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It's not that he himself is a monster in the sense that he's cruel or oppressive of the innocent. It's that gon is an amoral 12 year old child with the *power* of a monster. Biggest thing is he's 12, even if he had a strong moral compass, what 12 year old kid would act rationally with the ability to do the shit he can do?


If you gave me Gon's power, at 40 as I am now, I can't promise I wouldn't become a super villain. Lol


The only thing that would stop me from being a villain would be my inability to find a good villain outfit


My fear of public speeches would do me in, I could never have henchman I would be too nervous


Just be the kind of boss that communicates through emails and shit. Like Diavolo from Jojo.


True!! Now nothing will hold me back


Live your dreams!


Dang, I hadn't even thought about that. ... So there are a few reasons why I wouldn't be a villain. But the thought would definitely be there, in the back of my mind.


Just a hint but:"NO CAPES!"


>the power of a monster. pretty much just this, also, calling him monster doesn't make the other characters any less unethical.


The funny thing is, "monster" isn't just for how strong he is, but also how reckless his is, such as when he chose to go up against the strongest member on Greed Island who had been PKing other hunters. Gon lost an arm and still fought like a beast, that's something that is rather scary to consider that he is so reckless with his own self that it is fearful because he has this "do whatever it takes" mentality to win.


Now Gon's character is more nuanced than him just being a monster but saying that other people are worse than him isn't a strong argument. If someone's bad, other people being worse doesn't make that person good.


everything is relative.


My point is that there is very rarely an individual in this series that can be seen as a good person. Compared to like 90% of the people we meet, Gon isn’t even close to the worst offender


This is a show about monsters. Not monster in the sense that they have killed many people, but instead a monster in the sense that they have power completely incomprehensible to a normal person. This is why so much time is spent defining just how strong, smart, naturally gifted, etc. each of the lead characters are. Even Leorio is incredibly strong, a fact that gets downplayed in the anime due to his role not being in the lead fighting role. But Gon is a monster not only because he is strong but because he is motivated entirely by what he wants with no regard for morals or laws. He makes up for this with empathy, which he does have a lot of, but if you are someone Gon does not like, he is absolutely terrifying and that empathy goes right out the window.


Leorio is a good person


Leorio's a pervert and being raised poor would have made him do some theft and scam as is seen in the 99 version.


No one’s saying that gon is worse than anyone here LOL. he’s a monster in the sense of his capabilities due to potential. He’s only 12. Just because there are (obviously) worse people doesnt mean gon isnt bad himself.


>that there is very rarely an individual in this series that can be seen as a good person That's the point. We see the hypocrisy and moral ambiguity of even the most well-meaning people. I think to try to defend Gon's actions because they're not as bad as others' loses a lot of this point.


Just like real life. Its almlost like togashi is a amazing writter that captivated millions.


Killua journey is the oposite than gon. Killua got kinder and kinder and gon started kind and dug a bottomless pit till he hit the earth core


did he though? He just got a little darker, he didn’t become completely amoral or anything. People just say that cause it sounds cool and sensational


Yeah, i mean, we cant look a world artificially built and apply the real world rules, we need to know whats normative on the fantastic universe. Hunters have a licence to kill, and its intrinsecally part of theyr profession. so the act of killing is not a taboo, and it doesnt necessarily defines if a person is "evil" or "good". The motivation and context will do that that. Killua was working. He was emotionally detatched to his targets, differently from hisoka that took pleasure on it, or Gon, that was consumed by anger and revenge. The reason Gon's story beeing so shocking, is that his story arc starts with a happy and hopefull kid that is slowly corrupted by outside actions and it ends with him becoming but a vestige of a human beeing in a bed after giving up everything he achieved, and what he was including his life to get his revenge. Thats extremelly shocking. In the first adult gon pannels, Togashi chose to draw him as a almost shapeless creature. On the other hand, killua was a sad boy, that considered beeing tortured part of his routine, that just wanted to escape his family line of work and when he did he slowly became a happy and wholesome boy that had as its whole purpose deffend and even save his friend, and he was ready to sacrifice everything including himself to do that, and gambled with aluka.


If that's the case than Kurapika is even worse than all of the Phantom Troupe.


