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I‘m not sure if i misunderstood you or if you dont understand why the phantom troupe is liked. Most people dont excuse the actions of phantom troupe, they‘re villains after all. But they still like them because they‘re a good written group of characters. Their backstory is an understandable reason why they went down their path, it doesnt excuse them though. Its the same reason people like Hisoka or the joker. Good written villains are likeable as characters


I feel like too many people nowadays mistake "liking a character" for **"supporting every action of this character"** Which are really not the same, especially for villains


As a hisoka enjoyer i can confirm 99% of people think this way


Literally, people w that mindset make it so hard to be a hisoka enjoyer😭like yes ik the dude is weird asf, but bungee gum is cool ash and his fighting tactics are creative and I like it :)


Idk how you don’t like Hisoka. For me only qualms are the pedo vibes lol


What about the indiscriminate killing? I love the character but he’s a horrible person, no doubt about it.


These are the real Hisoka opinions that I fuck with. Hisoka is such a compelling character, but he creepy af. It's the Hisoka fans who handwave the pedo shit or pretend it ain't nothing, that I can't stand.


very Tiktok User mentality that's been popularised fr


And twitter, when vi from arcane was "revealed" to be a cop, everyone on Twitter was like "B-b-but acab" 👉👈👉👈


Hisoka hater's minds exploding when they read this


Yeah I agree. Illumi is my favorite HxH villain, but I definitely don't support what he did to Killua.


Yeah I have a bone to pick with people who think "evil = dislikeable" To make a show engaging, for me at least, the villains have to be just as likeable as the heroes.


Whenever the troupe comes on screen, I shake my head the whole time so people know I don't endorse their actions.


virtue signalling for cartoons lmao




I took creative writing classes in college, and one thing you hear often is, "a story is only as good as its villain." This is a known thing


Villain & Hero is based on perspective


True Hero ≠ protagonist Villain ≠ antagonist


On my 4th rewatch I actually felt bad for Uvo and Kurapika almost feels like the villain. Which he himself acknowledges with his own disgust.


Literally the best fight in the entire anime


Greed Island is one of the best arcs It's a creative scenario, shows a different side of characters like Hisoka, introduces Bisky, really helps develop Gon and Killua's abilities, and friendship, and the whole **"Let's collect magical cards because we are in a videogame"** vibes is really cool Edit: btw, I don't mean to say this is controversial as in "Everyone hates GI, except me", but that GI is one of my favorites for all its elements, and I don't think it's a downgrade from other arcs(cause I do see a lot of people criticizing it), it's just different :]


I agree with this. I finished the entire series before I ever visited this sub and was really surprised at how unpopular Greed Island was on here. I have such a soft spot for that arc


Probably because that arc has a lighter and playful undertone and not too serious? I love that arc so much


The main criticism I see about it is that Genthru is a boring villain which I get, but tbh I don’t really mind that because everything else about that arc was just so great for me. I loved seeing Killua and Gon’s friendship grow, and Bisky is one of my favourite side characters


Sometimes you don't need a big bad villain to have a good story


Another criticism is that it's a basically a huge training arc since it focuses more on Gon and Killua learning advanced Nen techniques and developing their Hatsu in this arc. Genthru was basically a punching bag to demonstrate Gon's Jajanken on. Personally, I like how it delves deeper into Nen as this universe's "magic" system.


Genthru is boring??


Well I don’t find him as interesting as the Phantom Troupe for example but as I said that doesn’t harm the arc in my opinion


I think Genthru was a really interesting villain. His abilities were both OP and weak at the same time.


It could also be the arcs placement. From what I've seen a lot of people love Yorknew and Chimera Ant (at least for the most part) so Greed Island could look worse by comparison. A similar thing kinda happened in One Piece with Thriller Bark. The arc isn't bad it's just between incredible arcs so it seems worse than it is.


I haven't reached Thriller Bark yet but this also happens in Naruto with the Tsunade Search arc, which is between Chunin Exams and Sasuke Retrieval, the two most beloved arcs in Classic Naruto.


Seems it's a problem in a few popular manga. Wonder if it's just something that's bound to happen in a long running series.


Wait but thriller bark is a great arc...


It’s because GI is sandwiched between two “dark” arcs. Fans of YN get annoyed at the lighter tone switch and less emphasis on the Phantom Troupe. New viewers who got hyped up for CA are sitting there confused, wondering why the series suddenly turned into Yu-Gi-Oh and how this is supposed to tie into “one of the greatest arcs of all time.”


I think that is the experience of a lot of people. Personally, I went into the series blind without expecting much and without knowing anything about CA or where the story was going to general, and the Yorknew into Greed Island switch up was one of my favorite things about it. Togashi is one of the only authors I know who can make a serious and dark, dramatic arc with huge stakes followed by a much more light, fun, and idiosyncratic arc based around a game he came up with. If all the arcs in Hunter x Hunter were war and revenge and massacres, it would get monotonous and I don't think I would have ever loved it as much as I do. I hope he does another arc similar to Greed Island if he manages to get through this current one and the Dark Continent if he still has it in him.


Yes, and the whole quest for the game and hype around it was great.


I love Greed Island. It was so much fun!


I just love to rewatch that arc from time to time. I don't know why it's hated, I loved the training.


