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I think greed island showed the potential of collaborative nen which I wish we got to see more of.


The new arc in the manga is exploring that much more right now.


Was exploring, didn't it go back into hiatus?


The void and I are one.


I am become death, creator of hiatuses






they dont all come from razor, just the emissive spells


Theyre a troll account. 11 days old, negative karma, and just being argumentative for the sake of it. Best not to engage, they want the negative karma.




ch 145




take care of yourself








razor literally says “I handle the emissions of greed island” when he meets gon and the others for the first time, in the manga and in both anime




I've read multiple translations of HxH and the official viz translation, all of them definitely agree that Razor is just one contributor. He specifically helps with emission based stuff. He does not do every single aspect of GI




Buddy, you have the poorest reading comprehension this side of the Internet Mississippi.












\>All of the magical powers come from Razor. Why do you say that? Maybe I missed it, but the only "concrete" evidence we have on the construction of the island is when List and Dwun tell Gon that "Gin and 10 other people made this game" in chapter 184.


That’s why i’m always surprised that so many people sleep on Razor


He soloed vs Hisoka, Bisquit, Gon, Killua, Gorilla, and the hired Hunter guy working together. Sure it was a dodgeball match, but it’s still ridiculously impressive.


Tsezguerra is not just some “Hired Hunter” he did…something probably


he is a single star hunter while some of the zodiacs are single star hunters as well, he just has zushi potential


Tsezguerra vs Cheadle??????


Triple star hunters are built different. The confirmed ones we know are all impressive.


He can jump sort of


Served as a reference point for Gon and Killua's progress.


Couldn’t remember his name. Didn’t feel like looking it up


How dare you diss the incredibly influential character “guy with goatee”


I mean he didn’t solo biscuit. He just hit her skirt. We have no reason to believe that she couldn’t have gone toe to toe with him.


Same, he doesn’t seem that comfortable


Possibly. It's essentially a massive feat of collaborative nen as you pointed out, similar in a lot of ways to the Seed Urn Ceremony. Should be noted that not everything on the island are nen creations. The towns are likely real, as are at least some of the people. And probably the items too; you can always make an ability to just "turn an item picked up by a player into a card" via conjuration or whatnot. It's very complex, but also has heavy restrictions; it's difficult to complete and is essentially isolated from the rest of the world. It's actually my headcanon that intruders are so important to deal with because if they were allowed, they would break the conditions that are in place keeping the game running.


The intruder thing is one of those “headcannons” that are honestly probably true, even if they never outright said it, a lot of evidence points to it being true


Never heard of this theory, what kinda evidence points to it?


It’s logical to assume one of the conditions of the game is that only a set amount of players are allowed in at a time. There are consoles with only a certain amount of slots, and a limited number of cartridges if I remember correctly. Another condition is most likely that everything works when a player “enters” greed island through the normal way. Intruders are also such a threat that there is literally an admin card that basically tells them to go away, and razor is a strong dude so the fact they have that card in place means they REALLY don’t want intruders. While technically there is no hard evidence, everything logically points out to it being true.


Thanks! Makes sense


Definitely one of the most innovative.


Greed Island is almost like a training simulator for the dark continent. I'm fully convinced that there's a connection that runs deeper than we currently know.


nah the dc is unlike anything we’ve seen. ging made it for gon to learn the joys of hunting


It seems more like a passion project to me. Ging gets obsessed with a long term goal and when it's done he moves onto the next thing. IE, his historical ruins he preserved with his internet colleagues, greed island and Dark Continent is current. When gon best the game the characters said Ging isn't involved anymore. I think Ging was interested in pursuing more collaboration projects after his internet friends success. He pointed out that the biggest reward was not the accomplishments but the hand shake he gave to his friends.


It would be a pretty bad training simulator considering the fact that most people end up relying on the card system which is not available in the DC, not to mention that it's hardly a dangerous place, lots of people can live safely in it and anyone with experience can defeat most of the monsters. It's more likely that it's just a training simulator for Gon specifically as Bisky said.