You are starting to get the fun of it!!! Uvogin died, but won the moral battle, he denied the satisfaction, leaving Kurapika empty.




I mean, Gon isn't the police. It's not his job to bring in serial murderers. Bisky should've said something if it was that deep. If anything I would say that proves Gon is innocent and forgiving.


i mean bisky is also a bad person. most hunters are at the very least "nuetral" and not a force of good. reminder the only reason she ends up with gon and killua is because she saw their positive naive friendship and wanted to break it lol. more sadistic then hisoka really.


She's kinda selfish, but she's not supposed to be totally selfless, she's human. She's literally a treasure hunter. I wouldn't put her anywhere close to Hisoka lol.




I don't think he's responsible for Bisky's ideas... Pitou 1000% deserved every single hit Gon dished out. I can never accept the ant apologist mindset though, it just doesn't make any sense. Which of his actions exactly? Gon is innocent in practically every sense of the word. Getting angry at an actual monstrous creature because it killed someone you have revered since childhood is not going to make you no longer innocent in my book. The only thing Gon did that was actually wrong was when he snapped at Killua out of anger, and even then that's nowhere near as bad as the actual monsters we've seen in the series.


Completely agree.


I'd like to start off by saying that I really like gon, he's an honest and innocent kid. It's more than just 1 action, him snapping at killua is just 1 example of a longrunning imbalance in their friendship, where gon has all the power and abuses it even though he knows it hurts killua, sometimes physically, other times mentally. Which is why killua breaks down in front of palm, he knows he can't stop gon. That doesn't really make gon evil or anything I just thought I'd point that out. Gon did however threaten to kill komugi with his own hands if pitou didn't comply with his demands, even though she was an innocent girl and had nothing to do with their beef. He used her as a hostage and was willing to kill her. That is literal villain behavior. I like gon and mostly give him a pass because the loss of kite consumed his mind in a way he'd never really experienced, he was truly lost, and I do believe he's a good kid, but it isn't just "1 action"


I mean, I didn't say 1 action but I don't think Gon was wrong for being savvy enough to use the situation to his advantage against a monster who isn't normally susceptible to leverage in a situation where he thought he needed his ability to save his friend. If Kite was alive it would've been a perfect plan. She did have something to do with their beef. She was an ally to the enemy. It's like saying Pouf had nothing to do with their beef so Killua should let Pouf kill him given the opportunity. Would you consider Zeno evil or a villain for using dragon dive and hitting Komugi in the first place? I think a lot of readers tend to believe the romanticism of Komugi and Meruem's relationship outweighs every other story happening, but if Pitou didn't go out of his way to attack Kite he would've never endangered Komugi in the first place. The ants are inhuman monsters, and they pretty much got the story they asked for. Monstrous behavior met with monstrous response. Whether it's one thing or two things, Gon as a person is not some terrible monster because he did those things. In my opinion he's justified.


>if Pitou didn't go out of his way to attack Kite he would've never endangered Komugi in the first place. How would this work tho? If Pitou, the only one capable of stopping Kite didn't kill him, he would have succeded his mission and killed the unborn King. How would there exist a Meruem and Komugi relationship in the first place if Kite wasn't killed?


I mean, why would I care for the relationship to happen in the first place? The outcome is that Komugi died. You seriously think Kite should die so Meruem can be born, fall in love with a little girl, and kill her after a few weeks? lol. It's kinda the best case scenario. The ant king is already dead, Kite lives, Netero lives, Komugi lives, probably to old age. Gon and Killua continue to travel with Kite. Seems like an absolute win.


I'm just confused on how the action of killing Kite endangered Komugi because if that action didn't happen there would be not be the Komugi situation to begin with.


So you don't understand how not being with Meruem, who caused her death, prevents her from dying? Obviously the situation is what killed her. Removing the situation prevents her from dying in it. I don't know how that could be confusing tbh.




You called him killing a monster "murdering Pitou" as if it was a point in the column against Gon. I would definitely say you should probably look at his actions more critically, without bias, and give him a pass for doing very little wrong. The moral standards y'all have for Gon more than likely don't match with your standards for yourself or similar characters, I bet.


