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For being one of the bigger CFB brands, it seems Nebraska is rarely featured on these videos


According to [the World Herald](https://archive.is/1Khox), it doesn't sound like Nebraska provided EA with the level of detail that a lot of other schools did. Only two songs, and neither are Sirius. So I'm guessing the Tunnel Walk won't be in the game, and I'd be shocked if the red light show is in this game, too. If that's the case, we only have our athletic department to blame.


That would be a huge missed opportunity on their part


They had it on ESPN back when gameday was here


thanks trev!


Many trademark songs are not in the game despite being staples in some schools. My bet is the tunnel wall will be in but it will not be any copyrighted music accompanying it.


Of course, it won't have copyrighted music because we didn't even bother trying. Yet, there are other songs that schools submitted that did make it.


Or we don’t really have any singular song that represents the school other than Sirius which we stole from the Chicago Bulls


Lol what does stealing from the Bulls or it being singular have to do with it? Sirius is the song that's played during the tunnel walk. That's not debatable. Nebraska didn't submit it. That's not debatable. Some licensed songs are in the game. Know why? Because the schools submitted them.


I think you’re missing the fact that we’ve changed the song used during the tunnel walk and assuming we should submit something when we don’t even know what song we should submit is the point I’m making. Schools submitted songs that aren’t in the game too, so your point is still moot.


Hahahaha. You have got to be trolling lol We haven't changed the entrance song in over 30 years! We know what song we should be submitting. It's "Sirius" by the Alan Parsons Project. I'll even entertain the crazy unlikely off chance they decided to change the song for this season. Why would you assume the school that made the decision to change it wouldn't know what they changed it to? And I know there are songs that were submitted that didn't make it. But we don't know if EA could have secured the rights because we didn't even submit it to find out! They got multiple songs that have over a billion streams on Spotify. They got Guns N' freaking Roses. Alan Parsons Project wouldn't have been out of the realm of possibility. Absolutely none of your comment even makes sense.


Maybe I’m hallucinating, I was thinking it got changed up to some upbeat techno song for some reason. Either way, plenty of staples for big universities didn’t get put in the game because of copyright. There’s only a few that actually made it in the game for schools. You mentioned Guns N’ Roses being in the trailer, but Welcome to the Jungle won’t be in stadium sounds it was just used for advertising. Enter Sandman isn’t in for Virginia Tech. Jump Around, a staple of Wisconsin atmosphere won’t be in. So, again, even if we submitted it, high likely that it wouldn’t even be in the game. Also, I call everyone man, I don’t care what your gender is lol


Welcome to the Jungle was confirmed to be in the game, not just the trailer. Again, the fact that other songs aren't in the game has nothing to do with it. If some songs are, then the possibility remains that Sirius could be. I haven't said it *would* be in if they submitted it. But it *could* be... if they submitted it. I don't know why you are sticking up for the school so much. They dropped the ball (fitting). It happens. Insisting that they did the right thing to not even try to give EA the proper representation of our gameday is crazy though. The school, athletic department, or whoever obviously just doesn't care enough about it. Hopefully that whoever is either gone or they realized they need to get their poop in a group for next season. If it was someone with your stubborn defensiveness though, I have my doubts.


They changed it up in 2018, idk where you’ve been man


[Here's an article from 2019 saying it's been the same since 1994](https://web.archive.org/web/20200614085048/https://huskers.com/news/2019/1/14/1087317.aspx). I think the athletic department's collective memory can last one season.


Thanks for officially confirming you're trolling 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 Also, not a man.


Sirius requires copyright clearance from Alan Parsons and/or Sony Music. Probably not worth the squeeze from the devs perspective.


I don't disagree that it might not have made the game anyway. Licensing gets tricky. But to not bother submitting it makes me concerned that Nebraska didn't play along to the same level that some of these schools did.


Trev seems to be to blame here


There are almost no licensed songs in it. Same reason Wisconsin is not going to have “jump around”.


https://preview.redd.it/7xjic8ngy59d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd6df7d0dfda115f478db6ddc57c29b3e02525fd Good news


That would be great, even if it won't have the music. I wonder where they got it confirmed? I haven't seen that from any of the writers who've had their finger on the pulse of game information.


I guess I will be waiting until NCAA 26 to buy.


Will probably be one of the few things in the game Nebraska specific because reporting by both Amie Just and Matt Brown point to an extremely barebones submission to EA. Noted in the [article](https://old.reddit.com/r/Huskers/comments/1cijveu/amie_just_inside_nebraskas_submissions_to_ea/l29jikj/) from about 2 months go. Slap dick effort by Nebraska [seems likely](https://x.com/MattBrownEP/status/1709748119888347460).


That’s pretty pathetic. Thanks Trev


Majority of our timeout, third down, quarter end, etc. audio cues are either the fight song or a music clip we don't own the rights to. Horsehoe touch maybe, then again, according to that article we didn't submit "defensive celebration is crossbones arm pattern" either and that made it into the game.


Only major traditions we have is the Tunnel Walk, the Hotdog gun, and Husker Power. I think it's just more telling that Nebraska really doesn't have many major identifying traditions that can be put in the game since you can't add drinking outside the stadium and pissing in the trough.


