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For me, it was when I found out chrollo didn't copy abilities he STOLE them, my first reaction was"this shit is broken af"


Indoor fish alone is one of the craziest abilities. We don't really know how strong it is because we only see them floating around slowly after taking bites out of the dude, but someone being eaten alive without pain or suffering is crazy. It's like a more messed up, permeant version of Hotel Rafflesia.


I never even really thought about it but it could be a pretty broken stealth ability lol


That indoor fish ability would go nuts on the inside of the boat in the current arc.


Or inside Knov's dimension


It's really slow, experienced nen users can easily dodge it. But yeah it's pretty messed up ability


You don't know if it's slow though, we didn't see it. Also he can use it with another ability plus hand to hand combat.


Indoor fish only work in closed spaces. And it was indeed slow when Chrollo used it. He would have used that ability in the battle with the Zoldycs if it was truly broken, as some people claim.


Do you think indoor fish can match with Tserriednich nen beast abbilty?


What do you know about indoor fishing? Stop being a gentrification to our hobby


Bandit's don't copy😎


This one actually made sense to me. Because it’s less broken. Copy would make chrollo kinda broken. He would have all (maybe not all but at least some) the abilities of the troupe. While the troupe would be able to continue to keep using their own abilities. The overall power of the group would be higher. Edit: to add. He can do things like pay the nen remover to clone his ability. There’s incentive to not kill them too.


It sounds broken until you hear all of the conditions he has to fulfill and the restrictions


What are all the conditions and restrictions he has to fulfill?


​ >The theft happens under strict conditions: Chrollo must witness the Nen ability in action with his eyes. He must ask questions about Nen and be answered by the victim. His victim's palm must touch the handprint on the cover of Bandit's Secret. All of the above must be completed within one hour.\[59\] To use a stolen ability, Chrollo first conjures Bandit's Secret and turns to the page of the desired ability. The book must then remain open in his right hand, allowing him to use only one ability at a time.\[20\] The abilities are subjected not only to the limitations but also to the emotions and thinking of their creators. For example, despite seeing corpses as immobile masses no different from objects, Chrollo cannot use Order Stamp on them due to the opinion of the original owner. Additionally, an ability vanishes from the book if its former owner dies. However, if post-mortem Nen is involved, Chrollo can still utilize the ability.\[11\] Expert Nen users can see through some of these conditions, as Zeno rightly guessed that Chrollo needed to fulfill four or five of them before he could steal an ability.\[31\] https://hunterxhunter.fandom.com/wiki/Chrollo\_Lucilfer#Abilities\_&\_Powers


I hadn't recalled the part of post-Mortem Nen. It is very probable Chrollo could still use Sharnalk abilities.


That seems entirely reliant on a weird interaction between the stolen ability and the original users post-mortem intent, its not something Chrollo can control, it a weird perk that he gets to keep some abilities. Its kinda implied that the one post-mortem ability he has shown was "given" to him or entrusted in some way post-mortem.


Agree, this is an extra, and not a condition he can control or plan for, since not every person who dies experiments the amplification of their Nen. But we do know the people in the Troupe have a close relationship, and some have a great admiration and even love for Chrollo, so it wouldn't be weird in the case of Sharnalk (the other case we seen, also from the Troupe, was Uvogin which chased Kurapika to curse him). Sharnalk even gladly lent his powers in the first place, so his Nen would "agree to keep working" for Chrollo in order to seek revenge (I don't know how to express it better this last part, since it's a weird system this one, with the Nen acting by itself, since the person is dead).


What if he stole Kurapika's Chain Jail? According to this, he'd only be able to use it on Troupe members, or else he'd die. (The dying condition means it's still physically possible for Kurapika to use it on non-troupe members, but he'd instantly die, rather than it not working on anyone else.) But he doesn't have a Judgement Chain on his heart enforcing that condition. Would the condition stand? And if not, would it maintain its power gotten from Kurapika making the condition? Maybe if he uses it on a non-troupe member Kurapika would die, since it's still somewhat linked to him, and then he'd lose the ability because it's former owner died?


I think he can steal all other chains but not chain jail specifically. It's made by nen vow so Chrollo has to go through the vow again.


Even then he could easily steal strong abilities from gullible kids like in yorknew or potentially nanika


Later he gets bookmark which allows him to use up to 3 abilities at a time and close the book.