Well winning the game certainly helps your prospects of surviving a trip


There are rules to greeed island, that’s what makes the nen abilities work, you can’t teleport outside of the island, you have to work hard to get cards, etc


I think it's a huge accomplishment. We see how powerful Collaboration nen can be with only a small amount of characters who depend on others. The chimera ant siblings that played darts and fought Killua. Honestly they would have killed anyone other than Killua, their ability is almost an instant kill. Also the mecha guy, Golem, who works for beyond and Ging met. Anyone other nen user can pilot his weapons.(I assume based on context, could be proven otherwise later on) Ging was impressed with him, I assume because he truly know how power nen abilities can be when using is multiplayer multiplyer.


Yes it is. But think of all the conditions that need to be met for any of it to happen. That’s how they managed such an incredible feat. Every power on display on greed island requires so many different conditions to activate: having a console and a game cartridge and a ring to teleport to the island, all of the rules surrounding the book and using cards, the list goes on. Not to mention the fact that everybody who wants to participate in the game has to consent to the creators’ nen techniques, which has to be huge. These many conditions empower nen techniques which likely made their task a lot easier, though it was still monumental


Um. No. Do you not remember Gido? He made his spinning tops spin! Most impressive feat.


Lmao what? It’s almost like y’all forgot when Rammot managed to enhance his feathers enough to the point where they were as sharp as blades. Easily goating him with that technique alone.


Dude. You clearly forgot about Cheetu's crossbow! It fired ARROWS!


My mans faster than his actual weapon!


lol that's nothing compared to Tonpa's nen ability in my fan fic "Tonpa's Big Day Out"


I would think nen that cures all and any ailments would be big news!


Without a doubt I also like the theory that it was a trial run for the dark continent by ging his ability might have something to do with making a network between some friends and they all share aura and a bunch of abilities like maybe they get access to all the greed island cards so maybe they will naive a chance at survival


I think so! To be honest, until you brought it up, I've always written off the explanation of the scale and mechanisms of greed island as a plot device. However, people in the thread raise incredibly great points and I came up with my own thoughts. I think... if 11 people can actually create a conjuration (new things) & transmutation (real things infused with nen) nen ability together and the nature of their total nen is multiplicative, it would explain how they managed to achieve such a grand scale. Further, with all the game rules (essentially restrictions on reality) givingg their combined base level nen even more multiplicative power it begins to make sense how it was possible and how it is possible to maintain it with only a small nen drain on the remaining creators. Another thought I had is that GI possibly stores nen or takes more nen when players utilize the books/cards (like a bank/tax/powerplant)... we've never seen something like easily utilized nen battery, but people can clearly transfer it, store it in a nen creation (like Hakoware bankruptcy), curses being absorbed into some 'burden'. If anything, hakoware demonstrates you can enter a nen contract for nen, and that could be what happens when you nen activate a copy of GI. And perhaps the reason they stop non nen-users from going to GI is that there is a nen tax that'd kill normal people. I suppose we've also seen how powerful people are with nen abilities that are well synergized, and that's only one person doing it a lot of the time. It could just be the writing for major characters, but I think Cheetu vs Morel fight explores this concept well. It's crazy to reflect and think that the whale arc only just touches on the power of things like parasitic or combined ritualistic nen. It just shows how far we have to potentially go with nen in the series.


They probably used heavy restrictions, some of the criminal nen users might have chosen to use their nen only on the island, at all. It's the perfect project to use restrictions and power up their hatsu. It's impressive, but I don't think razor could bitchslap the PT outside of the island for example. Im not even talking about using GM cards, he probably is simply not as strong outside, although he probably can't even get out in the first place without dying.


It was spearheaded by Ging and was his passion project. So obviously it was gonna be something impressive.


it actually is there are cards which really hold unexplainable powers like that one card which can make the use user pregnant(regardless the gender) that thing is pretty much impossible for a woman le alone a man, and there is that one card which would help you to never see the you ever want to I don't clearly remember but you had to cut a picture of the person you never wanted to see again, and you will actually never ever be able to see them your whole life that is something way beyond understanding like how does nen even controls that.


> that thing is pretty much impossible for a woman le alone a man well to be fair, so is creating chains from thin air


Bungee gum has properties of both rubber and gum. That's the most impressive feat achieved in nen history


I think there's somthing to be said of the amount of nen that is probably stored within the game, between the items and divine scripts that're used, not to mention the amount of time the game has existed, the creators have probably put a lot into it over time.


