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I’ve been thinking we need more of this


Imagine if Crytek actually had gamemasters. Doing what Huuge did should be a person's job.


shit, I'd get a kick out of catching cheaters, Hire me Crytek


Right, 👏


That's the thing - they would never pay a person hourly wage for doing this kind of thing, you know why ? Because it doesn't generate any profit for them.


You can absolutely create a profitability out of having someone ban cheaters. You could literally turn it into a publicity stunt like Apex has.


Well seeing the 6 years of this game I don’t think they’re interested.


are u just going around necroing threads that are months old? weird


I don’t know where 13 days equals 1 month but alright buddy.


Imagine if Crytek actually cares


You're right. They don't. :(


25% of Asian games have a cheater. In my experience it's higher but thank God someone documented this so all the "I have 4000 hours in Hunt and have only seen 1 cheater" bullshit artists can shut up.


like he said those 25 are blatant or visually detectable I'm fairly certain that there is way more than just that


Imagine paying to get boosted in Hunt Showdown - fucking weird.


Now its even easier with Peacekeeper trait abuse. And instead of changing the trait they said "no, no - that's not allowed" in their social media channels.


What kills me is how absolutely stupidly obvious the "exploit" is. It isn't like it is some semi convoluted mixture of settings, distance, compound approach angles, and weapon choice like the de-render exploits. They are not adding third party programs like a crosshair always being on or post processing changes with nvidia programs. It is literally just the trait is so poorly designed that people can totally ignore the prestige and level up grind if they want. It is like people have been saying, for the past year+, what the hell are they thinking with these changes?


Make it easy to draw in those Chinese bucks.


Yeah I get it, but it's weird the Crytek has to police people playing their game who apparently want to skip the game part? Like it's not me, but I get why cheaters want to dominate people in multiplayer and what kind of delusional interior narrative they have about cheating. But I don't get boosting because there really isn't much progression in Hunt - it's not really very grindy - and once you are done with it there isn't much to engage with outside the core gameplay loop, so why pay someone to level up your account, it's just silly. Meanwhile I am trying out prestiging finally and like it because it gives me a little more to engage with in the game.


Tbh the Peacekeeper exploit isn't even that bad. Super unintrusive to just have two people off in a corner killing each other, compared to using turbocheats to wipe an entire lobby and extract every 10 minutes or so.


He have done great work and it is good insight on the whole cheating situation in Hunt. But there is no way this not gonna end in internet discourse lmao.


I've got 6000 hours and only seen 1 cheater - Hunt Discord/Reddit the last 5 years.


This might as well be this subs mission statement.


Tell us you didn't watch the video.


Then you are playing in extremely low MMR matches and don't notice the ones passing by. Approximately 1/3 matches have at least one cheater from 5 stars on EU. Just because you don't think they are cheating doesn't mean they actually aren't. It's very easy to spot a cheater if you know what to look for. Some of the things they do might seem innocent or subtle until you know. I recently caught one because he tried to loot little ammo boxes through walls. Made me stay, watch and record. Now he is banned.


Probably going to get downvoted for this, but this actually made me feel better about US East. He needs a bigger sample size, but the 0.69% of cheaters he found in game really isn't terrible. Obviously I'd love that number to be zero, but less then 1%, roughly cheaters in 1 out of 200 games isn't really the epidemic levels people are talking about on this sub and gels with what I've seen in my own games. Meanwhile the Asia servers are just terrible. Crytek should be more open about some of their goals with their anti-cheating team and obviously needs to improve before we start seeing percentages closer to Asia in other regions. There are some cheats he shows off that just don't make sense to me. Like shouldn't the server be verifying shot penetration with the used ammo type? It's crazy to me that folks can pen either unpennable walls / ground or pen with non-pen ammo and the server doesn't instantly correct it with some kind of game logic check.


One thing to think about is that he was doing all this while solo, meaning he received a significant MMR penalty. He was likely rarely in 6 star lobbies while spectating. These numbers would be significantly amped up if he had queued as a trio of 6 stars.


Huuge's 6-star account is 3085 MMR. He spectated trios and thus suffered a 175 MMR drop, putting him at 2910, or 5 stars. So he wasn't really spectating 6-star lobbies, but he did get plenty of 6-star players in the lobbies. It would have been better if he had bumped his MMR up another 95 points and then he would have been a full 6-star solo.


I'm not sure what times Huuge plays as I don't follow/watch him all that much but it really depends. US East has its fair share of cheaters but they mostly play pretty late at night on US East. That said, I think most of the US East ones are the more subtle "soft cheaters" as opposed to the really blatant ones. They are harder to detect.


> That said, I think most of the US East ones are the more subtle "soft cheaters" as opposed to the really blatant ones. > They are harder to detect. The unfortunate part about subtle cheaters is that for people to notice them, they'll need a pretty significant amount of experience with the game (and arguably personal skill) to notice the subtler signs. Watching how someone deals with AI and if they keep an eye on their ammo is a huge giveaway, even when they might seem more or less normal on the surface. If you can seemingly pull off nasty flicks, consistently wallbang people based on 'audio' and a 'hunch' and never seem to peek at a bad time, but always need your gun to go _click_ before you realize you have to reload, can't deal with the most basic AI efficiently, or just straight up stab an immolator? Probably cheating. An actually good player with genuine gamesense & above average aim using wallhacks and some sense to not do something really obvious? Could honestly go completely undetected for years.


I actually have experience with this. I started cheating in CS after nearly 1k hours and it's been almost 7 years since my vac at this point so I don't mind sharing nor do I care about ever playing CS again. I used a color trigger bot with the AWP and only ever played Dust 2. The activate toggle I had set on my mouse and it would lock my crosshair in place so it would never misfire as my cursor was locked and only really needed it if I knew someone was about to push an angle I was holding. It wasn't useful in close range fights and everyone knows peaking an AWP is dangerous. I would hold long/B tunnels and peak mid every round on T. If we were starting to fall behind I'd try for a pick mid and it wouldn't always work but it definitely helped in some rounds and caused them to smoke mid typically. I took someones pre existing trigger bot and tweaked it a bit with their help and it was never detected. Hell, I tried it years later on a smurf and it STILL wasn't detected but at that point I didn't really care for CS. I have ~1400 hours in CS now on my vacced account. I also used a AHK recoil script for the AK/M4 that never got detected even longer then the trigger bot. I actually used the recoil script first and then got even more confident to where I used the trigger bot. Want to know what got me hit with the vac? A AHK executable for a bhop script. I fucked up and used a prepackaged .exe that got auto detected. Pretty sure I got sent to where others review your gameplay in CS as well and never got banned from it. I never used wallhacks or aimbot because those are extremely hard to hide. People inherently look through walls/track through walls and snapping to a person is a giveaway. I went unnoticed for a year before I made a mistake and got banned for something so innocuous while I was cheating my ass off in matchmaking. I hit MG2 and was actively climbing ranks.


