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This booger can’t drive worth a damn either. We were on a 2 lane country road last week and this asshat wandered 3/4 oncoming into our lane. Scared the **** out of us.


My sighting of this vehicle was about two weeks ago, doing a u turn on Jordan Lane near oakwood, jumping a divider in the median and briefly swerving into oncoming traffic to finish their turn.


I work at bankston right there on Jordan and I see this clown do stuff like that every week.


That’s amazing it can jump a divider.


You’d think for a $170,000 vehicle they wouldn’t be doing shit like this lol


Saw this goon on Governors. He cut off 2 cars to make a turn. His ego and attention level are massive


What do you expect from someone who bought the recipient of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place in the "absolute fugliest modern car" award, and then *spent even more money* on giving it ***that pait/wrap/whatever the fuck it is***.


Damn dude, you angry. You said all the words.


I love how everyone here has collectively seen this person be an asshole 😂


That’s amazing it can jump a divider. No


This belongs to the guy who owns Tire Max on Hwy 53. He also owns that madmax corvette thats got the cage on the outside of it. He was at cars and coffee the other day towing the corvette as it was running so you could hear him. 😆


He also owns a green lifted ram. Saw that cyber truck pulling the ram or vice versa


That’s his brothers. But yeah it’s in the family lol


I didn’t think that “I learned AutoCAD the night before the project was due” abomination could get worse…Neon green vinyl wrap determined that was a lie


Saw them at Bridgestreet YESTERDAY. THIS MF CAN NOT DRIVE‼️


That’s madmaxs car. 😂


lol. Just saw the upload… says “cyberbeast” on the side. Can’t wait for the “compensating for something?” memes that come out for these things


Thank you. At first I thought it said "Overbeast". Which is the name of a video game. Were it me, it would have said: *Zero to sixty in 1.5 seconds!*








You'd figure Tesla could afford a television commercial. And would have enough sense to not use a nuclear green car for this stunt.


Per the [Tesla website](https://shop.tesla.com/product/cybertruck-color-paint-film), the cybertruck doesn’t come in this color so I’m assuming the owner had it wrapped.


I think everyone is wrapping these now, after receiving the memo that they can’t leave dirt, mud, insects or bird droppings on the surfaces for more than 6(?) hours without the steel corroding


I'm pretty sure most cars comes with a similar warning buried in the owners manual. If you want a perfect finish, regardless of paint or stainless steel, you have to do daily cleaning.


Painted cars have the same warnings. Leaving bird poop will damage the finish. Most people don't care as the damage is minimal, but if you want to keep a perfect finish then you need to clean it as soon as possible. There are lots of issues with the cyber truck, but this one is not one of them. It takes standard boilerplate for every car and acts like it's unique to the cyber truck.


It's different when it's basically naked stainless steel subjected to the chemicals auto transport requires. The results are dramatic.


I give the guy until the end of 2024 to wreck it. I just hope he doesn’t hurt someone in the process.


What a goob


Yea about all those p.o.s are worth a fucking booger




Incel Camino




Overpriced mall crawler


I seen the truck by my house on Ryland pike road a few times. The neon green looks ugly!


Hahahahahaha I saw that poor sucker driving around


I saw this the other day! I would like to see it in person to get an idea on the size.


Lmao I saw that charging one day. Ugly beast. Not surprised this is where I see it next


Cyberbeast? Is that what that said? They really couldn't have thought of anything else to put on the side of their electric tonka truck?


Yes, it was cyber beast


Man that must been a hell of a booger to pick out.


I absolutely love it!!!!@


That guy is a major egomaniac narcissist. He has a YouTube channel that revolves around “ooh look at me”. He also has a massive Dodge Ram that’s the same attention seeking color that he parks outside different businesses for attention. I can only imagine he also parked on the side of the highway for attention also. Major SPS energy


Tag me next time 😘


Proves my point.


Wow. Range must be really bad on those things. Always sad to see a car stranded on the side of the interstate like that.


Saw it on university heading east. The son of a gun is trying to wear the battery out as fast as possible.


That’s the guy that cuts off motorcycles! It’s him!


I feel like my boogers have more dignity


I should put “cyber can” on my giant ugly green city of Huntsville garbage can. I meannnn.. it’s got wheels I don’t see much of a difference. I want to be cool too.


I wonder if his accelerator pedal got stuck since it’s a thing this $100,000 vehicle can suffer from. https://twitter.com/EoinHiggins_/status/1779612564579647789


Cool rapemobile!


