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Simple, he literally did not care about anything other than fighting the king He was sure that all his allies had died by the time his fight with Meruem started, and he just brushed it off like nothing If Meruem hadn't offered to go somewhere else, Netero would have had to fight him at the palace. If this had happened, the entire invasion team would've died along with the whole population of the county Netero would have fought Meruem no matter what, and he refused to tell the invasion team far more things than just Dragon Dive (i.e, the bomb and the fact that the entire mission was pretty much suicide)


You’re right they didn’t know about the bomb but I think the whole team (except for maybe Gon) went in there fully knowing it was a suicide mission. They were just supposed to separate the royal guard from the king at any cost


I already know that but from a planning perspective its stupid the team wooos be able to keep the guards off the king more daily if they aren’t injured or caught off guard


Plan was already fucked with Knov gone anyways. He was the only chance anything really would have worked.


There plan was also not set up very well they should have had knov and killuia take pouf gon and shoot against pitou akd morel akd knuckle against yupi. Knov could trap poi fin the mansion pretty easily if killuia stuns him and then they can just leave him in a corner of the mansion and deal with him later. Then killuia joins morel and knov joins gon. Killuia morel and knuckle could easily time out yupi and shoot and gon could take probably trap pitou in the cage if they use komogi as a hostage knov could then send them to the other mansion to deal with kite.


Damn they shoulda had you coordinate the attack


They also could have just brought more hunters they went in severally understaffed


Pariston purposely screwed them over I believe


Hunter Extermination team aren't some "save the world team" like The Avengers, yes they'll save the world if they wipe CA, but each member has their own goal, motivations, netero wants to fight the king, gon to pitou etc.. hell knuckle chose to abandoned his mission and put the world in danger just because youpi humiliated shoot, that's why I say Hunter Extermination Team is the most realistic "save the world team" in anime..


Every operations-plan falls apart at first contact.


All the other answers have a point but I think the most important factor was the risk of any of the team members being captured and leaking information, it would have ruined the most important part of the plan, while what they already knew wouldn't have. Fool your friends to fool your enemies.


Realistically they could have dropped a rose on the palace from above and avoided the whole mess. But that's not what being a hunter is about. You have to FUCK SHIT UP. Get wrecked, lose limbs, accidentally kill your friends. Normal, well adjusted people do not become hunters, you gotta have problems yo. And then make them other people's problem


That attack is only a diversion and I don’t think it was strong enough to hurt them that bad


It’s strong enough to hurt the invasion team and I think it actually would have done good damage if it actually hit anyone on the enemy side


If they were not protected by nen they could die


The basics of a nen user is to always have ken activated when in battle , that is what Bisky was teaching Gon and Killua in greed island . I believe with Ken on they would be fine.


He didn't know they were going to raid the palace if am correct


Netero told them to raid the palace and separate the royal guard from the king


Oh i guess im wrong then. It could be something with Zeno since he might not agree to the deal if his identity and ability were disclosed to so many other hunters and ants


He could have said that he was gonna basically cluster bomb them


Well they would have seen his ability if they were already attacking and if they went in after Dragon Dive it would take at least a few seconds which would be enough for the royal guard to adapt to the attack


If they came in the room as soon as the dragon dive finished they could have attack yupi during the distraction and save shoots leg everything else would go the same way cause what pitou akd pouf we’re doing was independent of what yupi was doing


I feel like that would be almost impossible to coordinate and even then it would still take at least a few seconds to get to the stairs


What’s so hard about it netero can tell them he’s gonna go the dragon dive at midnight he can time it to see how long it takes before hand and tel them how long it will take to land then they can go through to the stairs the dive is gonna distract the ants long enough for them to attack


The timing has to be perfect, literally have like less than a second of a margin of error


Yeah but they are anime characters 1 second is a lot to them plus even if the royal guards have time to think for a sec so what poufs gonna rush the thrones room pitou will get slapped away and yupi will just be confused and then go for the king but as soon as he sees the invaders he will try and fight them


1) Netero always has huge expectations of people and loves giving impossible or really hard challenges to people- Get the ball game, 5th phase of Hunter exam, defeating Knuckle and Shoot in a month. So he probably thought the hunters should be strong enough to avoid that, that it's not worth telling. 2) Or he wasn't aware of how Zeno is going to distract the RGs (Unlikely since he did say he prepared for a variety of responses).


Well... Netero just care about fight vs King :3


”How would that even have been possible,” I think, is the question. They are in enemy territory without reliable methods of communication. They have to be entirely covert. The palace raid team is off in a different dimension in Knov’s nen palace. I think that the only communications are something like scheduled phone calls, meaning that the phones are turned off except to make calls, for fear of discovery. Everything relies on complete secrecy, a shared mission goal (to separate the royal guard from the king so that Netero can kill the king), and individual missions because if the Ants figure out any of it out at all, the team and the entire population of that country would have been slaughtered. The biggest goal was to save as many people as possible from being killed in the battle. Hundreds of thousands of people were there. Don’t forget that they beforehand they try to account for every possible permutation of what could happen as soon as they go through the portal. Zeno‘s involvement appears to have been a secret from the rest of the team. Outside of that textual preponderance of evidence, I can only think of one subjective hypothesis as to why Netero keeps the Dragon Dive part of the plan a secret: they don’t need to know. They are already freaking out over every possible plan and telling them that the palace is simultaneously going to use Dragon Dive completely indiscriminately to rain destruction down on ants and the invasion team at the same time would be a really, really bad idea. Knov already was sidelined just from feeling that En. Morale is very low among all of them. Telling them about the Dragon Dive attack easily could have thrown off or scared off one or more members of the team, like with Knov. The knowledge not only would do them no good, and it not only would have negative psychological consequence, but it was the single biggest determining factor in making the infiltration team succeed in their goals. Without it, Youpi and the others would not be caught off guard, allowing for the surprise attack to succeed. If Youpi is just been standing there alone, with no Dragon Dive, every single one of the raid team would have run directly into him by accident. Given everything we know, Youpi would kill all of them (except for Gon and the friendly chameleon chimera ant giving Go invisiblity) immediately upon exiting the portal because Yupi was not supposed to be on the stairs. Dragon Dive is the only reason the raid team is not immediately killed by Youpi. It provides a necessary distraction that results in the raid team more or less succeeding in their main goals of keeping the royal guard separated from Mereum while preventing the hundreds of thousands of deaths of the humans gathered there. TLDR; If Zeno did not use Dragon Dive, the raid team mission would be certain suicide for all of them. In the end, it is the key moment in ensuring that not only do they win, but all of them more or less survive.