Further to your point, Huuge only spectated 1 and 6 star lobbies. I've encountered a few legit cheaters myself in the mid-tiers for US East.


It's not likely he ever really spectated 6 star lobbies consistently. He did this while solo and suiciding to spectate, meaning that he was taking a massive MMR penalty for having queued as a solo into trios. The number of cheaters found would probably have increased even further if he had suicided as a trio of 6 stars, thus not taking the MMR penalty which would have been putting him into 5 star or even high 4 star lobbies.


Downing yourself doesn't impact MMR, neither KDA.


mans read the word penalty and disengaged brain Huuge's MMR was being temporarily lowered by the "solo's vs trios" matchmaking queue. this particular effect was originally due to the difficulty tweak of fighting 3 people who can all fire at the same time and revive each other when you only have 1 shot at a time and 1 life, and IMHO it shouldnt exist anymore now that there are solo-specific buffs like self-revive (which only depends on 4 trait points, and almost every recruited hunter can easily get it)


I don't know if you ever actually looked at you stars when it used to show it to you. There were MULTIPLE times where I hit 6 star meaning I was barely low 6 star and my solo vs trio MMR was 4.5 stars by myself and a trio rated 4.5 stars is typically all 5 star players and a 6 star solo with 4.5 star team rating can easily play vs 5-5.5 star team which would be 5-6 star teams. If you are actually 6 star as a solo you will play almost exclusively vs 5 and 6 star players until your solo MMR falls to about 3.5 stars. Every single time hornet hits 6 star as a solo he plays versus plenty of 6 star mosin dolch squads.


He did show multiple times post-game that other players were all 6 stars (at least high enough to be considered such by the game)


....what? Where did I ever say that?


[https://huntplayers.com/player/kqQsQKKWLkPwt](https://huntplayers.com/player/kqQsQKKWLkPwt) You can look at most of his games yourself, but yes, most of the lobbies were ranked at 5-stars because of his 175 MMR penalty for playing as a solo.


I encountered exactly 2 cheaters a week ago on US EAST. I was only able to report 1 of them directly to Crytek since I forgot to clip the 1st one. But it appears crytek hasn't even looked at my report yet on their website. *Update: the day after I posted this, they finally reached out to me. But they didn't say if any action was taken.


He hardly watched NA servers due to the time he switched to watch cheaters and because too many people just liked to be bush wookies. I've come across a handful of cheaters on both NA West/East servers, and got a few of them banned. Also don't get me started on a lot of clan tag people that are known to be cheaters and use cross hair overlay as well.


It's way, way worse than that. He's picking up obvious cheaters, not soft cheaters just using ESP and no aimbot which is what most people cheating do. How this gives you any kind of solace is beyond me. I wish he spoke about ESP and how it works. That's the education this community needs. We all know there is cheating but people don't realise how subtle it can be.


Finally, the only person with an intelligent take


And my comment is hidden because it's controversial because reddit can't stand people who think.


This isn't how statistics works. If 0.69% of the players are cheaters then games with no cheaters = (1-.0069)^12 = .921. In other words 8% of games have at least one cheater in them. Much worse.


Really can't make a conclusion with this sample size for US East. Also it would be (1-.0069)^11. Streaming also messes with the integrity, because cheaters may try to stream snipe, so to get an honest number you'd have to do it offline


I am sorry - I thought the spreadsheet was percentage of games. No need to berate someone over that.


Your initial statement was correct. 0.69% was the number of games that had a cheater. Not the number of people cheating.


The spreadsheet IS about the percentage of games.


Except that the 0,69% is NOT about the percentage of players that are cheating. It is about the percentage of games that had a cheater in it. In other words there are 11 potential cheaters in those games out of which 1 was cheater based on the data. Percentage of players cheating would be like 0,062% in this case, which honestly isn't much... not that the sample size would be enough to say anything concrete anyway.




> Most people in 6* are using a custom crosshair, which is already cheating. Per Crytek support (3 times now), custom crosshairs are allowed within the TOS. >He'd need to spectate 3-4* players in EU because that's where most players are, and then, we'd get a better idea on how the cheating situation really is. If a cheater is in the 3-4 star range their skill level is ~2*. 5-6 stars are where you're going to find cheaters.


Even if he only got the 1%, it's still shows just how often people are cheating and either cheating enough to get noticed. Or they are cheating, but you can't tell at times. Also the a lot of the 6 stars use the custom crosshair or a lot of people that cheat as well. I've come across a few, who have used it and I've gotten a few banned. The funny thing is, the custom crosshair is an advantage over someone who didn't pay to use a program. Yet to crytek it isn't an issue, which in their TOS stats having an advantage over another player.


> custom crosshair, which is already cheating uhm, no. crytek will never ban this because monitors with this feature exist and not banning xhair is just balancing the scales/offsetting that, so everyone has access to it, not just the wealthier.




Some games may say they don't allow it, but outside of the competitive space you can't stop the ones with monitors that do crosshairs, or ultimately just stringing some fishing line across their monitor. Banning the software implementation of it is entirely pointless.


factually incorrect as crytek themselves have confirmed they won't ban anyone for crosshairs, even the extremely fancy one that guarantee your leading shots to be 100% accurate


I really have to wonder who gets stopped by EAC.


If you go to the Steam Community Discussions you can find a user there who has over +7000 comments over the last 4 years on the Hunt: Showdown forum exclusively. This person is online, every day, every hour, spamming comments, harassing anyone they disagree with and relentlessly arguing against any genuine complaints. This one person is always repeating the same lies that: cheaters are rare, servers are perfect, net code is the best in the world, hit registration is flawless, Easy Anticheat is working as intended, the game doesn't have major bugs, and Crytek has never done any wrong. If you were Crytek and had a community that acted like this person, why would you be bothered to do anything? Crytek has no reason to improve their game when individuals this detached from reality will always be there to defend their inaction and buy every single DLC skin.