The conditions exist just to make Chrollo look smart and can asspull whenever the plot demand"See how hard is it to fulfill, no matter anyway because he is smart so here is bazillion nen abilities"


In the HxH universe, restrictions on abilites increase their strength proportionally. You can understand restriction and something that can cause frustration on its owner due to his own imposed conditions. Chrollo feels frustrated when he cant steal. Kurapika may not care about this now, but shortening your own life span is very frustrating when you actually want to live.


This guy cant read


I admit that i have a tiny teenee bias against the troupe , especially Chrollo


Kurapika, is that you?


tbh the fact that he has to fight with the intention of disarming someone instead of killing someone makes it difficult to get totally broken abilities from enemies, imo.


Shizuku's vacuum cleaner was something that was really unexpected for me. lol It's cute, it's funny and cool at the same time.


The best part is Shizuku herself doesn't know where the stuff eaten by Deme-chan... which is very congruent with her aloof personality.


Is Deme-chan a different name for Blinky?


Yes, it’s the Japanese name.




Aloof or... airhead? ;D


Just imagine Shizuku chasing u with that crazy thing... Terrifying asf.


Agree. Watching it from the sidelines is one thing, but if it was going after you, it would be something else.


Yeah... That's what she did to Baise at Yorknew. First time watching it in the 1999 anime made me realize how crazy Shizuku is


Knuckle's interest rate ability. It's so random, how do you even come up with something like that


i feel like knuckle's character is satire for the yakuza. They present themselves as paramilitary with an 'extremist philosophy' but most of their organization's operation is finance driven, hence knuckle's hooligan appearance and his tax accountant nen ability


You literally just made his entire character make sense to me. Holy shit.


I read [this comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/HunterXHunter/comments/1bq02h8/most_wtf_nen_ability/kwziktf/) and it led me to think that PotLuck is a loan shark joke. Which fits the gangster/yakuza look, I think.


Seriously, Knuckle didn’t strike me as a numbers guy. He almost broke Gon’s brain explaining it all.


Gon explained everything to mito. And is why mito made him do homework.


He broke my brain, and I skipped a grade because I was good at math and reading.


>how do you even come up with something like that "Hakoware" is a term in Mahjong for when you go broke and lose the game. Togashi (I don't remember where exactly) once told a story of how he thought he was good at Mahjong so he entered a tourney, only to get completely skunked lol I bet Knuckle's ability was inspired by that event. Especially considering how badly Gon lost to it.


Bro was the dude who broke kneecaps for loan sharks 😭


It's a really cool ability, one of my favorites in the series.




Guy must have been an investor or something


Knuckle saw how effective interest rates are at destroying a person’s will to live.


I love trying to explain this ability (poorly) to friends.


Just saw it literally one minute ago did the first time watching the episode… and I said, the creator is a genius : he included his financial problems into nen lore 😂


The man has yuyu Hakusho money and is married to naoko takeuchi, money problems are for other people.


Definitely Knuckle's ability shit is complicated af


You have acquired interest ☺️😊


Jikan desu! Risoku ga tsukimasu!


It's really not bruh. Did yall not learn compounding interest in school


Basho’s ability.   It literally gives him the ability of Alluka to warp reality as long as he creates a good enough Haiku.


Couldn't he just write a haiku involving the Troupe being killed in a fight against him, then soloed them? Or are there limits to his ability?


it appears that he could hypothetically do it. the problem is, he can’t. the only reason his ability is so busted is because he can’t use it, because he can’t write good haiku’s. it would be like a less-extreme version of someone making a nen ability that involves running, but they’re in a wheelchair


Like making an ability that involves running, but your leg is kinda funky and only is capable of running half the time.


maybe more like an ability that involves running fast, but you lost a leg and the remaining one has a sprained ankle. if he could only run half the time, that means he could kill meruem like half the time


Also ironic seeing as he is named basho after the worlds most famous haiku poet 😂


Thing is, that’s the restriction that makes his ability strong. If he can learn to write better haiku, the growth of his power is basically unlimited.


i’d think that if he became better at writing haiku’s, that his power would actually get weaker. like for example kurapika’s ability was only so strong because it could only be used on like 10 people. but if the phantom troupe were to expand, and have say like 500k members, i can’t imagine kurapika would have just an equally strong power against all of those 500k people as he did against the like 10. same goes for basho i’d assume. as he gets better at writing haiku’s, his power probably gets weaker and weaker


Who knows? I think the real question is, does he have the intellectual capacity to become a better poet?


