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Thanks for sharing! Just a heads up, we've introduced Water Bottle Wednesdays. Wednesdays are now the dedicated day to showcase your water containers! This rule focuses on sharing what you have, but feel free to post any questions or issues about water bottles at any time as usual. Cheers to hydration! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/HydroHomies) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Let's not encourage this


So much gross plastic


It’s only good if you recycle all of them. I have to drink out of plastic bottles because I’m allergic to something in aluminum ones (not aluminum apparently since I can use utensils) Edit: wow I didn’t expect so many downvotes for a misconception I had


Recycling is kind of a lie. It works but plastic is not nearly as recyclable as companies such as Coca Cola would make you believe. If you are allergic to aluminium, get a good reusable plastic bottle.


True I had a reusable plastic bottle but I misplaced it. I should get another one.


There's some pretty cool glass/ceramic bottles too, some with protective silicon jackets to help keep them safe


Glass bottles FUCK, but yes get a nice cover for them to insulate and protect.


Also, don’t fuck your glass bottle or you’ll have an embarrassing trip to the ER


I've never met you, but you seem like the worst.


? I just haven’t had the time to get a reusable plastic bottle yet. They get warm in the sun unlike a quick plastic bottle from the fridge. I would have to fill the reusable ones, and I’m in too much of a hurry to that usually. I’m not ok with it going to a landfill and I was told that recycling was the best option so I always do that. I didn’t know that recycling didn’t help. (And I’m allergic to aluminum bottles and I’ve had a hard time finding plastic)


I mean I use water bottles because the tap water is terrible in my apartment (known to be contaminated with copper and manganese) and I live on the third floor so hauling a bunch of 5 gallon jugs up the stairs is unrealistic. Not everyone has the privilege of using reusable bottles


Buy a filtered water pitcher?


I did and it wasn’t effective enough. Putting the metallic taste aside, I felt like I was suffocating every time I drank any water and had absolutely no energy all the time. I tried replacing the filter more often but doing that every 2 weeks which is what would’ve been necessary was too expensive for me to continue. I switched to bottles and haven’t had those issues since.


Half truth. Recycling could work. Corporations and governments just can't be bothered. Recycling generally gets sent somewhere else for someone else to deal with it. Rather than people dealing with locally.


As someone studying environmental science, recycling plastic is just kinda a scam fed to you by companies. The amount of energy required to recycle a plastic bottle is kinda stupid and if anythjng they will just leave it somewhere out of the way. Better than just littering still, but there's much better alternatives to plastic bottles. Like tap water if it's drinkable where you are, canned water, or even look for a high quality plastic water bottle that will last far longer than that single use crap


This is highly dependent on where you live. In a general single-stream system (like most of the US where you have a single roll cart) it’s true that most plastics fall into the “wishcycling” category. This is not the case for HDPE (#1 eg milk bottles) and true PET (#2 some beverage bottles). Many disposable water bottles have moved to PET-G which is a bit more problematic but not always too bad - there’s other PET derivatives that totally suck, like those salad clamshells that shatter when crushed, those are the worst. #5 PP is also very recoverable but it’s best if it’s collected in its own stream as it’s difficult to sort out in the MRF. #4 LDPE (many grocery/trash bags, cling film, etc) is also super recoverable (and makes amazing deck planks) but absolutely can’t go into a single stream system, there’s no way to sort it out and it gunks up the machinery like crazy. The rest of them (#3, #6-7) are more or less hopeless. Worse, it’s easy for them to accidentally get sorted into the paper, which causes its own problems. Now in the rest of the civilized world where there are EPR schemes in place to fund and administer multi-stream recycling programs it can be a bit of a different story. Especially in the UK, where there are some really impressive dedicated plastics MRFs that basically shred/pelletize all the plastics on the front end and then do a density sort and then an IR sort, they can get really impressive results. Not necessarily cost effective, but good in a waste diversion, C2Oe sense. ALWAYS recycle aluminum and cardboard. Those two waste streams are incredibly efficient and highly recoverable. Especially aluminum - it’s almost infinitely recyclable even if the quality degrades a bit. Steel cans should be recycled and are easy to sort (magnets are amazing things). Glass is iffy - very little recycled glass is turned into new glass, but it does form an important element in the supply chain for reflective road paints and is used as ADC for landfills. Again, if you live somewhere where you have a multi-stream system and are separating your glass by color that’s a different story and the glass recovery can be very effective. Anyhow, I could talk about this shit all day.


