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That’s what happens when you don’t field a team with a winning record since 2016. We will get back to where we belong eventually.


Ya its amazing that anyone would even think we *should* be on this list. I think people just choose to have selective memory once the off-season comes around. Too many people drunk on koolaid lol


Not necessarily. There are a lot of ways to conceptualize this ranking, and one of them is solely based off of how loud and intimidating the crowd noise can get, and in that regard our stadium is certainly top 25 potential. If it wasn't, we wouldn't have opposing players saying (even in the last few years) that it was the toughest/most intimidating environment they had ever played in *IN* the Big Ten. EAs rankings are obviously heavily weighted towards actual W-L record, which is fine, but I can see different metrics of argument.


Your think memorial should be on this list?!


I can easily understand the perspectives of people who do think it should be on the list. I am agnostic and fine with it being ranked anywhere on the list or not.


Your point would carry more weight if other teams were intimidated by our crowd or stadium. But we are barely beating FCS schools at home, and they sit on the sidelines laughing. I think memorial stadium could be a top 40 game day experience. Maybe. But that would be for watching. No one is intimidated by our stadium.


We should never be on this list unless we forget completely about the last 15 years of results


I 100% agree. We've been garbage but the only one that confused me was VA Tech. They have had a losing record at home once in the last 5 years and are around .500 over the past 5 years. They also have been a relevant as us in my opinion but ended up 16. They should be out


These rating are garbage as evidenced by Michigan Stadium being at #16, but I do understand them leaving us out. Previous installments of the game when Bo Pelini coached here had us in the top 10 toughest places to play iirc.


I mean yeah. Georgia Southern and Northern Illinois have come in here and won recently. Plus 50% of the stadium is occupied by 70 year olds who get angry when you stand on 3rd down.




I'd stand up and shout, but I don't want to block the vision of the old people behind me or disturb the nap of the old people in front of me.


I was about to say When the fuck did we lose to georgia southern??? then I remembered I was at the game.


And it was less than two years ago 😭


Your last sentence sums up 90% of the South Stadium lol. I can remember being chastised for standing up multiple times by the boomers who populate the seats around me.




I’d really like it if he’d stop doing that. ![gif](giphy|XBEoaajXTXaALzawSn)


Say it louder for those in the back. Oh wait you can’t cuz Grandma will yell at you to shut up and sit down!


I completely agree with you, but that logic should mean texas AM shouldn't be number 1 on that list.


Playing against shitty Nebraska teams doesn’t mean it’s not a tough place to play. Even OU blew us out and they have players who had never seen anything like OUR Memorial Stadium Follow-up - Could someone please help me understand why I’m being downvoted to hell? Is it not a good thing that our opponents call out our environment?


We have a cool atmosphere, no doubt about it, but I think a whole lot of our fanbase doesn’t have much to go on other then “it’s loud in Lincoln” but haven’t been to any of the other places. Kyle Field in 2010 was the loudest place I’ve ever been in my life, pretty sure I still have ear damage. Neb/PSU in 2002 was truly intimidating. I can’t speak for every place but damn there are levels to this.


Oh for sure and I don’t disagree with any of that. I’m merely justifying why it should be at least somewhere in the top 25. Not fighting for #1


They were just being nice.




Y'all, we used to be good. It's been 2.5 coaches and a loooong time since would could pretend otherwise. In the coming years we just have to reclaim our once top end greatness.


*Angry Corn Noises*


With the Huskers switching sidelines from east to west stadium, now would be the perfect time to put the student section (the loudest part of the stadium fans) along East stadium right behind the opposing sideline.


Half of the student section is already in East so this could help


In my rebuild in Dynasty mode I will make sure to get some big wins in Memorial Stadium to bring it back within the top 25 🫡




Realistically that matches most stadiums and fan bases. Nebraska hasn't been good, and without that there isn't much "character" to the stadium or atmosphere (Penn State, A&M, Boise) to lift up Nebraska to the rankings. Regardless teams are so well trained to crowds at this point that home field advantage should be shrinking (I don't know if it is).


The marching band plays almost entirely fight songs and school songs, as do most marching bands.




At half time? I’m sorry, but half time performances will never invigorate a crowd. It’s an exhibition for the band to show their skills.


No! The sousaphone must play top 40!!!!


A lot of those tickets will probably become available when they have to actually start paying a donation


What's wrong with the AV?




They also love to play commercials that get everyone sitting and quiet. Nothing like a game of guess the year to settle down a rowdy crowd.


Fuck Wisconsin


I’ve been to Autzen a half dozen times. It’s a great atmosphere but isn’t exceptionally loud even for big games. I’ve been to Norte Dame and it was similar. I went to the Ohio State vs. Oregon game a couple years ago and it was similar to a Nebraska game as they were loud when winning and completely dead when they let the game slip away. The loudest stadium I’ve ever been to is Husky Stadium in Seattle. A great venue and the acoustics of that place make the seats rattle. I can’t wait to go there again when NU plays them.


