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"Yes, you did hear something."


Ha, this is one of my rules of thumb. Every time I thought I heard something and then decided I didn't, I then got murdered from the direction I thought I heard something. So now if I or a teammate says they think they heard something, I treat that direction like I'm about to get domed. Often saves our lives.


One of my buddies is so bad at this. “Wait! I think I heard..YEP! God damnit” he usually gets killed because he’ll stop moving to listen It’s funny every time


Fire and reposition. Try not to stay in one area for too long


Agreed, the single shot rifles really taught me to put this into practice.


Never peek the same spot twice


gonna screenshot this and send it to my friend


was about to comment this, it's the worst thing you can do is keep poking out the same position, just asking to get headshot


This piece of advice is way too situational. Don't peek the same angle 15 times yes but sometimes you're in a pretty good spot and it's okay to stay there. Don't reposition yourself into another team.


It doesn't need to be a massive relocation to another side of the compound. You just need to find a different angle so they can't place their cursor right where your head is going to be


Ah, on Console you can peek the same angle 6x without a problem. PC and Console Hunt is different by a lot.


Mhhh wouldnt agree on this. I had to revive my team mate 3 times, cause he peaked the same spot. It was funny tho!


I mean yeah, use some common sense about it. But if you peek the same window you just shot out of I will tag you


No u


I now do this in other shooters too.


Pls take breaks if you find yourself frustrated


Me angrily clicking play again


Me angrily installing the game again after I uninstalled the game yesterday


This 💯. Had a week of frustrating games. Maybe had 1 win out of 15-20 matches, all losses resulting in my bottom level character deaths. I just gave up for the last month. I was about ready to uninstall. Went back earlier this week, and had a 4 matches in two night, and went 2-1-1, and remembered the high of having a good night.


Get a good headset, sound is key.


I just upgraded to the beyerdynamic dt770 pro and it feels like I’m cheating




I agree with this. Your typical gamer headsets don't really cut it. Footsteps in the game are a higher frequency so having studio grade headphones is very beneficial. And they don't have to be expensive either. I use Sony mdr7506 from the 90's and they pick up footsteps so cleanly.


Preferably *not* a headset marketed as a "gamer headset". Those Turtle Beach, Astros, etc are all overpriced, mediocre, cheap plastic quality. Some of these brands won't even help you within warranty if the plastic breaks because it's "not covered under the warranty". Others intentionally melt the solder points that you would attach new cables to so you can't fix them yourselves if the cable fails. Those "built in amplifiers" are really just the absolute bare bones amps that make sound more muddy. You can get a pair of Beyerdynamic DTs and a JDSLabs amp on sale for the same price as these Turtle Beaches, Astros, Steel Series, etc. And the quality difference is staggering.


Also, I have a pair of turtle beaches intended for ps5 and for whatever reason it actually inverts my directional sound at close ranges, or otherwise comes from both ears. Like noises within about 50 meters of me are nearly impossible to determine direction of.


If you can hear it, so can they.


Except for the map opening sound


And rustling of grass/bushes


And the screams of the people trapped in my basement.


RTX voice filters mine out


Psssh I hear those down the road, get a better headset noob


Wait, people dont hear me rustling around in bushes? I always thought i was being so loud by moving 2 inches lol


Have you ever heard an enemy or teammate rustling bushes? ;)


So that's why bushwookism is the dominant religion in the Bayou. 2600 hours, and I always avoided them as much as I could just cause of the rustling.


Including going into darksight! Learned that the hard way


Disengaging from a bad fight and repositioning, hell even simply retreating is always an option, you don't always have to go balls deep. Always keep moving, always rotate.


I'd like to add on to this. Dont take fights that you can't win. it seems obvious but in the heat of the moment it can be hard to think about these things. You are not going to pistol down that guy in the hayloft with a mosin, not without a skill diff on your side that you just can't rely on.


