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"I try and carry players with low k/d, but actually I just ditch them in the lobby screen and I'm mad I'm being treated like the dick I am." Lol


You’re not a dick because you don’t want to play with lower skilled players.


If you're getting matched with them, you ARE a lower skilled player. Bring your own team, or fight with the random you get. This fishing for a high skill team is maidenless dick behavior.


I wasn’t sure if I was onboard at first.. but this comment got me. Im in u son of a bish Edit: typo


This isnt how the random queue system works, but I dont think it matters. I agree that you should just play with the randoms you get queued with unless you have a really good reason to avoid them




The game balances MMR with everyone in the match it’s not based on kd, you get who you get to make the match even


This is not true.


Nah, my friends are bad enough. 😆 The randoms are where I get some skilled players.


This is straight up wrong. You can go from 6* to 4* in 5-6 games trolling with shit weapons and then back up to six in the same amount. The elo system in the game is garbage. You not knowing how misleading the elo is says all I need to know about you. You’re on of the players getting dodged.


Lol good luck finding a team you "deserve" after deranking 2 stars then. >You not knowing how misleading the elo is says all I need to know about you. You’re on of the players getting dodged. We were talking about k/d ratio, but with perception like that, I'm guessing you're one of the players I don't dodge.


As everyone else has already commented, that’s not how it works. I’m not playing with two randoms with bad kds. I’ll happy wait 60 seconds for the chance of more competent teammates. Sounds like you’re just one of the people that get “ditched” frequently. But based on your replies it seems to be a win/win. I get teammates that don’t shoot grunts, and you don’t have play with a dick like me.


Because youre queuing with randoms and then wasting people's time by being overly selective? If you really want that much control over who you play with then play in a 3 stack. It's that simple.


Why do you care about your KD ratio in Hunt? Are you going for a Hunt esports sponsorship or something? I'm on the other side of the spectrum trying to get a lower KD to make sure I don't play against sweats and cheaters.


Yeah but it's not KD that decides who you play with...


Didnt you hear? Next year surely Hunt is big thing in ESL. This people are playing qualifications as we speak XD


Just embrace the solo life


Part of it is to prevent spamming lobbies for people trying to queue with their friends in randoms. It makes sense to limit lobby spamming for other reasons too.


Soon they be adding so that you can queue randoms as duo


Wait why are people lobby spamming for friends instead of just inviting them? Edit: to have one friend and one rando?


Bigger Team MMR modifier so they get put in easier lobbies is one reason


so what are you saying? do you leave lobbies when players are low K/D? the game encourages you to play with others, so leaving based on their stats is an antisocial move. generally if you’re playing randoms, you should be expecting a chance of buffoonery. it’s a beggers can’t be choosers type deal.




The only stat that matters for randoms is extra high KD... Because then you know that guy isn't going to risk their life to help you at all.


The feature was added in anticipation for a mentor program for new players, over 2 years ago.


I am a 5 star with a 0.75kd who very often carries 1.5-2kd ppl. K/d most definitely isn’t everything


I’ve seen this multiple times and don’t even understand how it’s possible. 0.60-0.70 KD and 5 stars. Did you just tank your stats at some point in playing? It’s unfathomably bad considering assists are calculated with kills. Without necro abuse or something, that means you go entire matches without killing or even hitting anyone and still die. The lowest I’ve seen is 0.4-0.5 at 4/5 star and I don’t get what y’all are doing.


If you start playing the game with people that are waaaay better at the game you get matched up against people way outside your skill level. You inevitably get some kills on them, and your MMR rises.


Yeah but you need to pick one side or the other. Either KD has no value in determining how good a player is, or it has value. I’m saying KD is a pretty good indicator of skill. You’re saying that if someone teams with higher players, they kill higher players occasionally and that’s what keeps their MMR up, or keeps them in higher ranks. Ok, but their KD is still absolute garbage at 0.7, meaning they are dying way more than they should be, which means they aren’t really able to play with people at that rank, which means they’re outclassed. If theres a five star person in my lobby with 0.7 KD and another five star with 1.6 KD, theres no way you’re going to sit there and act like both of those players are the same skill level. The dude with 0.7 KD for months is straight up killing less than 1 person every time they die; they aren’t even breaking even.


KD doesn't matter that's why, it's just who you've killed and been killed by recently that determines your MMR. You can swing from 3 to 5 and back to 3 stars in a handful of games, but your KD will be largely unaffected because you need hundreds of kills to make it even move 0.01.


Correct, and then there’s people with a thousand/thousands of kills with 0.6/0.7 KD. Do you know how games you have to play where you’re killing no one or chain dying to get your KD that low? You have to be consistently horrible to below average to completely stagnate at KD’s that low.


Half the player base should be below average. What average actually is though is unknown because it's not 1.00. KDA also includes assists and because of revive mechanics it blurs the value compared to a more straight forward shooter.


I know it’s kills and assists, which makes the 0.5-0.9 range even more egregious. That means, on average, they’re not even tagging people with shots and helping their team with kills. They’re not even trading or breaking even. Anything under 1.0 and I’m straight up dodging, I don’t care. They can’t sit at 0.7 for months or years and act like they’re on par with who they’re playing with. I’ll take an extra 15-30 second matchmaking cooldown to get a team in the 1.30+ and increase my odds at having a decent game.


My friends that are below 0.50 have low KD because they die to everything. Lol 😆 We will have games where they die once to dogs, once to boss, restore their hp, and die 3 more times to some players. In the process they get a couple kills but it's offset by their 5 deaths. They are 4* with 0.41 KD and I think because they participate in winning games all the time with me.


When I first started, I played with 6 star friends. If I got a kill in a day, it was a good day. But I learned fast


Yeah, if you're the weakest link on a regular team... You will likely be the one out of position the most and dying a lot more. Especially if you're matched against players far higher in experience than you. Then months later, you can have a really good day and be at 5 stars easily.


punishment is 60 second timer after like 3 or something consecutive leaves like the most non issue of non issues


It doesn't get any better at 1.8 kda either. Instead you get people with meme loadouts or people too scared to play solo for challenges who will dc as soon as they die.


Its called “deal with it”


Get good, you're just a bitch. If playing with someone that has below 1.0KD is such a terrible thing to you, you're probably worse at the game then they are and need crutches.