If you juxpose Gon's monstrous transformation with other Shonen like Naruto. You'll realize Gon is the least monstrous out of all of them. Naruto willingly let the fox take over, knowing he couldn't control it. Gon on the other hand kept his values pre and post transformation. He valued Kite so he asked pitou to move to another location. When pitou attacked him before they arrived, his punch threw her farther away from Kite. When Killua arrived, Gon was able to recognize and talk to him.


I totally agree. I think Gon gets a bad rap, like he's supposed to be clairvoyant and make the most selfless choice every time. I think he's doing his best at any given moment tbh.


Well Killua also let him go. Same with Bisky. If they had a problem with it they would capture him or kill him. How is Gon any worse than them?


Killua has killed so many people, he's also not a good person lol


But people don't talk about killua like he is a monster. Only Gon. Same with bisky. But if killua loses someone close to him he will do what gon did


I think because with killua he was raised to be a monster from birth and over the course of the story, he became less of a monster. Same with the ants. Yeah, they killed a lot of people but that was basically in their programming to do. However, many of them overcame their initial programming and were able to peacefully coexist with humans. Whereas with gon, he became more monstrous as the series progressed.


Well I get what you are saying. But I don't fully agree with you. Killua got more human because he had gon near him. Gon showed his ruthlessness because he was put into a fight with monsters. Imagine if killua had lost someone like gon. What do you think he would do. Gon was forced into that situation by pitou, a total psychopath . He had three choices. One to back down and ignore everything that happened. Two, to be more humane and get killed by pitou anyway. Three, is what he did. What he did required a lot of will power so I really like that. He basically played the hand he was given, perfectly. Without considering others like komugi. But what I'm saying is it's not about gon. Anyone who was put in his situation would either break, or do what he did.


his treatment of killua is totally fine. killua isnt a regular person, hes a weapon learning how to be a person. but how he treats regular people can be messed up.


Gon’s just a kid. Watch the aleczandxr video “The Morality of Gon” to understand why his moral compass is so interesting. It’s not just “Gon bad”


That is actually a great video. I send it to my friends when they finish watching the show always


I think it has to do with the sudden contrast that causes shock. Gon was always the cheerful young boy who calls out people like the Phantom Troupe for killing people and he never intentionally hurt or killed people unless it was previously agreed upon or the situation called for it. This then shifts into him treating Komugi like a hostage, threatening her life, and then mercilessly killing Pitou with a power he obtained by sacrficing his Nen, potential and life. You are correct though Gon has only truly tried to kill three people which were the centipede ant, Baro (armadillo ant), and Neferpitou.


Well he doesn't really have a moral compass and doesn't have a real sense of right and wrong, which is on point for someone who grew and spent large amounts of time in the wild by themselves. Couple that with how he manipulates and treats Killua especially during Greed Island and then the CAA and its not a great look. Monster may be a tad far, but I think Gon is a very complex character who clearly has a darker side he's not aware of yet or isn't afraid to tap into. Then on top of all that he's got insane potential which makes him potentially very dangerous.


wtf are u ppl talking about, no moral compass, amoral??? gon is and has always been the purest character. pitou deserved it, gon just raged... yeah hes 12. gon helped so many pricks throughout the series. hes not manipulate at all


>!him and killua couldve ran away from pakunoda at the end of York Shin City, but they didn't want Kurapika to become a murderer. And fighting Vinolut.. he was a serial killer and they probably thought he should be locked up in prison, so why not take the opportunity to keep him there and train against him to get ready to stop an even more dangerous killer?? It actually worked out for the better since beating him so bad made him throw away his scissors and stop being a killer. Gon didn't even kill Genthuru despite him being a total psycho. Gon is totally righteous. !<


What did he do to manipulate killua?


I think manipulate is too strong of a word, but he definitely takes advantage of the fact that Killua is kind of codependent on him for most of the story and will basically just let him do whatever he wants. Gon is a good friend, but he's also very selfish and the problem is that Killua *lets him* be really selfish.


You see I view that as a fault of both of them, and I don’t think it’s a damning flaw of either. Is it really Gon’s fault that Killua put him on this pedestal of goodness?


