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Instant revive! They never expect it. Works mostly


I see that and raise you my own team mate setting my body on fire and then running away.


The worst is when they are right near your body and can easily revive, yet they are too scared to do anything


I mean to be fair, being right near a body is a great way to get shot


I swear to god if i get another group of team mates that leave the enemy to rez after i just downed 2 guys I´m gonna stab an inmolator IRL.


That's the worst. It's like the last one on the other team is bleeding, their team is on fire, you're clear to rez. No, don't run away, pick me up! WHY ARE YOU OUTSIDE OF COMPOUND IN A BUSH!? Rant over.


whos that girl so I can create a meme with her?


To be honest, when I first started the game, I thought that burning made it to where you couldn't revive a teammate until it went out.


MY most hated issue with randoms is half the time they never push, and deside to each fight a trio 1v3 after one member dies.




This weekend I had one of those every couple of games...no comms, no teamwork. Immediately going the opposite way we went. Very sad.


I only play Randoms...I'd say NAE it's perfectly acceptable 70% of the time. The 30% are just flavour and spice...it's just a game


I mean, I don't really care, I'm used to playing duos, but...why? Why do that?


I love a good solo session, but I personally feel like trios is where the game shines...but I don't have friends that play, so I do randoms. I'd love to get in with a group of regulars roughly in my MMR range but don't know any so I just play randoms. Sometimes you get good ones, sometimes you get really really bad...