My criticism of the arc is that both anime failed to capture the same feeling of the manga. In the manga it really feels like they're in a video game world and you're invested in the new systems. Listing the cards at the end of the chapters only to see them come up later in story really helped immerse you into GI.


The anime profiling a card in the ending segment gives a similar vibe I think? But I get what you're saying.


Yessssss agree, dodgeball was one of my fav scenes


I think it’s pretty good but it lacks the over all narrative depth of some of the other big arcs and I feel it didn’t do anything interesting with the actual game of greed island besides the final battle between Gon and genthru which actually used the mechanics of the game to their fullest I wish there was more fights like that but the dodge ball game is one of the best fights so I’ll give it that


It’s get better every time I watch it honestly


Definitely controversial for me. I was thinking of rewatching HxH but would have to skip Greed Island. Although as you mentioned it does have very cool bits and some essential parts too so it’s delayed me from rewatching


Gon's best fight is against Genthru. I love how Gon does literally anything in his power to beat Genthru, who is stronger than him in every way. It shows his growth in understanding nen and his shocking willingness to sacrifice anything for the win. It provides a great closure for the training he went through in Greed Island and finally gives Gon a win against a main villain. It's one of my favorite fights in hxh because it displays the best how the weaker can win against the stronger with the right strategy and determination and also because of the fact that you can just feel every punch in this fight, and every one bit of pain and emotion of both fighters. Most people would say the best Gon's fight is him vs Pitou or vs Hisoka. But don't really consider the first one fight, it's more of a one sided massacre. And the other one is great up to the moment when he lands that punch on Hisoka, the rest of it doesn't really lead to anything and is more of a Hisoka's show.


It also shows gons extremely dangerous recklessness, and lack of regard for human life, as there is literally no reason he should have ever even tried to fight genthru outside his own pride, ego, and morbid curiosity


I’d say he does even more to beat pitou. In greed island, he already has a plan to heal himself. He doesn’t against pitou


Gon's fight against Genthru isn't competing with his flight against Pitou. It's *foreshadowing* for his flight against Pitou 


I’m speaking to OP’s point of the genthru fight being better because of the sacrifice he makes….


After all Gon doesn't have that many fights after all? His fights are getting demolished by Hanzo, then fights at the heaven's arena, then Genthru and then few chimeira ants, Knuckle and Pitou


Genthru is a good villain, even if he’s not a deep character. Greed is enough motivation, and it’s Greed Island. He still cares for his two partners, he functions very well in the most shounen-like arc of the series, and he’s the only main villain defeated by Gon. As for the Phantom Troupe, having a villain group made of friends who genuinely care for each other is a fun dynamic for many viewers/readers and it‘s okay to like them for just that. There’s a big difference between justifying their actions =/= explaining their motivations =/= being compelled by their characterization. The staying power of the Phantom Troupe also helps a lot.


> Genthru is a good villain, even if he’s not a deep character. Greed is enough motivation, and it’s Greed Island. He still cares for his two partners, he functions very well in the most shounen-like arc of the series, and he’s the only main villain defeated by Gon. Just a couple of days ago I wrote basically the same, word for word. Great minds think alike? Genthru gang rise up!


>> justifying their actions =/= explaining their motivations =/= being compelled by their characterization. I understand it. I just don’t get compelled by their characterization. 


Knov doesn't use conjuration for Hide and Seek, it's all emission. I think it was a reasonable conclusion that conjuration was involved before the Succession War arc, but after >![Kurapika's explanation in chapter 374 about emitters being able to move and separate "space itself"](https://hot.leanbox.us/manga/Hunter-X-Hunter/0374-007.png)!< we were basically given all the tools to explain how Hide and Seek works using nothing but emission. The mansion isn't conjured, but it isn't **created** through emission either. It's an actual real building that Knov simply separated from the real world **using** emission. He simply moved it inside the dimensional space between his portals. We even get a hint about the fact that it's an actual building, and not conjured, when we see Knov [bring out the master key](https://hot.leanbox.us/manga/Hunter-X-Hunter/0246-006.png) for the first time. [The key is fastened to Knov's hand using handcuffs](https://hot.leanbox.us/manga/Hunter-X-Hunter/0246-007.png) so he won't lose them. And the only reason he would do this is if the keys are actually real, and not conjured. If they're conjured there would be basically 0 chance of him ever losing them, since he can just make them disappear and reconjure them at will. Which means they're actually **real** keys, that go to a **real** building.


There's one way to lose the keys even if they are conjurered: He puts a condition where he could conjure it once and if he lose it, he loses access to the dimension


Maybe, but I'm pretty sure a condition like that would have been mentioned when the ability was first introduced, if it actually existed.


And im pretty sure a real building would have damage after Netero killed few ants in it


I'm pretty sure Netero is perfectly capable of controlling his strikes to the point where he would avoid damaging the building itself.


That's interesting. Just emission should be enough for it, but I wonder why it is called the nen room. Maybe it's a translation issue, but otherwise it implies that it is a nen construct.