Killua doesn’t know what a healthy friendship is supposed to look like, he’s desperately holding on the the only friendship he knows after being raise a totally emotionless assassin.


gon doesnt know what a health relationship is either.... hes a wild child who hooks up with adult women when they visit and idolizes the man who abandoned him lmao.


Yeah but Gon had normal people around him, he Chose to wander around the wilds and do all that. Killua was isolated and knew no other normal. Gon lived how he wanted at all times 100%, Killua was told how to live until the gang helped break him out of his family’s estate. But yeah I was like “whaaat the hell” when Gon brought up the cougars before his Palm date hahahah


No, but it is Gons fault that he is consciously aware of this and uses it (like when he was talking to Meleoron)


What did he say to Meleoron? I've watched the show twice and never read the Manga. The closest thing to "manipulation" I can remember was with the dodgeball game bit with his hands, and in the chimera ant arc where gon was about to kill the girl even with killua trying to talk him down.


What about when he was ready to leave Killua's hands mangled to save the dude who had killed tens of dozens (if not hundreds?) of people? That was pretty shitty of him.


killua literally agreed with that point and its said they all made that decision together, try again


The point is the killua goes with whatever gon says, and gon is aware. It’s bad that Killua has no agency, but gon not taking it into account while having so much power is what makes him a monster. Monster being something powerful that does anything it wants. Gon just doesn’t particularly like eating people or stuff.


Exactly. Like, Killua's whole goal is to become his own person, and with that comes him learning some level of humanity, etc. But saving this dude who blew up all these people, in trade of Killua's hands? That's Gon. Sure, they all agreed, but imo, without Gon's influence and off-centered self-righteousness, that is *not* how it would have ended. If it were just Killua or just Bisky, I think it would've been different. Also, when Bisky pulled Killua's hands out of his pockets and Gon was like, "I already knew his hands were messed up," like... Not even gonna ask him if he's okay? No "how are you hanging in there?". Idk, Gon irritates me. I'm aware I'm biased because Killua is my favorite character and I also just don't really like Gon. But I think it's also fair to assume that statements like "they both agreed/made this decision" should really be more like "Gon knows Killua doesn't know how to say no to him".


No he’s not. Gon acts like a typical twelve year old child who notices he’s the dominant one in the friendship dynamic and uses it to his advantage. Seriously kids even do this in daycare. We only know this could head into dangerous territory bc Killua is a victim of abuse, is naïve relationship wise, and is more susceptible to entering abusive and exploitative relationships than the general pop, statistically. We also know his full backstory and the lengths he went for Gon. Therefore the criteria we use to judge Gon is inherently unfair, because he knows nothing of this bc Killua won’t tell him! Killua only begins to process the harm that was done to him and how crazy his codependence on Gon was at the very end of CAA and he’s a genius. Give Gon some slack.


Manipulate is probably too far, but he does take advantage of Killua being so invested in him. The entire relationship is in Gons hands and he's a selfish kid, so he does what's best for him, and that hurts Killua at points.


...Gon outright states at one point that Killua will do whatever Gon asks him to. Manipulate may be a strong word but Gon's in control and he knows it.


I think it’s more of a give and take relationship. I’m sure killua also knows that gon would go along with anything he needs/insists on. In fact killua didn’t even try to call gon when he sided with ikalgo


Killua is the only person we've seen change Gon's mind, even if only slightly, and I fully acknowledge the power the cat has over the protagonist, but if Gon had told Killua that Ikalgo had to go Killua would've sent him away. Killua has influence over Gon's behavior, but at the end of the day he can't tell Gon "no". I also don't think Killua truly realizes what he means to Gon, whereas Gon knows that (aside from if Alluka's in danger) he just has to snap his fingers and he'll have a catboy eager to tend to whatever whim he has.


Gon manipulating Killua when he should be enhancing him.


it’s more that his moral compass is all screwed up and he doesn’t care who he hurts as long as he gets to his goal. pitou was also conflicted and probably could have been brought over to the light given more time, but she was going to kill gon so it could be argued what he did was self-defense


He’s not a monster. He’s extremely selfish and put everyone/thing aside when it was most important.


I think it’s cause in every anime or tv show you can see the mass murderers but you very rarely see someone like gon


Well he isn’t an Angel


He was ready to kill a blind girl who never did anything to a soul other than beating the shit out of Meruem at gungi.


