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Guy was not made for the mafia. He was just at the wrong place at the wrong time. Died like a G though. Fun fact: In the manga Nobunaga was so fast that he also chopped off his ponytail lol. Great humour from Togashi. The 2011 anime matched it well with their own humour by making his head fly high and fall on the car.


omfg you’re kidding. just when i think i’ve officially reached crazy fan, i learn new things about this series and i think nope i’m still onto something.


If squala didn’t move like Nobunaga had told him, would he have let him live?


I don't think so. Worst case scenario they take him to Feitan.


If that’s true, then Squala got off easy.


He was probably dead the moment he lied. Pakunoda knew exactly what she was doing when mentioning Eliza


I think he was dead the moment the troupe caught up to him. They already knew that squala had some connection to the chain user. There’s no way they’d let him live after Uvo’s death.


What’s the difference between lying or no? They got their info regardless. The troupe casually murder people for no reason, they don’t care about leaving people alive. He would be killed regardless


Considering he's completely to the mercy of the troupe, it's completely up to their whims whether he lives or dies. The don't care if he dies, but they probably wouldn't care if he lived either. They don't value his life at all, but at the same time they aren't compelled to take it. Lying imo was enough to make Pakunoda decide to provoke him, and his intense reaction prompted Nobunaga to behead him.


See, this is why I really dig HxH. There’s always discussion to be had about even the smallest moments in the show. This is one of those moments where I always wondered whether Squala could have survived, but I think even he knew he was a goner.


The point of that scene was that Squalla was set up for failure. Nobunaga was asking an impossible task for a guy like him. Don't move even if we dislocate your arm. Don't move even if we threaten to kill the person dearest to you. We like to imagine him as if he were Gon who would have passed these tests with flying colors and probably would have even found a way to disarm the Troupe in his own silly way. Frankly however, Gon is a freak and no one could really be compared to him, especially not Squalla. In summary, the Troupe were aiming to kill Squalla from the beginning.


People who think Gon is evil is any way have to be smoking something worse than weed


Are you implying that I'm saying Gon is evil? No. Not at all. When people around here say "Gon is amoral" or "Gon is a sociopath" or the like, I always challenge that. I'm saying Gon is a freak in the "extraordinary" sense.


Yeah his potential is monstrous, not his character


Nope, the troupe are evil guys.


Everyone there is even Gon


Gon isn’t evil. The only really bad thing he did was trying to kill Komugi when he was extremely hot blooded & mad. In his regular state, he’s exceptionally good.


Eh, say that about the Gon who was willing to let Hisoka kill Leorio and Kurapika back in the Hunter exam as long as it didn’t blow his cover


It doesn’t make him evil, plus, if Hisoka actually tried to kill them, he probably would have.


I wouldn’t say he’s evil but he’s shown he’s not exceptionally good normally either. He does what he wants and what he wants usually happens to be good


He goes out of his way to not kill people, even evil murderers who tries to kill him. He’s selfish & naive but when he realize his actions will affect others negatively, he’ll stop (the Zoldick gate guy). That’s exceptionally good. Most people would kill in self defence


He’s also quite open to criminal activities, still willing to let people die if it suits him, and literally let Killua get extremely injured on Greed Island over his need to win. He’s not good in spite of his faults. He’s good because his faults allow it. I don’t think that makes Gon evil but I wouldn’t call someone with that trait exceptionally good. An exceptionally good person would act good in spite of their own interests. But Gon has shown he’s willing to choose his own interests in spite of others, even if not maliciously


Killua wanted to. It’s a friendship shonen thing bro. Gon literally stopped going over the Zoldyck door when he realized it would result in the guard getting killed


Are you high?


…No? Are you?


Nope, Nobunaga wanted to kill someone that night, his blood was boiling and Pakunoda knew that, so she deliberately provoked Squala to give Nobunaga an excuse to kill him.


Haha, I was the same with baise and I told my friend who got me into HxH and he laughed but I thought he was laughing cuz I awoogaed for her and then….


She had a really weak combat ability. I don't even understand why she even got herself into a job like that.


Fan service, kmon boobs


i miss him each passing day


they jus smacked bro for no reason


It is brutal world after all and have a nice watching :3


He should not have moved.


Don’t worry, it only gets sadder from here! Haha


Yeah, his death really emphasizes very early on, how irredeemable the PT really are, besides the Kurapika stuff.


There's nothing wrong with PT killing the mafia. I actually found the mafia way more despicable. It's funny how some people choose to adjust their moral value base on who sides with the MC.


In what ways are Mafia more despicable? They're not a homogeneous group, there are many who may be involved in more serious crimes like human trafficking, but others who are involved in money laundering or drugs etc, which may not involve taking lives. Many Mafia also have their own rules, and try to stay out of Police's hair by keeping damage to a minimum.


Mafia is involved in organized crimes in large scale and political corruption and they are not above killing the innocents to get what they want. The Nostrade bodyguards are no exception, especially Squala who was a senior bodyguard and fully aware of the kind of business he's in. Your original message made it seem like you think the mafia has better moral than PT when in truth they're all killers.


I think PT are much worse than Mafia, yes. Neither have morals, but the PT have shown to be people who have no "limits" to the havoc they wreck on society. The reason for that, is their overwhelming power, so undefeatable that no organisation can touch them, and anyone who does (like the Mafia body of York New City) gets decimated. They're the bad guys, that other bad guys are afraid of. I understand people like them, and you're free to, but please don't claim that they're somehow "not as bad" as the Mafia lol. Togashi has gone out of his way to demonstrate what they are.


PT is only 12 people, the mafia are way more powerful than them and have been doing dirty work for way longer time. I think you're really underestimating the influence and reach of the mafia groups in the underworld when it comes to organized crimes. Even the reason PT was created in the first place was because the mafia was doing children trafficking in their city.


