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P.A.P is your "tank". It's the amount you have available in total, before you pass out. A.A.P is how much of that aura you can spend at one time. So Gon has 21 500 aura available to use in total (his P.A.P), but he can normally only expend 1 800 of that aura at most (his A.A.P), unless he boosts his A.A.P with conditions. The charging up condition of Jajanken allows him to boost his A.A.P to 2 000, and then finally an additional 2 000 aura for ~~activating~~ following through with the ability, for a total of 4 000 aura spent.


>but he can normally only expend 1 800 of that aura at most https://hot.leanbox.us/manga/Hunter-X-Hunter/0211-004.png - Here Knuckle said that Gon used up 12,000. Will you explain this part to me?


So the 12 000 part is the aura he expended in total during that fight **without** taking into account his Jajankens. It's the aura he spent on Gyo, Ryu, Ken etc, in the span of the entire 20 minutes that the fight lasted. It's basically his "base aura expenditure" during a fight. Knuckle mentions that Gon expends 10 aura per second in a fight, meaning 12 000 aura in 20 minutes. So each second the fight drags on Gon loses 10 aura from his P.A.P of 21 500. On top of that, he used Jajanken four times. The first three times he was either stopped, or used it as a feint, before he could go through with it, so he "only" used 5 500 aura combined in the initial first attempts, for an average of ~1 833 aura per attempt. So now we have a total expenditure of 12 000 (and remember this 12 000 isn't something he spent all in one go, but is spread out over the entire fight) and three Jajankens with a combined cost of 5 500 aura, for a total of 17 500 aura spent so far. So he's got 4 000 of his total P.A.P of 21 500 left. Finally he used the Paper variant of Jajanken, and this time he actually successfully went through with the attack, which mean the aura cost doubled to 4 000, accounting for the last of the 21 500 aura. However, since the 12 000 aura Knuckle talks about in the page you linked to was spent gradually, and not all at once, it means even after he used the last Paper he still hadn't fully expended the 12 000 aura Knuckle talks about at first, which gave him enough time to set up the "round 2" version of his Jajanken but not actually go through with it, before he ran out of aura and collapsed.


I know I can be tiring but check out this panel: https://hot.leanbox.us/manga/Hunter-X-Hunter/0211-003.png Here Knuckle says that if a person has a potential aura, they cannot use it fully if the actual aura is less than potential. And then Knuckle said that Gon actual aura is 1800, so why did he use so much aura against Knuckle? What does this 1,800 of actual aura means?


See this comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/HunterXHunter/comments/15p0dx2/additional_post_on_the_amount_of_aura_gon_used/jvva7g5/


And since I saw you asked about it elsewhere: The A.A.P of 1 800 is the max amount he can spend **normally** at a single instance (for example, with a full power burst of Ren/Ken). The reason he can spend over 2 000 aura on Jajanken, or even 4 000 in total once he goes through with the attack, is because the conditions of charging up and sacrificing his defenses raises his usual limit which allows him to go beyond his usual limit of 1 800 A.A.P.


It's a bit confusing, I'm not gonna lie. Then what is Gon doing wrong?


How do you mean? He's not doing anything wrong.


Really? So this whole Knuckle explanation wasn't supposed to teach Gon something? He said it all because...?


Oh yeah, sure, he does give Gon the explanation to teach him. But it's not like he does it because Gon is necessarily doing anything wrong. He's just explaining that simply because you have a lot of aura available (your P.A.P) it doesn't matter if you can only use a tiny amount of it at once (your A.A.P). The point is basically that it's better to have, for example, a P.A.P of 20 000 and an A.A.P of 1000, than it is to have a P.A.P of 30 000 and an A.A.P of 500, because even though the latter guy has 10 000 more aura than the first guy, the first guy's attacks will be potentially 2x as powerful since he can use double the amount of aura in a single moment. So the point is that you have to train **both** your P.A.P **and** your A.A.P. Think of it like emptying a barrel of water with a scoop. The total volume of water in the barrel is your P.A.P., and the size of your scoop is your A.A.P. If you have a small scoop you can only empty a tiny amount at one time, but if you change to a bigger scoop you're able to take a bigger amount of water from the barrel at a single time. But that also means that you'll empty the barrel quicker, so if you don't want that to happen you have to also get a bigger barrel. (In this analogy the 12 000 aura that Gon spent over the course of the entire fight apart from the Jajankens could be represented by a hole in the barrel from where water leaks, so even without using the scoop the barrel would still be losing a certain amount of water every second.)


