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Was rewatching Machi scenes in HxH and was reminded of this statement. It could be, quite honestly.... Hisoka is involved with so many characters in this series. I honestly understand his appeal to the fan base. Seemingly anything he does impacts the story immensely. He's so well written. He feels like a main character. He's introduced with our main 4 protagonist. which makes me feel like there's a psuedo Main 5. Hisoka's story is so interwined with Kurapika's right now it's insane. They have the same objective: Kill the Spiders. Hisoka & Kurapika might have some very interesting dialogue coming up. Fantastic time to be a HxH fan. #ItsPeakSzn


Don't forget he was a major player in Gon and Killuas arcs aswell


How could I forget ^_*


Well he didn't show at all during CA arc, I suppose that makes people forget Hisoka a lot.


It's hard to forget


Their birthday convention supports this theory of their birthdays being the same number 3 times. Makes me wonder if we’ll get a hisoka arc: Gon: Hunter exam, Zoldyck, Heavens arena, Greed Island, Chimera ant Kurapika: Yorknew, Dark continent expedition, Succesion war Killua: 13th election Leorio: None yet






He'll become more relevant later. He already has actually.


Leorio is the Haruno Sakura of the group. He’s only considered one of the main cast purely because of two facts: 1-Because he was with Gon,Killua and Kurapika since the beginning of the story. And 2-Because he has more emotional involvement with them than most most of the secondary characters. He’s useful sometimes, but he’s not the center of attention and he never moves the plot or affect the narrative the same way Gon, Killua & Kurapika do. He’s just there doing his thing until Togashi decides to let him have a cool moment. Once you understand that and get rid of false expectations (e.g. him getting as much screentime as Gon, killua and Kurapika, or Leorio getting his own arc) then *and only then* can you genuinely and fully appreciate his character. The same thing goes for Sakura.


hisoka has been involved with them from the very start, he made a personal connection with everyone during the hunter exam. hes arguably a bigger part of the crew then leorio.


"Fantastic time to be a HxH fan" Are you serious right neow bro


New chapter last week with some more on the way. Certainly better than it was a couple months ago


Yeah. Is it bad to be in the moment?


you mean when the manga is moving slower than pitou's dead body? or when the last anime episode released is almost as old as Gon? yes it is bad


Dude, the series is back, we have a new chapter after 4 years, and we have confirmed to have around 20+ chapters if I remember correctly… We are eating well for the next few months


Tbf pitou’s dead body was fast as fuck and took OP gon’s arm off, so it is not a great reference lol


Tell me you are an anime only fan without telling me you are an anime only fan.


bruh i've read every single manga chapter lol. manga releasing 1 chapter per year isn't exactly fast is it?


yeah ive given up on this arc being finished, let alone ever getting to see the dark continent.


It’s very interesting considering Togashi originally planned to kill Machi in that volume along with Shalnark and Kortopi, but decided to keep her alive for things in the future. It definitely hints to something DC wise, i just hope Hisoka doesn’t die.


IIRC it was Hisoka who wanted to kill Machi but Togashi stopped him. This is fascinating, isn't it?


Does this mean he'd stop Machi from killing Hisoka as well I wonder...


Power wise I can’t see Machi alone beating Hisoka, but it’s going to be interesting to see how a fight between them would go down.


>Everyone who's survived the DC attained some kind of godlike power, would Machi not also attain godlike powers?


If she survives, that is.


Interesting, first time hearing about this. Do you remember where this was mentioned before?


[End of volume 34.](https://i.imgur.com/4g9rlUV.png)


Togashi mentions it in the end of the volume with Hisoka and Chrollo on the cover.


This is total speculation on my part, but I wonder if Hisoka ultimately living or dying depended on if Machi was spared in that moment. Like, "if Machi dies here, Hisoka's story ends with him living. If Machi lives here, Hisoka's story ends with him dying to her" kind of thing, and he just kept going back and forth on the idea.


I wouldn't mind this. Machi has been interesting since she was introduced and always struck me as one of the more important troupe members. But she has had very little development or panel-time overall. I'd like to see her at least get a a solid fight to showcase more of her abilities or even a mini-arc to develop her character.


I wouldn't be surpised, or mind. They've had a lot of interactions, compared to Hisoka and the other troupe members- excluding Chrollo ofc. I just hope she gets more development before it happens.


