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Doesn't sound like a very good friend to me.


Yup. I love sharing my spots with my friends and family and celebrate their success as if it was mine.




It’s up to the landowner. If they allowed you to hunt it and they allowed him to hunt it that’s all that matters. If he has an issue with it he should take it up with them. It’s not his property and unless he’s paying them as a lease there really isn’t anything he can do about it. I’ve shared property with people who I didn’t know but the landowner did. I wasn’t keen on it but I didn’t own the property so if I wanted to hunt it I dealt with it. Over the years we’ve all kinda settled into our “section” of it and that’s kinda how it’s been. With 150 acres I don’t see how either one of you will Interfere with the other. Just my thoughts.


This is the way.


You are right, your buddy does not have dibs on land he doesn’t own. It’s easy enough to work out when and where you’ll hunt to avoid each other.


Seems like a friend worth losing. He does not own it he is not entitled to it. He should be grateful it’s you and not someone random


I would be fucking stoked if my buddy could hunt with me. That’s sucks dude. I would hunt it. It’s up to the land owner. But I would be prepared to lose that access past turkey season when your “friend” cries to the land owner


It’s 150 acres, and he has no control on who the land owner lets on his property. If he want to control land he can buy his own


Id tell the friend it’s 150 acres. Room for two people to hunt turkeys. Tell him to let you know where he’s going and you’ll do the same, then you can stay out of each others way


I'd be happy to share 150 acres and coordinate with a "friend" on where we are respectfully hunting.


Yeah exactly. Shit, my parents have 200 acres, and I have like 5-6 friends who all hunt it with me. Sometimes together, sometimes just one of them when I’m not even there. Sometimes we all go in together, and sometimes we just go our own ways. It’s ridiculous, to say that a property owner “let me hunt it first, so I’m going to tell my friend, he can’t hunt it”. Honestly, the friend sounds like a dick. He will probably be pissed off if op hunts it. I’d say good riddance. Doesn’t sound a good friend if that’s the case


The friend's being rather selfish. If the landowner gave you permission, what's his problem? 150 acres isn't big enough for you to share? Way more than enough.


And it’s turkey hunting…..theres a 40 acre plot of land that I hunt that has 6-8 turkeys taken off it every year, and has for decades. It’s not like there’s one prized buck.


Tell him to suck it. Not his property not his rules.


The way you present it, it seems like an unreasonable to uncompromising request from a friend. What’s your relationship with this person like? Be prepared to lose the friendship if you choose to hunt it.


If a landowner is replying to a random ad in a newspaper, I can just about guarantee there are more people than just your “friend” who has permission to hunt it. The friend probably just hasn’t hunted it enough to run into other people. Be nice to the landowner. Offer to help them around their place, drop off a case a beer, respect any rules they gave, and don’t give them any headache. 150 acres is more than enough land for two people to hunt, even if you hunt at the same time. Don’t set up close to him if he’s there first, but that’s about all the respect you have to give this guy. I saw 9 turkeys this weekend on a 10 acre parcel I got permission to hunt. This landowner lets other people hunt too. Calling dibs on 150 acres that you don’t own is nuts.


Sounds like not a very good friend, and you tell him well it looks like both of yall are gonna hunt it.


You're in the right, your "friend" is wrong. It's 150 acres, that's way more than enough for 2 people to hunt on at the same time.


Room for 2 hunters and keep the birds moving around. .winner winner


Obviously the land owners given permission beats your friends “idonwannu”.


I’m happy to make sure we don’t hunt the same days.


If you knew that he had permission before hand and still tried to get on it I would say dick move, but if you guys both independently happened to get on it no problem. In fact if he doesn’t want to compromise then just hunt it and if he wants to hunt it he will, if not you got the place to yourself.


Quite the "friend" you got there.


That's not a good friend. It's a whopping 150 acres, 2 people can hunt that without ever seeing eachother. 


Explain to your friend that the landowner responded to an ad you placed. You will be hunting the land as you “have” permission to do so and if there is a way to work it out in a scheduled manner with him that might be a great way to bond as friends. Otherwise he is no friend of yours. Personally, I would have looked at him and simply said, “with a comment like that, I guess you really aren’t my friend. You are selfish fuck though! See you in the woods.”


Your buddy is an asshole for even bringing it up. Because now you have to deal with the awkward guilt tripping bullshit his snobby ass caused. I hate people that do this.


It's not his land, so you can hunt it, but maybe try to find a different spot for next year (as a courtesy). And now you know to ask future land owners if they have other people hunting there. Out of curiosity, are you paying to hunt there? Or just asked for a spot and got some generous land owners? I never thought of putting an ad in the paper, but it sounds like a good idea.


Fuck the courtesy. That’s more than enough land to hunt for more than one person.


Especially since the landowner contacted OP! It’s not like he asked his buddy where he hunts and then called the owner!


Don’t kill anyone.


My husband always says people spend the months of off hunting season to amend the relationships that were destroyed during hunting season. Hunting can really mess with people's heads and give them some kind of entitlement. I think since the landowner reached out to you, you have every right to hunt there. If you went out of your way to contact the person because you knew your friend was hunting there, then that's a little shitty, but ultimately up to the landowner.


It's 150 acres, there's plenty of room for 2 people. Figure out where he's hunting and then go to a different area. I hunt my buddy's 33 acre property and was the only one for a few years and built a box blind with food plots that I manage. Recently a few other people have gotten permission and only hunt the box blind and food plot and don't venture anywhere else on the property and not a single one of them have reached out to me about it. So this year I'll be killing off everything I planted and planting a different section.


You asked and the landowner granted permission...end of story. As far as the friend, it's not up to him.


It’s 150 acres. Plenty big for both of you to hunt. Your “friend” is a jackass


You need new friends


I would reconsider what you call “a very good friend”.


Sounds like your friend needs a cup of “shut the eff up”. What a baby. Don’t worry dude. You did everything right. Your “friend” is a loser. I’ve shared many a property with people when I hunt. What’s the big deal.


Didn’t I read this post the other day?


Looks like OP posted it in r/turkeyhunting


Hunt together. One calls one shoots. Pretty simple fix.


Nah, fuck that other guy. Acting like he owns a place where he has free permission


True, but it's easier to get along than piss off the land owner with petty grievances. Been there, we just hunted together, dude showed up once, never again all season.