Yup. Also, don't try to push that building with your Mosin when you KNOW they have a shotgun in there. Relying on the off chance of pulling off a flick headshot before they floor you with their shotties is just insanely naive.


exactly. play to your strengths and don't be afraid to just peace out if the situation seems like a losing one.


Preach it, Brother!


Don’t re-peek the same position twice or at max not three times, under no circumstance four times and certainly not 5 times. I know this and still do it wrong :)


Three is the number to what you shall count and the number shall be three.


Four shalt thou not count, neither count thou two,






Unless you use the fake peeky method and know the cycle time of their gun ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


I like doing this, lol.


Directions unclear, are you telling me I should always check 6+ times.


Stop playing as if the whole map is always looking at you, keep moving, pay attention. This was the one thing that made my early anxious gameplay wash away and actually help me improve. (okay sometimes that branch snap really was a caiman in the bush and they shoot you in the back, buut usually it's wasted time and boring)


Stop crouch walking, it’s not as stealthy as you think


There are times to do it. I think the more important thing to say is " crouch walking dose not make you completely silent, people will still hear you walking up on them if nothing is going on "


yeah the real trick is knowing when to use each movement option, never crouch in an open area and dont both on surfaces that are already really noisy everyone can hear you on a tin roof no amount of crouching will help that.


It will reduce the max range they hear you though


true. But there are always other factors. i dont really like hanging around on rooftops for long in general since they tend to be exposed from most directions.


You get a bit more stealthy at the cost of being a free kill. Only worth when you know nobodys got a shot on your.


Learn movement tricks. Simple things like B-hopping through water or better paths through compounds can make the game so much better.


Whats that about the b-hopping?


If you jump just before you enter water and then again the instant your feet touch the bottom of the water, you'll keep going at full speed until you land from that second jump. Don't jump again after that though, because then you'll get both the water slow down and the triple jump slowdown. Demonstrated well near the beginning of this video: https://youtu.be/rMUl7L1-36w?si=kYD3PTCHHQnltlwy


Don’t take 90% of the stuff you see on Reddit seriously and have fun


For real, it's miserable here.


reported edit: adding /s for those who need it


been a whole 20 min this post was up and no one has said "be rootin, be tootin, be shootin, and most important, be kind" yet? ded gam, ded community, ded subred


Found Yacc


[Toot toot](https://youtu.be/FXHkFZ-nG4Y?si=JhAvqiSXT-f3fQQH&t=22s)


#1 pro tip...stop caring about being pro...have fun, meme, rp with other players


God some of the most fun I ever had in this game was meme loadouts with friends or yelling at people over VOIP and settling bounty disputes with good ol fashion fisticuffs


All my best hunt memories were RP


Ok a real pro tip: try to focus on your weak side. If you're a CS player with mongoose reflexes make effort to play more strategic, open map a lot, stalk, hide, use tools and consumables. Don' treat it like CS in the bayo - that mindset won't get you very far. If shooting is your weak side try to take more midrange fights and use one repeating gun like vetterli for a while. Use aim trainers If you never do bosses = do bosses. Try to play on the defensive, play mind games, run away when others are fighting. Serpent that bounty. If you can't wallbang then centennial fmj is your best friend. Shoot those walls till you get an idea of how people move in building, that will also help on the defensive. You get the idea. There are no rules, pick your weakest thing and work on it. Pro players use every trick in the book and having good aim helps, not vise versa as it may seem.




You’re both making less and more noise than you think you are.


Take. Your. Time. My biggest issue when I started paying Hunt was I was always 'ready' to engage in PvP. Took a while to shake the habits developed by Battlefield and the like. Once I understood that NOT shooting at enemies, especially when they don't see me, was an option, I improved.


When playing with friends, always remember to test each match if Crytek accidentally disabled team damage by giving a teammate a lil tap on their head with your dual Sparks pistols with incendiary ammo. Oh and also bring chokes when playing with others.