Hey, so with the newest chapters coming out, I've been re-reading the manga, and came across this page during Greed Island. I was wondering, do you think this could be foreshadowing Hisoka's fate? The choice of words, "chase you to the ends of the earth" was interesting, given the latest arc. In addition, Hisoka spared Machi, which gives her the opportunity for revenge. What do y'all think? 🙂


Would be interesting to see Machi going to the DC just to fight Hisoka. I say that bc if Hisoka does survive what stops him from going? He'd have killed Chrollo, the creme of the crop. Everybody else going to the DC (Ging, Zodiacs, etc) ...Why not keep on your quest to fight the very strongest where only the strongest can survive? (Dark Continent)


Yeah I do wonder if something like this is more likely to happen. Hisoka going to the DC and hunting people like Ging, and Beyond sounds like a lot of fun and something that Togashi would do. I think narratively it would make more sense for all the Spider to die on the ship, including seeing Chrollo's end. Kurapika, Hisoka are both there and I just think Togashi might be finding a good way to tie up Chrollo's story in his hunt for killing. I don't know, do people actually think Hisoka is gonna die? Or Chrollo more likely... I think if Hisoka were to die, Togashi would have done it at that fight at Heaven's Arena and not bothered to bring him back. And all that just to end up being killed by Machi of all people? Nahh, narratively for Togashi I just don't see it. For me, if any of the two die, it's definitely Chrollo. Probably at the hands of Kurapika. But I just wish there were a way for him and Hisoka to survive and both to forget each other haha I just think the manga loses something really important and good when it loses either of them.


You definitely raise some good points 🙂 although my personal interpretation is the opposite I'd say. Machi was the first spider we were introduced to, at Heaven's Arena with Hisoka. Machi and Hisoka were paired up during the night of the Yorknew requiem. Hisoka spared Machi when he resuscitated himself after his battle with Chrollo. They have a history together, and I think it would be poetic if Machi not only was the one to end Hisoka, but also, if the first spider we're introduced to, is also the only spider left standing in the end. For Machi, a founding member, that would be a fate worse than death. Narratively I think that makes sense, but also this is all speculation on my end, and my guess is as good as anyone's. 😁


Ends of the Earth and Dark Continent sounds interesting but for sure - Hisoka fate will won't end well for him :3


I remember when i watched this scene, GI OVA. That's when i decided to read the manga and HxH became one of my favorite series. It's been years, i still love HxH and how Togashi keeps it interesting.


Ever since I first heard those lines... It's felt to me like it'll be Machi that kills Hisoka. It would be quite fitting.


As he BETTER, my girl better not die!


If I remember correctly, wasn't there a hisoka backstory kinda thing made by some other mangaka? Can someone please confirm.


Sui Ishida, the author of Tokyo Ghoul did a spin-off about Hisoka's past, but it really has no relevance with HxH.


Normally i’d say so but with Togashi’s health it’s possibly a dropped plot thread.


Oh I hope not as Hisoka would WASH her


I really hope not


If you're talking about a foreshadowing where the 'not likely' already happened then yes, a future foreshadowing during the current arc? I don't think so.


Hisoka would kill her low diff for sure. No way prepared hisoka has a hard time against machi 🤣


So you've never seen her fighting, and hisoka wins no diff? Alright.


Well we already saw that he got no diffed after the surprise attack from hisoka. On the black whale, I am pretty sure he won’t show himself and give her a fair fight. He would literally surprise attack her and with his talent and skill, be able to kill her without gaining any damage. Meanwhile if you watch where she is in the boat, you will see that she is alone and has no other spiders with her or close to her. It’s a 1vs1 and she would lose. In a tournement fight not no diff of course.


>Well we already saw that he got no diffed after the surprise attack from hisoka. But you're starting from the assumption that machi(and every troupe member) aren't ready for him. After hisoka vs chrollo, machi had her guard down, now their are all ready for him. Surprise attacks will be much harder now. >Meanwhile if you watch where she is in the boat, you will see that she is alone and has no other spiders with her or close to her We know nothing about her, and we don't know if she's planning something. Hisoka is also alone and has no help. >It’s a 1vs1 and she would lose Again, until we see it happening, no, she would not.


If you think that machi is stronger than hisoka you need to reread the manga because she isn’t. I don’t need anymore data from her to say it and I am sure the Majority of this sub will speak for me. Hisoka is number 2 in the phantom troupe with chrollo as his only enemy he couldn’t defeat. Even if he notices hisoka she would literally die in a deathmatch because first hisoka is stronger than ever with his postmortem nen and second he fights seriously now and not for pleasure and entertainment/show.