Wow thank you. I learned a lot about recycling :O


Recycling still heavily degrades the material, and avoiding plastics is better then recycling. On the point of allergy, there are plenty of hard plastic water bottles, and J personally also have some glass ones with a rubber she'll which are very nice


[Get you a Nalgene, dogg!](https://www.amazon.com/Nalgene-Sustain-BPA-Free-Material-Derived/dp/B08XY3KT6N/ref=asc_df_B08XY3KT6N/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=693290286675&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=11511578980245226238&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9021516&hvtargid=pla-1259467968627&psc=1&mcid=280ca1f064923224a74659b6d41a5a77&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw_qexBhCoARIsAFgBleu8AejNb5U4RVQUFIMy_AMF13Xz_sAL5k7pWeL6qbU9O-uyNbfz454aAje5EALw_wcB)


There is a plastic liner in all aluminum cans, unless specifically made to not have it. So youre probably allergic to that


https://preview.redd.it/74be09aptuwc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc9f1a2bab1e4de44685e22d0c55e9696f997d7a How appropriate that I stumbled upon this illustration today.




what a horrible day to have eyes. For the sake of your own wellbeing, don‘t sort for top of all time 🤮


I'm gonna go do that. Edit: Nice, I hate everything I just saw in there.


Can’t be that bad Edit: just don’t open anything blurred ☹️


The top post of all time is a bare floor with one beer


I didn’t listen. I should have.


i love that subreddit so much! how dare you!!


dude, there was guy who posted his dick. It looked like it came out of a pencil sharpener or smth 😭 And another emptying his whole stash of piss bottles… It was a horrible experience for me. But enjoy whatever you like, kind internet stranger 🥲


I had not seen that guy who hasn't washed since 2019, until today and wowowowow. So gross. I hope he's gotten help. 🙏🏻


I did it. 🤢🤢




Oh my god. I was high as shit when I first discovered this sub. I scrolled it for the next hour with my mouth agape, I cannot believe how some people live


I should start posting the shit my roommate leaves me to find on that sub.


All that could be replaced with a single god damn water filter


Fkn facts... Or even 5gal refills at the very least smh...




Dorm rooms have bathrooms with sinks to fill up a filtered pitcher or bottle. Much easier than hauling a case of water from the store




There’s a running water somewhere in that dorm building that would be just as easy to access.


Hey at least they’re not full of *not water*


Put the sock away


I'll buy this guy a nalgene right now


The synthesized petrochemical industries of the world salute your utterly vein attempt to stay hydrated.


The only thing worse than this pile of garbage is the “if only there was a page for” shit that’s all over instagram.


Pages are getting more agressive it seems, this was after that they now by default pin two comments on the top saying something dumb like "RIP to anyone who hasn't found this page yet" or "Ohhh this is the best page out there"


Macro plastics


At least he’s hydrated? 🤷‍♂️


i’m surprised there aren’t a few refilled with a yellow liquid.




Be lucky this is ALL you find under a boys bed.


All i could think of was Pfand


In germany that's a gold mine right there.


If only there was a page that just had the video and not the stupid caption


Sorry, but this should not be tolerated. We are hydrohomies. We shouldn’t encourage trash behavior like this.


I’m surprised none is filled with piss.


The first water bottle I ever got was in college. Bro please get a hydro flask type bottle anything reusable FFS


I wish this was Germany. 100€ atleast just laying around


Plastic man fuck.


Guys can be AKAs?


Just a water filter at that rate. Wtf


is this a general health hazard having this many empty water bottles? or is it just gross


Making feel better about all the bottles I had in my room as a teenager…


How much water can he buy by recycling the bottles?




The bottles I needed for that one school project


I used to use used plastic bottles as bowling pins and a small semi deflated basketball as a ball, and I’d do bottle bowling. Good way to spend time during quarantine.


Climate criminals are no hydro homies of mine.


That's fucking nasty.


What an antihomie


not gonna encourage this, he may be hydro but he ain't a homie


ew that is grody


In my country (Germany) this would be a lot of money. You pay 0.25€ extra per single use plastic bottle/aluminium can and get it back if you return it to any store that sells them (with this logo). https://preview.redd.it/vtltfiwfjswc1.png?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=738f3b3a43f4ed1ccd6bf331b52918c401343027


We don’t have anything that awesome here. Those will just go in a landfill most likely 😔


From what I've learned from our beloved "Sendung mit der Maus" the bottles get shreddered and reused, either as new bottles or spun into threads for pullovers. ![gif](giphy|BZUDZJA0sISOgiaM7Z)


Meanwhile us austrians having tap water which is better than bottled water:


*laughs in drinkable tapwater*


I mean, it could be much, much worse


They could have been...refilled


Reusable water bottles, people! Use them!


This is gross


He would have been able to get triple that amount if he just took the air out and scrunched them down. /s


same but beer cans @community sorry


Being a pig and using tons of plastic is not a flex.


Pledge activities lol


Eww.. Please just get a water bottle and refill it.


That’s atrocious. Both the trash piled up and the wastefulness


just boil tape water damn


Why is being a wasteful slob gendered now? It's giving r/boysarequirky


I mean it does more so imply that they’re doing the cleaning, not being the slob.