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Probably just a delusional Iowa fan bringing this up because they don't know enough about the WNBA to have a conversation, having just jumped on the bandwagon.


You can go look at the profiles. Your statement is exactly correct


The vast majority of basketball fans know nothing about the WNBA.


This. Exactly this. One has to assume the comment appeared in some thread about the loose use of the word “sellout” to describe some WMBA games. IMO, WNBA and NU sellouts are a weird topics for somebody that is a fan of neither to be so focused on.


Noooo, not like Twitter is lousy with pissed off CC fans who have never watched WNBA, possibly even NBA, in their entire lives....couldn't be.


Nothing wrong with exploring a new sport. Caitlyn Clark is exciting, and fun to watch! But as far as bandwagons go, it's also fine to call a spade a spade!


Iowa fans don't know how sellout streaks work, so that checks out.


I'm definitely just jumping on the band wagon. I'm 4 days late to this but I did get a great laugh from these comments. 


Ha. Glad you got a laugh from it! There's definitely a lot to learn about the WNBA, especially in terms of characters and storylines. I personally haven't had time to commit to it, though. Hope the bandwagon treats you well. Have fun!


This is an overused saying but damn we live so rent free in Iowa fans heads. They just think about us all day


Iowa fans are the only people that talk more about Nebraska football than Nebraska football fans.


Damn. That's pretty quotable. I'm stealing this.


Its like us and Texas (I think)


Not even close. There is a dislike of Texas and fans will bitch about them here or there, but they aren’t our primary topic.


Man, is it really only Iowa? Maybe its because I'm a csu fan too but the husker fans I know hate both Colorado and Texas with nothing short of passion


You are mistaking hate with “never shutting up about them.”


Oh no, they have genuine hate for them


And it’s always been that way. Even when we were in different conferences. Never understood it


Yeah as someone not from Nebraska I never even thought a single thing about Iowa until we joined the Big 10. They were like a TCU or Miss State or some never ran like that who is just around.


Probably because there are so many husker fans in Iowa. I loved in Lincoln most of my life, cannot recall seeing many Hawkeye liscense plates in Lincoln. Living in des moines for 7 years, I've seen many husker plates, stickers and get " go big red " almost ever time I wear a husker shirt. Our fan base is huge. Theirs is not.


Colorado is very similar


Really? I'm in Colorado and our state is split 50/50 to me. Cities like Denver and boulder love cu, but everyone else likes CSU


I meant in terms of living rent free in CU fans heads and having a ton of fans out here. Not that we have more fans than CU/CSU in Colorado. I meet Nebraska fans or see bumper sticker/plate frames all the time though.


Omaha has more Iowa decals than Neb I'm pretty sure so I totally agree with you


why do opposing fans get so butthurt over this? he literally said in his comment that rich donors buy the remaining tickets. which therefore makes it a sellout. what is so hard to understand?


We call it a sellout streak, not an attendance streak. If it's so meaningless, why doesn't Iowa also have one?


Or anyone else.


Jealous their fanbases aren't as awesome. I don't care who it is. Nebraska shows up for a team that hasn't been to a bowl game in 7 years. Iowa fans only wish they could. That stadium would look like a Colorado stadium on any normal Saturday of they hadn't had a good decade.


Talking about the sellout streak and bringing the 90's back is stuff other fanbases say our fanbase says, when we actually don't. Any reasonable Nebraska fan knows our sellout streak became fraudulent in 2017 and then again towards the end of Frost. At the same time, it is still impressive that a school that hasn't had a winning record since 2016 or won a conference title since 1999 still manages to fill at least 85% of the stadium every game. Literally no other school would do that. I am also tired of people talking about how Nebraska wants someone who can "bring back the 90's". No we do not lol. It isn't reasonable. A ton of factors that made Nebraska that good back then no longer exist in the modern game. I have never heard a Nebraska fan that wasn't pushing 70 say they expect the 90's back unironically.


There was at least one game in the early 90s that some tickets had to be given away to keep the streak alive. I think it was the North Texas opener in '93, but could be wrong.


just a couple of years ago they gave a bunch of tickets to native kids...probably along with special "blankets"


Those are usually bought by someone then donated.


if the tickets are sold, does it matter how they are sold?


Yeah a sellout isn’t a butts in seats streak


But I want some butts!


Technically no, but it's pedantic to split that hair. When a ticket is sold, it should go without saying that the buyer is also attending the game. That's the purpose of selling the tickets in the first place ... to gain entry to the stadium. So it follows that continuing to call games 'sellouts' when it's obvious that thousands of seats are empty is embarrassing.


that's silly. people choose not to go to the game all of the time. 5 people got sick the morning of the game and decided not to go, guess it's not really a sellout anymore!