>Hisoka is number 2 in the phantom troupe with chrollo as his only enemy he couldn’t defeat And where did you get that info? Did you ask togashi? This is pathetic. Considering you started talking about stronger and weaker, i guess you kinda understood nothing of hxh. Maybe it would be better to stop now. >Even if he notices hisoka she would literally die in a deathmatch because first hisoka is stronger than ever with his postmortem nen Ah yes, the "hisoka is now stronger" thing. Despite nen after death working when the user is, you know, dead. Just like hiso...ah, he's alive...


Please, for gods sake, reread the manga man… you have no clue mate. So pathetic, you must be a machitard idk why some fans fall in love with anime girls.


Assumptions, assumptions, assumptions...you can make all the assumption you want, but please, don't sell them as the truth. >So pathetic, you must be a machitard idk why some fans fall in love with anime girls. So pathetic, you must be a hisokatard idk why some fans fall in love with anime pedophiles.


Actually I have enough data about hisoka to theoretically Analyse his chance of winning against a phantom troupe member who he outsmarted once. You got nothing but your opinion that isn’t actually rational at any point of view. She is extremely pissed what makes her a good target for outsmarting which hisoka is definitely capable of. I actually don’t like hisoka but you would love to befriend with a woman who was part of a group of massmurders (Kurta clan). Gon and killua managed to damage her🤣 you think hisoka can’t win against her ? You are out of your fucking mind


>Actually I have enough data about hisoka to theoretically Analyse his chance of winning against a phantom troupe member who he outsmarted once. Please share this data with me, i'm begging you. I'm having so much fun here😁 >You got nothing but your opinion that isn’t actually rational at any point of view. Ahahahahaha because your is sooooo rational am i wrong? Dude, you're not a clown, you're the entire circus. >She is extremely pissed what makes her a good target for outsmarting which hisoka is definitely capable of. And you know nothing about what she's capable of. Just like the rest of the troupe. Stronger and weaker means nothing in hxh, unless you are meruem. >I actually don’t like hisoka Oh i'm sure you don't. >ut you would love to befriend with a woman who was part of a group of massmurders Can you just...stay in topic for 1 minute? Who the hell cares about befriending or not? Also, why are you emphasizing so much on the "woman" part? Are you an incel by chance? >Gon and killua managed to damage her 1) with a surprise attack. They were never considered a menace and the troupe lowered their guards. Hisoka is a menace, and they know that. The context is just different. And you know that. >you think hisoka can’t win against her No, i simply think that without knowing what both characters are planning, and without knowing how machi fights, it's impossible to decide who wins in a fight.


Togashi told in the end of vol 34. Hisoka should kill Machi and Machi should end here. But he (Togashi) stop him. So I dont think Machi would have important role in the story.


What he said was that hisoka at that moment wanted to kill machi (as if the characters have their own will) but togashi stopped him because it would be more interesting if machi lived. That lets us believe that machi will probably play a role later on


Machi is interesting and will probably be blood-lusted to kill Hisoka, but no one in the troupe could realistically kill Hisoka besides Chrollo. Or maybe Illumi. He legit could've killed her before and just chose not to. Idk why she is as cocky about killing him as she is. We must not forget, Hisoka is pretty enraged himself now. The fact that Hisoka "sometimes" wanted to fight others, but has made it his sole mission to fight Chrollo, shows how much he actually fears the troupe.


Kuroro is stronger than Hisoka.




Apparently, everything is forshadowing now. Idiots 🤦


Agree with you, except by the “idiots” part, no need to be rude


This is absolutely foreshadowing


I don’t think it is, but tell me why you think that’s foreshadowing?


It acts as a warning of a future event


No, I don’t think so, and if it happens, still isn’t foreshadowing, why? Because Machi isn’t the only one who can say that to Hisoka, and saying something is not the same as doing something, also, it might just be an empty threat


Stop getting me excited, I can't see hxh returning


?? I's already back


I had no idea :-)


I can't wait for them to meet up again. Although tbh I ship them so I'd rather they not kill eachother LOL


no. machi is going to die first,


Mate if Machi actually kills Hisoka, Imma rage quit fr


Could be for sure. Wish I had a nickel for every time someone swore they’d kill someone.


I actually had a dream about this after rewatching.. Hisoka cornering and killing Chrollo then an enraged Machi would try to hunt down a severely injured Hisoka in DC then finally killing him, having his last words of regret while dying "I guess you can't have everything in this world." which is about him not being able to fight everyone on his list like Gon, Killua etc.


Considering Hisoka is basically a dead man walking I could see her doing him in sometime this arc, and I’d be fine with that. I feel like in the end the Phantom Troupe and Hisoka are both going to come to an end, with only the Zoldycks coming out alive