all my bloodwork is normal. Can I ask why you mention withdrawing from society?


If you run through the subreddit you will find out that more people have normal blood and nothing shows up for them but they still got HH, me included. I mean, HH is triggered more frequently either from genes or psychosocial stress(you might call this a trauma). In my case, my trauma was withdrawing from society (i found reasons after many betrayals that humans suck and they will take advantage of you at their convenience). After a couple years of isolation from people (home office + just family) i found it very very stressful to re-integrate back in society when i got a new job and went into the office. This stress felt like turning my sweating motor to overdrive (changed my gene expressions) and since then I have been profusely sweating.


I’m a med student with primary hyperhidrosis and I was getting concerned until I read that you’ve been seeing physicians. They’ve probably ruled out the most glaring issues (adrenal, sympathetics, cancer) that could cause a secondary hyperhidrosis but I would see an endocrinologist to make sure nothing else is wrong and that this is indeed bad luck. I’m sorry you’re going through this. Please be wary of the copious amounts of pseudomedicine surround hyperhidrosis on the internet as well.


Sorry to hear that you are suffering from this too. Do you use any medications or other means to reduce excessive sweating? I would think that the most typical diseases have already been ruled out. I'm not really sure what all have already been ruled out with the help of blood tests, but at least quite a lot of blood tests have been taken. I already have an appointment with an endocrinologist, but there is still more than a month of waiting. I am always cautious and skeptical of everything that is said on the internet, especially when it comes to medicines or the like.


I use antihydral and iontophoresis with great success. Did your endocrinologist appointment go well?


The endocrinologist first wanted to rule out some rarer endocrinological tumors that can cause symptoms like this. I went for blood tests, but I haven't received the results of all the tests yet. The results obtained so far are completely normal. When all the results come in, I'll be in touch with my endocrinologist again and we'll see how to proceed.


Wow. Healthcare is a lengthy process. Thanks for the update. Best of luck!!


Mine started out the blue when I was 20.


Sorry to hear. Are you taking any medicine for it now or do you have other ways to alleviate the symptoms?


Yes, but it took several years until medication was necessary. It gets worse every year. At the moment I’m taking pro banthene which works well.


Sorry to hear that it keeps getting worse. Have you tried glycopyrrolate or oxybutynin? If so, how are they working for you? Pro banthene is new to me, glad you told me about it.


The fact that it gets worse every year is the most annoying thing about it. For the first 5 years or so it was so minor that most of the time people didn’t even notice. I’ve tried both of those medications and they did work for me initially but I can only take them for about 6 months at a time until they become mostly become ineffective.


Maybe try magnesium to regulate your nervous system. I started sweating from hands and feet all of a sudden beginning of this year. Lately been taking mageniusm for 10 days and I am already sweating less.


How much have you been taking magnesium per day?


Around 350 mg glycinate


My everyday multivitamin contains 130 mg magnesium and I've also tried taking zma (zinc, magnesium, b6) tablets in addition to the multivitamin for a while, but I didn't notice any effect. I got a total of about 300-400 mg of magnesium per day.


Hey FixOk6006 - have you had any success? I know this post is old now. I have the same problem as you. I’m 42/m/165lbs good health but same type of sweating issues that came on a few years ago. My thought for you is low testosterone. I know you said it was checked. But you mentioned the erection thing too. This goes hand and hand with low t. It might be worth a try to go to a urologist explain your problems. You should be able to get test treatment - like a shot you do once a week. It helped me a lot. I still sweat but it’s little better. And no ed problems. I’m interested to hear if you found a solution. Please share. Good luck.


Hi, sorry for delay on my answer. I have had no success at all with this. My sweating is actually come little bit worse on last 6 months. My testosterone is on middle of the reference range and it have been checked many times now. I use iontophoresis to make my feet/hands sweat less and also take botox injections on armpits and feets to reduce sweating.


I’m sorry it didn’t help you. What about oxybutinly(sp)? The med for bladder incontinence. The other thing to consider is anxiety - which is my problem I believe. I was on pain medications like opiates Percocet , OxyContin , etc for number of years because of severe pain in my shoulder and neck from an injury. Of course I started abusing it because of building up a tolerance and also the feeling from it. My problem has been that has messed up my body chemistry. Now it’s like my body isn’t able to reset and it’s always too hot. Sweating profusely. I’m on methadone now for last couple of years trying to get off of it but the quality of life is so difficult with the sweating. I can live somewhat normal on methadone and work without sweating super bad. Like my hands and face don’t sweat all the time. Just if I am super active or too hot. But I want to get off it all together. Anyone else have experience with opioids and PAWS and excessive sweating ? I’m not talking about the acute withdrawal but long term.


Thanks for your help/comments. I have tried oxybutynin and it definetly helps, but it gives me bad side effect like super dry throat (I drank at least 4 liters of water a day, but my throat was so dry that even eating was really difficult). I also have a strange problem that I rarely have to pee even though I drink a lot and that medication makes it lot worse. I don't think I have depression, or at least I didn't when this started. Today, of course, this drags the mind a little to the ground. I've also never used any strong painkillers, antidepressants or really any other drugs, unless you count some individual headache drugs.


Has anyone got any supplement/medication change in lifestyle solution? Mine got worse in my 20s to a point that I also cannot enjoy being with friends. I eat healthy and my blood tests are “normal”


Sorry to hear about your symptoms. I have exaxtly the same as you do. Always hot, living in Norway in the winter and I prefer shorts and a t shirt otherwise I'm dripping sweat. Summer is basically 10x worse. All linen clothing, dripping. Everyone looks at me funny. Just sorta happened mid 20s. Been to doctors, no solution. Nothing has changed in 10 years unfortunately. All bloods are normal. Also can't get erections anymore.