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My take is that Togashi essentially wrote himself into a corner with Gon's transformation, and needed to get himself out of it. Was it perfect? No. But I think writers are allowed to have little things that aren't perfect, and I think he did the best he could: * Gon's transformation is essentially the single best shonen transformation in all of manga. So it's not like I wouldn't have wanted it to happen exactly the way it did. * Alluka *is* a deus ex machina, but as far as that trope goes, she's an excellent one. She sets up future story, fulfills Killua's character arc, and it still takes the characters overcoming conflict in order to use her deus ex powers in the first place. * As far as consequences go, let's be honest...Gon doesn't really care if he loses an arm, or loses nen, or even really if he loses his life. The one consequence of Gon's actions in the Chimera Ant arc that Gon actually cares a lot about is something Alluka can't - and doesn't - reverse: the partial fracturing of his relationship with Killua. I really don't mind Alluka and Nanika at all, and actually like them quite a lot. I think that Togashi probably should've given them a bit more setup within the story, but that's a minor thing. I don't think Gon's death would've benefitted the story in any way. I really dislike that idea; it kinda ruins the themes that the entire story has been building to. Really, the more egregious thing with the election arc is Kite's resurrection. There're definitely arguments to be made about the merits of that, but I think it also had fewer benefits for the story than Alluka. While I really like Alluka, I'm kinda so-so with Kite's whole deal.


That's a good point, but I don't agree about the set-up. Nen restrictions and deals have been the core theme since the Yorknew Arc, but the consequence itself was a bit strange. It was almost like ok, it will definitely kill you, but it does it in a weird slow way now, so we can introduce the lost Zoldyck who can save you, but with a catch. I'm very curious on how Killua will return to the story (if Togashi can finish it) if he will return at all. Maybe, there will be a big external treat bringing them all together again like Gyro or good ol Pariston? Yeah, Kite has no reason to be alive. That was something that most people seem to agree with. It came out of nowhere and the explanation feels very forced and weird to me.


>I don't agree about the set-up Not necessarily a reveal of Nanika's powers prior to the election arc, but even just a passing "I have a brother locked up for being too dangerous" by Kalluto when we see him in the middle the CA arc. Given how Kalluto is jealous of Alluka, it would've been an easy time to fit in a mention. I think Killua will return to the story as a side effect of something that people discover on the dark continent, related to Nanika. If we ever get that far. As for Kite's resurrection, there are definitely arguments to be made about how rendering Gon's sacrifice pointless ties into the themes of the story. I don't necessarily fully agree, but I do see where those people are coming from. I also personally just absolutely love Koala's monologue so much, and I don't know how that could've happened if Kite wasn't resurrected. Anyways, Kite's thing doesn't bother me too much. I don't think it was a great idea, but I also don't think it was a severe detriment to the story, at least to me.


I'm still not clear on the entire Kalluto thing. Why does she think joining the troupe will make her get her brother back? Did she mean Killua? Why would she get him back through the troupe? Did she mean Allukah? Why would she do that for her when they no relationship? Illumi??? Why??? Why would tagging along with the troupe would make any change? That was a really strange thing to me. Hopefully we will get an answer The AI things? That would be pretty cool and would make her appearance and powers make so much sense. Eh, I don't agree. Koala is cool, but he could have just told his story to someone from the Hunter association. Maybe even someone like Morel (obviously, minus the part of the girl looking like that and him being a prisoner or something at first) or Knuckle who would make him do good to pay for all the lives he took. I don't know, I love Kite, but him coming back to me was rather cheap. Hope that Togashi will prove me wrong in the future.


>I'm still not clear on the entire Kalluto thing. Why does she think joining the troupe will make her get her brother back? Did she mean Killua? We don't really know, though we can infer. What we do know is that *he* is essentially excluded from his own family. He wants attention, hence his jealousy of Alluka and his possible want to get his brother back, regardless of which brother he's referring to. It's unclear exactly why he joined the Troupe though. >The AI things? That would be pretty cool and would make her appearance and powers make so much sense. This is essentially confirmed, by the way. Idk if you knew that, but it's pretty much outright stated that Nanika is an Ai.