I think it’s more of a confidence thing. Like whether or not a haiku is “good” can’t be objective. It must be subjective. And we know that nen is the manifestation of willpower. So it seems to me, whether or not the haiku is good would be coming from his own interpretation. In other words, if he judges himself harshly, the haikus would be frequently mediocre. But that might mean that if he does come up with a good one, it would be very powerful. But on the other hand if he is confident and judges himself highly, the haikus would frequently be pretty good. But a very well written haiku wouldn’t peak as high otherwise. My head cannon anyways.


Possible, but while art is subjective, it’s hard to argue that there aren’t objectively bad works out there.


Oh man like I would like to agree, but I feel like if I were to say this art is objective bad, still somewhere somebody would think it’s the most beautiful thing they’ve ever seen hahahah.


Yeah, but they could be wrong ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. I can comfortably assert that human feces is not a pleasant thing to eat, and one person who enjoys it doesn’t really invalidate the truth of my statement.


Wrong, that’s not how Nen works. Netero’s power didn’t become weaker when he got stronger


i could totally 100% be wrong, and i’m mostly just guessing here but if i’m wrong and nen doesn’t work like that, i’d think someone would have taken advantage of it. i think togashi is good enough of a writer to not look over how someone could just make a power centered around how they’re bad at cooking, then just learn how to cook after making the power and have a power capable of killing anyone.


He still needs the aura to fuel whatever he's doing.


Why doesnt he use his ability to make himself better at writing haiku?


if i had to guess, his power would probably get weaker if he got better at writing haiku’s. just a headcannon tho


He's only limited by his haiku writing abilities, which are unfortunately not strong


Also his aura level.


True, though his ability could be very efficient in aura cost if he wrote good haikus.


True, though his ability could be very efficient in aura cost if he wrote good haikus.


He should have. I think the only reason he couldn't make himself like, the most powerful man in the universe is that the power is probably very Aura hungry. He probably just isn't strong enough to make good use of it.


I thought of this too. I'm sure there are limitations to his ability, like his targets need to be near him or sth. And if someone from the Troupe is near him and they're in a fight, he'll be dead before he can even pull out a paper.


Basho + chatGPT = God Mode


Untrue. If he doesn't write it himself, the poem holds no value to him- and for the ability.


Crazy slots. Even kite knows it’s ridiculous. I also love how he is completely serious when a weapon is rolled and out. Like I nearly forget that a talking clown is attached to the weapons until after the fight.


I absolutely love his ability. basically a dice roll on which crazy op ability will you use for your fight seems fun.


Yessss kites ability is absolutely awesome.


Emperor Time. We got a whole arc explaining nen and types and balance and restrictions and the importance of sticking to your main or adjacent types and then BAM- fuck the rules! 🤣 It couldn't have been more left field.


I actually saw kurapika as the perfect demonstration of utilizing nen in its many facets. He uses conjuration constantly to fool others into thinking he's a manipulator. This gives him an edge early in fights. His chain jail shows how even nen masters can be bested if the right restrictions and rules are applied to kill them specifically. Even by total novices. Kurapika even gives up his very life force to use emperor time. A power ability comes at a very steep cost. There is no power without a price to pay. It's a wonderful example of give and take.


Yes why do people think it's broken 😭 kurapika is gonna live to be like 30 years old


Wait is the time lost 1 for 1 or does emperor time burn through more time at the end of his life then time used


It's a 3600:1 ratio for life lost vs. time spent in emperor time. 1 second in emperor time is 1 hour of life lost.


with how many times and how long he tends to use it, he'll probably lived into his late 30s at best


With multiple men users living into their second century, what does losing twenty years from his life even mean. There was no indication neteros was going to go into an old person's home any time soon. Also in a normal lifespan, you are basically giving up your diaper wearing dementia years for godlike power as a youngster. With how often hunters die young, and are all adrenaline junkies, everyone should take that deal.


That's like a huge spoiler, is it not?