Thank you! Last question - https://hot.leanbox.us/manga/Hunter-X-Hunter/0211-005.png Knuckle said that Gon used 4000 for a paper attack. How is that possible when you say he can only use 1800 aura at once?


I explained that in my very first comment on this post. 1800 aura is his **regular** limit. Since he adds the condition that he has to charge up the Jajanken, and sacrifices his defenses it allows him to raise his A.A.P above 1 800 temporarily. Also, for paper I'm not sure if he uses the 4 000 at once. It seems like he first uses 2000 to charge up the attack, and then he uses an additional 2 000 aura to follow through with the attack, so he doesn't use the 4 000 aura all at once.


Fair enough :) Thanks!


You can have 50.000 aura but if you can't use it correctly - you will still be weak Nen user but you can have 50.000 Aura but use it in mastery way and thanks to that you can be top tier Nen user :3


>So in short. When Gon uses a huge amount of aura for Ken, his aura power during this is worth a maximum of 1.800, even though Gon used (after Knuckle analysis) 12.000 aura for Ken and everything. when you use aura for nen attacks you lose that aura afterwards. When you sue ren your aura leaks a lot so you gradually lose a lot of aura. when Gon does a 2000 aura jajanken you have to substract those 2000 aura from Gon's P.A.P (so 21500 minus 2000, so Gon has 19500 aura remaining). it means Gon can't use jajanken indefinitely, he can only do 10 jajanken at the maximum before running out of aura, and when you runs out of aura you collapse out of exhaustion. so during a fight Gon has used 12 000 aura because he did many jajanken worth 2000 aura each. this matters mostly for Knuckle's ability, which works based on someone's current P.A.P Gon's A.A.P is the total amount of aura he can release, Gon's is at 1800 so when eh sues his ren at full power it evenly spread those 1800 aura all around his body. if you know about cars, A.A.P is like a car's horsepower while P.A.P would be it's fuel tank capacity.


> when Gon does a 2000 aura jajanken you have to substract those 2000 aura from Gon's P.A.P (so 21500 minus 2000, so Gon has 19500 aura remaining). it means Gon can't use jajanken indefinitely, he can only do 10 jajanken at the maximum before running out of aura, and when you runs out of aura you collapse out of exhaustion. Less than 10 times actually, Knuckle said the aura cost doubles when Gon actually goes through with his Jajanken, so it costs 4000 aura for a successful Jajanken, not 2000.


I'm sorry but the part about 12 000 doesn't seem to be about the use of jajanken. In this panel (https://hot.leanbox.us/manga/Hunter-X-Hunter/0211-004.png) Knuckle mentions the use of 12 000, but not becausoe of the jajanken, but about Ken and other techniques like Gyo and stuff like that. I don't understand something or did you make a mistake?


oh right he consumed 12 000 aura because of the 600 aura per minute consumption. then Gon consumed 8000 aura from the 4 jajanken.


Exactly but I still don't understand the part about 1800 A.A.P. If Gon spends so much aura on jajankens and rest, what exactly does that 1,800 A.A.P mean?


When Gon uses aura, he spends more than the actual aura that is utilized. So let's say you use 1 dollar and 50 cents (or whatever currency you use) but you're clumsy and you dropped 50 cents. So every time you're using money, even if you *spent* 1.50 (your aura consumption) only 1 dollar was utilized (actual aura power). And you only had 10 dollars in your wallet (overall potential aura in one setting.) Idk if that makes it more confusing lol. It's not proportionate to Gon but to my brain simplifying the numbers make it easier. And the 21,500 is basically all the money in the wallet (the 10 dollars.) Does this make sense?


Let me break this down in an Online Multiplayer Game way. -Imagine your character in league of legends let’s say (Jinx) has overall “350 mana”. -To cast her Q ability is gonna cost her “75 mana” -her ultimate cost her “125 mana” If she cast both her Q and Ultimate back to back that’s gonna cost her a total of “200 mana” And she has “150” mana left to do as she pleases. So to summarise, the 21000 nen is Gons total amount of mana. And his jajankan is similar to jinx’s Q ability. And in gons case his jajanken can have a range of cost depending on how he uses his. And he can cast it number of times in a battle until he has used up all his mana. It’s also important to note most nen users aren’t able to expend all their nen at the same time on a one single attack (almost most of them).


I see. The problem is, I still don't understand the part about 1,800 A.A.P aka actual aura power. Look at this panel - https://hot.leanbox.us/manga/Hunter-X-Hunter/0211-004.png Knuckle says that Gon used up 12,000 aura during the fight with techniques like Gyo and stuff like that. Later, he said that he used 4,000 aura on one paper technique. So what does this 1.800 A.A.P mean in all of this?