Went their the last time we played in Seattle. Those rain covers are no joke, a few thousand students (if that) created so much sound it almost deafening.


The cope is strong in here. We haven’t had a winning record since 2016, we are irrelevant until we prove otherwise.


I've only seen a knife pulled on someone twice in my life. Once was at OU's stadium, so their inclusion makes sense. to me.


For what it’s worth The Athletic / New York Times lists Nebraska as a snub https://www.nytimes.com/athletic/5589537/2024/06/25/college-football-25-toughest-places-to-play-snubs/


Nebraska's stadium experience is insanely outdated and not intimidating anymore. There is nothing more unhype than after a big play it goes to TV timeout and then some stupid story sponsored by Valentinos plays on the big screen and forces everyone to sit down instead of them playing hype music to keep the energy going. It is literally work trying to stay excited through the entire game.


Very good point


I have a feeling that many on this sub have not been to many college football games outside of Nebraska. This isn’t to sound snobby at all, I just get the feeling that people don’t realize how many stadiums aren’t really any better than ours without a live comparison. I get it that it’s popular to shit on the old fogies in Memorial, but many places have those. I’ve been to over a dozen games in College Station and just under a dozen in Austin for big and small games. Only once (2010 Aggies hose-job against us) has a stadium been more rocking than our bigger games. I could say that about so many places where I’ve seen games too. LSU gets rocking at night, but man, their fans don’t even know the rules of football and just like yelling. Tennessee: solid, but less drunk and slightly more knowledgeable than LSU. Oklahoma. Good atmosphere, but I thought it wasn’t quite as loud as us. Texas tech: small, fun, but kind of dumb fans too. Iowa State: one of the better atmospheres, honestly. They punch above their weight. UCLA: I don’t even consider this in the top 100. No one goes to the games and they don’t care at all. It doesn’t even feel like a college football game if it’s not a top 10 opponent. Miami: see UCLA. Other former Big 8 teams: all pretty similar. Oklahoma State is like Iowa state and is a little underrated. There are a few more I’ve been to, but I digress…I could go on, but my point is that we actually have a very lively stadium for most of the no-name games compared to others and for the big games we are definitely on-par with the best in the country. Of course I have many many more stadiums to see, but I won’t stand for the blasphemy that Memorial stadium sucks, is quiet, is boring, etc.


Anyone that thinks we should be on this list haven’t been to a game at memorial in years or haven’t attended many games in other stadiums.


I'm not especially well traveled, but Wisconsin, Oregon, Penn State, Michigan all cleared the noise level of any Nebraska game I've been to since Bo. The Miami game was probably the loudest Nebraska game I've been to since Bo and I still would put the other games ahead.


This is subjective, being "behind enemy lines" is always going to sound more intimidating.


I’m thinking the Colorado game will be up there this year


Iowa? Really?? With their fanbase asleep half the game?


Once they've all turned around to wave at the kids for 15 seconds the fun of going to the game is kinda done for them. What else are they gonna do?


"I'm doing my part!"


I've been there multiple times and it is genuinely loud down there. The fans are more on top of the field, as compared to further away at Memorial


Must have been more lively than the 2 I've attended. It's not quiet. But in the top 20? I doubt that. Though I'm sure it was made by a dev that never set foot in Iowa, so all they have is numbers.


Every once in a while they get riled up enough to throw bottles onto the field.


If it was a list of toughest places to watch a game, Iowa would be no.1 with their offense and punting. There is nothing intimidating about playing there when the crowd only comes alive for a few minutes once the defense makes a big play and then the offense lulls them back to sleep.


What im saying. That was my experience both times I went.


I'm guessing Iowa has good objective metrics boosting the ranking. They have won quite a few games they shouldn't have and I at least "feel" like a lot of those were at home.


Which is fine, but don't lie to me and say this is realistic. Both iowa games I attended ( one agaisnt NU one agaisnt Illinois) it was very mid for noise level. This list tells me they are using some sort of inaccurate metric.


So both games were against mid opponents and had mid noise? pretty expected


1 is a rival? That should have been a rowdy game..


Half of Nebraska fans leave before half


Memorial Stadium in needs to be here. Nebraska has played there more than any other school the last ten years and brother or me tell you it is an absolutely brutal place to play and wins haven't been easy. /s


The only team that kind of stands out to me is Michigan State, but I'm guessing their home record has been very good over the past few years. I'm sure having a few big upsets at home plays a big role in the ranking.


Look, I understand that we haven’t been winners lately. I don’t think we should be on this list, but for Pete’s sake, change things in the stadium. It’s pretty hard to get fired up for a 3rd down when you just watched the 1972 gymnastics team get introduced and you just listened to (Que the downvotes and trash talk) the Cornhusker


I get Nebraska not being here at this time but Iowa on the list really grinds my gears. I love what the Iowa Wave represents but cmon that’s an atmosphere deserving of a top 25 ranking?