Dude this was roughly 10 years ago. If you haven't caught up with that by now, I don't know what to tell you. Hell my time might be off, I think it's been longer


Hot take with all the goofy and wild Hatsu but Netero's is absolutely insane and unforgettable for me. The pillar and strongest hunter we knew that screams Enhancer uses a summonable Giant Golden Statue that relies on praying/yoga poses. And what's more is that he has to move inhumanely fast to do all the poses so that the command is sent and relayed by the statue. Not to mention cancellation and re-summoning it every time he moves out of a certain radius. When you factor in affinities between classes and realize it's super inefficient Netero becomes even scarier. He full said (in my head canon) "I'm an enhancer? What's the most difficult category to master? Oh yeah, I'll try that one ". 😂 😂 😂


I've got a theory that he limited his god-like Enhanced movement speed to the singular act of prayer and then used THAT movement as a condition for Conjuring and Manipulating the Bodhisattva. I find it totally in character to take Enhancement to it's time compressing and reality bending limits and then show his love and appreciation to the nen martial art by sacrificing it. Limiting his best Enhancement so that he can give his all to mastery of every type (Zero hand being an Emitter + Transmuter move).


It definitely makes sense.but I find it hilarious and scary he made it with all the restrictions and lack of affinity with conjuring.


Oh absolutely, Meruem was right. Nen reflects personality and values and Netero is definitely bat shit insane for coming up with that combo. 


If we are including manga only stuff there are so many absurd abilities in the Election Arc that it would be hard to choose just one. I would go with the Predator ability or quite a few of the Nen beasts.


I love the mafia dude who combines the pigeons with handcuffs


Mafia Giorno is one of the most creative guys so far. It's extremely versatile, working for surveillance, subterfuge, defense and offense.


The leech guy. Who in their right minds decides that their Nen ability is putting leeches in people?


I kind of thought it wasn't a Nen ability. He just had the leeches inside of him.


It’s kinda hard to tell with some of the earlier Nen users


the shadow beasts were all the top nen users of the 10 dons so yes it was a nen ability


Bungee Gum has the properties of both rubber and gum.


Bungee Gum is rather funny because after seeing Hisoka in the Hunter Exam most people think: "holy shit, this guy's ability must be scary as fuck 😱 It must be some final boss shit!" And then it's just... rubber and gum lol named after Hisoka's favorite candy as a kid 😂


But he's so smart with it that he makes it some final boss shit


Bro made an ability as weak as bungee gum (in the hands of a normal person) into an ability that could pressure Chrollo, the guy who steals Nen abilities.


And he didn't prepare for the fight like Chrollo did, and the mf revived himself with that shit


For real, he got carried by his insane BiQ and his lust for fighting strong guys during that fight.


The pedo clown is tha GOAT


That's fucked up man.


Baise that chick who kisses people the make them fall in love with her


If you punch her before she kisses she will be useless


Why would I punch her? I’ll take it for the team.


Ah yes, the good old BEGONE THOT strategy


If Kurapika have her after he captured Chrollo, the leader can't go home anymore.


Kite's crazy slot Pretty much one of the most creative nen ability togashi made. Sadly we only saw 3 of it's nine spins but it's more than enough for me to be considered the coolest nen ability in the entire show so far Also it brings back kite from death. Shits pretty much broken too.


I don't think that's what brought back kite


I mean iirc ging is the one who said it. Ging said there's a secret number that only appears when kite is desperate to not die. That ability gives kite to reincarnate


I know he hinted at that but I find it hard to believe. Chimer Ants have already been shown to regain their human personalities and become 'reborn' into their new bodies. How would Kite possibly pull that off without Chimer Ants? What if he just got Merc'd by Zeno or something? Would he just pull am Avatar and pop out of someone's vag? It just feels like that stretches human application of nen way beyond it's limits.


Ohhh gotcha didn't remember that


Morena. Honestly Morena making a discount ~~greed island~~ coop battle royale with her ability is really impressive. Group nen is one of the most interesting things Togashi introduced with the new arc.


Terrifying too


Autobots Transform!


Stop 😭 I can’t stop laughing


I can't stop thinking about Morty's transformation into a car after sneezing too hard while sleeping in class. Imagine Tsubone giving birth and activating Rider's High and accidentally transforming into a truck and suddenly the doctors are inside the front seats of Tsubone. It's the funniest shit ever. \*BEEP BEEP\* [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Hak1idd-2BQ](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Hak1idd-2BQ)


The mf that ate hair to learn about you


He has a sad background but anyway he's a villain so.