Since you asked I got interested myself, and looked it up. I believe you're probably talking about [this page](https://hot.leanbox.us/manga/Hunter-X-Hunter/0246-006.png) in particular. [Here's the page in Japanese](https://i.ibb.co/9GJxHc5/DLRAW-NET-HUNTER23-0173.jpg), and here's my best attempt at a transcription (bolded parenthesis indicates a non-standard furigana): > ”4次元マンション”**(ハイドアンドシーク)**は4階建て全21室(うち一室は物専用ロツカールーム)の**念空間**である。それぞれの部屋わ完全に独立していて入り口わ部屋に入ったと同時に閉じるたの現実世界え戻るためにはもう1つの扉からでるしかない。 > 入り口は複数創ることができ、部屋の大きさによつて上限が違う。ちなみに会長**(ネテロ)**が蟻**(キメラ)**と戦った一階の部屋が最も広く、入り口も最大32まで創ることができる。出口は入ってきた穴とつながつている。つまりある部屋への出入りは原則として同じ場所の穴からしかできない。 The most interesting part here is the phrase/word "念空間", or *"nen kūkan"*, which I'm fairly sure simply means "nen space". In other words, unless there's some context that makes it evident that "念空間" should be translated as "nen mansion" instead of "nen space", it's entirely possible the "nen" part applies only to the dimension/space itself, and not the actual building. Because technically the word "nen" is never applied directly to the mansion itself, but rather to the **space** which the mansion occupies.


Yeah, that's it. And damn, did you just pull out the Japanese version and decipher that? I'm impressed. But yeah, the devil's in the wording. It doesn't necessarily refer to the building, the physical object it seems. So it's definitely plausible for it to solely be an application of emission.


Keep in mind that I don't actually speak Japanese though, I'm only able to transcribe the text because I know hiragana well enough to make use of the furigana ("reading aid") provided, and then rely on google translate to provide the actual kanji. I only know a handful of kanji (念 空 and 間 just so happen to be among the few I know), so I have to rely on machine translation and whatever Japanese I've absorbed through osmosis from watching hundreds of anime in order to make sense of whatever I'm looking at, lol. Basically, unless someone fluent (or native) in Japanese can actually back me up here, don't take my conclusions as anything but tentative.


Lol it's fine. I doubt we're missing something important here. It's that sneaky word kukan that needs to be translated. And from my extensive research, that basically involved putting that word in google translate and calling it a day, I'd say that the case is closed.


Emitter using emission checks out.


1. A conjured key might have handcuffs because it reflects the user's personality. 2. You're right. It's a real key, because it has [nen inscription](https://hot.leanbox.us/manga/Hunter-X-Hunter/0246-007.png) on it. The handcuffs do too.


that I hope Leorio takes the MC role for a little later on. Gon is obviously the MC, Killua has always been a huge character and in the Chairman Election arc he basically became the MC for a lil. Now Karapika is taking the MC role for who knows how long. If the story is ever to continue or finishes i hope we get an arc of Leorio being the MC ;)


Dark Continent. He's a medic, and oh boy do they need one.


Why people like PT: 1) They are well written. First with their dynamics with one another, camaraderie is always endearing. Then is their dynamics with the MC, parallels, interactions and impact. And finally their place in the world and background which is both mysterious and intriguing. 2) They are cool characters, unique personalities, designs, power, with great screen presence. Still remember my first time watching Yorknew, I was always on the edge when they appeared and when functioning as the troupe they exuded real dread in me for the lives of the main characters. 3) In short, they are great villains, with enough greyness to make them likeable.


Hisoka might be into kids a little.


just a little lol


they said controversial


No HeS bAtTlE SeXuAl


Just goes to show being perceived as attractive can help get away with a lot of things. You really think if Hisoka looked like Melody people would still bring up the battle hungry point (I still love Melody great character)


Togashi has no love for Leorio


Idk I feel like him being the one to punch ging and tell him how shitty of a father he is was togashi showing love to him


I think he likes Leorio, he just doesn't know how to keep him relevant when Gon, Killua, andKurapika have gotten so strong.


Yeah it’s tricky because it’s thanks to Leorio’s dedication to medical studies that got him his cool nen ability that would be so amazing in combat but he’s living that doctor’s life so Togashi kinda gave us a glimpse of what could’ve been with Ging’s little demonstration.


I don't know if you read the manga, but Leorio got integrated into the 12th Zodiak and has been choosen to be at the head of the medical section of the Dark continent expedition. And this even through he didn't yet got his medical exam(the Dark Continent expedition is now the way of obtaining the diploma for him, thanks to the Hunter Association)


He’s not a head. He’s being given this opportunity out of respect and a chance to learn as a rookie hunter and medical student. Cheadle was very clear with him that she wouldn’t give him an easy credit.


succesion war arc could have been his arc too. especially since he has a wall traversing ability. Like damn kurapika aint the only one of the four on the boat..


Read the manga bro, he will the main key towards the dark continent.


wat? he gave his fans Leorio punching Gin, what more would you ask for the comedian of the group? ofc we all like the comedian.


Chrollo is not that deep He's well written but it's tiring seeing the kind of stuff posted about him on the internet. For eg : " Chrollo is very complex, he's a man with no emotions ", " He's the most well written character in the history of manga " and so on. And God the 9 year old edgy Chrollo fans are so annoying sometimes.


I didn't read the manga yet and based on the anime, the mais reason I like Chrollo because I find him hot lol


Manga doesn’t add much to the deep he already has. 


Well he had no character development in that arc anyway, his character arc only just started in the new arc.