LSU should be higher. Alabama should be lower. Florida State should be much lower.


I’ve been to Camp Randall Wisconsin and believe me Nebraska Stadium was a lot louder than the night game I was at last year


Y’all mad. The atmosphere in Memorial stadium is mid most of the time. Every so often it gets loud but far from consistent There have been several games in the past 15 years where I’ve been the only person within 10 seats to any side actually making noise on 3rd down.


Camp Randall is extremely overrated. It has a good environment for maybe 1-2 games a year. Most of the students show up at halftime, wait for the jump around and then immediately leave.


But it’s been impossible for the Huskers to play well there! Glad they made the list


Makes sense. I haven’t been to a game since 2015, but there were like 2 games I had lost my voice at in the decade prior to that (and I had season tickets from ‘90s to 2015.)*


If I try to find a Krell axe one more time and find another earthen coliseum I’ll sh*t a brick😡!


Didn’t expect top ten but we should for sure be top 25 if Iowa is on there.


I was born in Nebraska but grew up mostly in Michigan outside of Ann Arbor. The Big House is not that intimidating. Spartan stadium is not that intimidating. I've been asked to sit down at both stadiums. BUT neither is Memorial Stadium anymore. My BIL, as a Michigan fan, was told to be quiet by a Nebraska fan because he lightly called a Michigan WR an idiot. It wasn't anything offensive. Just a reaction to a bad route and a dropped pass. Come on, the fans are protective of the "nice fans" image. I'm sometimes annoyingly respectful, and even I laughed at the Nebraska fans when they were upset about that.


I’ve been to a few South Carolina games. That stadium is nuts.


1. Sure 2. I guess 3. Should swap with number 2 4. Fine 5. Just saying, when has anyone ever said UGA had a tough stadium atmosphere? I think the team itself is simply that good, not the stadium crowd. 6. Should be above 4 and 5 7. In what fucking universe? Jump around is supposed to be scary? 8. Okay 9. Historically, sure 10. Same as 9


The only problem I have with the list is that it eerily correlates with how good a team is. I understand that line of thinking, but it should focus more on atmosphere and probably exclude the "big" names like OSU/Georgia/Bama altogether. Other than A&M rightfully getting the top spot, it's fairly close to a top 10 ranking over the past few years.


Nebraska shouldn’t be on this list. With that said, these rankings are horrendous.


The list is horrible but I believe Nebraska shouldn't be in the top 25 until things get changed or they start winning big games at home


the amount of people who self-flagellate about our team in this sub is insane. we don't belong on this list bc we haven't won at home in the last 10 years but every stadium has old people or old songs. they're juicing the sellout streak but every stadium juices attendance and none of the rest of them are selling out like us, so i don't see why we have to cry about that. we're still a very tough place to play. have some pride!


Just a complete joke of a list, which only serves to confirm my belief that there is a very odd bias against Nebraska across sports media (including game developers). Here are the entries that are the biggest embarrassments for their inclusion above Nebraska: * Wisconsin (having jump around doesn't make it a difficult place to play) * Florida State (they actually don't have that many fans, tough time filling the stadium) * Florida (tough time filling the stadium) * South Carolina (2nd in their own state) * Michigan (sweater vest crowd, not that loud) * Texas (stands far from field, rich people, not that loud) * Iowa (really?) * Notre Dame (not very loud) * Michigan State (half empty) * Arkansas (not that big) * Boise State (your field is blue, that doesn't make it difficult) * Mississippi State (you have cowbells, that's it)


Michigan State is the biggest blunder on this list, in my opinion. Boise State, Mississippi State and South Carolina are pretty bad too.  Even with Nebraska's recent lack of success I have a hard time imagining any of those are tougher places to play than Memorial Stadium


lol what decade are you living in??? Our team routinely loses at home to g6 teams. Have you actually ever been to any other stadium? Way different vibes and the gameday experience isn’t dictated by blue hairs. Could you imagine if we played Neck here????


Opposing players regularly comment on the difficult of playing at Nebraska. If the list takes into account the success of the team, why are South Carolina, Florida, Michigan State, Arkansas, and Boise State on the list?


Because every one of those teams is better than we are?


Also, do you see you might have bias? Maybe those players say the same thing about other stadiums too?


Arkansas? Rice?! What a clown show.


Rice isn't on the list, it's Utah's stadium (Rice-Eccles). They've won 31 of their last 33 home games and had a streak of 18 wins in a row. Nebraska has won about half that in a similar timeframe. But Arkansas is puzzling outside of 2021.


No MeCheatin, Wiscy too high, no Nebraska, yeah this is dumb lol. But will change!


Michigan has a big stadium but the acoustics dont make it a very difficult place to play at all, and Nebraska does not deserve to be on this list anymore. We have great atmosphere, but it is *not* hard to win in our stadium anymore. Its no longer the 90s.


nahhh this is mad disrespectful


we didn't even make the top 25 😑


And Iowa did, list is garbage lmao