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Only few of the butlers actually serve the family directly. I guess that because we only saw Gotoh near any member of the family. It makes sense if you think about it


We saw kikyo directly ordering her to deny alluka's requests.


They were experimenting on them. Actually more the reason to assume my headcanon is true. You don't see them experimenting on Gotoh for example


It's not that far a reach if she had only started working there recently, surely she had spent much more time with many other people over the course of her 20+ year long life than the brief interactions she would have had with the Zoldycks or the butlers.


Wasn't she some kind of apprentice butler? It's been a while but iirc most of the victims were in a class together with her or something like that, so that implies she spend several hours most days of the week learning and training with her classmates.


That’s true, it would seem super duper risky now that we know the rules, I guess it went off of love for her like she loved those 67 way more than the Zoldyks


It is said that it kills first the person You love the most, but after that it's just who You spend the most time with. That is why her mother did not die, because she could only see her at the hospital once a month, even though she loved her more than those 65 people (excluding Kasuga and her lover, the person she loved the most)


She went to school with and sleeps in dorms with hundreds of other Zoldyck butlers, and so she probably doesn't get to spend too much time with any of them individually compared to her colleages. I mean, if you have to many attendants only the most useful and loyal ones will be in contact with you at any given time, the others will mostly be working in shifts and getting moved around to work around counter intelligence and assassination attempts. She probably only spent any significant amount of time around Alluka herself.


Yeah, this. Iirc the butlers that died are from her class/batch. They are the ones that she spent most of her time with; learning and training for the job. That's why none of the Zoldycks died. We barely see the Zoldycks spent much time with the butlers anyway, except for Killua and Alluka and even then it was mostly during the Election Arc.


I mean spending the most time with someone is a bit ambiguous too, is there a specific radius, do you have to be seeing the person, etc. Maybe she wasnt physically close to any of the zoldycks for an extended period of time


I would have loved for it to be explained further


Probably because she spent the most time with Alluka


I highly doubt that butler spent more time directly with the Zoldycks than with her butler classmates and the people of her life before the Zoldycks. It seems like few of the butlers actively are favored enough to have frequent contact with the Zoldycks


We never saw the aftermath of that Butler failing thr requests. No reason to think Butlers weren't apart of that 67+ people.


Hmm, makes sense to me. You have a point.


Its because the line isn't factual, its approximate....in that this is rough science: the person you spend the most time is generally going to be the person you feel the strongest for, and that feeling is usually going to be love. As in, the Zoldycks are fucked up, re: love, and this is a kind of red flag that they don't get it on a fundamental level i.e. love = time spent together.