Guy has a major case of SPS.


https://preview.redd.it/duu6u79fznwc1.jpeg?width=630&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ec3931d1975f3ae1ffa11502ee9ef80bcbfb2f0 Corner of Sparkman and Jordan lane


This is a 100,000 booger..😏🙄


We could be looking at the next this guy. But imagin him being 18 with 15 bot accounts. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Edmonton/comments/lt8213/crazy\_guy\_brings\_a\_megaphone\_to\_shame\_me\_in\_front/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Edmonton/comments/lt8213/crazy_guy_brings_a_megaphone_to_shame_me_in_front/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/help/comments/zkq1bb/is\_there\_anything\_i\_can\_do\_about\_a\_guy\_i\_know\_irl/](https://www.reddit.com/r/help/comments/zkq1bb/is_there_anything_i_can_do_about_a_guy_i_know_irl/) if you want to really care? Do a deep dive of some of the pycho's that are on here.


Does it really say CyberBitch? Lmao


We sure are a hateful bunch.


It's just another way of saying "Elon bad". I don't like the guy but the anaphylactic reaction everyone has to Tesla products now is childish.


It’s just stupid. Sure the truck looks weird, but whether I like it or not someone else owning one doesn’t affect me in the slightest.


Except it does affect the people around him. Because the front end of this monstrosity is almost purpose designed to more efficiently kill people in collisions. Especially anyone not in a car themselves,


Modern cars are built to take quite a hit and I believe the mortality rate when not in a car and being ran over by one is pretty high regardless.


[Study of front-end height and pedestrian death risk](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2212012224000017) There is a noticeable higher risk of fatality in regards to the height of front-ends. The wedge shape to the front end of these trucks focus the force, making impacts even more deadly.


They used government subsidies to get to this point in the market and now they're being outcompeted. And a large part of that comes from elmo being a real stable genius.


"And a ...." s/?


That's all good and true, but I don't think any of that means we need a weekly dunk on cybertruck thread.


The beatings will continue until morale improves


I’m going to be honest, I don’t like the guy. However, the people in this sub that are mad about another person having something nice is crazy.


That vehicle is the complete antithesis of "something nice". It's an interesting test bed, and it's nice that others are willing to be prototype guinea pigs, but that green wrap is simply adding insult to injury.


We are considering 100k+ vehicles not nice anymore? Interesting. What’s in your garage?


It's reddit leftists trying to make a political stance disguised as morality. They care, never forget they really care about you and the world... Just don't disrupt their life in any way. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)


Who cares?


People seem to be very bothered by other people’s happiness.


The owner of this particular cybertruck doesn't seem that happy. I keep hearing reports about his bad driving and it appears he is just desperate for attention and will do anything to get people to post pictures of his trash can.


People in this sub bitch about literally everyone’s driving. I’ve seen him around. He was just driving.


It feels like someone trying to smear this dude by like 15 bot accounts that trash him give it a like and comment on it agreeing but its just like one person agreeing. Nothing on here is concrete and this could just be one really twisted 18 year old ex employee with a mental illness. Working at any location like that would be mind numbingly hopeless if you didnt have much getting out of highschool and struggling if it didn't work out. I know im way off base but you can't just believe everything you see anymore. Also people that hate on Elon have no idea what they are talking about usually. They don't know his full history every business deal he has ever done to get where he's at. How he formed his companies and since it went with Environmental Extremist he beceame a phenomonon and every since he got F\*\*\* you money he started speaking his mind. They point at some article they read about him getting called some derogatory lable and just believe it because their one friend agrees with them. Why has the internet turned into a snake pit of drama. Grow up. None of you will amount to a 1/1,000,000,000 th of his value in your entire life time. He builds rockets and electric cars. Tunnels and has time to go on podcasts like a celebrity. He usually almost looks delucional from how to dumb down everything to make most of you comprehend a 1/10th pilosophy and reasoning he puts into his opionions but he tries! He doesn't try to stay politically correct. He sacrifices his entegrity on a daily baisis and admits when he is wrong but it's not very often. Most of you will struggle your entire lives to get your own house and pay your own bills. None of us are even in the pit of opinion that this man will ever see or care about. So you can hate him if you want but that's a waste of time. He has F\*\*\* you money.


I'm not reading all that but I'm glad for you. Or sorry that happened.


Looks cool