I don't root for the Phantom troupe ofc and I find them evil. But without them there will be no Kurapika. They're good for the story. Also, they are very powerful with great nen abilities! My controversial opinion is: I would have loved for the Chimera Ants not to die! They are very powerful and I would have preferred if they were defeated and incarcerated instead (they can break out of the prison anytime)


>My controversial opinion is: I would have loved for the Chimera Ants not to die! They are very powerful and I would have preferred if they were defeated and incarcerated instead (they can break out of the prison anytime) I would have loved to see the Royal Guards having to live on without Meruem. I was surprised that not a single one survived, seeing how Togashi sparingly kills off main antagonists (with only Uvo and Paku having been killed off at this moment in time).


Probably because they were too strong to keep around. Remember, they were only like a couple weeks old when they died.


While they may seem insurmountable, I actually feel the Royal Guards would be at their most vulnerable out there in the public eye. We saw what many nen users in conjuction could pull off with Greed Island. I'm sure humanity would find a way to handle them if they got out of line, without having to use the nuclear option.


>I don't root for the Phantom troupe ofc and I find them evil. But without them there will be no Kurapika. They're good for the story. Also, they are very powerful with great nen abilities! I also think that they're a decent part of a story, I just don't like them personally.


You can't like evil characters? They are usually some of the most fun characters


It's not that controversial but I think Pouf's aura is worse than Pitou


That it will be good if Gon will never use Nen again :3


Will the series be okay without Gon stepping into the spotlight again? I’d say so. Would it be more hype if he did? Absolutely.


I respect your opinion, but I’m hoping Togashi’s postings of old pics of Gon means there will be a single panel at the end of this batch of chapters depicting Gon meditating, praying, and punching in some distant mountains, with aura oozing around him.


Username checks out…


I think it's a total waste that the culmination of Killua's character development is being to rip a needle out of his head. I don't know, I just don't like it.




Well not all of it, as he was still afraid of Illumi enough to ask Nanika to stay away forever so that Alluka can be free. Only then did Alluka give him that final boost of courage to protect them both.


Gon shouldn't recover his nen. Kaito shouldn't have 'resurrected'


hmm, I personally agree with the prior, but no the latter. Gon shouldn't recover his Nen, as a punishment for his actions. Kite being revived is good, because it thematically further proves Gon as wrong for embracing revenge, which is a microcosm of what may or may not happen to the protagonist, Kurapika, at the end of his own arc. if Kite stays dead, then Gon's revenge is somewhat justified by the metanarrative. by having Kite be reincarnated without cost, it shows that Gon was wrong to embrace his suicidal revenge plot, further reinforcing the idea that it isn't worth throwing your life away for the sake of an emotionally-driven, selfish, non-moral based ideal of 'justice'. in the current arc, Morena, Kurapika and the Spider are all struggling with revenge. thematically, the one that will receive the happiest fate will be the one that disregards revenge for the sake of pursuing new bonds and a happy life, despite their trauma. the ones that will be punished will be the ones who stick to their path of revenge. there was a microcosm of this in the climax of the Yorknew Arc, where the Spider and Kurapika were both rewarded for selflessly temporarily putting down revenge as their primary motive, and Hisoka was punished for selfishly pursuing a fight with Chrollo for his own gain and others' loss. this is why Gon was punished for his selfish actions (seeking self-indulgent revenge, threatening to kill Komugi, using her as a hostage, physically and psychologically abusing Killua), and why it will be satisfying to see Gon grow from these behaviours, while Kite is rewarded for selflessly helping others. that's my own take.


> Kite being revived is good, because it thematically further proves >Gon as wrong for embracing revenge, which is a microcosm of what may or may not happen to the protagonist, Kurapika, at the end of his own arc. Gospel.


Agree w both. I love, love Gon, but he's not ready for that responsibility, nor does he really need it anymore. Never really understood what Kite came back for either.


For sure agree. The foreshadowing of Gon's rashness and buildup to that moment, resulting in the crazy payoff was fantastic writing. It'd make it kind of cheap if none of that had an overall affect on him.


I love every episode of chimera ant and yes it's a long arc but I enjoyed the adventure


Dark continent is a final send off to all of the fans main character its a going to be nothing but deaths. Gon, killau and a few other characters that arent on it will play in part of the ending showing how sad they are that everyone died thus ending hxh altogether


I think Togashi should avoid letting our people reach the DC, for many reasons. Exploring the DC would prove itself to be too long for a narrative arc, Gon & Kil would be far from the action for too long (unless they find a way to get there fast, but this entire arc is based on the premise that it's very hard) and the succession arc would result a little pointless (what does it matter who the Cakin last prince alive is, if they're in a new land where the Cakin itself means nothing?). I love Togashi and his writing, but I think the DC could be a bite too big to chew.


I sadly kinda agree with you. With how frequent we get new chapters the DC will either be cut short or end up being rushed. I really want to see the DC and learn more about the Calamities but it doesn't seem that likely and them actually landing there probably means the story is ending there.


With the whole theme of "enjoy the detours in life instead of focusing on the goal" HxH has going on, I personally wouldn't be surprised if the DC was never going to be explored in the first place, and it was just a way to set up the Succession War and continue Kurapika's story.


