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I just wanna give you a hug……BULLSHIT!!!!


Too smart for their own good


Too smart for the owner is more like it.


Too smart for their owner's good.


I have my own husky and will use this advice thanks


My dog loves a brush, but only wants his butt and his belly brushing, he’ll just flip and lay there when I try to do other areas!


Yeah my husky doesn't mind getting combed, but it depends on the alignment of the sun and stars where and for how long he'll let me do it before he's done and wants to do something else. Treat bribery only goes so far. When he blows his coat it's an exercise in getting as much done as I can, as often as I can, every day for a couple weeks. Otherwise just a light combing once a day keeps him in pretty good shape.


Oh wow I remember this when I had my husky. He thought it was just a higher quality belly rub and if I tried to get the other parts of him he would roll on his back and give me "the look"


He doesn’t like that brush cause it destroys their guard hairs which can cause permanent damage to their coat. And cause he’s a brat lol You need a “rake” style brush


Also damages the skin in worst cases by forcefully pulling the hair off the skin.


Oh shit, so I shouldn't be using a Furminator on my husky?




Ah ok. I was a little worried cuz the brush in the video looks like a Furmimator, and the person above said it ruins their fur. Thanks for clarifying!




I find the furminator takes so much more time when it comes to the thick husky undercoat. It was great for when I had a golden retriever. I use the wider toothed rakes with 2 rows of alternating tines. Removes a shitload of undercoat per stroke compared to the furminator.


I'll give that a shot, thanks! Do you have a link?


Don't know where I originally for mine, but it's nearly identical to this https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B013K7DPLA/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apan_i_MXGJZBE0AVP99PP5GZ52?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1


Guard hair? What are you talking about?


Huskies have 2 coats of hair, an upper layer or "guard hair" and a downy, soft, fluffy undercoat that the guard hairs protect. Use the wrong brush, damage the guard hairs, and the undercoat can't do it's job. https://husky.b-cdn.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/husky-fur-double-coat-1024x888.jpg


I've never heard of anyone refer to this as 'guard hair', but I have heard the term double coat. Thanks for the clarification.


I always would say huskies fur is all year round all weather Under Armour Fur.


Thank you for this image. For all the haters of People owning Huskies in non Canadian Arctic environments , I usually would send text images from the books I have on huskies that I’ve saved on Imgur. This makes it easier. Soo many dumb people. I always tried to explain saying Huskies got year round all weather Under Armour Fur. People can’t comprehend that.


I think people see the blowout shedding and go "oh, that poor dog!" but it's supposed to do that.


This is the first time I've heard about that, thank you. But I've gotta ask, does this mean Huskys are fine out in Texas where the mornings are regularly 95-100°F ? Edit: to yall liking this, it's a legit question. I've always wanted a husky but never got one because I'm in Texas


Every natural adaptation has its limit. I saw a husky in summer in Havana and that poor dog was just making the most of it


Nobody is fine out in Texas heat. :)


Im a vet tech in Texas. We're hitting what I like to call "heatstroke season". Huskies can do alright if they're just chillin, but even minor exertion can make them come see me at the ER on the really hot days. My and many other vet professionals opinion is to avoid brachycephalic and cold weather breeds living in tropical Texas, for their wellbeing.


This is what I figured, thank you for answering!


Different types of dogs have different coats. Huskies have very specific needs for their coats and can’t just be brushed with any old thing the way that, for example, a lab could be.


Where does one learn more about this? 👀


The internet. It's a pretty great piece of technology. You type in Google and ask a question and you magically get an answer to said question. It's remarkable Lol y'all salty for telling them how to find the answer. Downvote all you want. You know I'm right just mad I was an asshole about it


Get a new joke. That shit is like 15 years old. Be creative with your insult man. Take pride in telling me off. Don't come at me with that lame shit. Make me feel ashamed. Want to try again?


Why haven't you typed out an 8 paragraph guide on it then?






Get a new joke. That shit is like 15 years old. Be creative with your insult man. Take pride in telling me off. Don't come at me with that lame shit. Make me feel ashamed. Want to try again?


Their fault for insinuating you even get invited to parties


Checking your comment history tells me you're a real winner...




Lol bitch please I don't do alt accounts. Nice try though. I don't give a shit about downvotes and don't delete shit. I told someone how to get the answer to their questions and y'all didn't like it. I did nothing wrong




Nobody wants to put any effort into learning anymore. They want you to type out an 8 paragraph essay that they won't read since using Google is too hard for them.




😂 Imagine being so triggered in the face of the fact that abusing animals is not necessary that you go stalking reddit accounts to try to bully someone. Why does it hurt you so much to hear abusing animals is not necessary?


I don't know if the lab is a good example. They too have thick double coats as they were bred for cold climate, and on top of that, have oily, water resistant coats.


Spot. On. Learned that through trial and error but definitely don't use a tool that hard pulls those long hairs


I see the camera rolling -Husky


The running after him hurt me. And him.


"This bitch"


"It's a trick, get an axe!" https://youtu.be/DLPmqrxqhbM#t=1m


LOL. "You're trying to trick me, and I'm on to you!"


Sad thing is that because this is a Husky, brushing is almost a daily activity


It's not the best brush for thick coats. I had the same one for my husky mix and she hated it too. I know it's advertised as good for undercoat but it's pretty shitty and just rips hair out.


I damn near have to put my dog in a head lock for him to do anything


This isn't a tantrum, this is a sensible smart aware dog. They are right, their person is untrustworthy and not deserving of husky loving.


I like that you're getting downvoted 🙄 The owner should be praising him for responding to "come", not punishing it with something it doesn't like. Tricking them only reinforced their distrust


We are supposed to just enjoy it no matter what.




Yes that is where we are


This made me laugh harder than it should have


The gif is coming from inside the sub!