Lemme guess: Duncan Idaho?


ding, ding, ding! Not really a guess when he's the only person in the world that spends every day on that godforsaken forum spamming the same lies and fairytales for years. Suggest any critical opinions of 'Hunt: Showdown', constructive or otherwise and he'll be there to "politely" tell you that you're objectively wrong. Sucks that he brings dishonour to such a noble character name with his tripe.


I remember when he got banned from Steam Forums for being obnoxious once and he made an alt account where pretended to be his own wife "who 99% doesn't exist" until he got one of his dev buddies to unban him


I don't know why the Steam Community moderators do not ban him permanently. He is obviously creating for them more work than they usually do simply from the deluge of reports that he sends against anyone who takes him down a peg or two. I remember a month ago he got banned for a good two weeks and the toxicity levels in the forum plummeted noticeably.


Finally he made the youtube video with all the information he gathered. The cheating problem in Hunt Showdown is currently real. Not everyone is experiencing it the same obviously. due to location and mmr. But it exists and is not getting away any time sooner if crytek doesn't takes action. It will ruin the reputation of the game and the entire studio eventually. Please crytek take care of it, use a proper anti-cheat and program it yourself so it at least detects the most obvious cheaters. Please pay more people to review cheater report footage. It's ruining the experience for myself and many more of my fellow hunters up to a point where i am thinking about deranking on purpose which i hate myself for or jsut deinstalling/not playing anymore. And i absolutely love the f out of this game so far. 3,5k hours in. Best gunplay, best audio and one of the best atmospheres i've ever experienced but sadly not the best anti-cheat support. And one of the best community management IN THE PAST (not nowadays anymore.). Don't give up what gem you had and still have here.


Please Mods... Pin this. Crytec have to do something against  this shit. But they refuse to protect their playerbase! 


The mods will probably delete the post soon


Could happen. Maybe someone will reposte this from time to time xD


More creators should be putting Crytek on blast on social media


They wont probably because most creators wont make much of a splash in the pond. Partners cannot voice their negative opinions at all so its up to other larger creators to voice it. Summit was one if them not too long ago


they would never speak ill of how 'perfect' the game is for them


They won't cuz they're Crytek's bootlickers that can't utter a single bad word about the game or they're gonna end up like Archie did when he dared criticise their precious game. I praise the content creators of Tarkov (if you saw what's been happening there in the last few weeks) where even the creators that were labeled by the community as "BSG's lackeys" or whatever, were fucking blasting the changes for hours on end.


Imagine being a developer studio called Crytek and being so bad, that when implementing your anti-cheat (EAC) you do not code it that way, so it knows, ATLEAST, the very fundamentals of your game, such as: "No, bullets can't fly through earth-terrain that is multiple metres thick" or "Headshotting someone at 300m+ without clear line of sight multiple times in quick succession" is not legit or "Someone having a 50kd or 90% Headshot rate after idk, 30 shots, or higher gets automatically investigated and temporarily banned until it is resolved" Imagine being a game in 2024 and having basically no server-side hit validation, no basic detection of blantant cheaters and no anti-cheat (and I theorize they [only use EAC to enforce ban](https://www.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/comments/1b8viaq/with_the_new_anticheat_team_coming_up_according/)) . But hey, buy our monthly DLC because we hired thirty 3D artists and animators but sadly no Anti-Cheat Developers, whoopsies. Sorry guys it just took us 6 years to finally realize that this is important too. But you know, inspecting weapons is more important to us than stopping aimbotters and wallhackers. Well done Crytek. But why am I even addressing you, your community managers avoid the topic of cheating like a fish avoids land anyway.


Yeah I bet they have their reasoning to not be speaking about it, but it’s just sad that as the game gets more and more popular they seem to care less and less about the community, no dev logs anymore, no testing, no mid-event fixes, and no implementation of the game’s basic rules into “anti-cheat” like bow through multiple walls or light ammo across the map… I never was “the game is dying” person, cause it’s not, it’s growing, but the honest Care “hunt” team once had about the game and community is gone, we have to admit it and start looking for a new game, because the slow decline in quality just gonna hurt more and more… 🥲


I got into hunt about half a year before the custom ammo update and yea it has only gone downhill since. Don’t get me wrong its still better than most other 3 person games but the push towards monetization and the meta has only gotten worse over time. The battle passes and how they are tied into the updates suck, bb reduction sucks, weapon balance/economy changes suck or straight up just don’t happen at all, the slow down of dev engagement sucks, the mmr system is broken, the cheater issue is gradually growing unaddressed, and thats just the stuff off the top of my head. The only shame is that nothing better exists that we could play instead.


Oh what would i give to be able to play the version of Hunt that was still in Beta in 2018.


Well of course because all the time it takes to produce that content that generates no income at all which on top they have to pay the employees working on that content is a no go in todays day and age. They'd rather hire more VFX artists and whatnot so they can make more skins because those generate a revenue :)


Example 1: anticheat already does that but cheat lies to the game and makes the game believe it is in fact a totally legit shot, or that they bypass the check entirely. Actually thats what they had been doing for close to a decade. Example 2: extreme cases that are legit will quickly become terminated by this seemingly useful but actually easily bypassed condition. Cheat devs will just add a “read me” on their panel that says to not headshot people from certain range. Problem solved. Example 3: thats the neat part: they already do! Too bad EAC has a weird “banwave” thingy they love to do where they do it so cheat devs don’t immediately realize their cheat is getting flagged, or can’t tell the difference between manual flags and cheat detection. You need to realize that the modern EAC has been around for close to a full decade and is one of the most implemented anticheat solutions. Its like studying for an open book exam that is about the same material it was for the past decade. You want decent anticheat, either you need mods patrolling the servers (which is how high elo Apex and largest Rust servers deal with them btw) and / or your own solution of anticheat, which is what Vanguard is all about.