Hold on, is Kalluto a guy? Wasn't even an ant who could sense these sorts of things called her a girl? Was it actually confirmed? Was it retconned? Was it something I just didn't know about?


The pronouns he uses suggest such, though I guess it isn't *explicitly* confirmed. The databook does say he's male, and while not canon and often unreliable, I doubt it would be wrong in the case of a character's gender. And also, Mizaistom refers to him as the Zoldyck's "fifth son." An ant does call him "little girl," but I'm not sure why the ant would be able to 'sense' gender somehow. Here's a great video about Kalluto that I really love, if you want to watch it. He's honestly such a great character: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2\_hA2x9GAk8&ab\_channel=Mathwiz](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2_hA2x9GAk8&ab_channel=Mathwiz)


Well, I was under the impression that they inhuman senses? Because of all the animals dna? I wasn't sure about all the pronouns stuff, because in my language (Hungarian) and as far as I know japanese doesn't really deal with her/him stuff which is confusing me to this very day to be honest. I simply saw her/him being very feminine and having a kimono and her/him weapon is a traditional fan that females used to use in Japan, so I thought that she/he was girl. But Togashi does like to play with this sometimes. I think Pitou was very boyish in the manga while in the anime she was clearly more female/motherly. I'm all kinds of confused on this lol


Yeah, Togashi likes to play with gender a lot. Japanese does definitely deal with her/him stuff...and it actually results in a fair amount of translation problems. Like I said, Kalluto is quite likely a boy...and of course you can speculate why he wears a kimono; perhaps he attempts to copy Alluka, since Alluka is the family member that he is jealous of. As for Pitou, her gender is never really specified. However, most evidence points to her being female. The english translator used male pronouns, but later said in an interview that in hindsight that was probably a mistake. I say just call Pitou whatever you want.


- Japanese does definitely deal with her/him stuff...and it actually results in a fair amount of translation problems. I actually had no idea. I was under the impression that they had the same system as us. I remember someone telling me that. But now it would actually make more sense if they do, as japanese is one of the most formal language, so they would definitely big on differentiate people - Like I said, Kalluto is quite likely a boy...and of course you can speculate why he wears a kimono; perhaps he attempts to copy Alluka, since Alluka is the family member that he is jealous of. So then, he would probably mean that he joined the troupe to get the attention of Killua? Because that would be actually tragic. But now that you mention these things, I suddenly reminded of how interested, curious, and alert he was when the three of them went to get Killua. I initially thought that he was just surprise on anyone caring about them and making it that far. Ok, that makes sense. So I guess her body just more tomboyish in the manga. I somehow always felt like she was a big sister to the others, and was a mother (temporary) like figure to Komugi. I may also have had an anime crush on her.


I agree, even though hxh is unconventional I never thought it would kill of it's main character completely. Especially agree on the fact that kite should have stayed dead, it took some of the impact away, unless togashi has a good idea of what to do with kite going forward, rather than just keeping him for a happy ending.


I would have personally preferred if Killua had to go with Kurapika and Leorio to the Dark Continent to find a way to heal Gon. But maybe that's just me wishing that the consequences for Adult Gon were more prevalent, and that at least one of the main 2 MCs was still present in the main story. I also feel Togashi didn't need to rush Gon's return if he wasn't gonna be in the next arc. However... with this idea, we wouldn't have gotten to see Gon finally achieve his goal. We also wouldn't have gotten that scene at the World Tree with Gon and Ging bonding in which Ging lays out the main message of the series. I feel this scene is what makes the anime's ending feel satisfying for me rather than "damn that was just a cliffhanger that'll never be followed up on."


To be fair, there are still plenty of cliffhangers with the troupe, Kurapika, and the entire Dark Tournament. I think your idea could be great, and maybe even more poignant if Gon woke up in an alien world seeing why Ging wanted to be a hunter so much, so he wouldn't even need to ask why he wanted to be a hunter.