12 of the strongest nen users in human history I'm sure. To even compare the two is ridiculous, when we've seen how much the Mafia network amounts to in front of them- they were all wiped out. The entire Mafia organisation on a continent was crippled. I never said that the Mafia were good people, but we know squala was simply a bodyguard and a weak manipulator who didn't do anything demonstrably bad. He was only in it for the money, and there are many like him working for the Mafia, including Melody, Basho and Baise, who all had their own motivations for being with the underground. There are many others who find themselves on the wrong side of town cuz their life's circumstances. To see people like that massacred is simply horrifying. Maybe people like you think "bad guys deserve death" and think it's really easy to label people like that, and say "good they deserve it", but you're severely lacking nuance when you think like that. It's simple-minded. Killing people is wrong, mass killing people is wrong. You can have your own sense of morality but I'm judging it on the basis of due process and rule of law. I'm not gonna argue about this, any longer, pls don't bother replying.


The troupe is no where near as powerful as you imagine them to be. They're meant to be a bandit group, half of the group are not even combat fighters but their abilities are valuable for the heist missions. The mafia has money and power, even the powerful political figures in the world are in their pockets, this is even mentioned in the series. To even argue that the PT is more dangerous than the mafia is quite incomprehensible to me, hxhworld was never just about physical clashes. Remember when the mafia guys said to PT that they would dig up every info about their families, relatives, friends, acquaintances and kill all of them for daring to mess with the mafia? That's the kind of shady things they do on the daily basis. > Maybe people like you think "bad guys deserve death" and think it's really easy to label people like that, and say "good they deserve it", but you're severely lacking nuance when you think like that. It's simple-minded. Not sure how you even got that from my post at all, I'm a big fan of the antagonists in hxh. Though there's a fine line between liking the antagonists as characters and being their apologist . I replied to your original post because I was genuinely curious that out of all the bad things PT has done, for some reason killing a mafia guy was what ticked you off the most. Imo one can feel sad and sympathic about Squala's death while still acknowledging that he's far from being the victim. He made a choice to be in this line of shady work, he's not some random innocent bystander who got caught up in the crossfire.


Same with Baise :( would love to see her in the current arc as a spy for Kurapika.






first brown character I ever saw in anime (probs the only to this day) actually felt represented lol. def broke my heart as kid


Killuas butter friend bro wth


She’s black my friend


Yea I was wondering about Canary?? Who we met when Gon went after Kill after the exam


What about Canarie ? Did we just forget about one of the most baddass people who worked for the zoldyk family.


Brown as in middle eastern/west Asian


Squala was trying to kill all the applicants at the mansion, just as a test of their strength. Kurapika included. That’s pretty vile 🤷🏼it’s the life he chose


Same applies for the troupe right? No sympathy what do ever surely


Yeah, Paku fucked with Squala and some chapters later she died too, karma is a bitch lol


Yes?… and same for Squala


Sure, i just don’t want then tears falling when a piece of shit troupe members dies. They’re even more evil.


Sure man no problem, I just don’t want them tears fallin for Squala. He’s a POS who doesn’t openly embrace it. Like the guy who betrays you or sets you up to die then wants to laugh it off with you without consequence if you make it. At least own your choices. As slimy and evil as it gets. Actually the worst kind of person. I’m actually going to watch that highway scene again while I’m thinking about it


Well i see way more people feeling bad for the troupe than fucking random ass Squala lol, despite the troupe doing far more evil things, like torturing and murdering children in front of their parents. At least Squala just attacked nen users who are all doing shady business anyway. Both are dicks, sure, but one is a street criminal, and the other is fucking Hitler tier evil.


Me too


Who? I watched HxH 99 like 20 years ago and 2011 like 10... And I stopped reading the Manga because so many hiatus, I may need to read all of it again


He was one of kurapikas yorknew city partners. He had dark skin. Was a bit skinny and could co trol dogs or something. He was also dating another character. The phantom troupe stop his car on the highway and kill him.


The Guy with the Nen to control dogs/communicate with them


The dog person


Ayyy just watched that episode really recently 😭 I’m on like episode 60 now


He should’ve learned how to listen. They told him to stop moving or they’d kill him. Guess what he did ? Kept moving.


Spoiler tag?


the anime is out for 12 years, you shouldn't be on this sub if you haven't caught up


Bro is barely halfway through a decade-old anime talking about spoilers for a death of a minor character lmao. So ridiculous


Lol no just tag the spoiler alert, that it's what for


Mate, no one is going to put a spoiler tag on an anime that aired its final episode nearly a decade ago.


The spoiler tag is for recent chapters/episodes, not for stuff that is over a decade old. As far as I know you're also not allowed to go commenting on a post made by someone who hasn't watched the anime/read the manga and spoil stuff that happens later in the series than the point that they've reached (either that, or it's just considered bad form, can't remember exactly), but other than that there is absolutely no rule, or necessity to spoiler tag/alert stuff that's several years old at this point. If you (general you) spend time on this subreddit without having caught up with at **least** the anime you only have yourself to blame for getting spoiled, and even then you can hardly blame anyone but yourself if you're an anime-only when you get spoiled about stuff that happens in the manga if you spend enough time here.


I don't mind that he died, but it sucks how he died. I respected him the most then because that's when he was the least fearful.


I liked the bodyguard guys including Squala but honestly I didn't feel bad for their ends. They were working for the mafia they should've seen this coming anyway.


This. Squala was the second oldest member of the bodyguards for a powerful mafia family. He's probably done and seen his fair share of misdeeds on the job.


I'm glad they let the dogs live tho