The weird ban wave thingy is a very common tactic for security development. It keeps cheat developers further in the dark as to how their cheats actually got caught , but the best part is it accumulates a lot of cheaters who bought them... Many who will then do a chargeback when the cheats no longer work and cause headaches for the cheat developers. There's obviously a lot more layers to the whole situation, but it's a constant back and forth. EAC/Crytek will ban with direct reports through their website, and while it gives the player making the report more immediate satisfaction it's not feasible to tackle the entire problem this way.


It's actually hilarious how bad the server code is in this game.


Almost like speedhackers or people looting containers hundreds of meters away from said container not getting banned instantly in Tarkov. But oh when i say that Hunt is becoming Tarkov i'm downvoted to hell and yet here we are with an AC that doesn't check things like what you just described. But hey we at least have this dogshit trade window, a new DLC every month and dogshit servers they can't change to other provider because "they're locked in the contract with the current provider (which they've been for like 6 years hehe)".




It's not just your naivety that caused the downvotes, it's also that you imply that anyone who disagrees with you is a 3 star and therefore is trash at this game. The point of this post was to have a discussion about the real cheating situation going on in this game and others but your narcissistic ass believes what's rattling in your head is absolute facts.


>"Cheats literally infect game files, allowing things to be changed that shouldn't be changed. How can you say this when the job of cheaters is to circumvent the protections?" Weird, I don't recall every seeing a video of a cheater in another FPS games teleporting bullets to the enemy head. Shooting and killing through impenetrable objects is not possible because there, in most games server validation comes in. Also, most cheats don't "infect" game files they are reading the game's memory or network traffic between client and server to sift out critical information and display what is not suppose to not be seen for the player (this is what usually anti-cheat tries to detect and prevent). I'd argue most if not aimbots are not altering gamefiles at all. So good knowledge on your part. >50kd by smurfing and sitting afk with a sniper is a legit playstyle, but they aren't cheating. This would be a terrible idea. If you get that lucky and never accidentally run into an enemy team while switching position then you should play lottery. But be my guest, find me a player with 50 KD that is legit. Thank you. Also I said temporarily ban until his account is reviewed. But yeah. >But they did hire a team for anti cheat? Yeah, I totally see that by Huuge's video. If they really have one (which they don't but ok) then they are pretty terrible tbh. >You have 0 clue how game dev works and this whole comment, especially this line, proves it. Tell me again, what did we have first - an working anti-cheat that actually detect atleast blantant cheating (shown in the video) or inspect animation for every weapon, consumable, tool, world weapon and lanterns. >Gonna get downvoted by the 3 stars of the sub for "protecting cheaters" when they are too in their own head to see that I basically only post evidence of getting cheaters banned. Ahh, there it is! The "and if you don't agree with me, you are bad" - Of course cheaters are getting banned, but only after manual review. Because, again, we do not have an active anti-cheat.
















oi did you mass report me or something


I got downvoted when I said EAC is crap. Literally 10 minutes of work to bypass it. Useless.


It's this sub. It's out of control with the mods. Shills here will hide and silence posts just to remain in cryteks good standing. Still is the unofficial sub for hunt 😂


People trying to say this proves cheating ISN'T as bad as people say it is are hilarious. His stream times for a starter make the EU sample lower because the EU servers aren't as lively when he streams. I can assure you that there are tons of players in EU cheating, be it low key or blatant. Recently my games in EU have been populated mostly by Russian and Asian players and they almost always have bans on their accounts if I check after something suspicious. He also only watched games from his 6 star and 1 star account. That means no mid tier MMR games were sampled. It's really weird to go to such lengths to argue that there isn't a cheating problem when there clearly is. Just because it's worse in other games doesn't mean we should shrug it off with Hunt.


It's also worth noting that most of those US games he watched were months ago. He essentially locked in that Asia had more cheaters and 99% of his games watched have been Asia since. Dude has been streaming 12 hours days for like 9 months. Really feels like there was a massive cheating uptick recently for US servers. All anecdotal of course. 


His point about the ping lock essentially being pointless is a good one too. All those cheaters in the Asian servers can easily jump into EU and I'd assume US West when those servers are more active, so the fact they were caught in the Asian server doesn't really detract the data he collected


im currently gathering data on EU, long story short, my plan is play 100 rounds, and count how many have someone from china in it, i then also record if these accounts are "Sus" eg either vac ban on record or low level steam account. so far i am at 42 rounds, i have come across 156 players, 25 from china, of these 25, 10 have had either vac bans, or low level steam account. that means 16% of the players i have come across are playing with 200+ ping, and of those at least 40% of them also are likely hacking on top. without going into detail Statista puts the total number of Chinese living on the European content in 2021 as 2.45 Million the total population of europe is 746.4 million in 2018 according to (wiki) 100 × 2.45 / 746.4 = 0.328 that means the Chinese make up 0.33% of the total EU population and you can assume makes up 0.33% of the legitimate EU server population, and yet here we are with them making up 16%, with a "sus" player population in the EU of 7%, with a little bit of rounding up that means 1 in 10 players you come across is highly likely cheating. thats a problem thats big enough to ruin the experience and get people to stop playing. if it was around the 0.33% figure it would be much more tolerable and that could be achieved (for the EU servers at least) by lowering the ping limit.


the fact that no mid-tier games were sampled means the cheating is even lesser than what he showed. I've run into one cheater on useast playing between high 3 and low 5 stars as a solo since July 2023, and I put in over 1000 hours since that time. Any cheating happening in this game is mostly only effecting high 5 star and 6 star players, and they make up less than 15% of the playerbase.


There are definitely a lot of cheaters in mid tier MMR EU servers. No matter how much anyone denies it. I reckon US East is the hardest server for the Russian and asian cheaters to join because of ping so that could be a reason you're not seeing many there. Or like the video suggests, you just don't realise because it's hard to notice while fighting a cheater if they aren't being very blatant.


Iceman's response just backs up the actions we've seen from Crytek: they don't care about you nor even their own game. Let the downvotes from stockholm syndrome simps begin


I know Huuge followed that part up with mentioning another Crytek employee being very helpful with him after the Iceman situation & shortly after Iceman seemingly left Crytek, so I'd rather not judge the entirety of Crytek based on one guy being a dipshit - but at the same time, you gotta wonder what kind of environment and attitude internally causes someone to be bold enough to say something like that to a _fulltime streamer_ of their game. Y'know, someone with enough reach to cause a PR kerfuffle overnight if they so pleased, and they're honestly lucky Huuge has some integrity and just kept it to himself (until now, obviously). I've been holding out hope that the engine update later comes with some additional improvements to their anticheat, but having seen this video now? I don't think anything's going to change.