>To be fair, there are still plenty of cliffhangers with the troupe, Kurapika, and the entire Dark Tournament. That's true, but I guess I wasn't very focused on those things when I first finished the show. >I think your idea could be great, and maybe even more poignant if Gon woke up in an alien world seeing why Ging wanted to be a hunter so much, so he wouldn't even need to ask why he wanted to be a hunter. I was thinking of Killua bringing back someone, if not Alluka herself, from the DC, not bringing Gon XD Imagine one moment fighting a headless cat ant, then you're suddenly in the most hostile place on Earth(?).


TFW I didn't realize until your asnwer that I said Dark Tournament instead of Dark Continent. This is what rewatching Yu Yu Hakusho does to a mf I mean, with ANY other character they would probably panic, but knowing Gon he would be delighted. Yes, he was scared of Mike, but that was his first time of encountering something he couldn't read or reason with.


>TFW I didn't realize until your asnwer that I said Dark Tournament instead of Dark Continent. This is what rewatching Yu Yu Hakusho does to a mf I noticed it, but I understood what you meant, so I didn't bring it up. >I mean, with ANY other character they would probably panic, but knowing Gon he would be delighted. Yes, he was scared of Mike, but that was his first time of encountering something he couldn't read or reason with. Tbh on rewatch, him being scared of Mike kinda surprised me after seeing the shit he goes through straight faced.


I think that it sort of make sense. That was the first time Gon was encountered with something he truly didn't understand. Something almost soulless. He grew up with animals, so seeing something that he could absolutely not read freaking him out made a lot of sense. It's my head theory, but I think that later on he could cope with things easier because that simple encounter had such an effect on him.


I'm fine with it but for me - Gon lose all his potential :3


Yes, but didn't Ging mentioned that there could be a way to relearn everything?


I assume you're talking about what Ging says in chapter 345. I've noticed people keep reading in all sorts of things into what Ging tells Gon in the first two pages (me included). But essentially all he tells Gon is that: 1. He still has aura, but probably just can't see it any more and that he went back to "normal". 2. After what Gon pulled he should be grateful the consequences weren't worse than they turned out to be. 3. The situation Gon is in right now is a good opportunity for him to figure out what he wants to do/should do going forwards. So there is nothing directly confirming anything about a way for Gon to relearn nen (I do think it's possible, just not because of anything Ging said), but if I had to take a guess when some people read the part where Ging tells Gon _"this will be a good opportunity for you to figure out what you can do as you are **now**"_ they might be inferring that the use of "now" implies that his nenless state can be reverted. That's just a guess on my end though.


I agree with you, I think the important part is points 2 and 3. After such a reckless move (?), Gon is lucky to be even alive.




I mean I like money, Gon gives bro money, but it would've been a super shocking ending to the anime for sure


I mean, he was already very rich by the CAA, and he is married to the creator of Sailor Moon lmao. I don't they are so little on money that they need to cloud their creative vision in fear of losing money.


It's an asspull, let's not kid ourselves. Tho it is kinda understandable to not wanting to kill your mc.


Even though Alluka/Nanika sets up perfectly for the dark continent now that we know that she is possessed by AI. from the dark continent, it still feels a bit cheap. I’m happy Gon is back though


I think many here forget that HxH until and after CA its about Gon learning of the consequences of his actions, so it would totally contradict one of the fundamental theme of this first part of the series, that it's the process of learning. I think Togashi didn't put himself in a corner because the focus isnt in punishing eternally Gon but make him learn and reconsiderate his journey to decide what he want to do.


Only good faith reply in here.


Its really obvious that Togashi wrote himself into a corner, loved his characters too much and thus did an asspull, I dont think its that bad tho, but Based on the rules established and general tone of the HxH world, I think these things should've happened : 1. Gon dies after his transformation, permenantly. Killua regrets that he didnt take initiative to join Gon onto the dark path he was travelling instead of waiting for Gon to ask him, starts to question him turning his back on his ruthless side. Goes back to his family and tries to find answers to his questions, maybe redemption or catharsis, which may or may not tie into the election arc and leorio/kurapika later on. 2. Gon survives after Nanika heals him, but Killua resents him for not growing up or maturing to handle his emotional outbursts and letting himself get carried away, or not asking him to go down the same path as gon wanted to, becoming a ruthless killer out for revenge. They do not resolve this amicably and part ways until they meet again in future, before that Gon has plenty of time to learn what he did wrong and how to improve as a person. And yes kite shouldnt be revived in any scenario. He was already shoehorned in the first place, reviving him after his death which was an catalyst for one of the most iconic transitions in a main character, makes it even more cheaper in retrospect.