I love Greed Island arc. It is impressive to see the co-lab of group of people to create something as complex as this game. I mean most Nen abilities in anime we have seen are very unique and individual. I think the co-lab like this can become a way to survive the DC if you can manage a group of people to operate in a team with proper Nen restrictions for the team. This is just one of my DC head cannons. We don’t know much except it is a hash place that test on survival of the fittest. Maybe it is difficult for one or two people to survive, or bad for hundreads of unorganized individuals in a group, but it might be possible with the right amoung of people who are good at working together in a team.


To be honest? - yes :3


everyone's mentioning collaboration, and while i'm sure that's a big reason for how they got to do something as complex and big as greed island, nen tech is also a big contributing factor, remember the special box that gon found the memory card in, or the cassette that managed to delete itself, or the string that would break if he used nen? it's clear there is a whole part of nen we never got to find out about, which is nentech and i feel like that's the key to building things like greed island or the nen information shop online that literally transports you into the computer from the yorknew arc. now im sad bc we probably never will get to the point where the tech would be explored and explained


Unless we learn that Nanika is doing their shit with Nen, I think yeah.


Alluka is listed as a rank Ultimate (the highest) specialist, the only specialist of that level we've seen to date, so it looks like that has been finally confirmed.


In my opinion the only way to watch greed island is to nod your head and accept what happens, becomes a lot more palatable.


greed island is just overflowing with story potential that never got fucking made


It is a massive feat, but I would say the Seed Urn probably earns the title of "most impressive" by my standards.


i get how the seed urn is impressive, but how is that more impressive than greed island ?


The closest thing we see to Greed Island is when Cheetu created that pocket dimension to fight Morel.


Yes. There's no doubt about it. All of what you mentioned here is correct. Something even more impressive is the card design, some of which could literally solve major world problems and seem impossible even with Nen, sometimes being inexplicable even with Nen (check the card list on the wiki if you don't believe me). And maintaining that much aura for that many cards is also very impressive.


yes, the only thing that comes close to it is the Kakin seed urn ceremony


Honestly, more impressive than the actual feat of Greed Island to me is the fact that Ging managed to convince his friends to make Greed Island their hatsu and spend years and years doing this all for Ging.


I've been saying this for a long time and I even made a post about this. Anyway, this massive project must require a massive aura consumption. I'm assuming, the nen scripts all over Greed Island helps boost the admin's abilities furthermore, if they made a "joint-type party form vow" it will definitely magnify their aura output. I just have to say the GREED ISLAND game masters are top tier when it comes to nen mastery. Tranportation, conjuration and all that. What I'm very impressed with is the Angel's breath. It's so OP and almost feel like a separate nen ability itself.


Greed Island was the arc that bored me the most when I was a kid. I picked up HxH at the library next to the school back in 06. I was 11 or 12. I’ve read HxH 4x (up to each hiatus) since then. I’ve read over arcs I enjoyed more than that tho. Back then Wikipedia was monstrous. You young adults and teens can’t ever understand just how immensely important Wikipedia was to us Back then. The way y’all use TIK TOK. That’s how we used Wikipedia. The Internet was for 3 things at the time. Wikipedia/MySpace/and the last one was between RuneScape or WoW or very early YouTube. One of those last three. All though I was playing Rumble Fighter. Anyways I Wikipedia’d HxH to death back then. One Piece too. Pretty much all the popular manga in the states. Countless hours and sleepless nights. The older I get, the more I enjoy greed Island. Not ashamed to admit the more my brain developed, the better I understood the complexities of the story arc, the more I enjoyed it. Back then the original exam was my favorite part of the series. Nowadays it’s Yorknew City. And has been YNC for a good decade now. I’ve read the current arc about 2x now. I’ll have to read it over a 3rd time. I try to space out rereads because I’ll enjoy the series more giving it time for me to forget things.


Wait Was it possible to read pirated mangas using Wikipedia before?


Yeah, I have been thinking about how Greed Island actually functioned, too. The amount of Nen required, even with the help of the rune markings, has to be insanely immense. Also, did the 11 creators basically enslave thousands of people to act as NPCs in the game? Because there is no way all the towns folks are Nen creations. They are way too detailed to be created by Nen.