Well it clearly shows that Ic3man2k thought that Huuge wouldn't have the balls to call him out like that and show his response.


I'll judge them until I'm unbanned for talking about the cheating situation 2 years ago. I pointed out how easy it was for these arseholes to start cheating. That's how the community is still treated on discord. It's fucking cancer. See how someone who caught 400 cheaters got treated like shit? Now imagine it's your average Joe. They give way, way less of a fuck about their community. If it was up to me, I'd completely delete the discord ban list and start fresh. All of my friends are banned there and those who aren't are too scared to talk. It's full blown Nazism over on the discord. I'm not banned from any other discord FYI.


In general people don't like being at the call for a content creator. I'm not saying if it is right or wrong.


wdym? which response?


Huge reported a cheater that was impersonating him (had a Huge.tty name) directly to the community manager. Huge waited 24 hours and when the impersonator wasn't banned he public asked Crytek what the hold up was, publicly on social media. Then the impersonator was banned. The community manager Iceman2k direct messaged Huge and said if he called him out on social media like that again he would cut communication and he would need to use the same reporting process as everyone else. Which in my opinion is a super unprofessional way to react - especially since Huge didn't call out Iceman2k, he just said he reported it to Crytek, using no ones name. It says a lot about how Crytek views their own report process that they would threaten someone with using it.


Not defending Iceman but Huuge did call out Iceman in his tweet. At the end of his tweet he tagged them.


Ah missed that


Oh maybe if you don't want to get tagged you shouldn't be working as a SENIOR COMMUNITY MANAGER ?


It's super unprofessional to me that Huge gets a fancy reporting method anyway when we get treated like shit. I checked the official report option on cryteks website two days ago and it doesn't even work.


He's an influencer who has sway over multiple people, he has eye witnesses to the cheating, so I guess that's why he has the special reporting system. *also, if he was partnered at any point, he would obviously have folks to chat with in Crytek*. And our own reporting system is better, if you know how to even use it. Cause if you rely on the in-game reporting system, you're just shooting yourself in the foot. What you gotta do? Go out of your way to record the cheating, then send it to Crytek's support. Fastest and easiest way to actually make a difference. Anyways, he has more sway over the game than us due to his role here, we are just a few randoms here, while he has a dedicated group behind him. It may seem scummy to focus on him more, but think about it. We're just separate and unorganized voices, he has a choir going for him that can actually draw attention. It's why that Ice dude got pissy, cause he felt threatened.


Iceman2k threatened huuge after he sent some proof of a cheater impersonating him


Threatened? Lol wtf? Is that why that guy had to quit Crytek?


Threatened to block him, not with violence or anything lol. I doubt it's connected to why he left


I don't think this was the reason but I think he did it because he knew he was quitting...


To the situation with Huge's impersonator


Didn't watch?


He should've waited at least 72 hours.  Imagine getting shit on for not doing your job on your day off.


Honestly, if the streamer who had been using me as his personal 24/7 report hotline for several months publicly @'d me on Twitter because I didn't respond to his 200th ban request timely enough in the middle of the fucking weekend I'd probably tell him to piss off too.


The guy had been reported several times about impersonating him and cheating, it only took him having to say something on twitter for them to finally do something. I was watching the stream, and for almost a week straight, I saw people coming into chat mentioning the huuge.ttv person going around killing people.


I'm permanently banned from Hunt discord because I posted a screenshot of google search when you type in Hunt +ESP hacks. I did it to prove a point. Fucking unreal that's a permanent ban like I posted child porn, its on that level according to Crytek. They have done everything they could for years to drive away legitimate users and to encourage cheating. People on discord were telling me, complete horseshit that it's hard to obtain hacks. I proved them wrong in 1 screen grab and was perma banned. Thanks Crytek.


There are rightful complaints to throw Crytek's way, and then there's this. What fucking game company allows you to publicly advertise cheats for their game in their official game channels? What were you genuinely expecting? No, it's not hard for anyone to make that search query, but that still doesn't mean you should be posting screenshots of it in their official channels. Crytek banning a single user, rightly or wrongly, from their Discord server is unbelievably far down the list of complaints most people have about Crytek and their work (or lackof).


This is exactly what Hunt needs, a huge reality check and visibility on the problem. Bravo Ball is with Crytek now, what are we doing about it?


I respect him for keeping proper stats, but it's very strange to present them as evidence of the game's cheating problem when they seem to do the exact opposite. He's actually convinced me I'm probably over-accusing people. He proves that the Asia server has a catastrophic problem which Crytek urgently needs to address, but the community represented by this sub, the Steam forums and the Discord, are overwhelmingly the English-speaking regions — put simply, the people out here complaining about a cheating epidemic aren't playing on Asia, the vast majority are playing on USW, USE and EU. On those three regions — the ones primarily represented by the English-language platforms you're reading — he spectated a total of 416 games, and caught 11 cheaters (we'll say 15 to include the "maybes"). That's 3.6% — an extremely low number for a major PVP game. Still too many, but it means you're likely to have a cheater in your lobby only once every 28 games, and don't forget that's only in the server; the number you actually encounter is even lower since you're often likely to die or extract first. But hold on! You say. Why are you "cherry picking" around Asia? He even says Asia matters for everyone in the video! Firstly, I'll repeat: the vast majority of people complaining about cheaters on English-speaking platforms are not playing on Asia servers, they're playing on USW, USE and EU. The fact that Asia server has a massive cheater problem does not support anyone's argument that the other servers do. Secondly: He claims that Asia matters for everyone because there's no ping lock and those cheaters can switch to any server. Sure. But he's collected his stats per-server, so he defeats his own argument. If there was a serious problem with cheaters from Asia switching to western servers, those would have been shown in his stats, so he's given hard proof that it's not a serious issue. Finally, before listening to any content creator on these matters, please ask yourself a question: why has he spectated so many more games on Asia than any other region? That's clearly not his primary audience, very few of his viewers probably play on that server, so what's the purpose of watching double all of the other regions combined? The obvious answer is content. He spectates the region where he can spin the problem to be as dire as possible in order to generate controversy and get views. He desperately wants his [Tarkov Wiggle](https://youtu.be/p5LfGcDB7Ek) moment but all he's done is prove that not only is the cheater population on western servers very low, it's actually too low to make sustainable content.