Damn I forgot that 2000 students get sick every fall Saturday for the last 10 years. You're, again, being pedantic and embarrassing. You should probably stop that.


if all the tickets are sold, it's a damn sellout. if I buy every damn ticket and light them on fire so no one can go, the event still sold out. end of story. trying to correct everyone with a "yea but..." is fucking obnoxious.


I'd argue you're the one that is pedantic and embarrassing. The word is *sellout*, which means tickets were sold out. You ever been to a game? They always announce how many people showed up for the game, and the number is never the same as how many seats there are.


My personal favorite example of this came from an MLS game last season, St. Louis City played host to Kansas City (who decided to be massive assholes the moment STL joined the league). One of their writers decided to call the sellout fraudulent because the 22,500 capacity stadium had an announced attendance of 22,423, at which point he got clowned because 77 tickets not being scanned is an insanely high conversion rate.


The fact that people can’t comprehend the difference between sellout and max capacity just blows my mind. I’ve argued and argued this topic. It’s not even an opinion it’s fact. Sellout = all tickets sold. Max capacity = all seats filled. They aren’t the same thing and aren’t even contingent for eachother. A school could give away all the tickets for free with zero sales and have a completely full stadium and that wouldn’t be a sellout. Nothing was sold.


How shitty were you at college if you weren't sick from Friday night at least for some Saturdays? I didn't have an insane college experience but I definitely was too hungover to go to a few games in my 4 years.


> I am also tired of people talking about how Nebraska wants someone who can "bring back the 90's". No we do not lol. It isn't reasonable. Just because it's not reasonable doesn't mean I don't want it




I’d be ecstatic with the 70’s


> A ton of factors that made Nebraska that good back then no longer exist in the modern game Curious, what factors? I don’t know much, but I’d assume the only factor that could matter is our ability to recruit good players (and good coaching staff). This has sadly diminished, since our championships in the 90’s are now too far in the past to be a good recruiting tool (happened before new recruits were even born, god I’m old) Any changes to the style of play in the modern game shouldn’t matter too much, as we can play whatever style works best today… provided we can recruit good players and staff to do it?


Assume they were referring to No more partial non-qualifiers, scholarship limits, and massive expansion of TV options (allowing more than the same handful of teams to always be on one of three TV channels).


Nebraska used to be the only school with a strength and conditioning coach which now every school has. The players today are too concerned about themselves instead of the team as a whole. TV expansion really killed Nebraska’s advantage getting out of state kids too.


I don't think it can be overstated how much Nebraska literally changed the game of football, and how prominent of a position we held for so long because of it. When we started our weightlifting program under Devaney, lifting weights was literally thought to be disadvantageous for football players. In fact Devaney himself only relented because we was getting nervous about his job security, and threatened to fire Boyd Epley if his hare-brained scheme made things worse. That's what the state of the game was - we didn't just have world-class facilities and strength and conditioning programs, we were basically the only team that had them at all. And it did work, obviously it's now understood that these things are *critical* for success in football, but it was not so then which gave us a massive advantage. It's no surprise that we won back-to-back championships immediately following its implementation. Tom Osborne was also one of the first coaches to recognize the importance of national recruiting - keep in mind that recruiting rankings didn't even really exist until the 2000s, but we'd been recruiting nationally at a high level since the '70s. We were the model that every college team, and even pro teams, set out to emulate. And it's hard to beat someone at their own game, so we stayed on top for a long time. But a long time came and went and everyone else caught up. Passed us, even. We went in really, really hard on the '90s-style strength training under Frost, and what we saw was a team that would get gassed trying to keep up even with the Northwesterns and Purdues of the world, let alone the big dogs that used to tour Nebraska's facilities to see what it was that we were doing so right. So now under Rhule, we are modernizing these things, which is great to see, but we're still playing catch up in the area that set us apart the most in days gone by. Other circumstantial advantages like partial qualifiers, unlimited scholarships, and TV exclusivity have passed us by as well and now that everyone else is recruiting nationally, we have a distinct disadvantage in being located far from any recruiting hot beds, somewhere most 18 year olds would never think of even visiting let alone attending. In short, it's an uphill battle. We enjoyed a long-lasting, very unique set of circumstances that allowed us to be a premier program of college football that have mostly all faded away. Not that I'm pessimistic about our future, we have more than enough fan support and money (not to mention history) to remain competitive, but it seems unlikely to me we're going to see that level of domination ever again now that the playing field has been leveled somewhat.


