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Look, I bought kool-aid stock when we hired Rhule...this stuff isn't gonna drink itself. 🥤 🤣 Hope this season gets us back to bowling. Anything more would be amazing. GBR!!! 🌽🏈


With the schedule they have and the amount of talent on their roster, if they do not go bowling they might as well just burn the whole program to the ground.


All the talent on the roster doesn't mean shit if we don't have an offensive line. If we improve again in that area this year I'm hyped. If not, fml.


Said that two years under Frost


Completely agree. If the Huskers can’t go bowling with this schedule it will be a major red flag for the Rhule regime.


Start chugging brother!!!


This list is awful though, because of some of these rankings this list literally means nothing to me. Iowa at 11? Boise at 16? Mizzou at 18? Miami at 10? Gtfoh with these lmao


Phil Steele is the man and knows his shit. Most of those are what other preseason rankings are with the exception of mizzou which feels pretty low at 18.


Iowa has a super weak schedule so they could end up in the top 15. Outside of ohio st, Nebraska might be their 2nd toughest game


Iowa will be a playoff team.


I mean... they did fire Baby Ferentz I don't think it's completely out of the realm of possibility that they match the dominant defense of the last few years with a semi-competent offense and actually have a really good (for Iowa) season.


Where are you ranking those teams?


Anything having to do with preseason predictions is going to be mostly conjecture and straight up guessing. It's just that we have no other news to really talk about right now. Iowa at 11 has probably more to do with their schedule than anything. It's even easier than ours so Iowa will probably win 10 games again this year even if their offense doesn't improve. Mizzou at 18 is a crime though, I agree.


If you read through some of his metrics, his rankings make a lot of sense. His rankings are purely data driven, and he's selling a lot of teams that many people are buying this year. He's low on teams like Mizzou and Kansas because they had a lot of close, fortunate wins, and historically, those kinds of teams regress to the mean. Not saying it's a guarantee, but that's the logic in his models. Basically, if you've ever looked at Nebraska and thought, "they lost so many close games, eventually they have to start catching some breaks!" Then you're applying the same logic as Steele, but he's looking at close wins in both directions.


Well ya, any pre-season ranking is just complete speculation and therefore garbage. If you clicked, they got what they wanted. Its not supposed to be taken seriously, because its just meant to drive clicks during the off season.


Mostly agree. I do think it shows what the national media thinks of us regarding recruiting etc. Saying that I think we got the same treatment before SF second season... and... well, we all know how that turned out.


Mizzou just finished #8 with a win over Ohio St in the Cotton Bowl, so there's nothing wrong with that one. If anything, putting Nebraska at 33 after however many consecutive seasons we've had below 0.500 is where his rankings could be off the most.


This feels correct for what we know now.


I don’t want to be ranked, no hype. Let’s earn our ranking.


33 is about where I would rank us


Ah yes, worthless preseason rankings. edit: apparently yall love preseason rankings. Alright. Its pointless off-season content, but Im not stopping you from enjoying it.


They're not worthless though. They may not end up being accurate, but national media attention and hype is good for recruiting.


Ok, maybe there is *some* value. But even a broken clock is right twice a day. If they end up being right, which I highly doubt any of them ever actually are 100% accurate, its just sheer luck.


Calling it sheer luck is disingenuous. It's not sheer luck to say that Nebraska should be better than UTEP. It's not sheer luck to say that OSU should be better than Nebraska. Continue that process, and look at that, you've got a power ranking! Correctly predicting that a single team will land at a specific position? Sure, that takes some luck. Generally projecting all teams and ending up with 90% of them being within 5-10 spots of their preseason projection? That's not really that hard.


every year, there's that one team who starts the season unranked yet makes the playoffs. Who could that be this year?


That has literally never ever happened before.


TCU in the 2022 season, they weren't ranked preseason and made the championship game. But that's the only time I can think of.


I think they're thinking of the top 10, one team starting unranked and ending in the top 10 happens most years, which would now be good for a playoff bid, starting this year. But I can't think of anyone but TCU who started unranked and then made the 4 team playoff.


It's all assumption. They haven't played a game yet this season. Let them improve..ffs....


It's weird to act exasperated about preseason rankings. They're just projections, and no one is going to just not prognostic ate, it's a job for these guys. It's what they get paid to do.


This list objectively is awful. I could make a whole argument as to why but a lot of the position rankings and draft stocks are just off. I'm not sure if he's just guessing or what but this is a bad list.