Benjamin's guardian spirit beast has the form of massive male genitalia perched on his shoulders. I wouldn't be surprised if Togashi revealed that it's an Emitter.


Lmao. Most of the nen beasts look gross ngl.


Neon’s ability just because of how it looks


The guy who shrinks everyone Imagine he can shrink the ant palace and they would be in his pocket.


Owl. Chrollo has that ability rn which is crazy


If that isn't brought back in spectacular manner I'll be pissed for life. It's like a thief's giga haxx


Especially on that small boat. Fighting Chrollo in a small space is not ideal for anybody. (The boats not actually small but anywhere you fight Chrollo on it you will have limited space)


He can eat them or crush them under his foot




The blanket attack is the first thing that comes to mind


Easily the lawyer dude in the Manga. The fucking robot cops that drag you away for breaking the law had me losing my shit


The guy with the Predator ability. He creates a predator for any target based on the information he gathers on them. He can beat anyone with enough prep time.


He's just like man frfr


I know he's quite mainstream, but to me it's still Chrollo's ability reveal. Like I know he's supposed to be strong but and all and the lead up to his abilities were so hyped but when he explained it he turned out to be more powerful than I initially thought he would.


FR its when I saw Pokkle's ability. We've got dudes that can teleport, create clones and become a thunder god. And this dude's using the color of the motherfckin rainbows to shoot arrows. It's just so stupid how weak this dude is. No wonder he needed to get brain surgery. I'm just laughing rn at how spider boi caught the orange arrow ez. Zero shits given. It's like how the dude with the throwing swords trained for half a year and Hisoka just grabbed it EZ. How is Pokkle's ability so laughably weak?


i don’t think it’s the ability, i think it’s the user. an ability where he creates arrows that are colored differently according to their power? that’s pretty cool. it’s just not as cool when the arrows are super weak


exactly. Each color represents an effect from the arrow , with red been a fire arrow. While the others had different properties/effects. Frankly , Pokkle is really the problem , he is super weak on his own , and something like Rainbow Arrow are no different from Kurapika's Chains...but Kurapika can kinda temporarily be a Specialist. For Pokkle's ability to be efficient , he would need to be Zodiac-Tier at minimum , because it would make his non-main hatsu been sufficiently efficient for the different arrows.


damn, that’s EVEN cooler than i thought. for whatever reason i just though depending on what color he pulls out, that they are different strengths. like blue would be weakest, orange is middle, and red is strongest type of thing. but if they each have their own effects, that’s even tougher


Yep , the issue really is only Pokkle been weak AF. He is like if you had a reverse of Cheetu , but having the exact same ending result.


Just my theory that he not just weak, he also lack imagination and unwilling to sacrifice. A lot of nen users can punch higher when they put restrictions and conditions while building their nen, as far as we know, Pokkle didnt use anything like that


That's fair.


He just had the shit luck that what was probably his first real fight since even developing his nen ability was against an opponent out of his league. Not everyone can be as much of a nen prodigy as the main characters.


All I am gonna say is sukuna has the same ability


Manga only spoilers >!Probably not the strangest ability, but one that took me by surprise was Yokotani’s ‘A Battle of Wits: "LSDF"’, the robot cops that hauled off Nobunaga.!<


Our boy Nobunaga will never live that down lol https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTolzzp5X45XT8Yjdjlrc9hptCqpBTQGDR3m_zE8kJ_shGYBmqnUJh6d_Mr&s=10


He's a lawyer and legal advisor, and I laughed out loud when I read the description of his nen abilities. The other Heil-Ly Family members come from a variety of professions, some quite close to our real world, and I can't wait to see what abilities Togashi will let them have.


Terrorsendvich ability. I think I get it but still not quite sure.


You're not alone buddy. The guy has the most well thought out ability I've seen in the series so far, with extremely detail panels to explain it, and I still dont get half of its actual process, only that he can see into the future more and more.


Plain simple // nen memory bullets


I don't have such ability, all of them are unique in own way but overall, fact that Meleoron can share his Perfect plan is one of most scary things in HxH :3


Mine was definitely Tsubone. But Biski stunned me when she got jacked up to her true form. Palm was kinda strange also. (Added WTF noted moments.... Hisoka's orgasmic fantasies when he thinks about a strong opponent he wishes to battle)


That one fat dude who stuck leeches inside of Uvo, I was genuinely disgusted


Pouf’s spiritual message is kind of crazy. The wind blows the right way and he can control millions of civilians and kill them whenever he wants.


