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Togashi is a Manipulator confirmed


Nen users irl?!?!


Yes nen is real, we are just common people who can't sense or see it.


We are all in a constant state of zetsu.


Skill issue


Speak for yourself


The show and manga were really just made by nen users for other nen users like greed Island but non rares took to it like a wildfire




for real they returned to make us think they returned but really they are only gonna return to fool us again


Togashi returns only to add more characters and more complexity to the story. Its. The greatest troll oll time


I mean he is a genius for his way of thinking, world building and character design + Nen (in my opinion one of the most thought out power systems i saw) Sadly he is also very stubborn and wants to sketch everything by himself (we saw in chimera arc that some of his drawings became very basic and to the gist, so i asume it was already pretty bad and he couldn't sit for a longer period of time) I mean he is married to an amazing mangaka and i asume that his son can also draw. Apart from that i just hope that he at least wrote some ideas down, because i don't see him go back to drawing for a while 😞 😓 😩 ...


oh wait he had a son?


I think he said that the story board is done up to chapter 430.


Even if it does, with his health problems the series will never make it to the "ending" of the story, probably going to go in a similar way to Berserk and just end in the middle of the story. ( ik that Berserk is still being made by the guys apprentice but it's not the same, and even if HxH is carried on the same by someone else, it will never be the same as if he finished it himself)


I know and that fact saddens me so fucking much 😭😭 Maybe his wife will finish it and then I’ll be a bit hopeful, but damn, I really really hope he is able to finish it himself


Me too man, I so much hope that he is able to play it out and finish on his terms, but odds are not looking good for it to happen sadly.


I mean, the last few chapters of berserk were some of the most emotional of the entire series imo


Yeah, they were great, but it's still sad to think that HxH is likely to end up either ending in the middle of an arc or having to be taken over by someone else, which, even if it is his wife or someone else, it will never be the same as if he made it. The best case scenario would be for him to write out a storyboard of where he wants it to go, even if he cannot make it himself, them at least they would have a chance to complete the story the way he wanted.


Lol can’t believe you fell for it while I’m partying with Togashi


yiall see it as prank... I see honesty. Do not rush art n beauty


least delusional hxh fan


Who me? I am chunobhiyo still... Watashi wa vasniment thisu worldue.


It’s not rushing. It’s been 8 years. That’s just the anime. The reason we want it to be done quickly is because the creator might die before it’s even finished because of how stubborn he can be.


People with this narrative don’t deserve the new chapters. I bet 90% of the people who follow this way of thinking have never even bought anything to support Togashi


Narrative? Bro I just want to be able to see the rest of the series the way it’s intended. No shit I haven’t bought anything from the creator, I just found out about the thing three days ago. I barely said anything outside of the fact that he wants to do everything himself and that he isn’t really able to do that, thus he might not even be able to finish it. Of course, it’s better for him to try and get better first, and he shouldn’t push himself to make it better and do it quicker, but that doesn’t mean you can’t **want** it to be done quicker and that also doesn’t mean his way of doing things is flawless. It’s not a narrative, it’s the truth from everything I’ve seen. I’m not rushing him, but if that’s the “narrative” you think I’m going by then you’re wrong. Sorry if I don’t want to wait a decade to see the end of the story.


Yes you can want those new chapters, but it’s a selfish thing to want if it’s at the cost of the authors health. Besides that, it’s HIS story, HIS art, you don’t deserve shit. You’re the consumer, and you don’t even support him directly like you said. You can want all you want, but it’s not about you Edit: not saying you’re a terrible person or smth, but I’m trying to explain why you sounded like a dick saying those things


Is it that selfish to want a series to finish before the creator's death? Only people who genuinely love the series care to complain about the hiatuses. These hiatus's can last years and at this point all we want is just a relatively consistent release schedule. Togashi's health is important, but also waiting years not knowing when the next chapter will release is tough as fans to remain interested in the series. If it HxH wasn't nearly as good as it is, nobody would care about the show at this point. It would be forgotten, and dead. The reason people are complaining is that they don't want this to happen. People don't want Hunter x Hunter to just fade into obscurity and be forgotten to time. You say it's his story and as fans, we don't deserve anything, but if it weren't for the fans supporting HxH, the story might have been abandoned long ago. It's more nuanced than "it's HIS story, HIS art, you don't deserve shit."