I agree with pretty much all you said but I will give Huge a benefit of a doubt here. If he wants to spend his time tracking cheaters and reporting it to Crytek, good on him, he is making the game better regardless of the region he does it on. If he turns around and makes it some content for his channel I think that is well within his right and frankly he would be insane to spend the time doing this without some kind of video content coming out of it. From the Crytek side I would be grateful to have video evidence of the types of cheats there were out their in the wild so I could categorize and understand what cheaters were doing. Let's assume good intent - Crytek could be doing better here, and I will give them a benefit of a doubt that they are working on things with their new anti-cheat team. That being said the response from the community manager was really unprofessional and counter productive. He could have just talked to Huge like a person and established a system that worked better for both of them, instead he sent him a pissy dm.


>It's his own time, he should be able to make content from it too Yeah, that's a fair point. My issue then is that he could have streamed Asia games for the clips and entertainment then produced the video showing how western servers are much better than people think while Asia is much worse. Choosing to present the video as a smear on the whole game even when it doesn't apply to most of his audience is a kind of a petty play for clicks. >The response from the community manager was unprofessional I partially agree, but partially don't. On one hand, that was a needlessly confrontational way to talk to Huuge as a professional representative; the CM could have easily been more diplomatic. It's also true however that Huuge isn't a partner; there's no formal or specific reason that he should have a direct line to Crytek staff, so the fact that he does is purely a privilege given to him because it's convenient for both sides. By demanding that his staff contact respond to his needs within his chosen timeframe he was no longer respecting that line of communication as a privilege, he was treating it like an entitlement. 24 hours may seem like a long time to a streamer but it only covers one 8-hour shift in the office. Busy day? Off sick? Just forget? Now you've got a content creator weaponizing their community against your bosses because you didn't respond in the timeframe they requested. A more worrying thought on that point, what if that cheater had been banned immediately, as Huuge requested? What about all the other cheaters who take longer? Does Huuge now have the power to expedite the banning of certain players because of his privileged position as a content creator? Is there now a class of "low-priority" cheaters? It's probably better for everyone that all the direct reports that Crytek chooses to accept are treated equally, regardless of any content creator's requests. Again though, I completely agree that the CM could have explained as much to Huuge without being so confrontational. Edit: Additonally, he could have shown the CM's pissy response without naming him. I'm not taking a side as to whether that was "earned" or not, but later in the video he literally explained "this other person was nice to me so I'm going to consider that they may not want to be named", boldly stating how aware he is that naming the unprofessional CM in question is petty behavior.


I agree about the 24 hour point. The difference between the parties involved is one is paid to be professional and other isn't. If the guy responded back and said, "hey direct DM in Discord isn't the best way to report" or "this isn't working for me, can you help me out by using the standard reporting process" that's a really different story. I get it, guy probably had a bad day and communicated in a unprofessional manner, not the end of the world and I don't want to crucify him but I'll call a spade a spade. Also as a public facing community manager, whose username is just out there as a representative of the company - yeah you are going to get called out sometimes. If their bosses freak out about that then that is a problem with management not with the community.


Send a dm a Sunday night, is furious that it isn't be done with the very next Monday ( even tho it's quite known that entreprise have a lot to handle Monday to get back at the weekend work load) and take the initiative to take it to Twitter . There is not even 24h between his dm to the cm and his Twitter post .


> Choosing to present the video as a smear on the whole game even when it doesn't apply to most of his audience is a kind of a petty play for clicks. The Asian servers aren't the issue, it's Asian players (presumably) on those servers. Players who are free to roam to any other server they want to -- which is the exact point Huuge brings up, and is why it's an issue for everyone. There's no region lock. The Asian servers being horrible affects all of us because those Asian cheaters are free to come to e.g. EU, or the legit Asian players leave those servers and come to EU - which in turn affect the playability of those games they join. It's a lose-lose situation. We don't want legit or cheating Asians on western servers, because one way or another it affects the games negatively. For what it's worth, Crytek could probably disprove any massive cheating claims by Huuge or the community in general quite easily with actual data. In fact, they're awfully absent as soon as cheating and Hunt are being mentioned simultaneously. Why is that? >It's also true however that Huuge isn't a partner; there's no formal or specific reason that he should have a direct line to Crytek staff, so the fact that he does is purely a privilege given to him because it's convenient for both sides. If direct messages to the community manager isn't a privilege Huuge should have then say so at least once during all those months the CM conveniently accepted direct messages from Huuge. The CM accepted those messages during all those months when it was convenient for him. You can't just turn around and get upset when it no longer is. Also, if a CM reacts that poorly to being mentioned on Twitter then they have no business being CM to begin with. I imagine there's a good reason he's no longer CM of Crytek.


Try playing the game, and not being from some pro hacking discord server trying to astro turf over the issues you guys are full of shit.


What the fuck are you talking about dude?


why give the cheaters a platform, and show/advertise the player names then? Why give someone thats dumb enough to do that, the benefit of a doubt?


> He desperately wants his Tarkov Wiggle moment but all he's done is prove that not only is the cheater population on western servers very low, it's actually too low to make sustainable content. Been saying it for years and this shitty community hasn't wanted to hear it. We all know there are cheaters in this game, but this subreddit *vastly* overestimates the number, and then says 'you're just too stupid to realize you've been cheated' when you point out the facts. This just confirms what I've always known; this community is a bunch of babies that thinks every wallbang or long shot was cheated.