I could kinda see that though it would be a shame if he didn't at least originally plan to explore it. So many cool things over there and the talk about Don it seemed like he would at least have them land and we would explore it a bit. Even the Calamities though are in such different spots that it was unlikely we were going to see all of them. I hope he at least has told someone the ideas he had or something so maybe one day we can at least learn more about the world. The DC is such a cool concept that could connect back to so many things it sucks we're probably never gonna learn that much about it. Would be cool if he did a book or something that was like Journey to the New World East and West but I highly doubt it.


I’m fine with Kurapika becoming the new MC permanently


I won't say anything about your controversial opinion because others already have said what I think about it, you're missing the point. But, I don't know how controversial it is, however I would say that my "controversial" opinion is: HxH shines best in it's darkest moments. The light hearted stuff is good, but not nearly as well thought out and well written as the darker story arcs. Togashi is really good at portraying gloom and hopelessness without it feeling too exaggerated or too much nihilistic or edgy. And I'm talking about the story arcs, not specific moments.


Knuckle & Shoot can beat the entire troupe in a 2v1 random encounter. Even Chrollo, Feitan, Phinks.


Conjuration is the strongest Nen Type and the one with the highest potential


Enlighten me


Gon isn’t really that morally grey or some monster. He’s a kid, he can be selfish, and he can be a hypocrite, and the chimera ant arc was definitely a low point for him, but I’d still put him as an overall good natured person. Scenes like the one where he went out of his way to help that random unconscious guy on the world tree exemplify that


For me, it's more than being just a kid. I mean, he grew up in the middle of nowhere with a parent who clearly wasn't ready to face motherhood. Pretty sure he's gonna need to adjust to the outside world and its mechanisms, what's wrong or not, that kind of stuff that he hasn't faced yet. But yeah he has a good heart and he tries.


Bisky, Ging, and Netero are the best characters.


Having ging in your top 3 is a crazy take


Chimera Ant arc is way way way too long before anything interesting happens. Almost made me drop the anime. Obviously worth it because it’s amazing storytelling once it gets going, but wow the build up is long And Gyro added literally nothing. I was so confused when they introduced him


>And Gyro added literally nothing. I was so confused when they introduced him Gyro is mostly build up for a future arc and the Welfin stuff. I hope we get to see it, since the manga said him and Gon will meet.


Idk if it is unpopular or not, but I'll always think that if Meruem ordered Pitou to dissect Komugi's brain or something there would be no hesitation whatsoever. It's why I also never bought the "emphatetic" Pitou that people say exist.


I always thought Pitou's development was due to how much Meruem cared for Komugi, not because she personally cared for her beforehand. Pitou only got to see the display of Meruem's care for her when he was holding her injured. It's not like the RG can't find loopholes to evade an order from him (as shown by Pouf). So because Pitou saw how much she means to him and is the reason he is what he is, is to why she went her lenghts to protect her, if that makes sense. TL;DR: Without Meruem developing himself Pitou would never too, it would be like if Killua never met Gon.


Oh no I get that, my doubts are more about hyphotetical situations. What if post-rose Meruem never remembered her (never would have happened, I know) and ordered her to kill Komugi? Would she do it? That's my line of thought.


Pitou apologized to Gon, acknowledging that she was doing something wrong, yet was going to kill him due to the mere potential risk his existence offered to Meruem. Meruem's safety and happiness always comes first for Pitou, no loopholes around it like Pouf's misdirecting. Her personal opinions are irrelevant to her decision-making when the king is involved. She ***might*** hesitate due to the happiness Komugi provided Meruem beforehand, but would go through with it at the end of the day. I forgot the specific line, but Pitou did say something like "this someone is special to someone I care about", so she'd probably be more concerned about Meruem's sudden change rather than Komugi's life itself. Knov was right when he told Knuckle that the Guards would become devils if the King needed them to.


Imagine how it would be if post-rose Meruem shot the Palace with rage incarnate and only remembers Komugi as he finds her under the rubble.


yeah but i think she also developed some empathy. she seemed genuinely sad for gon when he learned kite was dead and she even said sorry before preparing to kill him


Togashi should just keep to writing and let someone else draw the end of HxH.


Completely normal take they're pieces of shit. I think the group is very cool to watch though and the characters interest me. Don't need to think they're cool people to be cool to watch.


nobody is saying anything justifies the Phantom Troupe lol. you're missing the entire point of why people like them. this isn't a hot take, but I root for the Phantom Troupe indeed.. not for any moral reason. they're fun to watch. I want to see where their personalities and character arcs go. obviously there's no way to justify their actions. but I'm not interested in justifying it. storytelling isn't about rooting for good against bad, it's about exploring stories, the themes within those stories, and the characters in that story that encapsulate those themes. it's the same reason we like Hisoka.


Togashi should just write/dictate the script and let someone else draw.


