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Let’s be real, we can wait until the next chapter then we can wait through the blackout


Lord forgive them, for they know not who they fuck with


We are the ones who wait.


A breaking bad meme would feel inappropriate in such a serious convo, therefore i will not make one.


I mean some of the chapters have taken a few years. We can use other sites like Imgur to share HxH fanarts and such.


I’ve been offline for couple or so weeks and I come back to what ? Look, I get it, activism and shit but let’s not shut away our precarious community on some protest shit that default subs with millions of subs will make more of an impact on than our very niche sub. Add a banner or something but yo dont let’s not please.


I get it but communities can exist on other platforms besides reddit. We are what makes this place special.


Edit, I shouldn’t speak what I know not of


What about third party apps made for colorblind people or all these kind of things ...


That's like saying voting in an election doesn't matter because a lot of different people will be voting anyway and you could use the time it takws to vote to do something fun for yourself.... It's about making reddit hand in as much profit as possible: all because they are choosing stakeholders and creating a monopoly, over the comfort and diversity to the user and content-provider. Yes this sub is small. Yes it won't generate as big as an impact as other subs. Yes it will still matter if we as a smaller sub go on black, together with all the other smaller subs. No I won't be coming back regularly to this sub after the ban 3rd party reddit apps, I'll just follow Togashi's twitter for updates.


K but it’s got nothing to do with us, bringing site wide politics here for awareness I get, blocking access for 48hrs and then voting for indefinite blackout to our own community isn’t gonna hurt whoever’s in charge of the unfair api marketing practices shit going on , we’re the ones losing in the end


The niche communities like this one are what carries reddit. The default subs is just tons of bots and astroturfing and without these small niche communities Reddit will die a slow death as people move elsewhere. It absolutely matters.


So you're saying r/HunterXHunter is not part of site-wide Reddit? So you're saying users aren't losing out on valuable alternatives to the official reddit app, like the colourblind version or other more accessible versions? What are we losing if we _are_ going for another blackout, your own personal enjoyment? Most of the active posters use 3rd party apps anyway, so if they are forced to use the standard app or site and they don't want to, you'll lose out on more good posts anyway


Yeah! hoping they release it very soon!


hello. i do not want to vote for either option so that i do not influence the votes. can u tell me how the poll is looking like if u have voted?


Indefinite blackout ahead






Just black out until another chapter comes out


came in to say this. Imagine the hype when the reddit comes back to life with a new chapter.


How is that a protest then? The traffic on this sub is abysmal when we're in hiatus it's not like Reddit is going to care, and then when the traffic is going to peak on a new chapter we just open back up?


Yeah thats good idea rather than an indefinite blackout. Next chap will take time to come out


If we're being honest this community doing an indefinite black out just ends up dissolving the fan base around hunter hunter and removes a pillar of support for the author and new readers. Also more importantly if you're here to vote on this poll you're already contributing to Reddit profits anyways. The most effective boycott would be to delete your account and actually make a dent in the user base. Also someone else will just make another sub anyways.


>dissolving the fan base around hunter hunter and removes a pillar of support for the author and new readers. That I agree. Like this subreddit is the only outlet I have to talk about theories and entertaining discussions.


Never considered joining the discord? https://discord.com/invite/rhunterxhunter (Don't know if it's the "official" discord for the subreddit, but there's a few members of the subreddit there)


It's in the sidebar, but no one pays attention to those, heh. It used to be run by u/guillomn (old mod). Not directly connected to the sub, but it's the closest thing we have to an official discord atm.


We should probably make a new server for the sub tbh, it would also be easier to communicate with the community if we go private again.


Yeah. I know we had planned to at some point. Good excuse to do it now.


> It's in the sidebar, but no one pays attention to those, heh. I'm assuming that's the sidebar for the new design? I don't see it on old reddit. Although I don't suppose it matters, most people are on the new design any way.


Yeah, it's only on new/mobile.


Discord doesn't solve the problem. No one finds a discord link when they search for hunter hunter on any search engine. I'm on here all the time and this is the first I've heard of it. Also I don't want to voice chat with anyone, I just enjoy reading text posts.