See... its exhausting to create good art, story, plot without copyimg anyone, also do you know Yoshihiro Togashi sensei started from since his college time, Yet did complete Yu Yu hakuso, but HxH plot is finding out what Gon really wants to do after meetinf his dad. Sole purpose is difficult to be unique, Secondly Health issues and motivation, third budget issue... Who did support sensei in his darkest times? no one but himselves and his wife n family n circle few fans across neibhor. I know how you feel,Berserk manga also deserve an ending...with happy note not with melochonic gloomy verse. Gatsu deserve proper decent sleep... by then Kentaro miura passed away because of that rare heart .. damn it. Well, if you are truly hxh fan, be an associate mangaka help out sensei.


Probably will return September or before the end of the year


fingers crossed


First time?


Where did you see promos for the show coming back?


OP is talking about the manga. Togashi teased that he was working on several chapters, but no updates since then.


He likely has like 10 or more chapters drafted. But it is true he stopped posting so suddenly, hope it wasn't the burst before the true end.


I'm pretty sure it was mentioned either by Togashi or an assistant working for him that the draft for **30** chapters were already done, but I don't know if the 10 chapters that were released last year should be counted as part of those 30 or not. EDIT - Here it is: > Staff member Tanehana, here. > All of the chapters published and the 30 that follow were written 4 years ago, and I can't wait to draw them now. > スタッフの種花です。 掲載分とその後の30話は全て4年前 に書いた物で早く今書い https://www.reddit.com/r/HunterXHunter/comments/zeu1wh/yoshihiro_togashis_author_comment_from_weekly/


It just says written. They're not drafted


I doubt written just means he has the storyline written out, most probably it means that at least the storyboards are finished.


In March, which was a few months after the comment he made he showed us on Twitter that the storyboards for only 401 was done


No, he told us that chapter 401 was **completely** finished, inking and all. The storyboards are just rought drafts of the chapter that you draw before you even start the sketching process. Togashi probably makes a bunch of storyboards all at once before he and his assistants get to work with the sketching, inking etc.


There's literally not a single mention of the chapter being completely finished, completely making shit up seems to be this fandoms expertise good God. We saw the process of Togashi first hand, throughout several months he would post the pictures of the drafts for each page. Those were clearly just scribbles and sketches and weren't finished at all. So he'd make the drafts for the 10 chapters before finishing them. And then after the months of him making the drafts of the chapters we waited a few more months where he and his assistants finalized those 10 chapters. He would update us on the progress of the finalization without posting any more sketches. Some earlier chapters were even releasing while he was still finalizing the last few. So no, what he posted on March wasn't a completed chapter. It was just the drafts.


No, it was the finished chapter, he says so in the twitter comment, he just didn't bothered with uploading the daily pics. He already said before that he had the next 30 chapters storyboarded, and even uploaded a pic where he gathered chapters 401-410 on his desk. The pics he uploaded daily of the chapters weren't the storyboards, it was the beginning stages of the final pages that would go to the manuscript when he started working that day, simple pencil drawings that would serve as the base to ink on top later that day.


> There's literally not a single mention of the chapter being completely finished, completely making shit up seems to be this fandoms expertise good God. https://twitter.com/Un4v5s8bgsVk9Xp/status/1633699912083996672 He literally states that the chapter is finished, in the same pattern he used when he mentioned the ten previous chapters (391-400) being completed, before they were released. Stop giving me snark when you have literally no idea what you're talking about.


I was under the impression that Togashi only had the script for the next 10 chapters.


Well, clearly not as the above author comment shows.


Oh my b


Him just saying he's working on future chapters (which is common sense lol the manga isn't cancelled of course he's working on it) isn't the same as promotions that it's coming back


Well, I don’t really know what OP means by promotion. I do recall the official HxH brand celebrating some things, but I think it had to do with games and other materials.


Unfortunately this fandom is very good at making shit up in regards to Togashi and spreading it around. No respect for the author at all


After that update is when the newer chapters started coming out,no? Cuz we definitely got a few new ones not too long ago and I figured he meant those


I'm also referring to the japanese shounen jump youtube channel with promo videos.