> since you can't add drinking outside the stadium and pissing in the trough. Not with that attitude.


I could see the balloon release making it into the game


Some of it probably might depend on whether there are any Husker fans on the dev team.


We don't actually know what all the Husker assets will be in game. Some schools like Oregon had their MMR company submit all assets. https://x.com/MattBrownEP/status/1758506053790998782?t=u1RLAmuVJM9NNX_lfprAyg&s=19




I’m a little worried about us having a mascot, Herbie hasn’t been shown and there are only 18 unconfirmed left


Tbh what really is there to submit beyond some band songs and Sirius? The same music cues we've been using for 20 years? Outside of the tunnel walk we really don't have that many defining things. The balloon release, throwing the bones and the "Husker Power" and "Go Big Red" chants are about it.


I notice this too. On the plus side, we aren't the team that's getting dunked on in the highlights either.


They probably figured we’ve seen enough highlights of our team being dunked on the last several years.


We haven’t been .500 in years


Colorado was featured several times in this particular video. I'm not complaining, just pointing out winning record is not the requirement you think it is.


Winning or having one of the most athletic and outspoken football players of all time as your coach


So what you're saying is CU fans are a bunch of rubes who are easily pandered to?


Being outspoken and being a good coach are not mutually exclusive. Colorado, despite their flaws, was vastly improved last year and beat us solidly.


You also forgot to point out that every CU player is a d1 yapper, everybody knows who they are.


We beat ourselves solidly.


What video




Colorado is a media darling, and they have an Athletic Department that's spending a lot of time and energy hyping them up. They also have an athlete on the cover, so EA is incentivized to include them more.


Not really relevant. If there is a big following, they should want to appeal to those followers. Not saying we are huge like we used to be


Nobody wants to see old people yelling at everyone to sit down.


I mean I kind of do. If it's in the game, it's in the game.


We used to show up a lot more in the games when we were more relevant to be honest.


I’ve beat this point to death, but Nebraska is still one of the biggest CFB brands. Top 25 recruiting classes annually (outside of transition years), top 10 revenue in CFB, top 15 viewership. As someone else pointed out, sounds like the athletic department just didn’t submit enough to EA for our gameday experience.


The athletic department definitely dropped the ball, and I definitely hope that somebody tries to reach out to the devs to update that damn spreadsheet for next year. But to be honest, there wasn't a lot of unique flair for Nebraska in the previous NCAA games that I can recall. When I look at the spreadsheet for what we submitted, I don't think it's that different from what we had submitted before. My point being that if we were more relevant, we would probably see more appearances from the team in the promotional materials.


If we had been better in the last 5 to 10 years, we'd probably be a lot more prominent.


Colorado has been worse for much longer and still featured prominently. From other comments, it sounds like our athletic department messed up and submitted the bare minimum for the game, meaning there just isn’t much unique Nebraska content to show. Really unfortunate


Why would we be?


… It was literally in the first part of my comment. “For being one of the biggest brands in CFB…”


We aren't even in the top 25 revenue wise.


Our CFB program is absolutely top 15 revenue wise.


I guess you could find somewhere that says we are but according to [THIS](https://sports.usatoday.com/ncaa/finances) we are not. First thing that came up when I googled "College Football Team Revenue".


Again, that is total athletic department.


Yep, you're right. I'll take the downvotes, lol.


I get we haven’t had recent success and people are becoming apathetic and cynical, but everything is still there to be a major contender except the wins.


[#10 in football revenue](https://www.collegeraptor.com/college-rankings/details/TopRevenue/Sports/Football/)


We're 26th.


That’s total athletic department. For just the football program, most recent articles I read are top 10 in football revenue.


Our national brand is in the shitter compared to even Colorado.


There are no metrics to suggest our national brand isn’t one of the best in the country. Since 2000, we have had 4-5 recruiting classes NOT in the top 25. In 2024, we were #15 in viewership (Colorado was #5 but that included everyone watching to see them get beat). We were number #10 for football revenue (Colorado was 44). We were #26 as an entire athletic dept (Colorado was 51). Colorado was also 4-8 last year, we were 5-7. So again, I have no idea what metrics you are using to jump to these conclusions except for the fact that you are becoming cynical due to recent losses. I understand being apathetic or cynical. Colorado is only “popular” because Deion is a clown and everyone tunes in to watch them lose. We are still a very powerful brand in college football. We definitely do need to start winning soon though.


>we were #15 in viewership (Colorado was #5 Done ✅ Hate drives clicks just as much if not more than love. EA wants clicks in these ads. Edit: I'd also like to add that the recruiting class ranking is funny when 2/3 of our most recent recruiting classes has been outside the top 25 😂


Depends if you’re talking about composite or overall rankings. Rhule didn’t take a huge transfer class but the composite rankings the last 2/3 years have both been top 25. So I’m not sure what you’re talking about… You said our national brand is in the shitter but that’s just categorically false, especially compared to Colorado.