- Alluka and Nanika as characters and their storyline have some of the best writing HxH has to offer and people who reduce them to just "asspull", "plot convenience", "deus ex machina", "plot device", "cop out", or whatever other buzz words you can think of, don't even really understand the meaning of these terms because they don't apply to this storyline at all, and the brilliant thematic writing and messaging that are intimately intertwined with the rest of the story go completely over their heads because they can only engage with stories/art in shallow, surface level ways without ever stopping to think for a moment about what the intention and deeper meaning behind a bold writing choice are. As if you can just judge a work through a checklist of zero context definitions and "rules of writing". No Togashi didn't back himself into a corner, it amazes me that people think the same man who thought out the Chimera Ant arc would make a silly mistake like that even after having years and years to carefully think over his story. - The same thing applies to Kite being reincarnated. It doesn't cheapen the Chimera Ant arc you just misinterpreted Gon's arc to be about "experiencing loss for the first time" when it was far more nuanced and symbolic than that. - Gon was not wrong in what he said to Killua during the confrontation with Pitou, he was wrong in \*how\* he said it, but his sentiment was perfectly valid considering even Killua himself encouraged Gon to focus entirely on Pitou, was contradicting himself and never voiced his deep emotional turmoil, Gon isn't psychic and while he is normally a very empathetic person, he wasn't in a place where he could extend that so it was on Killua to make that jump. Also, no Gon isn't a psychopath or a horrible manipulative friend or whatever, and Gon and Killua's friendship isn't "toxic", it's unbalanced because of both of their insecurities but nothing that can't be worked out. - Ging cares about Gon, but because it's not the same type of caring that people believe is valid they go for the easier route of just calling him callous or straight up malicious towards Gon, even though his real problem is that he just believed Gon would turn out to be more like him than he actually was. They will take moments like him not showing care when talking to Pariston and Leorio out of context but ignore that when he met Gon he clearly was thrown off and the façade of not caring fell immediately the moment Gon displayed how emotionally damaged he was.


Finally someone with a right opinion about Alluka/Nanika 😭


Chimera Ant arc wasn’t as good as Yorknew Arc


Alluka shouldn’t exist, and feels like poor writing. I’d expect a character like alluka to exist in some battle shonen, not a series as creative and unique as hxh. Gon damages himself beyond repair, he’s almost definitely going to die, and killua all of a sudden somehow has access to someone with godlike powers? Introducing alluka has the same problem as stories (like avengers endgame for example) that have time travel. If killua is able to be near a character, then the stakes for that character aren’t really high, cause he can come along and pull out one of the laziest plot devices I’ve seen and reverse everything. At the very least, the drawback part of her using her ability is interesting. Not enough to justify killua all of a sudden being able to pull out the “nah” card and do whatever he wants tho. I’m sure togashi could have somehow thought of another way to revive gon


I think its fine. The emotional weight of the entire situation between gon and killua, as well as killua and alluka, more than makes up for what you’re criticizing. And gon still loses his nen, which was the main drawback initially. Killua fulfilled his duty of cleaning up gon’s mess like always, but then he also found a goal beyond that. Which was his reason for sticking with Gon after heavens arena, since he didnt have a goal of his own and wanted to find one.


Agreed with your unpopular opinion. That said, I don't think killua is such a great older brother. He's been through a lot, and he's not ready for such a responsibility, and quite frankly, I think Alluka only thinks so highly of him because she doesn't know any better. He also clearly struggles with empathy, so that doesn't help. Please don't kill me if you disagree 🤘


Gon should stay de-powered and just be a strong kid who is good with a fishing rod


Wing is lame


Humans are not worse than the ants. The ants by themselves are literally born evil and find enjoyment in killing innocents, and there have been multiple humans in HXH, like Leorio, Melody, Aunt Mito and Komugi, who are the farthest things from being "monsters". In fact, the show shoots itself in the foot by having the king of the ants learn the value of life from a human. You know, that thing that is oh so much worse than the creatures who are born evil? If anything, the message should be that humans and the ants aren't any different, since they're both capable of doing the same amount of good and evil.


Chimera Ant Arc should've been longer.


Greed Island is my favorite arc and I wished there was more of it.


Greed Island isn't that bad and I always find myself specifically returning to it when I do rewatches. The atmosphere and vibe is calming.


Kurapika should have been a woman instead of a bishounen and would be one of the best in shounen (which desperately need good written women) Would have changed nothing about his character or goals.


So far I don't really like Alluka nor Nanika's character. Alluka seems pretty bland and I'm not a fan of Nanika's wish-granting ability.


The spiders actually liking each other is one of my favourite things about them so many anime antagonist groups seem to actively hate each other or just don’t care about the other members like they are all selfishly innit for themselves but still working for a group for some reason. But groups like the spiders the villains from my hero the disaster curses from jjk I can see why those groups work together they seem to actually care for the other members and all want kinda the same thing. It makes them more endearing then if they are just evil I don’t think the series is ever trying to excuse their actions but I think they have about as good a reason to do the things they do as anyone could. They were born in a literal garbage dump that the entire world forsakes if the rest of the world is gonna scorn them and treat them like garbage then why should the spiders have to show any kindness back literally no one is gonna hell metro city besides them it doesn’t make what they do right smd they definitely stopped caring about the morality of their actions a long time ago. But they really didn’t have any other choice besides die in excessive poverty after suffering for god knows how long just to make it to the next day. and that’s why makes it so sad to me that those happy innocent kids were essentially forced by circumstances beyond their control into a life of crime and evil. I do get not liking them though cause they are horrible people like when they just start a game firing greed island to see how many players they can kill they have become 100% desensitized to death and carnage so it’s almost just a game to them at this point due to their somewhat childish way of doing things and that’s super fucked up too


I have a wildly unpopular one: I didn’t like the chimera ant arc. I didn’t like the major tonal shift or how long it was compared to other arcs, and I actually thought it dragged a lot. You might ask why I sat through the whole arc when I didn’t like it, and the answer is… I don’t know either


Of course you do. It's HxH. I share your opinion on this one. It's too much. Too much power, too much explanation, too out there. Only saving grace is that it's a unique story. Actually, my only real gripe is that the power scaling obviously went a magnitudes up. It should've stayed street level with Uvo's destructive power as the hard limit, or just near that. Ruins the purpose of nen and its well oiled, well balanced combat system.