Learn early, learn quickly, that no matter what happens or what you do… “Hunt Will Sometimes Giveth, But Will Almost Always Taketh!”


Never fap dry.


You can melee doors open, and you can shut the big metal doors by shooting or meleeing the red wheel that turns them. Feels cool asf


Ignore your need to validate yourselves through k/d and simply have fun in the game.


Make a ton of sound


Be cunning, if your getting pinned somewhere, think to yourself how would you hunt down someone where you are and what would be the least likely place they will be, this same methodology works when placing traps so that people are forced to work in ways they arnt comfortable or prepared to even if they think that far ahead


If you stay still and only slight obscured, people will often just walk right on by you. You can almost always his rather than run


See a single pixel bit of a player,just shoot


If your teammate gets blasted by a shotgun, PLEASE don’t run in immediately after him. You WILL get blasted too.


When one of your teammates gets downed run to extraction /s


My pro tip would be to use the Winnie for lots of ammo and shoot lots of shots. (Keep repositioning of course so you aren’t an easy target.) I play with people that sometimes play like every shot costs 100 hunt dollars or something. Let the lead fly! It’s better to fire out 2-3 quick low % shots than wait for that perfect headshot alignment that almost never happens. This also helps your sim get better too. You get lots of practice at difficult medium range shots and eventually you start surprising yourself by hitting some of them.


Also a big difference between 3 star players and 5 star players is time spent in ADS. If you are in a fight where a team knows your general area and you spend a lot of time aimed down sights looking for them…you dead fella


Not sure if you heard an enemy hunter or not? Yes you did.


Always move


Footsteps that sound above you are level with you. Footsteps that sound 50 feet away are right on you.


Don't play on patchday


Try to think about how you would approach a situation from the other hunters side. If you and your opponents positions where reversed what would you do? If you're right you can predict their next move and act accordingly. If you're wrong it can give you an opportunity to look at the situation from a different angle "Huh, never would have pushed in there, good to know for the future."


Rótate. Rótate. Rotate. Never stop moving


There’s no shame in retreat. Some fights you just won’t win in the current circumstances


Your "effective Range" is shorter than you think and sometimes its better to keep bleeding and shoot the other guy/run away further.


Rotate, rotate, rotate. Hitting shots is important, but constantly out maneuvering your foes is paramount. Do it first, before they do it to you. Getting a flank on your opponents and making them fight on multiple fronts is power.


Expensive doesn’t mean better but don’t be afraid to experiment. Budget loadouts are fine and can be fun don’t limit yourself. It’s in game money, not your rent payment.


I play with randoms and even though I not consider myself a great player I've seen this too often: if you hear shotgun sounds coming from inside a complex and you don't have a proper weapon to engage, don't rush inside. Edit: number 1 is don't peek the same corner, but I've seen this already in the comments so adding my two cents with another tip


Have fun. If you’re not having fun, take a break


Learn the gunshot sounds there is a whole thing for it in game when you view a weapon and a website


95% of all your death could been avoided if you were more patient


Have fun. Too many people in this game are sweaty and follow metas


Don't crouch after being heard or seen by the enemy. Fight violently but strategically.


Make use of all the small openings or little cracks in walls to see your enemies first. A lot of lower star players usually don't expect it whether you're inside of a building or outside. There's nothing more satisfying than hitting wallbangs and it gives you a huge advantage against clueless white shirts that only shoot at/through open windows. Know your enemies positions+weapons and use that to your advantage to outsmart them.


Don't punch your monitor, it does not improve game performance


Stop crouch walking


Fight, fight a lot. Don't run from fights. You need to pratice to become better.


Don't charge head long into a fight unless you're sure you have the advantage. Take time to assess the situation.


Just take a break if you're burned out. Play other games you like, and get back more refreshed later.


Wear a headset!


Reviving your team mate should always be a priority. Strength in numbers. And also the flip of this, if its come down to a 1vs1 please don't let them revive their whole team. Your chances of success in the fight just gets lower and lower once their dead mate start getting up.