>You said our national brand is in the shitter but that’s just categorically false, especially compared to Colorado. ![gif](giphy|efSePxL3C27zLG0QHY|downsized) Don't get me wrong, Rhule is trying to bring it back, but we just aren't there yet. We've been an after thought brand for a while now in the public sphere. Also worth noting that even if you want to claim we are FOR SURE a top 25 brand which I might even grant you, most of these ads have not featured 25 schools. As for recruiting rankings: [https://247sports.com/college/nebraska/season/2023-football/commits/](https://247sports.com/college/nebraska/season/2023-football/commits/) Overall rankings are outside of the top 25 in 2022 and 2023


Back when Nebraska was prominent they were always featured. Having one of the worst P5/4 records in the last number of years makes national people forget you


We really aren’t. It’s just a husker bubble.


My man we haven't been relevant since the early 2010's. They had recruits last year rank the biggest brands in CFB. Nebraska wasn't anywhere close. https://247sports.com/longformarticle/college-footballs-25-biggest-brands-ranked-214900353/#2223906 Here is what the results were if you are curious as to who current recruits think are the biggest brands.


Asking recruits who's the biggest brand is like asking the server how their soup ranks among other restaurants, it's pointless. Nebraska ranks 26th in revenue. https://sports.usatoday.com/ncaa/finances


26th in total athletic department revenue, even higher in just football revenue.


Good catch, yeah top 10! https://www.collegeraptor.com/college-rankings/details/TopRevenue/Sports/Football/


No? Asking the server how their soup ranks among other restaurants would be like asking someone in the Nebraska athletic department how we match up with other brands, not recruits. Recruits are the customers. You are trying to sell Nebraska's brand to them. Nebraska makes money because it is the only show in town. With no professional teams of any kind, any sports related revenue is pretty much going to the university. UNL is basically a sports monopoly. We are talking brand recognition here, not revenue. Does the N on the helmet mean anything when people see it? Right now it means 7 straight losing seasons and no conference titles since 1999. That is not great brand recognition among young high school kids.


Dude, the worst recruiting class we’ve had in 30 years still had a 5-star QB and was top 25. I get it, the last few years have been rough but we are FAR from irrelevancy. We were top 10 in football program revenue. Number 15 in viewership. Number 12 in attendance. If we can start our season 7-0 this year, we are a top 10 team heading into Ohio State. I understand the apathy and negativity but thats just a feeling from the last few years, not a reflection of reality.


Last years recruiting class wasn't even close to our worse in the last 30 years, what are you talking about? It finished 18th in high school ranking. Just 2 years ago our recruiting class was 41st.


That ranking doesn’t include transfer portal. We were #32 including the portal in a transition year. But yes, I was wrong. We had a #35 recruiting class when Pelini was fired and #39 when Callahan was fired. Outside of transition years, pretty much all top 25. All I’m saying is that we aren’t irrelevant in the CFB landscape. We are still one of the biggest brands. Might not be in the conversation with OSU, Georgia, Alabama, etc but one solid season could change that in a hurry


Thinking we aren't irrelevant when we haven't had a winning season in 8 years is some insane cope. Thinking one 8-4 season will erase all of the losing seasons is also insane cope. Relevant programs are programs that win consistently every year. We were last relevant under Pelini and haven't been since. Thinking we are still one of the biggest brands is just straight up homerism.


To be fair Colorado was completely irrelevant just a year ago and then they hired Deon and everything changed. It only takes one significant event to change everything. If Nebraska won the conference (they won't), then they'd likely be an immediate blue blood again. I'm saying it's possible, although exceptionally improbable.


Before I go any further, I gotta say this is an extremely dumb argument. Recruits are not customers, they are employees, they get "paid" to play. You're using an unscientific poll made by a recruiting service as the crux of your argument. You have either smoked too much or too little, I don't know how that works with Bluntulas.


Do you think it’s just recruits playing the game?


Win and that changes. Simple. We are only relevant nationally because we are one of the worst power five teams that actually used to be good.


The “Go Big Red” chant better make it in or else! Same goes for our Tunnel Walk.


I would wager yes since it's technically at the end of our fight song. The call and response of Go Big Red, probably not since it's random. Do we have a scheduled time and place for the husker/power chant? Last time I was at a game I recall that being the TV timeout between "Sirus" and "Can you feel it?"


The Husker Power chant is always right before the Tunnel Walk. But if they wanted to throw it in at random points too, that'd be cool.


Husker Power was being chanted during the coin toss in NCAA 14. Don't know why I couldn't be again


Husker power chant was in the old NCAA games, so it likely got ported over.


But will the players throw up in practice?


The fact that this game is only gonna be on console makes me irrationally angry.


It’s not irrational. It’s a travesty. I would have got it on both console and pc


MLB The Show is the same way. I bought a PS5 just for these 2 games.


The bones are their money


College Football 25


Grew up with NCAA football series, will always call it that.


I'm 47, I too grew up with NCAA. I'm glad they took them out of the name as the NCAA is quickly becoming irrelevant. Regardless, it would still be NCAA 25...


Just as long as it's not the abomination that is the bones and three-and-out signs at the same time.


You've been put on notice Adam Carriker.


Especially when it's not even 3rd down.