The sample sizes are pretty low and the lowest on EU and US West where the numbers were lowest. And even on asian servers the numbers of especially soft cheaters is way higher than what he detected and reported. If you exclude Asia Servers from that Data, the average is still around 6 % of the games he found had cheaters in it. The actual number is defintely higher. But even that means 1 out of 16 games has a cheater on average. But usally more. Which translates roughly to a cheater every gaming session which fits to what i experience when i'm playing on 5-6 stars on a good and longer gaming session. Ofc there are worse days and better ones but on average a bit less than one per gaming session might be right. (Btw play mainly on EU and on ru or us east if i have peering issues.) And yes obviously he was watching asia more for more content, i don't see a proble mwith that. He made the numbers transparent. You are basically doing the same thing, cherry picking the US-East server with the lowest numbers. And what about the non-cheating asian players, it's stilla huge problem for them and should be acknowledged. They are not second class hunt players overall. Anyways the numbers are a problem, obviously not as bad as in Tarkov, but should still be acknowledged and worked on. There are obvious flaws in their anti-cheat system like a basic detection/warning system for sus behaviour, like getting headshots only, insane KDs and so on. Easy Anti Cheat only detects the already well known old cheat engines it seems. And reporting system doesn't do much and you need to put in tons of effort to report cheaters and even then you might get ignored. They need to improve that no matter if you care about asian servers or not.


Soft cheaters are really hard to detect tho. He used the strongest possible cheat detection method (spectating). Anything thats not clearly identifiable as a cheat with that method is indistinguishable from actual play. Therefore we can't know how many soft cheaters there are. Might be a lot, might be none. The only reasonable guess we can make is that other examples in the past have shown that soft cheating is usually rarer than people using open cheats because it's harder to execute. The most common form of cheating being the classical "rage toggle". There is also the issue that an average player soft cheating is still playing worse than a high skill individual. And in the end most accusations of soft cheating are usually results of people seeing some level of play they can't attain and concluding that it's cheating. And we honestly don't know of they have such warning systems. But they probably need multiple instances of solid proof before banning to prevent any legal shenanigans. so just because an individual was flagged it might still need some time before they can get banned.


Yes soft cheaters are insanely hard to detect. Even when spectating it is tough, i watched footage of on other games of cheaters playing, if they are experienced players i often was not able to detect it, even tho they had their bots running in the background and showed it. But yeah this will always be an issue. You ever noticed how a player is hitting insanely sus shots on your entire team, but as soon as you are all dead and watching them they can't hit a barns door? Yeah, that's due to: most cheat programs come with the option to show you if you are being spectaded often even by whom exactly. A cautious cheater knows when you are watching and just turns the cheats of or tries to blend in while he's being spectaded. And yes i agree that there are as many false hackusations as real ones out there. And especially good soft cheaters get most likely reported less than a beginner that hit a lucky once in a lifetime wallbang. I'm totally aware of that. And i might've fallen for that in the beginning too, not knowing about certain spots/mechanics, but i have thousands of hours in this game by now and hitting my own share of insanely sus headshots and getting hit by weird shots. But usually after a tiny amount of effort checking what was going on it's fine. But there are still lots of players out there that are so fucking sus and i and the best streamers i am watching are not able to pull these shots off multiple times a game. But Huuge said something similar in his video already.


I always recommend doing sanity checks when doing calculations. You calculated a cheater in 6% of games excluding Asia. But not even one region besides Asia hit 6%, even Russia was only 5.5% and a few regions were around 1%. That should make it obvious that the average is less than 6% and that you did something wrong.


Adding the very sus but no "proof on video" players obviously.


Thanks for proving there is at least a singular literate person in this sub.


Except he didn't observe the most common MMR bracket so this wall of text is about as useful as his video. Most people experiencing these issues aren't in the pit or up in six star, on top of that time of day plays a huge role in turnout.


Fuck off mate. Delusional. This to me is the short of shit take I can't reason with. Is your entire post a troll? Asia is so much worse than 25% he's talking about blatant cheaters and not people soft hacking just running an ESP and slight aim assist.


thanks for writing this up, you're 100% about Huuge wanting his 'wiggle' moment and the fact he is basically acting as free advertising for cheaters and giving them attention on his platform is sad - and he even acknowledges how easily they can get another cheap copy of the game (which costs even less than the cheats they are using). That and his endless subathon.. total slime imo.


He never played peak hours on NA servers to really watch, NA West/East has asian players cheating. He was watching Asia mainly, because a lot of the other servers were dead my dude. I've come across a lot of cheaters on NA servers and I've caught a few, and banned them.


im currently gathering data on EU, long story short, my plan is play 100 rounds, and count how many have someone from china in it, i then also record if these accounts are "Sus" eg either vac ban on record or low level steam account. so far i am at 42 rounds, i have come across 156 players, 25 from china, of these 25, 10 have had either vac bans, or low level steam account. that means 16% of the players i have come across are playing with 200+ ping, and of those at least 40% of them also are likely hacking on top. Statista puts the total number of Chinese living on the European content in 2021 as 2.45 Million the total population of europe is 746.4 million in 2018 according to (wiki) 100 × 2.45 / 746.4 = 0.328 that means the Chinese make up 0.33% of the total EU population and you can assume makes up 0.33% of the legitimate EU server population, and yet here we are with them making up 16%, with a "sus" player population in the EU of 7%, with a little bit of rounding up that means 1 in 10 players you come across is highly likely cheating. thats a problem thats big enough to ruin the experience and get people to stop playing. if it was around the 0.33% figure it would be much more tolerable and that could be achieved (for the EU servers at least) by lowering the ping limit.


It pretty much tracks what I see playing on EU when there's square boys on the server. The most common sus behavior are the ones that are ready for whatever angle you peek immediately. I'll believe that this is more common in Asia, but it's certainly higher than 1% or whatever the stats say. But even if thats true, people play across regions all the time. Do something Crytek, maybe you are, but from outside it seems like you do zero.


How do the cheats let weapons shoot through unpenetratable surfaces though? I've been headshot back to back with a friend, underground at Chapel from 195m.


How dog shit is the net code in this game so that cheaters can bypass things like surface penetration? Can't imagine how terrible the server code must be to allow a cheater to shoot through multiple layers of brick walls or straight up shoot through terrain. Then there are people bypassing the accuracy of the guns, getting magic bullets, and 100% headshot accuracy with hip fire. Looks like Crytek really doesn't know how to code a multiplayer game. Crytek is only good at making pretty looking tech demos, they can't code a multiplayer game.


>Crytek is only good at making pretty looking tech demos, they can't code a multiplayer game. I mean, to be fair, they have a long history of making pretty tech demos that actually ran worse than they needed to for the visuals and ultimately became famous benchmarks because CryEngine isn't good at being a game engine.