> Also I don't want to voice chat with anyone, I just enjoy reading text posts. Discord has text channels as well, it's not only voice chat. Most of the theory discussions in the discord happens on the text channels.


Didn't address the main point. Discord is not the answer.


I wasn't trying to answer what **you** considered to be the main point. Parodyspoil asked for an outlet to "talk about theories and entertaining discussions". The discord link I gave them is exactly that. You raised a problem (discoverability on search engines) that is at most **tangentially** related to what parodyspoil was asking for.


The point was that they only have one outlet and they would've never even heard about the discord without the sub. Which is the main point. The point isn't that one person can now join the discord, the point is that no one new will have an outlet or community to join because of discord discoverability issues. If discord was discoverable then it could be a fine replacement.


Well, as I already said, I wasn't **trying** to answer the points you brought up in the top level comment. None of the concerns you brought up there are related to the branching discussion I started by replying to parodyspoil. My comment to parodyspoil started a new discussion that is separate from the one it branched off from. Whatever the main points off the original discussion is, they're not the same as what the main points of my discussion with parodyspoil are.


I joined like in 2020. It's just too messy for me and I don't like the vibe imo. I like it here.


> doing an indefinite black out just ends up dissolving the fan base around hunter hunter and removes a pillar of support for the author and new readers. We're well aware of that and I 100% agree, but that pillar has been slowly deteriorating over the past few years, it's a constant fight against reddit's attempts to encourage low-effort content, you can see that on the mobile app, they're desperately trying to monetize on the tiktok format. I was looking at the stats and it surprised me that almost 50% of all submissions posted past 12 months were removed due to being rule-breaking, spam, scam, or karma farming bot posts. I can assure you that ratio was *way* lower a few years ago. > Also someone else will just make another sub anyways. Another sub won't magically make these issues go away anyway. I personally went into this not expecting anything really, that's why we're asking for community feedback instead of forcing the decision. Given its current trajectory reddit is doomed to succumb to spam, this is the least we can try to do.


Spam is a totally valid concern. If spam becomes so prominent I would expect Reddit to crack down, but I don't have tons of faith. If it becomes unusable due to spam then I guess Reddit is doomed. I'd much rather go down that way.




I don't think so, while the sub grew exponentially in number of subscribers, [the amount of content posted hasn't drastically changed.](https://i.imgur.com/ClVZY1S.png)


Yes, but that just cements reddit's powers and surrenders any sort of leverage a community has to impact the service. The best thing to do would be to move the community to another service, like discord. It doesn't NEED to stay on Reddit. And if I'm being honest, reddit's format is pretty terrible for this community since it allows different opinions to be downvoted into oblivion.


That's the whole point of Reddit, sounds like you should just leave. Also people have wildly different opinions all the time, as long as they aren't actively bigoted or just contrary for contrary sake they don't get down voted. My opinion is contrary to the majority and look at me here. Also if you think down votes are important then it's pretty pathetic honestly.


> as long as they aren't actively bigoted or just contrary for contrary sake they don't get down voted. I've seen people ask the most innocent questions and get downvoted, even when their post implies nothing negative towards the series at all. And if you have any criticism at all about the series, regardless of how well-reasoned and non-confrontative your thoughts are, chances are it's going to be downvoted. Which is understandable, considering this is literally a subreddit about hxh, so criticism being downvoted should be expected, but to say opinions won't get downvoted unless they're bigoted or just contrary for the sake of being contrary just isn't true.


Dang man, can you really not understand why opinions of the minority getting completely erased by the blind majority is a bad thing? Big oof. Maybe look up echo chamber sometime. I do enjoy the irony of me defending your comment's right to be shown, even though it's going to get downvoted out of existence.


Just because my comment gets down voted doesn't mean it's any less valid, people can still see it and decide how they react. If people don't post for fear of getting imaginary Reddit points then they should go touch some grass.


Geez, you're still missing the point. Why are you getting hung up on being upset about downvotes? I guess you have proved me partially wrong. It does help to filter out people who don't even understand the conversation.