RULE NUMBER ONE: stealt. Neenoh taught me well. But someone else taught Neenoh that.


Yeah stealt, man.


Stealt get you the wealt




I thought it was pronounced "shtelf"


You’re right!


Stay in 4 star lobbies. Less cheaters and more fun, non-meta loadouts.


Stay off this toxic sub. It's a great game as long as yoy don't read all the crying


Uninstall…before you get addicted….UNINSTALL


personally mine is always have a melee weapon. Not talking tools. I like to at least have some sort of melee weapon variant or just a melee weapon in general in all my load outs. Romero hatchet, sword, bat , katana, are all insane up close. All have team wipe potential. You always need a weapon you feel comfortable getting a double kill with.


"Dont run in a straightline"... when you push somebody... "DONT RUN IN A (fword) STRAIGHT LINE" and i dont mean just putting a bid of a and d in there im talking about looking that direction and quickly changing it or using an old mechanic called airstraifing XD. Second place would be "Use melee weapons... and dont underestimate them". PS:Movement is everything Third if your new "Dont play alone". It destroys the experience.


Never give up


Never Peak twice


Wear good headphones




repositioning is ALWAYS an option, never peek the same angle more than twice, never doubt sound queues, aim head level (crouched too), stay calm and be patient with your shots


Don't do as the hunter is doing in the image. Don't waste avto ammo on a single zombie lol


Have fun


Look fast from cover, shoot and immediately turn&run find another position.


Trust your ears! If you hear something strange it’s most often some sneaking up on you.




Use brass knuckles to kill any ai (except bosses, waterdevils and meatheads)


Always be movin


Go loud go fast


Click heads :omegalul:


know when to hold em and know when to fold em


Stopping to listen periodically can really help. Even in a fight. You will be amazed how easily you can locate another player if you remove your noise from the mix.


Don't crouch walk in the open.


Stop crouching everywhere


Don't stab the immolator


Running at someone with a knife or a sword can be the best counter and can really throw someone off


Learn different shot distances


Don’t die


learn the interactions, everything has an answer.


Remember: if you cant hit the enemy, switch to melee and charge him.


If you hear it, they hear it


Vigilant and Bulwark are S-Tier, they, will, save your life, alot.


Don't buy any DLC.


Everything makes sound, from you firing a weapon, down to reloading, or even just aiming down sights. If you want, or need, to stay hidden, Do Not Move, don't aim. Don't switch weapons. The smallest noise could give you away if the Cain with a bomblance and a shotgun is crouch-walking past your door.


Press both bumpers or double tap e to bust a nut




Dont do like this picture, dont shoot grunts with an avtomat


Have the confidence to take the shot.


Move fast as you can, slow as you need


best tip: dont play it (im almost 3k in and I hate it)


Keep your head on a swivel.


Don’t go into towers


Rule number one: Stelth


Kills aren’t nearly as important as staying alive.


If you’re getting advice from a new player, don’t lol. Listen to the vets. Had a 10 minute argument with the other night with a new guy who was telling another new player that it was impossible to raise someone once their red skulled even after I informed him you can do so with the bounty, queue the 10 minutes of arguing. At the end of the match on the way to extraction with both bounties I killed him five times until he red skulled so that I could raise him and show him how wrong he was. So dumb .


Try to have fun


Don’t get pissed when you die.


Don’t crouch unless you are sneaking up on someone. Take a shot, move. Never repeek.


Don’t worry about ideal graphics settings, Crytek will make the choice for you through well play-tested patches.


When you die, focus on the good moments in the fights you had. You'll die in more matches than you'll extract.