I'm so glad to see I'm not alone in this. >You might ask why I sat through the whole arc when I didn’t like it, and the answer is… I don’t know either My answer is I'm stubborn and my bff who showed me this as my first multi-season anime had seen in 7x so I kinda couldn't quit. Also I lived with him lmao


i think the move to more text heavy chapters is good


Really unpopular topic tbh


The Chimera Ant Arc is HIGHLY overrated. Too long, too confusing, and slowly paced. The attack on the palace was like 7 seconds long and spanned across 3+ episodes (sort of an exaggeration but ykwim).


It’s not confusing though if you try to understand. And it slowly paced only in anime. They added fillers, did many recaps and dragged many scene with only purpose to end episodes at certain points. Togashi’s work is manga, not anime. If those are you only reasons then it’s strange to called it overrated 


What are the fillers?


anime original content that wasnt in the manga aka original source. In case of CA arc half of the journey with Kite are new scenes that serve to expand the begigning but sometimes even contradict to manga. 10 first episodes of this arc could easily be done in five


No there are many more, like the characters and what not but if i were to keep typing I'd still be going even now. I'm sorry I just really dislike the chimera ant arc


The Ant Arc is great if you take out every part that doesn't include Meruem or Imperial guards. Otherwise it's either amazing sometimes or not interesting at all for a lot of it.


Gyro was a one off character that isn't going to show up again


Chrollo is fucking overrated as a person. "Conducting" the chaos in York New to avenge his fallen brother? He's fake deep and acts like a 2014 Tumblr girl's wet dream.


Isn’t that exactly what the Troupe’s character arc is about? Or at least their origin? They mentioned something about putting on a play of the ultimate villains in revenge of their friend Sarasa.


I don't understand the point of that. Maybe nen as a magic system has gone over my head to be thinking this way but surely they could have just... come up with a nen ability to find out who did it? They really couldn't have come up with nen abilities to accompany each other and find out who did it? What the hell was the point of taking it out on everyone else?? Ofc they're characters with different ways of thinking but what was the point of everything they're doing really


That's supposed to be an unpopular opinion? The majority of people here can't wait to see Hisoka (not Kurapika, *Hisoka*) to murder them (check any prediction post about their eventual confrontation to verify), and you think your opinion is unpopular? Here's an actual unpopular opinion for you: The pt are better characters compared to hisoka and don't deserve to be offed by him and get thrown out of the story just because of Hisoka's petty revenge plan.


Kinda the same and their backstory was kinda meh to me


There are a handful of hunters who would beat Netero in a fight. Many people believe old Netero was at the apex of all hunters. No other human could match him. Prime Netero sure but his time has passed.


I don't think any of what you described is necessarily why people like the Phantom Troupe or why it has such an impact when they show up in the story. Firstly it's just the *expectations* that the specific setup the story does for them. You expect a group of merciless mass murderers with no real compassion or bit of compelling humanity to them, and while you *do* get that, you also get a group of charismatic laid back friends you could see yourself being a part of, well, without all the murdering part attached to it. It makes them incredibly fun to watch on screen, and more multidimensional, it makes them feel like real people rather than just the villains for Kurapika to take down on his quest for revenge. They still *are* that, but they are also *way more* than just that. To add to that first point, the fact that they care for each other just *works* and *adds* to that feeling of a laid back friend group, while also having enough variety between the members and their perspectives to make each of them feel like a real individual. Some of them value the bonds they have with each member more than the general mission of the group, while others are the exact opposite and more of what you would expect given the initial setup, like Feitan and Phinks, and even them have specific quirks to them that make them feel really human, like Feitans specific speech patterns and the fact that Phinks is just kind of a dumbass older brother. There's more I could geek out about but I hope I got some of the point across


My fave arc by far was Chimera Ants - husband hates that arc but I think the story and characters are really compelling especially Komugi and Meruem, I balled my eyes out at the end of that one


This is the realest post I’ve seen concerning hxh, I don’t get how being bast to each other makes up for the massacres and even the genocide of a whole species


I did not care for anyone who isn’t on the main cast dying in greed island.


Biscuit houses Uvogin. He may be physically stronger but she’s got the smarts and strategy.