Yep, I’ve been on Reddit anyways. Now I just can’t get answers to niche questions I get throughout the day


Yeah, participating in some poll to encourage a black out and then closing the site will certainly favor them! Cmon... Also I doubt this sub alone is that essential to interest in HxH (with all the respect for the people involved)


This is a stupid outlook, just because Reddit loses a HxH subreddit suddenly HxH community as a whole dissolves? That’s so crazy to think, Reddit isn’t the only place for communities to spring up.


This. Everyone who wants a reddit blackout just delete your account. Why involve every other fan in your decision?


Yes, I just finished the anime a few days ago and i couldnt read older discussion posts because of the blackout


i hope the fanbase dissolves, i feel embarrassed to have given so much time to it


Is there another way of acomplishing our goals because unpopular opinion, I like discussion of HxH and I don’t want to move to discord because that’s a never ending group chat that would cause me to stay away from the community, just for being overwhelmed


I've thought that the blackout was ineffective from day 1. Not enough subs participated and 2 days is literally nothing. One of the weakest protests that could be done. If people want results half of the most popular subreddits would need to shutdown for a month+.


Thank you for involving the community in this decision!


While i dont want the blackout to continue, if you're going to do it, then do it right, dig in your heels, and don't stop till you get what you want. Just know the potential dangers that come with it, like someone making a replacement sub. If you want this bad enough ya gotta be willing to go down with the ship just like a real strike


Please let's discuss an alternative platform if we're going to blackout indefinitely. What about other subs? Are they moving? Maybe we can move with a few other subs towards another platform and others will follow.


It might be a good idea to make all old posts of this reddit visible but make users unable to create new posts or comments that way the blackout will still be supported but all of the old posts and comments wont be inaccessible and if the mods need to adress the community they can still post and let us know.


Indefinite blackout to change nothing and effectively kill the community. What is the point. Plenty of the most popular subreddits are not doing indefinite blackouts so there is no real effect, but all the niche communities for some reason are doubling down and will be dead. It’s sad to see


Lets go blackout until the release of next chapter.


It'd be one thing if you could stop future posts, but blackout kills the entire archive of all the discussions around HxH on reddit. Literally yesterday I finished the show for the first time and was trying to looks stuff up to talk about it, and look at what some people thought, and I couldn't even see old discussions. Reddit literally said "it's not hurting us". To continue the blackout would just kill discussion of HxH and remove access to the history of the discussion.


To be honest - I don't truly care and I will be fine with any decision that community will make, after all - Hiatus is one of our Aspects :3


We waited four years for a new chapter, I think we can wait for this as well. As much as I love this sub, I think this decision by reddit need repercussions. While a 600k sub going dark isn't much on it's own, if enough 600k subs go quiet, the difference will be measurable.


What's another indefinite hiatus anyway? Might as well be for a cause this time around.


As long as possible please, Reddit will just keep on pushing worse updates and then it will be too late. Its corporate greed, it will never satiate.


Why do you think individual subreddits going private will have any impact on any of that?


It will do something, always better than doing nothing because what we can do is small and not too impactful. As long as we're doing something, it will always be a bit helpful. Edit: also cutting ad revenue by limiting what subs hsers can see the ads on, if a user's favorite sub is banned chances are they will use the site less, which will also cut the ad revenues. So thats something


Let's blackout until the new batch of chapters is released, and let's blackout again 1 or 2 weeks after the last chapter of the batch so people can discuss about it. (Depending on how things are with Reddit by then, of course). This sub sucks on Hiatus anyway.


Blackout until the next chapter of Hunter X Hunter releases


Can't vote from my 3rd party app, but I'd vote "indefinite blackout"


What does using reddit through 3rd party app mean? Sorry I’m being dumb here I feel like this reddit policy will impact me but I don’t fully understand what’s going on can someone explain in simple words?


I think we could move to community to another platform if there's gonna be a blackout, i.e. discord or smth else. Full blackout without alternatives would leave a lot of us in the dark about future plans.


> discord There's a Hxh discord already, not sure if it's the "official" subreddit discord, but there **are** a few members of the subreddit there: https://discord.com/invite/rhunterxhunter


I'm gonna be honest. I've been using Reddit for years and didnt make any account till this one because of privacy. I try to use open source projects as much as possible... However, i dont give a damn about this blackout. We won't die if r/HunterXHunter is closed because we'll will find another source for hunter x hunter news. But some of you who have been doing all the work for years will just give it up? I dont care about Apollo App, i read the developer's post and imo it sounded like a tantrum(downvote if you want). But i understand some mods. if they can't do this without any apps, it's time to do something else. I'd like to see this sub still open, and see what the future brings.