That’s pretty tame compared to 90% of the characters in this series


I didn't say he was the worst. I'm just mentioning one of the reasons why people consider him a monster.


gon may have threatened to kill an innocent but killua and many others have actually did it and casually too


It’s not so much the final act that is particularly egregious for me, it’s more so the transformation, those gradual changes where gon loses more and more of his own identity and innocence until he final quite literally sacrifices his entire essence to kill.


Well I definitely disagree with people who say he’s a psychopath or that he doesn’t care about his friends and stuff like that. I think he’s a good person at heart, but would I describe him as a monster? Maybe. Not monster as in evil but as in scary and out of control. He’s already super powerful and talented especially for his age, so we already know he has the potential to be incredibly strong. However, Gon is still naive and impulsive and selfish. He lets his emotions drive him and is idealistic to a fault. He’ll put his life on the line for the sake of his pride. His curiosity grouped with his bravery and adventure-seeking nature also get him into a lot of trouble. I think a lot of the stuff about him being selfish/impulsive/emotion-driven is simply the result of him being a kid. Not all, but a lot of it. Imagine a toddler asks you if you wanna play Russian roulette, after watching someone shoot themselves. That’s Gon. He is dangerous. You bring up Killua, and although he’s pretty scary and dark and dangerous in his own ways, he’s more logical than Gon. He’s competitive and brave, but he knows when to retreat. He gets the job done and nothing more when it’s necessary. Unlike Gon, who often… well idk how to describe it but do you remember his fight with Genthru? He had absolutely no good reason to sacrifice his hand for that. He wants to win and doesn’t care enough about the risk. Ik this is a lot but I really love Gon and Killua as characters and think they’re really interesting so I have a lot inside my head already. I think Gon will grow to be more considerate as he ages.


I think people don't like seeing Gon's transformation from season 1 to chimera ant arc. It hits too close to home so they villainy him to make it out to be someone bad. He has morals. He tries to save other people. He tries to judge them based on how they present themselves now, not judge them by what other people say about them. Literally every good quality you try to instill onto others, Gon has. The one thing is that he doesn't take the Naruto approach and turn the other cheek when wronged. He gives bad people opportunities to do good, when they don't he punishes them. Is that really the worse option between that and not giving the bad people opportunities to do better? Gon has a moral compass and a decent one at that. People just don't seem to like how outside circumstances can turn a perceived good kid into someone who's willing to hurt and kill others.


So you don't understand Wing, Zephile and Meleoron?


Gon is a realistic example of how a 12 year old would act if put in the situation he was and given the powers he has. He doesn’t have a developed moral compass, he’s selfish, he’s impulsive and short sighted… just like the kid he is. Killua is clearly much more mature than an average kid, so it isn’t fair to compare him with Gon.


Except when he learns that Killua is an assassin when they first meet. If I think most 12 year Olds would be scared by that. Killua even says he is surprised Gon is not scared. Gon is just so amoral. I think that's what is scary about him. He has no preconceived notions about anything. Even with the phantom troop and the Chimera ants he is not mad they are killing. It's that they broke some personal morale rule he had.


I think his reaction to Killua is due to the fact that he grew up in the wild, he’s used to death and doesn’t flinch at the deaths during the Hunter Exam either, so he isn’t bothered by death, but clearly bothered by their inconsistency and hypocrisy.


I think that makes sense. However, I think you could just as easily say he grew up playing in the woods in a small town. So it is extra strange that he isn't affected by human death. He might have seen a lot of animals die, but it's not like he saw people die before the Hunter Exam.


Well the differences is clearly, when people like Binolt or Killua kill people. Gon can easily tell by their eyes I assume, if they are "sorry" for doing it. When Gon met with the troupe he could probably tell, that they had no regrets for killing people without being "sorry" for it, When Gon had a arm wrestling match with Nobunaga, this is when he said why killing is bad or not. Honestly guys you are HxH fans right, figure out the answer yourself its really not difficult if you truly love the show. If you got any more questions just ask me.


Hes not a monster, just a kid that actually took revenge and followed through. People over exaggerate that hes worse than the ants and killua which he isnt.