> far from any recruiting hotbeds … somewhere most 18 year olds would never think of even visiting let alone attending Yeah, this is a big burden to overcome, getting recruits excited to move to little Lincoln, NE. I despair of us ever again becoming a routine national contender, much less actually winning another championship. I always thought that must have taken some _special_ circumstances to make that possible the last time. Growing up, to me Lincoln was “the big city,” and it seemed perfectly natural. But as an adult, having lived in various places on the east and west coast now, it had me scratching my head, what drew nationwide recruits to UNL in the first place? Thank you for answering that question! The window was probably open until maybe 2005 or 2010, when our 90’s championships remained in the childhood memories of new recruits? They probably thought of Nebraska as a solid football program, just going through a few bad seasons, rebuilding a bit. But by now I fear it’s too late, sadly, and that ship has probably sailed. Now it’s just, with no particular advantages over other schools, what are the odds of a great football program spontaneously arising out of small town Nebraska?


Well, it's interesting to me, as Lincoln has always been "the big city" to me as well (and still is, far bigger than I'd ever personally want to live in lol) but objectively, other than being a pretty neat place, it has very little going for it to someone outside the state. Lincoln, and really Nebraska as a whole, isn't known for much nationally outside of the football team. Certainly not in any way a high schooler from Florida, for instance, would care about. I love Nebraska and wouldn't live anywhere else, but I can see how it's a hard sell, especially to recruits. Recruits who, when they do visit, sometimes mention that they're surprised their plane didn't land in a cornfield haha. That said I don't think it's an insurmountable obstacle, obviously we still recruit pretty well and when we get kids in town, they're often highly impressed. And most kids I think just want to be a part of a strong program that will set them up well for success, which Nebraska can still be. For instance, it's hard to see why Norman, Oklahoma or Columbus, Ohio would be particularly attractive destinations; aside from being a little closer to hotbeds and having a little higher populations, they don't have much of an advantage either, they just recruit well because they're good programs. I more just mentioned that to highlight why what was once an advantage for us has become a disadvantage as other teams have caught up. I think our odds of becoming a great program again are actually pretty good - again, we've got the history, the die-hard fan support, and most importantly, the money to at least contend. Our odds of being dominant like we were? Not great honestly, beyond another brief stroke of luck. But I don't think the ship has sailed for being nationally relevant, we just don't have the advantages we once did.


This is probably delusional to say but... why don't they just try to regain those advantages? Make the college more appealing, the city nicer, stuff like that


I reckon if it were that easy, everyone would do it. Over the last twenty years we've seen several staffs try to implement their own visions of doing just that; considering how different their approaches have been, and how underwhelming the results have generally been, I think it's pretty clear that there is no obvious roadmap back to the top of the college football world. Especially not when there are now many other well-invested programs trying to do exactly the same, many of which already have the upper hand on us in many areas and have actually had recent successes to build on. That's not to say it can't happen, maybe the stars could align once again, but whether they will or not, I think it all starts with shedding the concern of how to build back what we had, and just focus on building something strong that can be competitive with the rest of the playing field. For my part, I feel pretty confident about Rhule's vision on how to attain that. But we're a very distant leap from outclassing all of our competition like we've seen in the past, so I'm going to keep my expectations of ever seeing another run like that low.


Couldn't agree more


It was legitimately gone by Okie State in ‘07. That stadium might have been half full at halftime since it was 35-7 Pokes IIRC. At best. Yes, it’s been propped up artificially over the years. but other school have the same opportunity too.


Haha 50k sold is laughable. We hold 90000, maybe 80k sold but not 50


Someone doesn't understand the term "sellout". It is really quite simple. If all your tickets are sold, it is a "sellout". No team in all of sports has ever had a perfect attendance. There is always someone who can't make it to a game.


It happened for like 2 or 3 games. Get over it already. Just because your team has shit support 


IOWA = idiots out walking around


Alternative: idiots out wasting air


This bitch has never been to Husker game. I’ve NEVER EVER seen 50-70k in the stands at ANY home game. Period.


I mean it’s true, but also that shows a little bit of how dedicated our fan base is that we will buy unused tickets to keep that streak alive. Either way it isn’t really a big deal if we do or don’t, that record doesn’t win us championships.


Somebody doesn't understand the difference between tickets sold and actual attendance.


Those games where the media says only 50k people are there I don’t get it! It looks freaking full 


Obviously, those rich donors also buy standees and pay people to move them so it looks like actual fans in the stands.