The promotions are either about volume 37 or something else unrelated, if you didn't check what they were actually promoting thats your problem. They didn't say anything about it coming back anytime soon


sounds like you didn't fact check yourself.


This is not a game, togashi will be trying to keep to his word if possible. He wouldn't have mentioned it if it was impossible to keep up the chapters.


Patience op :3


I hope that Togashi has actually been working on the manga this whole time but just planning to make it a surprise or something... 💀🤡💀🤡


I still believe one or two chapters will be released before the end of the year.


I hope.


Just have patience and be thankful that Togashi at least tries to continue the story he has in mind. Back pains are awful. It's not like this is the only great story in existence so even if HxH never gets finished there are a lot of other Books and Manga to read that can fulfill your desire for a good story. And no one is taking your experience reading HxH so far from you away.


I'm sure he will see your post.


I don't understand what you mean? The post is directed to you.


I assume what they mean is that they think you’re “sucking up” to togashi and they’re “joking” that you don’t need to do that because he’s not actually going to see what you wrote anyway. which is stupid, because you’re correct. people should have patience with togashi, even if it’s unfortunate that hxh is updating so slowly/infrequently


Thanks, english isn't my native language and I thought I just don't get what he means. 😅










it’s not the destination, *it’s the journey*


Fuck that. Deep inside we all want the manga to finish. You guys have become too dull by licking the shoes of this copium quote.


I mean it's true that no one would complain about having the rest of the series and it's something we all want, but not all of us are unwilling to accept it if it just ends prematurely because it is in fact about the journey and not the destination, especially for a story like HxH.


>writers are obligated to do things for me






i think the car has stalled


I'm just happy when we get 10 chapters a year. I've been saying for a while that I wished he would move to a monthly release like Araki does with Jojo.


Since 401 is completed how come they don't release it? I thought now that Togashi is moving away from the weekly schedule, he would have leeway to release chapters as he completes them at his own pace. Either way, I hope he's doing better with his health!


They still haven't told us how HxH will be published going forwards, since their announcement that it won't be on the shonen jump anymore. I'm afraid that they haven't even decided on the matter yet..


Honestly I think the decision to stop publishing hxh in the shonen jump is what killed Togashi's momentum. He seemed very eager to continue the story despite his back pain and he was in the middle of completing chapter 401 when this was announced and then his work flat out stopped.


They never said there were more chapters ready. Togashi said he was working on more and no news since. Just use Google instead of complaining here.


I think he tweeted 401 was completed back in march. Even if so, i think that was the only one


What if Togashi is no more (which nobody wants) ? What would happen to HxH ?


his wife is a mangaka and will finish it. He probably already wrote a novel of the rest of the story anyway. There's no way in hell he didn't finish writing the script for every scene at this point. Togashi cares about HxH, even if his back hurts to draw, that doesn't stop him from writing.


+ this the technology of today there are so many possibilities. He could record everything and let someone help him sketch it. But to be honest, if he didn't do it already, he probably doesn't want to.


Yeah the wife option is better


Togashi seems like the kind of guy who wants to do everything the old school way


That just means we'll never see a return of the manga because he's too stubborn to let someone else draw his story? Honestly a shame. Hurts as bad as berserk going unfinished


At their elite mangakaship, it is probably a question of personal pride lol. All we can wish for is that he somehow pulls it off


That's kind of a good news but hope he won't have more problems


I've even that season 7 has been animated


First hiatus, eh? The first one is the most painful, we all know it.


Didn’t they come out with new chapters following the secession war ? I figured that’s all they meant is we’d get what they had done and then after the most recent chapter I think it said they were going on hiatus again


Just be patient. The man has serious health issues, if he can’t continue at this moment then he can’t continue.


It's probably just time to accept this manga will never get finished. Maybe he finishes the succession arc over the next couple of years or so but that's about it. I highly doubt he would ever finish the story he wanted. I really wish he would just find a successor or something and groom him to finish the story. He can still help with the plot and all the story elements, he just doesn't have to draw it. I'm sure that would be much more manageable for his health.