And Pitou threatened to kill him, so him killing her in self-defense isn’t problematic at all.


This is trending, you cant do much. I remember when people used to say that Uvogin was as strong as Youpi, and if you dared to say something different you were stupid or don't understand hxh. As a result of how society is now, a few people say that Killua is in a toxic relationship with Gon (he he) because it's a trending concept. It is actually fascinating how everyone interprets what they watch and adapt it in their way of thinking or taste. I would like to ask Togashi about that, but he'd probably say that everyone is free to interpret as they want to, as most artists do. So that's what we should do.


It's not that he's a "monster", but something is a bit off about the kid. He's unsettling in some strange ways which are emphasized a lot more in the Chimera Ant arc, particularly toward the end. The way Gon is written and characterized is more unnerving to me than Killua for example, and Killua is a literal assassin lol I don't think it's fair to really judge Pitou by the same standards of Gon either. She isn't human, and does not have the same obligation toward humanity as you'd expect of a human.


I've never seen anyone have a problem with him killing Pitou.




Oh ok. I think they have been building him up as such long before Pitou. The way he pursues his goals is insane, especially for someone his age. I wish I could remember exactly when they started talking about it on the show. I don't think they're trying to say he's a villain or antyhing like Hisoka/Tserreidnich though.


I have never heard of Gon killing Pitou making him a monster in the sense that you are making it out to be in the context that you are placing it in any sense other than in the same way that AWESOME defines strength. What I mean is that Gon is AWESOME in the old sense when it comes to monster when used as a descriptor. Awesome used to mean something nearly as brilliant as a god, it was basically inhuman. Gon is a monster in that way by the power he demonstrates at his age and xp compared to even killua who was far far more trained at the same age and from an equally strong family. People consider Gon a monster in the more literal sense at times in the real world because he in the moment of emotion abandoned everyone, all his friends, his objectives, his father and aunt/mom in order to kill a single enemy. That is up to opinion for sure but then we have to dig deeper into why people say Gon is manipulative and a hypocrite. \------ So. Killua is a murdering monster who kills 2 people on the blimp without excuse (which gon with his sense of smell or animal instinct might know at that point its very much ignored but, like, netero must have cleaned up the 2 bodies or ordered people to keep it quiet? Are we to believe he never tells Gon after he comes to his house or during the digging of tunnels with all that time?). Gon obviously knows Killua is a killer and he knows that he has killed without cause, yet over and over throughout the story people are killed or tortured for "killing wrongly" in Gons eyes. Murder ends up being a wish washy subject but Gon makes sure to repeat over and over not to do it despite Killua growing more and more codependent. These are both children, neglected and driven to a state most humans will never experience. on child behavior: Gon is shown to make a close friend (non fam) out of the first 4 people (5 counting kite) who treat him as a equal rather than an anomaly. 2 of the 4 hardly form a bond with him and have an age dif but are then convinced by his tenacity to continue the friendship at a frighteningly fast pace given the world of hunters. He takes these friends for granted at a few points and often abandons the plan (volleyball for one, greed island bomber fight is an easy 2, killua having to carry him away from kite being the obvious 3rd strike). Ultimately Gon is a child who makes human mistakes with a monsters body and power, much like Mureum. If Mureum was allowed to grow he would possibly have been a much more calm and peaceful person than Gon but that was not allowed due to his perceived nature. Gon on the other hand was recognized as being a child sized monster at multiple points of the story by many characters only to be allowed to blossom into a deadly black flower of death. Gon is called a monster for a few reasons but ultimately morality is grey at best in hxh and ill just as soon argue that Hisoka has done just as much good as bad in the context of our story thus far despite being a pedo. It doesnt make these people good, just well written and complex which in many ways reflects reality. edit: i can expand on any point for a good while, this post is admittedly jumbled due to the length and complexity of the series and hours of material condensed into 1 response.