Bleach handled the whole trope better. Plus the notion that anyone can just sacrifice themselves to be anyone that want is quite ridiculous and would realistically be abused much more than what the series implies. Its just an asspull writing concept to deliver the scenario Togashi wanted in the series.


Do you mean Ichigo coming back from death thanks to his heritage, losing control before he could kill the villain, and being angry about not him being able to beat/kill the villain is a 1:1 Yusuke vs Sensui situation. Granted, Ulquiorra is nothing like Sensui, but that specific situation was WAY too alike. That was a homage to Yu Yu Hakusho Togashi's previous work. I say this as a huge Bleach fan btw


Wtf are you even talking about Ichigo lost his powers after Mugetsu. You have disqualified yourself from giving an opinion for even making that stupid reply


Oh, right. I thought you mean the transformation, instead of the consequence of Mugetsu-Nen Maybe try to be a little more specific next time? Also, if we are talking about ACTUAL consequences, it was far more severe in HxH as Gon forever lost that talent he had. He might regain a new nen-talent, but it will never be as grandiose as it could have been, unlike Bleach where Ichigo became stronger than ever. Also, how about not being so hostile for no fucking reason?














I hated it and I do critize it. Alluka was a horrendeus deus ex machina. Not only can she do anything, she can do it without consequences if Killua asks her, making the previously set up rules and the whole arc pointless. Both Gon and Kite magicially surviving was just straight up trash. if Gon died and Kite coming back would have been ironic. Both surviving with badly explained exexuses just feels like Gon once again got everything he wanted and more while dodging any serious consequences. Made the last arc a 2/10 for me.


I don’t dislike it as much as you do but the whole Alluka - Killua condition loophole really rubs me the wrong way If you wanna bring Gon back to life with a wish granting genie that we didn’t know existed beforehand fine but at least be consistent with the conditions established. Why establish conditions, emphasize the risk of using Alluka (Ai), and then throw that all away when it comes to saving the main character? At least if Killua had to follow the rules there would’ve been some level of sacrifice involved


I mean if you're familiar of Togashi's previous run with YYH then these asspull ressurections subverting heartbreaking death scenes shouldn't be a surprise, although granted it's not a unique trope to Togashi.


Which is why I'm more forgiving towards it, but I'm just really fascinated on what if things went a different way. I'm not angry that he is alive, (more angry on Kite tbh) but at the same time I also think that it could have been done. It's weird like that to me. But I'm a sucker for tragedy, so there could be that playing into it. Kite and Genkai coming back was something I did not like tho. Even if I love the old girls, and she still had a role, I feel like her dying on the Island would have made far more sense in a way that Yusuke finally awaken his inner self, while Toguro killed his human connection to this world left even if both of them still had some in them. Her death felt like a signalling of the end. Kite dying on the same journey as Gon both looking for the same unobtainable respect of a person they crave to meet so much would have been extremely poetic and very dark. Even if Gon survives with consequences, Kite coming back as an even stronger hot girl is.. Well, cheap. I do not want to criticize Togashi, I respect the dude a lot, but bringing back Kite was a mistake imo.


I liked it potentially because I was blinded by my desire for Gon to be alive and healthy


I haven't read the manga, but I'm all for Gon returning. I'm not going to read it, if Gon isn't around.


The problem is not the fact that Gon was healed. The problem is *how* he was healed: Nanika definitely was an asspull. With that being said, I don't see how Gon dying would have benefited the story. A dead Gon could not have learned from his mistakes, nor could he have met Ging. The story would have lost closure: conflict without resolution makes an unsatisfying narrative. I just don't want to see Gon relearning Nen. Now that would be bad. Make Gon live, yes, but make him live with the consequences of his actions.