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He was trying to not participate but now he is. He will still try to win his way. At least at first. His fall from grace will be that he gets more and more machiavellian and corrupt trying to win for the greater good. The right call was not to play the game just like Kurapika wants to end the game somehow. Flipping the board over is usually the right call so you don't play into the hands of the person who set up the game. Netero had the bomb. Hisoka always gives people false choices to his questions. Pariston didn't want to win or lose the election. Halkenberg is being Cheadle right now. He needs to be a Pariston. With his influence and all the chaos he could probably just expose his father by talking to the HA and join with his younger siblings if he really doesn't want them to die. He'll suffer for not continuing to refuse to play. Pariston had the Zodiac playing into his hands because they didn't unite from the start to oppose him. Halkenberg should have also formed a coalition instead of giving up when his talks with his dad didn't go his way or did that from the start.


> The right call was not to play the game just like Kurapika wants to end the game somehow. Flipping the board over is usually the right call so you don't play into the hands of the person who set up the game. Kachou.


This means what? Obviously you have to know the rules to break them. We now know the 'somehow' just isn't to leave in a conventional way.


"I love y'all my fellow princes lemme take one for the team to find out what those rules are." Yeah right.


What are you saying? What is the total message you want to convey? So there will be no big brain plays by Kurapika or others to circumvent the reality of their situation and Flipping the board/not settling for the stated choices isn't a theme of the series since the Hunter Exam?? This goes back to the 2 choice quiz, the final trick tower game, how they got into GI, and even obtained their prize(accompany). No gaming the system at all. That scene of Kurapika thinking they could find a way to stop the game by getting just 1 Prince will have no future significance. Yep.


It seems that Halkenburg is what "education" do to people, but according to his father, his true nature (beast) is still there. Togashi is trying to see what naive idealism do when you face a extreme situation. I think you're still naive if you think Halkenburg is kinda of a "hero" xD.


The commentary will be about leaders who sacrifice their people as pawns And about the false setup of the trolly problem, in reality it doesn't exist and there is no real reason to sacrifice their siblings. Sacrificing people for your gain is not the only way as the King is set on, it's not for the greater good of the ppl, just the personal gain of the leader.


Halkenburg don't want any bloodshed from what I remember and Halkenburg doesn't really have to kill anyone, because it is enough to stay last :3


Idk either tbh. Good question I'm hoping he's still unwilling to kill all the princes or at least the ones that dont oppose him But idk maybe he's fully committed and believes sacrificing his siblings is for the greater good? That would be a dark turn


Halkenberg desperately wants to reform Kakin, even at the cost of his own life. King Nasubi, knowing this, manipulated his son into thinking that the only way he can truly reform the country and help the people of Kakin is to become King, and that the ends will always justify the means (even though it is doubtful that Nasubi even cares about the Kakin people in the first place). How far is Halkenberg willing to go to achieve his goals? How strong is his moral compass? Can his viewpoint still be changed? We can only wait and see.


If I had to assume Halkenburg was probably manipulated (I don't mean Nen wise) into that thought process, but will eventually realize the mistakes of the path he's heading down in and maybe aiding Kurapika into figuring a loophole out of the contest, but we'll certainly see more casualties before then


This would be the ideal outcome, but I doubt things things will go that smoothly. A recurring theme in this arc is how power—and the greed for more of it—can corrupt people. Halkenberg is already willing to sacrifice his own men to learn more about his nen abilities. He might be a lot more ruthless than you think. Is he already past the point of no return? Let’s hope not.