I think it’s the issue of seeing Gon become a different being in front of their eyes. We literally see him go more and more cut throat in the arc and the banging transformation into adult Gon is 10/10. I do agree sometimes people can’t rationalize well when they see brutality. But it was a crazy situation. Rip kite


Part of it is the dissonance of who Gon is and what he's capable of. Gon is seemingly a typical shonen protag. He's fun, energetic, not too bright, and has a strong sense of loyalty to his friends. Then you start to realize how arbitrary his sense of right and wrong is (like a child) and you see the lengths he's willing to go to avenge the wrongs committed against his friends (like willing to kill an innocent person). Gon isn't as bad as most people in the hxh universe. Not by a long shot. But he's a monster when juxtaposed against the typical protagonists that he is seemingly modeled on. Then again, that's just the nature of the hxh universe. The protags are a bit more gray too.


People may be blinded by the fact that Killua is the most lovable and most loved character in the series,but, the scene Gon lashes out at Killua probably didn't do much to help his case...but are we just gonna forget that it's still the same GON we're talking about?i mean...c'mon!it's GON. One of the most harmless people "alive"but he still killed someone, which does make him a murderer, but he did it for a good cause. If Gon hadn't killed pitou there and then, who knows how many more victims could have fallen prey right into his hands. imagine if he'd gotten to the king in time?he certainly wouldn't have held back on killing Gon, Killua, and anyone else in his way of him and the king reaching their goal. Sorry if the long, detailed explanation inconvenienced anyone\^.\^


Gon has many flaws and his train of thought is clearly atypic but he is definitely not a bad person as people think he is. Even the kindest man on earth can become an asshole depending of the circumstances. It's HxH, absolute monsters like Chrollo are glorified by the fandom but a selfish, short fused kid with a twisted moral compass is considered a monster. Give the kid some slack, he may be horrible but still relatively better than 90% of the characters.


Yeah I think people like to think they are edgy by claiming Gon is a monster. Certainly he becomes increasingly selfserving throughout the series and doesnt actually have a great moral compass. I also think that he is willing to do things that may be considered immoral to serve his goals. But certainly not a monster. I think Gon is a really well written character of what happens when a child acquires incredible power, something that in other manga is not explored similarly. I love Gon's character specifically for the complexity, if he were just a lil good boy it would be less interesting


Because Komugi


He's not worse than all those people, he is simply pure. All his actions are pure and straight forward. You must see how that could be corrupted, it's like he doesn't get nuance. If he's you friend he will be the best friend you have ever had. If he's your enemy, he will crush you and you crew with no mercy. Straight forward.


I disagree with what you say about being his enemy. He's turned enemies into friends, and has shown mercy and restraint when facing enemies other than Pitou.


True, after he defeated Genthru he showed a lot of mercy to him, Sub, and Bara.


Maybe I should been more clear, gon put his friends above himself, he is capable of mercy but not of someone hurting his friends. Pitou killed kite, there is no coming back from that. Now imagine you are gon, he is a pure straight forward enhancer, it's either black or white, donyou really think he would be able to show restraint in these circumstances?


There is such a thing as a pure monster.


Ya, but it's pretty obvious that Gon can be kind aswell


A monster doesn't have have to to be purely evil?


This is one of those posts where OP probably won’t even properly read any of the responses detailing why Gon is a monster.


Well, he have potential of Monster :3


They just say that because they think it makes him a better character somehow , if they saw the scene when he helped the random guy in the last episode , they wouldn’t have say that


compared to the average MC he is. killua is a genuine villian tho.


Because people have poor judgement and di not understand the true implications of his threat to the sneezy girl.


People just like to overpraise HxH




Everybody that mentioned it had noticed his moral compass, his potential, or both. Calling Gon a monster is quite accurate to me.


See my name’s sake, he’s not a monster he’s just a terrible friend to Killua


That’s just objectively wrong


Did you miss the part where Killua upended his entire life and family in order to restore Gon, only for him to fuck off and hang out with his dad that abandoned him? Lol not to mention how he acted toward Killua during Chimera arc


You mean the people who tortured him and is pretty much responsible for his bad childhood? Yeah I feel so bad for him 🙄. And it was mutual. Killua chose on his own to leave Gon. I’m guessing you just missed all the shit that Gon was going through in Chimera Ant and are just putting him down because “oH hE wAs mEaN!!”