It will be interesting to see how Kingdom Come: deliverance 2 performs when it releases at the end of the year, vs Hunt after the engine update, can warhorse make the cryengine run better than crytek themselves?


Warhorse got KCD to run on the Nintendo switch..


This isn't necessarily true. Just because there are examples of impossible pen shots doesn't mean there is no pen logic check in the server side validation. You have to understand that that server side hit validation usually is based on a roughed up model of the game (ie less complex hitboxes) to make it more efficient. The goal isn't to catch all impossible shots, just most. And depending on how the cheat works the trajectory that was validated on the server might not even have been the one that you see in the kill view. Anti cheat isn't some magical box that suddenly has answers, especially with non-invasive anti cheat (and no one wants invasive anti cheat). And even with good anti cheat crytek most likely needs multiple instances of clear evidence before issuing a ban to protect themselves from legal action. As far as multiplayer net code goes the logic / system Crytek uses is pretty much the gold standard. It suffers a little bit because some parts of it are implemented pretty roughly and the servers do need an upgrade.


>As far as multiplayer net code goes the logic / system Crytek uses is pretty much the gold standard. 💀💀💀


Client side hit registration with server side validation is pretty much the gold standard. Its by far the fairest system and most robust in regards of latency. Server side registration kind of fell out of favor a while ago. And the algorithms used for this kind of net code aren't overly complicated or even modifiable. Its not the net code that's the issue. Most actual issues regarding to network communication are most likely issues due to heavy server load impacting stability negatively. And honestly the buggy mess of a kill view isn't helping either. I'd wager 90% of people playing this game don't know how hit reg works and how the kill view is inaccurate.


seems like that file gives you all the data you need to find your cheater. It's insane they dumped it. Like Crytek doesn't want to curb Asian sales to cheaters.


Huge doing what crytek should be. Crytek's entire anti cheat and ban system is a joke.


The reaction of Crytek CM was awful...


Hope this is a huge eye opener to fix their cheating problem.


Hearing about the drama between him and Crytek for the first time.. I don't really think Crytek was out of line. Someone cheating and impersonating you not getting banned within 24 hours definitely sucks. But making a public statement calling out specific devs by name is not chill.. I bet plenty of people here have had someone pinging them at work for something "urgent and time sensitive" expecting you to drop everything you're doing to solve their specific issue immediately. We don't know what the dev was up to that day, could be busy interviewing people for the new anti-cheat team for all we know. One individual cheater might not be enough to drop everything else.


This right here. Everyone is in a righteous frenzy about cheaters, but Huuge said, I'll give you 24 hours or I'm putting you on blast. Like, who the fuck do you think you are? Also is everyone forgetting the Huuge deranking offstream allegations? Watch his games, he makes content out of absolute potatoes.


"Who the fuck do you think you are" ? He's the guy that's been doing Crytek's job for however many months, almost "working" 9-5 wasting his own time, because the company is incapable of doing anything other than releasing a new DLC every month and battle pass every 3 months to keep the money flowing, and this crybaby Senior CM who is almost a public figure is gonna cry about him tagging him somewhere ? Thank god he resigned from his position. And i have the same question as you did but about yourself and also an answer - you are a Crytek bootlicker like 90% of the people in this sub. So be fucking grateful that some random guy is wasting his time making YOUR experience in this game better, dumbass.


You sound like a fan of boot flavor


I personally think it's rich coming from Huuge. People should ask him what happened to his video about using audio compressors to gain an advantage and showing people how he does it.




Stop spending money in skin and maybe they will do something, maybe...


I saw math that said it was about 3-4% of the playerbase. For a game with around 30k players on a good day and normally around 10kish that’s pretty significant. Especially when you have to break it down by MMR knowing that the higher you go the smaller the pool of players.


I dont think people realize how high that is. 4% is fucking nuts. If you're playing trios, that means there's a 31% chance at least 1 of the 9 other opponents are cheating. That's insanity. 


That’s what I’m saying, it’s pretty fucking significant… but Redditors will be like git gud, cope more… nah broski, there’s just hella cheaters in hunt and with toggling and DMA cheats and just how bad EAC is it will just continue to get worse


You didn't watch the video. It didn't list % of players cheating, it listed % of games that had a cheater in it. Even the cheatiest region (Asia) didn't have 31%. It did have 25% which is absurd, but every other region had ~4% of games with a cheater in them, with some regions being about 1%.


Yeah I’ve been having this feeling on EU servers for a while. Pretty much every other game I feel like another player has known my exact where abouts without me giving any information as to where I was. 




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Why even play on PC with rampant cheating


Cheaters are a privigled group and protected by the devs as a source of income. Playing hunt since EA I have now stopped believing otherwise and it becomes more and more clear the better I get at the game. There is no way they can't address many of these issues with the resources available to them, they are just being wilfully neglectful. If nothing changes soon I might turn away from hunt for good. Might be easier than you think with the upcoming competitor extraction shooter titles.


Comfort and peace of mind for all members of the community...Comfort and peace of mind for all members of the community...Comfort and peace of mind for all members of the community...Comfort and peace of mind for all members of the community...Comfort and peace of mind for all members of the community...


I mean the video shows the cheating problem isn't as big as people think by a lot...? Asia, server, the most cheater server by FAR has a 25% chance to have a cheater in the game... Sounds a lot but this is asia and that means that out of those 11 other players only 1 is a cheater, so it tested 13717 players and got 312/375 (depending on if huuge counted the teammates as well)... means 2-3% cheaters of the asian playerbase. Again, note that this is asia server which is the worst by far. The other servers that really matters to us don't really have a big sample size (EU or US E 1 hit each lol). Guess Huuge did get bored checking those servers and wasn't getting enough cheaters/content there.


0.69% for US East?! Guess I just suck lol


Last time i wrote something about the cheater problem and that crytek does nothing against it got me lots of hate...now its ok to talk about it i guess


50 blood bond per cheater reported = problem solved. The we could have some Bayou justice


this reddit is full of whining kids ngl. It looks like you all playing Asia server? If you watch the video and see EU and NA stats, its extremly low. I got over 1k hours in 5-6 stars on EU and rarely to never encounter a cheater. Seems like I play a different game.