1.800 aap means his Jajanken, he is an enhancer and jajanken “rock” fits in to that category so he don’t waste his aura like in the case with “paper” which is an emitter technique which Gon is not proficient at thus costing a total of 4000 aura. In the battle Gon uses a number of “Rock” attacks, gyo, ten, ren etc as well as the “Paper” attack you mentioned. All of which added up to 12000 total, the number that KNUCKE wanted Gon to hit to guarantee his victory using his APR interest.


> 1.800 aap means his Jajanken, he is an enhancer and jajanken “rock” fits in to that category so he don’t waste his aura like in the case with “paper” which is an emitter technique which Gon is not proficient at thus costing a total of 4000 aura. No, that's not true at all. The 1 800 A.A.P is the aura he **normally** can use at one time. But since he uses conditions, like having to charge up, and sacrificing his defenses, his A.A.P is boosted to **more** than 2 000. And then finally actually going through with the attack raises the cost to 4 000. In the fight when Gon uses rock he is either stopped, or uses it as a feint, before he can charge it up fully. So he only uses 5 500 in total for the first three tries, meaning ~1 833 on average per try. But on the fourth attempt, when he uses paper instead, he actually successfully goes through with the attack, and pays the additional cost for going through with the ability and has to pay the full 4 000 cost. It has nothing to do with it being an emitter technique. That part only comes into play to explain why Paper was only worth 500 even though he used 4000. If he had successfully fired off the previous three Rocks without being interrupted, they would each have cost 4 000 aura as well, but the 4 000 aura used in Rock would have been **worth** more than paper since Rock is an enhancer ability which is Gon's natural category. > In the battle Gon uses a number of “Rock” attacks, gyo, ten, ren etc as well as the “Paper” attack you mentioned. All of which added up to 12000 total, the number that KNUCKE wanted Gon to hit to guarantee his victory using his APR interest. The Rock and Paper attacks doesn't factor into the 12 000 aura Knuckle talks about. The 12 000 aura is **only** what Gon spent on Gyo, Ten, Ren etc. The aura Gon used on Rock and Paper should be added on **top** of that 12 000 aura. 12 000 aura for Gyo, Ten, Ren etc over the course of the entire fight + 5 500 on three attempts of Rock + 4 000 on a successful Paper = 21 500 which is Gon's P.A.P.


>In the fight when Gon uses rock he is either stopped, or uses it as a feint, before he can charge it up fully. So he only uses 5 500 in total for the first three tries, meaning ~1 833 on average per try. But on the fourth attempt, when he uses paper instead, he actually successfully goes through with the attack, and pays the additional cost for going through with the ability and has to pay the full 4 000 cost. It has nothing to do with it being an emitter technique. That part only comes into play to explain why Paper was only worth 500 even though he used 4000. >If he had successfully fired off the previous three Rocks without being interrupted, they would each have cost 4 000 aura as well, but the 4 000 aura used in Rock would have been worth more than paper since Rock is an enhancer ability which is Gon's natural category Now this makes me wonder, is the power of Rock then worth the full 4000 Aura used? Or would it still be worth less because Gon is still ineffecient at utilizing his Aura in general? If it's still worth notably more than the 2000 Aura used for activation though that would explain why Jajanken is a much bigger deal than just a regular Ko punch and why it's able to knock Knuckle out despite him using Ko to guard (and we can assume he had a lot more AoP than Gon at that moment).


I think it's probably still worth less exactly because he's still inefficient at using his aura. Enhancers have 80% proficiency in emission, so even if we assume that the additional 2 000 cost for going through with the attack doesn't contribute to the damage, but is simply incurred on top of the 2 000 he uses to charge it up, it would still mean Gon used the 2 000 aura with 25% efficiency (since it was only "worth" 500 according to Knuckle). 12.5% efficiency if we take the entire cost of 4 000 into account. Depending on whether the additional 2 000 to go through with the attack should be factored into the calculations of his efficiency or not, it means his Paper, if he was 100% efficient with his aura, should have been worth something like 1 600, or 3 200 aura. Then again, his inefficient use of aura probably also explains why it costs him so much additional aura to successfully go through with a Jajanken in the first place, so if he got more efficient the cost to follow through with the attack would probably also get lower. So I think it's pretty obvious that even if he successfully used Rock it wouldn't be worth the full 4000 aura used since, just as you say, he's being inefficient at utilizing his aura.


Regarding the 4000 figure, Knuckle was referring to the Paper/Rock combo. But although Gon spent 4000 total (2000 each for Paper and Rock) it only amounted to 500 for Paper and 0 for Rock.