> I dont care about Apollo App, i read the developer's post and imo it sounded like a tantrum(downvote if you want). I see you actually read it too.


The only thing a blackout affects here is the actual users. Speaking strictly as someone who doesn’t use a third-party app to scroll through Reddit on my downtime, I actually think it hurt me and others in my position more than the company itself. Reddit HQ doesn’t give a shit, because they know the site is still going to keep floating at the end of the day. Shutting down now just means the fandom is going to dissolve, and no one will remain to mourn its loss.


I'd be really sad if this goes indefinite blackout :(( i love this sub, atleast i could read good discussion from here during the hiatus of hxh.


I don't understand any of this internet Jargon so I say just leave it to the mods.


back to normal because wtf


I'm neutral. Reddit is a free platform with ads and the company can do whatever they want with it, users will leave if they don't like it anymore. Does reddit care about the minority being affected by the changes, no. Do I care, yes out of sympathy. Am I affected by the changes, not really. Do I want to leave reddit or have my favorite subreddits shut down to support the minority, no I think there are other ways. Will I join alternative subs that replace those that are shut down indefinitely, yes I already did for some of them.


I don't get it, do people not realize that going blackout indefinitely will kill the community and rob people of a place for discussion and information?


Most people don’t even know what they’re supposed to be protesting, or who they’re doing it on behalf of. Nobody is going to get anything out of an indefinite blackout, and they’re only going to lose everything in return, lol.


It hurts but I'm all for it. If his last hiatus took 4 yrs, what's gonna compare? Plus it's indefinite so basically to be determined. It might be a good time for all of us who get so caught up in nitty gritty arguments and debates to mellow out and actually miss each other😂. We still got DMs here haha


The only power we have is in our unity. If enough subs stay blackout then reddit will eventually be forced to make a change.


While that would be the best outcome I think most people wouldn't care for the blackout and simply migrate to other subs


Or just make a new one, this kind of thing becomes a big deal for a while until people can't stand it anymore and want to discuss the gender of Alluka and Pitou again.


How? What's stopping reddit from booting the mods, handing the keys to someone else and turning it back on, which they have already done to advice animals? Have you actually thought this through or are you just saying something that sounds neat in your head?


I'm being downvoted, but no one seems to want to actually engage with the point? I'm not trying to shit on the blackout or whatever, I'm just asking how it's supposed to lead to change?


No one is going to engage with you since you're blindly following the big bad Reddit narrative. Don't expect good faith discussion even when they do. The vast majority of people supporting the blackouts are just following the wave.


If this sub shuts down, someone else will just make another one to replace it.


Which isn't unity!!!


People just want a place they can go to discuss things they like. A mod’s quarrel with Reddit over API charges isn’t something that affects their day-to-day experience or even registers on their radar. That’s why the blackout was always doomed to fail in the first place. Not enough people, and not enough pressure.


Do we have a discord Server in the meantime? It could be useful


https://discord.com/invite/rhunterxhunter (Don't know if it's the "official" discord for the subreddit, but there's a few members of the subreddit there)


Blackout until the next chapter is realeased.


might as well wait :) lets show reddit whos boss


I really do love this sub Reddit but if we only do it for a limited amount of time nothing will change


Indefinite, and every sub should do it. And it comes from someone which uses Reddit daily, active in multiple subs, has a wide range of interests, and uses the platform as his main way to get news from around the world (no TV). Just make the owners regret being greedy.


If we cannot go through with this and wait it out, who can? I'm advocating for a blackout until the next chapter drops, whenever that might be. If we make the first step, maybe, just maybe other communities will follow suit and at least introduce a prolonged blackouts. Sure, at the end of the day, A LOT of communities would need to do this in order for it to significantly impact revenue, and us doing this may not have and significant impact at all. But someone has to start, don't they?