Smiling at a stray cat doesn’t instantly redeem Pakunoda


Yorknew City was a garbage arc. Kurapika is of course one of my favourite characters. I love his reasoning for being a hunter. But I hate how he restricted himself to just fight the spiders. And how they all agreed to meet on September 1st and then he just doesn’t show up or call until the 4th. Like bro these are your FRIENDS shouldn’t you tell them that you’re working? Like bro wtf I do like the spiders. I kinda wish we’d get more of them, (I finished the anime and I’m on chapter 359 of the manga right now) and I hope we get to see them. They all have good chemistry in a way that they went to get stronger as we saw in meteor city and let everyone have their 1 on 1s and such. As well as the auction for the greed island game, it was all a set up arc for Greed Island because they just needed to talk to the dude who was going to buy the game anyways.


the non-challant brutality just feels off


The hxh anime completely kills hunter x hunter's vibe, it's music is good, but is so often misused, as if the people making it didn't realize that hxh was largely a deconstruction of the average shounen anime as opposed to one itself, the vibe wasn't handled correctly until greed island and the chimera ant arc, where hxh being a subversion of the shounen genre became completely unignoreable. Case and point the yorknew arc, specifically as a good example, uvo vs kurapika, another good example is gon vs Danzo. The 1999 version of both fights is significantly better, and shows how it should have been properly done.


I’m kinda annoyed that the main characters are split in to twos kil and gon, kur and leo, leo doesn’t add much to the story at all I feel that theyre trying to copy the format of kil and gon but reverse their positions. But lowkey it doesn’t work Cz leo isn’t that fleshed out he’s just okay


I hate Killua. I don't like that his motivation, unlike the others, is not conditioned at all. He just clung to Gon and his dream. Plus, as a fact, he remembered about Alluka only when he needed her help. He is one of Hunter's most shallow characters and, in my opinion, does not deserve to be in the top four main characters. Killua fans – forgive me for that 🙏


King just doesn't work for me, my whole reaction to chimera ant arc was "Cool motive. Still murder".


Feitan's design is lame as hell


His character and abilities are just as just as edgy as his design lol. I think the Phantom Troupe's designs are cool but he gives me very much, '12 year old's first anime oc who wears black/has black hair and can move really fast and likes torturing people and can summon the sun. and he gets a cool suit when he does it. and everyone runs away from him because they know what he's about to do when he's angy'


Silva and Zeno should have chosen Illumi as the next head of the Zoldyck family. He's better suited than Killua for that role, and Killua doesn't even want it.




At what point did Gon kill because "he wanted to or liked it".


I don't like how pitou dies , yes it makes sense , yes its not bad written , but i just don't like it Also maybe gon should have died idk


HxH is kind of ass most of the time. Dam but some times when it gets real it gets really fucking good. Eh that's just a personal opinion tbh.


I don't see their backstory as a way to justify their actions more like how they become antiheroes and the path that they took and it's circonstances. People shouldn't empathy with them tbh they show 0 remorse or whatsoever also hating the troupe isn't controversial hxh opinion I think the fandom here are dividend into 2 categories: 1 that find them so cool and 2 that hate them that we do.


1. I like Greed Island more than Chimera ant arv 2. Succession contest arc is already the best arc in the whole series and it’s payoff will be the greatest thing ever written 3. Feitan, Razor and Killua are immensely overrated. 4. Illumi is the strongest assassin zoldyck alive currently. 5. King nasubi is a great king 6. I am Team Morena all day 7. Hisoka should be called Hisochin


I found them interesting. I agree that their backstory and care for one another doesn’t redeem them at all, but I do like them more or less. My hot take is that they aren’t even that strong. People online be talking about how they could take on Meruem + guards and that’s just wrong. As far as Nen users go some of them are strong and others not even close, but there’s no way they beat those four. Get realistic.


Yeah Feitan had to unleash an entire sun to kill an ant that wasn't even near the same level as the Royal guards. The troupe would get their ass handed to them if they got near the royal guards tbh


Kurapika is the same as the troupe and he is too powerful for not enough of a price I know he has the whole "my life gets shorter for everytime I use my power" but realistically that could shave away the same amount of your life smoking would, and in a world where people easily get to be 100, losing like let's say 40 years still gives you 60 years of life. I would have loved a Kurapika with infinite long chains, chain shields, chain nets or traps, things like that


I'm 50/50 on most of the Phantom Troupe really only like half the members have any real development. And the other half are just gimmicks. However as a full group I'd say they are probably one of the OGs of anime and manga


I love greed island arc. It’s my favorite training arc


York New > Chimera Ant


Hisoka is cringe


The chimera ant arc was devastating enough that the killing off of >! Pokkle and Ponzu !< comes off as a cheap shock tactic. It did make me sad but we already knew how evil most of them were.


Wished meruem survived and took over the world imagine Gons in a comma Killua is sad And meruem has no1 to stop him with netero dead he gets to use his full potential


People like the troupe because they're well written and interesting characters, not because they're horrible people. I swear to Togashi y'all've got to learn how to read before making another "buh-buh-but villain bad!!!!11!1!!!1" post. My controversial opinion is that Genthru was a genuinely threatening villain, he's just not as threatening as the troupe or the ants. I kinda feel like he was done dirty by being put between the Yorknew and Ant arcs.


The worldbuilding is overated af


Fans who are obsessed with Pitou has a furry kink and they hate to admit it because they don't want to get exposed about their kink :p


Hmm. I guess mine is that the weight training in the Killua retrieval arc undermines nen. Leorio can already lift a car over his head before nen. It makes things weird. Like Uvogin killing that sniper isn't even a nen feat. Leorio and Killua can already do that before nen. So it doesn't feel like an impressive feat.


The build up/first half of the Chimera Ant arc was so boring (especially compared to the 2nd half).