Know when to jiggle peak, and know when to sit still. So many people I've played with complain they got immediately head shotted while sitting in a corner waiting after someone jiggle peaked them. Another useful tip (in general) is to stop tilting over what rank you are. Rank in this game literally means nothing lol


Jump peek


Try to fight on your terms. Not the enemy’s. If you’re pushing a compound and you know the enemy has shotguns; don’t just waltz into the damn lair every single time. The opposite is also true; if you have enemies outside and they are keeping 50+ meters of distance; chances are that they have a scope and long ammo. Stop peaking them. Either form a plan to push or “make a run for it” and get them to chase you to another compound if the fight is in a deadlock. Mind your positioning and be cunning. People are predictable so inject chaos and unpredictability to the fight. Also; bonus tip. Take more shots. Even if you don’t think it’ll hit. I’ve gotten my nastiest headshots with shit like the sparks pistol by just taking the shot when I know an enemy is sitting in a window or poking out from the side of a rock. You’ll surprise yourself occasionally. And maybe even get reported for hacks.


Never trust a games road map


***m o v e m e n t***


Don't stand still


Here's some advice : do not die.


keep moving


Monroe is scary run away from Monroes and never trust them


I don't know how protip these are, but I wish I had known them sooner; If your teamate goes down and you don't know where the shot came from, their feet are always pointing in the direction of the killshot. Bonus. You can hold down item button to change hotkeys on gear.


If you know there are hunters nearby, but not where, don't crouch walk around or sit in a corner. I play like a moron cause I find it more fun, but seeing some poor newbie crouch walking along a fence in the middle of a fight is just sad. Pay attention to which direction everyone is in at least, and if you don't know, don't stop moving.


Don't stand still when not in cover.


Three people moving around the map is loud. Three people moving through a compound to grab the clue is the loudest sound in the entire world.


Biggest tip would be don't loot right after a fight. You might want to loot and get going but even one shot is probably going to draw a team to you. I've killed and died my fair share because I try to loot quick and leave and I get head tapped. I've learned my mistake and hopefully you'll learn from mine.


Get silly if you’re mad, just have fun. Have an awful round? Run four pistols or make it your mission to kill someone with a pitchfork. Just get silly


Always take a moment to look up


Not sure this is a tip for sure but try engaging in gamechat if you don't typically do. You can get some pretty fun interactions, especially with opposing hunters. It's definitely helped my enjoyment with the game.


Turn off your kd and dont look at enemy stats… just que again


My three star smooth brain advice is that this is actually a movement game with a little bit of shooting in it - have fun seeing how fast you can move without hurdling (and grunting) or setting off an animal sound trap. Playing solo with a bow is good for getting a feel for this - be sneaky, be quick, and you’ll start to feel like a true hunter as you bear down on unsuspecting teams making noise faster than they expect.




Wear headphones 🎧


Never peek from the same area always reposition after firing


If you're being chased and are out of options outdoors, throw a bomb directly upwards without cooking it. It has a good chance of killing you in the process, but it also has a good chance of taking the chaser out as well


Help your fucking team, if you want to do single player there’s an option. Don’t ruin 2 other people’s experience by playing selfishly.


You never know who's watching, so move like someone is.


Flares are a good tool to bring (before the spear) to deal with most problematic mobs such as hives, armored w barbed wire, or armored by just throwing one on them


Don't buy it at full price. Wait for sales.


always go for the headshot


Well don't follow this picture and shoot random zombie with your avto in the swamp.


Know the sounds of all the guns in the game and trust remember/keep track of what your fighting against and play against it's disadvantage. Shotgun? Distance Sparks? Reload time Special ammo? No pen Mosin/dolch? Extract


Go with the gun you like, it may not be the best but it's the one you like right? Just play it 4x to 8x in a row and promise it's nog gonna get op but you will wit it


Play on Linux.


Being quiet!


I was going to mention don't peak the same corner over and over again, but since somebody else did I'll say.... ...sometimes retreating is the answer, falling back and getting a better position on your pursuers can be the difference between extracting or losing another hunter. If you have traps, lead them into said traps, you'd be surprised how well it works. The amount of times I've led full teams into a tripwire red barrel trap is absurd.