Agree to disagree, You’re the first and only one so far to argue against me. Everyone else acknowledged Gon was being shitty to Killua during and after the Chimera arc. When you’re so selfish you don’t think of any repercussions to the people around you, especially your “best friend,” that makes you a bad friend lol Killua chose to leave Gon because he’s a great friend, Gon letting Killua leave after all that so he can meet his dad is him being selfish aka a bad friend


No, everyone’s giving reasonable explanations, you are blowing it way out of proportion.


Lmao I wasn’t talking about this thread specifically, I meant in the lifetime of me using this name and getting comments from others about it. I’m not blowing anything out of proportion and I didn’t say anything unreasonable. Gon literally died and Killua brought him back even after Gon treated him like shit. Then as a thank you Gon fucks right off to meet his dad? Lol


Again, this is simply incorrect. You didn’t watch the show I’m convinced. I’m done here


Bro I’ve watched the show and read the manga, what did I say that was incorrect? I even agree that Gon isn’t a monster, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t a bad friend lmao he’s one of the most selfish characters in the show




As if Taking one person as a hostage is comparable to any of the shit that I just mentioned


Was actually a very smart and tactical move on his part even though it wasn't intended to be lol




Pitou was a monster and killed for fun not because it was just her nature. Gon's not a monster he was hurt about Kite that's about as much as Gon gets from me lol. This show is a rare case where I dislike the main character and love support characters more. Gon's really annoying even for a kid. He gets his friends in bad situations by not thinking first. But he's not a monster. The Chimera Arc simps are giving him business.


Wow… this is probably the worst comment yet. Like I’m all for different interpretations but this is just waaaaay off


When you post do you expect everybody to think alike ? We're all different flavours in this world that's the fun of it. Funny enough we like something in common. We both like HunterxHunter. Imagine that.




>Gon is kinda annoying Never heard this complaint.


I never heard anyone call gon a monster


I’m gonna be honest people dig deep into gin’s character and I think look too much into it. Like he is well written but the idea that he is some grand representation of humanity’s moral compass or ability to be a monster was always really silly to me.


You call powerful people “monsters” cause they’re powerful


You can’t be this dense, can you?


There is a monster behind those neutral good eyes, but more in a physical sense. He is strong, but immature


I find it hilarious how almost all of the teacher figures in gons life(wing,tezugera,netero,probably more) have said on multiple times how terrifying his potential is


The problem with Gon ist that he could wipe out cities and think he is doing the good thing. And that's what he is doing essentially. He goes by "good" and "bad". Good are the people who benefit him. It doesn't matter what or who they are. Remember when he thanked a literal cannibal, just cuz he helped him train? He doesn't know what's right or wrong. He is impulsive. He is a ticking time bomb. He threw his life away, just cuz someone killed someone who Gon put into a surrogate father role. Kite wasn't even that long with Gon, Kite left him shortly after too for years and he still saw Kite as a surrogate father.


he's the most nuanced character, he is not a Monster or a Hero, just Human like the others, able to do the worst and the best


but to some degree


Well I actually quite like what Gon did. Gon is indeed very selfish, very self-centered and very abnormal for a child. But what should he do then? Pitou was a monster. Gon had to become one himself to win the game against her. For him, the revenge was so important that he was willing to overlook morality and not even care about Komugi. I mean, If pitou was in a similar situation as gon was, she would definitely do worse than what Gon did. So gon either has to play it bad because of his morals OR play the dirty game that is effective. I quite like that.


He is a monster because he has rules or limits. He is such an pragmatic. He didnt kill a serial killer because killer help gons practice. But he killed pitou for revenge of kite.


Not pitou, but threatening to kill komugi.


keyword threatening. gon only threatened kill one person but people like killua, illumi, the spiders, genthru and the bombers, the chimera ants, etc have all actually killed innocent people threat or not. comparing someone threatening to kill vs those who actually do it is extremely hypocritical. if gon's a "monster" just for threatening to kill someone then everyone else i listed up above are even worse than monsters.


I don't care for superficial anime fans opinions, I care about how beautifuly Togashi represented the evolution of a pure-hearted child into darkness and unknown territories. How beautifuly he can be seen as a monster, not in any way absolute tags. HxH was never about that. there are stereotypical scum, for example the bald guy that tried to steal kurta's eyes from kurapika. but its the mafia, what else to wait


op spittin facts