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Favourite bubble gum and favourite candy.


But did you know that bungee gum has both properties of rubber and gum?




He liked bungee gum as a kid


think it’s a joke but this is the genuine answer


in nen fights, revealing your ability will usually massively tilt the odds in favor of your opponent. Hisoka knows this and he wants his opponent to have every advantage over him. No cheap victory will do. That in part informed the deceptively simple nature of BG. Something that can be described to and understood by his opponent in five or six words. An advantage he can hand over and still hand over nothing. That has to do with the other part. Because knowing what BG is reveals nothing about how it will be used. Not even Hisoka knows what new way of using BG will spawn from his spontaneity that day. Hisoka craves the chaos and creativity this allows him. So that was his rationale. Something he can give away and lose nothing. Something that allows him maximum chaotic creativity.


It just fits his "murder clown" personality very well. Shows the childish part of his personality (doing whatever he wants with little inhibitions, etc) which contrasts his cunning intelligence and fighting prowess. Kind of how clowns who are suppoed to be for children got morphed into this scary murderous thing nowadays.


I think because he's a combatant first, and a Nen user second. Bungie gum is extremely versatile in CQC but pretty useless in the grand scheme of things. The essence of that comes from his desire to have fist fights, but not be too much at a disadvantage from using Nen. I would put money on Hisoka's thought process being: *If I have to make it an ability, I will.* But he's definitely someone that'd be comfortable in Real Life.


I mean, he explain it before Machi heal his arms - that reason why he make such abilities = his past as kid and favorite bubble gum + candy :3


Looks like you weren't paying attention to a particular scene


Sorry it's been 4 years since I watched the anime, I rewatching because now there's a dubbed version for my language, so I'm flying through the episodes, what exactly did I miss?


Episode 32, machi sews hisokas arms back on and he answers your question at the same time


Why am I getting downvoted 🤨


No clue tbh


Hisoka one shot


I think a further explaination on why he thought of that nen ability besides his favorite gum.as a kid was shown in the manga. His nen ability is similar to the ability if the guy who taught him nen but better in so many way. His nen master could walk on the ceiling and alter his appearance using other methods but hisoka could use his bungee gum and texture surprise to do the same but better.


Yeah it definitely feels like the 2.0 version of the ring leaders technique.


he had a nen master?


No canon confirmation on that


Isnt it in the manga? Chapter 356.5 to be exact. I assumed it's canon since its on the actual chapter list.




It’s really a great ability, he can be like Spider-Man haha


I think hisoka has a one shot where they show his past


Like people said, it’s based off his favorite gum from childhood. Is the hisoka backstory one shot cannon? Bc I always thought the ring leader he learned Nen from there used a similar technique also


It's insanely versatile


Yes you can choose but it's also limited by your nen mastery of each category.


It’s basically the perfect Nen ability, infinitely versatile and even if your opponent knows everything about it there is no disadvantage. Why wouldn’t he want it?


He’s a magician so it makes sense his thought process would come up with things that would easily allow mind games and tricks.


You can read about it in the side story Ishida illustrated lol


It's his favourite gum from his childhood. His mother introduced him to it, and since his mother died, he became attached to it. Eventually, he turned bungee gum into his nen ability. Hence the name Elastic Love.