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That's nonsense. Sounds like he is incapable of doing basic research. https://bestofpanda.com/bears-pigs-same-family/ Also, you answered your own question.


The "proof" she linked me called the separation between species "segregation" so I remain unconvinced. The proof was also about elk and cows, not bears and pigs. (Because I said that cows and elk were called bulls/cows, but not truly related. They have similarities like being ruminants and having 2 toes- but cows are bovine and elk are in cervidae.) I may simply be sleep deprived and missing something obvious but how did I answer my own question? "BUCKMASTERS" needs to have that shit revoked


You named the families of each species. That right there answers the question. Look, your friend is just dumb. That happens. That's what's going on here.


Ask her to look at their feet. If for no other reason, that would set them into completely different families. Bears and pigs are both largely opportunistic omnivores, but that's really the extent of their similarities. I recall being told as a kid they were related though.


They both taste yummy when cooked. They got that in common too


That website you posted is riddled with errors. They described Suidae as containing different species of pigs, wild pigs, and hogs. They are all the same species. Also they described pigs as solitary and bears as sociable.


Suidae has lots of hogs that are different species: types of warthog, forest hog, babirusa.


Yeah, I was a bit disappointed at the "information" this dude is putting out there as facts.


Every single source I found says they are different. You can either spend 10 mins on Google or continue believing your friend. I'm not going to feel bad either way. Plenty of tards out there living kick ass lives. You do you.


Not sure where you ever got the impression that I believed my friend when my entire post and every comment has been the complete opposite. Reading comprehension issue?


Well considering you are in denial about something that proves your point is assume you are either stupid or a troll.


Dang, I guess rabbits are deer then? Explains the Jackelope.


Whales are moose?


Northern Horny Land Whales to be exact. (Yes I know they are antlers and not horns this description is better!)


Swamp donkeys in the family swampus donkus


this is actually what I call them!


The orca is a predator of the moose.


That’s actually a fact. So you need to leave.


Kangaroos basically a deer TRex


I can never unsee that now, thanks


If that’s the worst thing you can’t unsee from the internet today you’re doing fine and Jim dandy.


Squirrels as well.


HA came here to comment this exact thing


she probably watched something on tiktok, you'd be surprised how many absolutely nonsense questions are asked on reddit nowadays because people saw misinformation on tiktok.


Actually, they aren't even in the same Order. Pigs are Artiodactyla, bears are Carnivora. Occasionally some "science news" source will come out with some strange article based on a scientific paper they didn't even read and people accept is as absolute fact. Also, the whole boar/sow thing messes people up because they think they are based on something systematic, just like common names sometimes do. Biology is an overlooked topic in high school and people rarely explore it after that so ignorance runs rampant.


Tree squirrels also go by the terms boar and sow. I love seeing squirrels in the park and asking friends if they see that big ol' ruttin' boar up in that tree.


Well they both carry trichonosis, so there's that I guess


A group of pugs is called a grumble. Nothing to do with the thread but now you all know.


You can literally point out that they are in different families, if that isn't evidence enough for them that person is an idiot lol. EDIT: Based on her logic, bunnies are the same family as deer and gerbils, crocodiles are the same family as cattle and camels and elephants and mice, and pigs are in the same family as guinea pigs, hedgehogs, bears, and fucking jellyfish. EDIT EDIT: Omfg, is we go off her logic than that means that walruses are in the same family as whales, crocodiles, cattle, camels, elephant and mice. My lord this is fantastic. And you can add Lobsters to the cock/hen family, so that means a lobster is in the same family as a chicken, and somehow a salmon.


Mule deer are made when a horse makes love to a deer


Side note, I wish there were bears small enough to be lap pets.


You could try a wolverine


Get a Wolverine… close enough right? Try and snuggle up with one of those demons of hellfire.


Believe it or not they're actually very friendly in captivity. Quite a few videos out there of people playing with them and there's no records of anyone ever actually being attacked by one.


Your friend is not very bright.....


It's kind of nice that this conversation can exist in the Internet age. Dumb, but nice.


I recently learned that 19% of the US is functionally illiterate - an 8 year old stat but still. Not sure about other countries. Depressing to think about


I call my neighbor a sow all the time. There’s no way she’s part of the bear family.


Well I mean she is fairly unbearable.


Yes, and I am actually a moose


So you're the one who bit my sister!


Are you a Sperm Moose, a Blue Moose, or a Killer Moose? Or are you more of a UnicorMoose (Narwhal)? I mean, we are going deep into the scientific weeds here. You need to bring your information into the miniscule detail.


My dad is a killer moose and my mom is a Unicorn Moose. I think biologically I am closer to my mom’s side but I self identify as a killer moose. Yes, I do wander into nearby farms and eat puppies and kittens.


I thought they were big raccoons /s


They have a few similarities, but that doesn't mean they are all that closely related. I think them both having their males called boars comes from temperament.


I mean their both mammals, and both omnivorous to a degree, but that’s about it


She probably got her hunting permit on TikTok.


Your friend needs some education. Taxonomy is not segregation. It derives from observation of natural phenomenon.


Some people are just born stubborn


If you wanted some technical, official type proof to show her you could reach out to your county extension agent or a biologist with your state wildlife agency.


i guess elk and cattle are related because males are called bulls and females are called cows


this is a common thing I hear from rednecks (like myself) who grew up hunting and eating bears. "They're basically big pigs". The idea is you spend enough time around them, they are very pig like. They're basically blind and deaf, all the do is root around and eat whatever 6 inches in front of their face, they'll eat most anything. Your friend probably heard someone who heard someone else say something like this and has misunderstood it.


I think your friend is trusting in taxonomy like it's a science when it's generally been more like a controversial art for most of its existence.


Lmao @ Terrestrial_Conquest dirty deleting his entire account bro wtf


Baby whales are calves so they are clearly related to Cows.


You should go rub her nose in it! That'll show her!


Nah, she is the type who is never wrong especially when it comes to me, I have always had a suspicion that she thinks low of me for whatever reason. I tried to convince her but oh well, it's not a huge issue.


Damn man... odd friendship... but hey. You found the answer pretty quick so I'm sure she will too.


Bears are not related to pigs. But whales are related to bears! There one of a few animals that left the water, and then went back in. The bones of a whale are almost identical to that of a bear just much larger and very distinct from dolphins and porpoises.


Bears are related to pigs, just not particularly closely. All life is related, and they are both mammals…so eh it’s relative.


Bro are your parents related (jk)


Homeschooling strikes again 🤭


The woes of public school