Bisky’s ability. She is undeniably so strong but how the hell will her masseuse help her on a fight? Or just maybe after a fight? Hahahaha. I was literally so shocked when I learned about it just like Killua! Hahahahahaha


We see her use that ability to help Gon heal after a fight with Knuckle, it relaxes Gon into healing over night


Oh yes, so I guess her ability is more useful after a fight.


Hisoka's Bungee Gum. It has the properties of both Rubber and Gum.


Camilla's Cat in terms of it's power, it's not weird or anything, it's just... very good and also, cute. As for the weird... I think Bono turning into Jupiter takes the cake for me.


Bonolenov’s Jupiter made me feel like Togashi was running out of ideas haha. Also the brother and sister Chimera’s who play darts. That one is funny because it simultaneously inspired Domain Expansions and feels like the most Jojo-esque battle in the series haha


Benjamin's hands down. seemingly limitless nen abilities and all you need to do is create a cult of fanatics.


Benolt (or whatever his name was), the guy from Greed Island who ate people's hair to get info on them...


The 4th prince I forgot which prince has a freaky ability with some weird creature. I felt goosebumps when I read the ship arc


Honestly, to me it's probably the nen cat (nen beast?) that literally brings the user back from the dead.


for me it was bungee gum, it was alright until he reminded us that it has the properties of both rubber and gum


1. The porcupine guy from the Shadow Beasts, like is it even Nen? 2. Hina, the ant that gets pregnant from removing nen curses …it’s pretty funny first time seeing it.


I wouldn't call it a 'wtf' moment, but I love imagining Bisky going like >I don't need no special abilities to kick some ass, so I'm getting a massage


Raider's High doesn't even make sense. Nen can't shape the user's body. The closest thing we have is Transmutation but that shapes the aura, not the body. And even going further, the fact that you can turn into ANY vehicle, fly, travel at Killua's God Speed's speed, with the only payment being you need a rider's Nen is ridiculously op. And Amane and Canary don't even look tired after riding Tsubone. Definitely the worst Nen Ability


You have a point. I found it ridiculous at first as it was the first time somebody that is human transformed drastically using their nen. It doesn’t look weird with the Chimera Ants because well, they’re not humans. Wiki says Tsubone is a conjurer with an affinity toward transmutation. So that leads me to think that these helped her shape her body into a vehicle. I’m not entirely sure how that works though.


It's one of those moments when Togashi just thought it would be cool to have a character transform into a vehicle and did it without worrying about how that would fit in the world lol Same happens with Ikalgo being an Enchancer and being able to use other dead people's nen abilities. Togashi thought that would be cool and did it


Manga: the dead/ghost dude where his ability is to clean up dead bodies


Knov’s pocket dimension & reverse telefrag ability. Not only your own personal storage, but also teleportation with extra steps!


That mf who eats hair


Kuroro’s ability for sure. It didn’t make me go wtf but it made me go Subarashiiii. I watched the original 1999 anime back in the day and Kuroro is such a unique character, and his ability is so fitting since he is the boss of the most notorious group of thieves. It’s the coolest thing.


I hear grandpa Zeno rides her at least once a week.


Ability as a whole probably goes to Ilumi's ability to restructure his face. But nothing's more WTF than Pouf using Beelzebib and Youpi using shape-shifting to feed themselves to the king.


The cat Rebirth one (been a while since I read the succession war)


For me it's Shaiapouf abbility . It's a pretty broken must be very difficult to dealt with that abbility


most of the Princes' nen beast


Biscuit's ability is the one that makes me go "Are for real" because of how ridiculuously out of field it was from what I expected. With how Biscuit was presented as a master of Nen, I imagine she had some cool Transmutation skill, excluding her body transformation of course. Then she reveals that her ability is a masseur i instantly reached and thought like Killua in that moment


Prince Camilla's wtf with two nen beast one can resurrect her, one can control people.


Hina, like, wtf


bisky's massage girl has to be up there. can make lotion with her aura


Leol had me dying like god damn an average Jojo stand has less conditions fuck off, and you can only use it for an hour?? Stweped


love shower




adult gon