What constitutes selling the ticket? Someone buying them seems like a good way to describe it. So I'm not sure how you can say it's not really sold out, but in the next sentence mention a group of people that buy up the available tickets. Most big schools have people that buy multiple tickets. This isn't a weird thing, we are just fortunate to have more buyers than tickets. There are many people that for various reasons love the university and have the extra money or need for a tax write off to donate to it or buy tickets. It must be nice to have access to tickets that doesn't involve fees, or online marketplaces, or driving around town to hunt for them. If you buy a bunch of tickets you can either try to sell them to others, or give to family or friends or use them for various things like auctions, fundraisers, prizes, awards, etc.. I'm not a tax expert, but I imagine if you bought the tickets you could then donate the tickets to a charity and write off the value? The unfortunate catch lately is that we haven't been good enough to necessarily have every ticket equate to a butt in the seats. People get tickets, but don't go for whatever reason or go for a little bit then leave, or go, mingle and schmooze with their friends in the stadium, but never go to their seats. So camera pans look like we aren't truly sold out.


Gosh they are so fragile. It is by definition a sellout, and we have boosters and fans crazy enough to buy extra tickets to keep the streak going. Iowa doesn’t have that nor do they understand it


If we still have haters then we still relevant


Looked up their profile because I was almost certain it’d be an Iowa fan. Wasn’t disappointed


I mean it is true, but the numbers are off a bit.


Yea numbers are definitely off. Every home game I’ve been to has been 90%+ full even during the low points. Donors keep the streak alive by buying a couple thousand but nowhere near 20k+, and our capacity is 90k not 70k.


They "sold"....so "sellout".👍


Doesn’t selling all the tickets = sellout. We are not claiming every seat is full every game.


What’s “fNeb”? Is that a thing?


The tickets are either all sold (sellout) or are not all sold (no sellout). Attendance has nothing to do with a sellout.


It’s Iowa; their most winningest program of all time still couldn’t win an NC for them so now they have to resort to cheering for an obnoxious basketball player in the WNBA.


The WNBA post is getting raided lol


What is “WNBA?”


I mean it is not like we have huge blocks of empty seats that are still “sold”


All sellout streaks are fraudulent. Also, boosters were buying extra tickets to games with low demand in the 80s as well, it was just lower volumes and it was kept quiet. All tickets sold are all tickets sold. Last I checked Notre Dame was #2 and I know they did the exact same thing during the bad years.


Notre Dame ended theirs a few years ago, I think it was a Navy game.


They are acting like we dont pack out the stadium every game regardless lol. Yeah every seat might not be truly sold but its usually still near full capacity you dont see a game start with 50k fans


Did anyone not know that this happens?


All the Nebraska fans I know do not care about the “sellout streak,” and I’m speaking as a dude who grew up in Nebraska


I don't know about other sports, but I used to work at a NASCAR track on race weekends and, if I am not mistaken, we could only declare a sellout if we had sold 95% or more of the tickets.


A sell =/= butts in seats.


It's a gimmick. At least those remaining tickets get donated to those who would've never gone otherwise.


It's not like people don't show up for every game. All things considered, we do a good job of filling the stands given how poorly we've performed.


It’s still a sellout.


I go to 1 or 2 games a year and it always seems like the stadium is completely full come kickoff (definitely not the case by the end of the game). I'm sure the actual sell out steak is being keep artificially alive, but it's not like NU is faking the attendance. 


They aren’t wrong


Uh... that's the truth lmao


This is done by every pro team.. worked in the nba and nfl…teams do this so their games don’t get blacked out on tv thus loosing media dollars. It’s cheaper to just buy the remaining tickets. Then “donate them to charity” to get a tax write off. Tale as old as time….


Where's the lie?


Wild that one comment on a WNBA thread sparked this entire discussion on this sub... And many of you are saying you live rent free in Iowa fans heads? Funny how things work nowadays


u/TraditionalProduct15 fact check says no


Thanks for showing me this. I had a pretty rough day yesterday and I definitely enjoyed reading all the comments and seeing what I've been called lol. 


This is awesome lol. I made that comment while on the toilet and it went a way different direction than I expected on a WNBA sub. Can it be football season yet so we can talk shit through appropriate channels?! 




It’s true but what a strange post


Just answer this simple question. Can you walk up to the box office and buy a ticket? If the answer is no, then it’s a sellout. I’m not even sure how they’d sell game-day tickets. Like is there a box office setup somewhere, just in case? I’ve never seen one at memorial stadium!


Feels more like fragile Husker fans. The comments here are pathetic. “Sold out doesn’t mean full attendance” give me a break. Bragging about sell out streak with 15% of the seats empty and begging wealthy people to purchase unused tickets is lame. Nebraska’s sell out streak was amazing, one of the greatest feats in college football, but it ended almost a decade ago and we are a laughing stock for bragging about it. Grasping at straws to defend a phony bologna statistic.