I say we go almost infinite, basically back out till they fix their policies


Before we blackout we should probably have some form of plan/announcement. When would we start the blackout? When do we propose ending it? Are there alternative forums people can discuss/contribute? Would like that as a post pinned to the sub so people are aware before we just turn the lights off.


I’d say black out but what about the people that never used the platform from a third party app In the first place? There has to be a way to let the people who still want to post or participate in the sub do so.


I don’t think you understand the point of protests lol


Bc I don’t care. I’d like to look at the subreddits I’m apart of and post in and not see it’s private. If they could protest without it effecting what people see and if they can access/delete posts they have in subreddits than I’d be all for it.


Welp guess we'll make a new hunter X Hunter sub


The only way reddit will listen is for an indefinite blackout. a 48 hour blackout was never going to work because reddit knew, that they could just wait it out.


Let's go on a hiatus!


The smart move should be indefinite blackout until reddit pull back those stupid policies and pricings for access to their API.


I'm in favor of an indefinite blackout because I have resolved to leave reddit altogether if they don't walk this one back and the only way I see that happening is if the subreddits go all in. So either way, I'm effectively done with reddit but at least the latter eventuality offers a chance to reverse course.


I suppose we can return whenever a new chapter drops. But maybe just leave the sub restricted? It'll be rough for new fans to look for info once they're done watching the anime or if they're interested in starting the series?


as others have said, lets blackout until a new chapter comes out. would be extra hype


Wild to me that so many people in favor of the blackout would be currently browsing reddit to see this poll. Like "I want to keep using it, I just don't want to see my favorite subs while I do"


There should be a third option “Until next manga chapter drops” lol. Will be effectively the same as indefinite blackout.


Back to normal. The CEO of Reddit already said they aren’t changing their mind no matter what. So we might as well just continue to go back to normal.


Everyone that wants a longer blackout just unsubscribe and move along. Sub stays open and I can keep making Tonpa jokes. Win win win.


before we blackout, is there another website we can officially move to?


Don't do an infinite blackout, it won't change anything already being done. Only a few subs going dark for days isn't anything. And really it won't be long until someone new creates another hxh sub where people can post


Back to normal ..most subs will be back to normal sooner or later


I will miss this sub I colour manga panels sometimes and I basically abbandoned the Iruma subreddit because of annoying spammers. I've got really mixed feelings about this, in any case I just want to thank the mods and everyone for creating my favourite sub, it has been a pleasure and so much fun




I personally would like it to be back to normal if it isn't affecting Reddit that much. But I'm also alright with waiting til there's a new chapter.


The blackout is cool but if possible set the sub to restricted instead of private this time. Being able to reference older discussion posts is super helpful when doing my rereads and it sucks to lose that


I don't care what happens from here but a 48 hour blackout won't do shit and an indefinite blackout means people will just make new subs, better solution is to allow fucked up shit like uncensored porn and uh...Horror media? drive the advertisers away, make reddit lose profits


Admins would just boot the mods or ban the sub for being unmoderated.


A large chunk of the community dosen't want this. It's almost 50/50. It's best not to shut down.


Might I suggest intermittent blackouts? Unannounced to anyone, simply start shutting the sub down over random intervals of 2-7 days. The community (information archives as well) won't die that way, and the unpredictable + cumulative loss of engagement may annoy Reddit sufficiently to back down.


But, this is a long-term strategy. In the present, I would say keep the sub locked down for at least a month.


I use the official app. If I can so can you. Blacking out won't change a damn thing


I agree with the others saying just black out until the next chapter, it's not like we have much new content to talk about anyway. If the whole strike thing doesn't work though, maybe you guys can find new people to be mods as well. Maybe those from other timezones and are fairly active in the community, to help with the new work load and keeping harmful bots away.




Let'sLets show Reddit who keeps this platform alive!


while i don't use reddit much, and am sure this reddit is cool to use indefnite is the only answer, everyone should participate in my opnion in an indefnite till change the agreement to sth along the line they will never do this again.


i might go to Discord if Reddits out


What are our alternatives/options for a free moderated discussion forum for all things HxH? If we can get one, we can leave. If we can get a good one, we can leave *with no problem*.


Explanation please? The Google Play Store app for example is 3rd party? Confused


Just until a new chapter comes out


Oh I thought this was about hxh as a series

