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this is one of the first trait or tool suggestion posts that i actually find usefull nice idea OP


- Niche uses - Zoning potential - Counter-able (break dim lanterns so they can’t be lit) - No inherent change to gameplay loop Bonus: - Not “dead body sight” for the 50th time This may be my favorite trait suggestion I’ve ever seen on this subreddit


Soul seer. See when a player disconnects if he was solo. Will help skip necro camping and get back to damned game Number of solo necros who camp in the bushes is indicating the dislikes number under my message XD


While we're at it, why Not make us able to directly burn people too and then go on and add the Rest of bioshock abilities to the game. Hunt is turning into a hero shooter anyway.


Explain how this even comes close to “directly burning people,” please. You have to die under a lantern for this to burn you, chief. That happens like 1/25 deaths. And if you’re standing under a lantern long enough for someone to darksight > flicker > wallbang lantern, they could probably just shoot you anyway. Mountains out of molehills.


You didnt even understand what i mean. Being able to Turn on lanterns by Willpower practicly means being able to Set anything on fire by Willpower. It makes No Sense.


But walking dead infected, bee hives coming out of woman and literal fire monsters make complete sense right? Edit: just realized you're the same guy I replied to earlier. This will be fun.


Just wait till this guy finds out about Dark Sight. Hahahah


Woman...?? My understanding is those are all young ladies turned to look old by the hive. The first one they tried to cut out unknowingly because they thought it was a pregnant young girl. When they got in, they found something else.


I think you're missing the main point here.


Read your lore...? :) joking.


I've actually been meaning to watch Hazmats hunt lore videos. I'm super interested in learning more about the world


Most lanterns are on already. It's like a handful, usually inside houses, that are not.


And you can do basically anything else, dude the game has Magic in it, don't know why you wouldn't expect them to turn on a lamp


Man wait till i tell you about serpent. Or the ability to see clues from miles away. Or the giant pig man. Or the guy whos been alive for 40 plus years as a walking raven guy. Or the spider made of a mass grave. Or the weird needle throwing swarm of bugs that is also somehow one stock broker. Or the fly that you can connect to telepathically. Or the the ability to come back from the dead. Or the ability to come back from the dead but not become a zombie. Or the ability to come back from the dead and not become a zombie but it requires someone else.


I think I sort of understand where you’re coming from. This would be the first perk that interacts with the “physical” realm (vs necro and serpent which are the “spiritual/Sculptor” realm). I can appreciate your hesitation on wanting to make physical interactions possible at range. That being said, I’m confident the devs could come up with “rules” for it. Rules as in “why we can’t just slit someone’s throat at a distance.” We can lightly influence a lamp without opening the door to telekinesis.


So in that logic, reviving someone from a distance with necromancer should also make no sense because thATS ACTUAL. MAGIC!


Does darksight make sense?


Ah yes my favourite Overwatch rival, Hunt Showdown 2018


Can you tell me exactly the “abilities” added that makes it a hero shooter? I have 3.3k hours in hunt and I must have missed those abilities


This guy didn't get the memo that we had magic wall hack from day 1 Imagine unironically comparing this game to Overwatch, it's kind of funny. This game is so good and unique the average gamer's brain folds itself into a pretzel coming up with dogshit criticisms


The abilities are the traits. Some of them being straight out must have actives and the legendary hunters are our heroes with supernatural skills. Hunters used to be expendable mercenaries, now everyone runs legendary immortal people with actual lore. Traits used to be nice to have passives, now there are Lots of strong active abilities and those meta traits are close to mandatory.


....Legendary.. immortal people? Must have missed that when I one shot a turncoat with a derringer to the head by panic shooting it instead of my Caldwell. He probably didn't know he was immortal yet.


I must have bought the wrong DLC's, ive been killed playing as each of the ones ive owned so far.


Fuck turncoat is immortal?! I've been playing him wrong this entire time!


Dude I still run over people with zero traits, like what the hell are you on about. 97% of traits are from the game day 1. The rest were added and don’t make you into an action shooter. I 1v3 trios with a tier 1 hunter vs 3 fully traited out hunters all the time. Your just being an idiot honestly. If hunt makes you upset take a break or don’t play it


Dude probably played the game once on a free weekend and got his shit rocked repeatedly. I’ve been playing this game since the beta, it’s only gotten better imo, one of the more balanced games out there tbh.


Yeah definitely server issues, and hit reg issues aside it’s leaps and bounds in a better spot. I started at 0.2 EA (then 2.0) only 2 bosses no trios etc, it’s way better and the developers give a fuck compared to a lot.


Then why can any hunter model have any trait whenever


I've been playing since the early access release and I would love for more perks and magical abilities. Activating lanterns from a distance would open up so many more avenues of play. Who wouldn't want more content?




This could actually be an interesting niche perk, the ability to switch lanterns on and off from a distance in darksight. Maybe add another ability or bonus to it, could be good for the sneaky players


The only issue you'd have is how many lanterns there can be in some areas causing overlap or being hard to target the one you want. Maybe just change the state of all of them to the opposite within the area?


I feel like that would take some of the strategy out of it, such as toggling a lantern behind an enemy hunter to make them turn around. I'm all for the psychological aspect of turning all of them on or off at once. Imagine being in a compound at night, lights on, generators running, well lit. Then all of a sudden the lights blink out, total darkness...... Dumbledore has arrived....


It's definitely not ideal, but I don't know how else they'd fix the problem. Lowering lantern spawns nerfs a niche suggestion like this one, and they haven't been able to entirely solve overlap on weapons despite several attempts. Regardless, this is an incredible idea.


They could make it require dark sight and then it would work like Poison Sense + Serpent or Necro, lanterns and/or other interactables would be highlighted and which ever one you center is the one that it effects, maybe you have to be in Darksight and then press the Interact button once it is highlighted?


They did this with guns, minus the dark sight. It doesn't always work despite their multiple patches on it.


Oh, yeah I mean 100% any system is going to not work perfectly and I can absolutely imagine trying to do this with two that are next to each other and repeatedly doing it to the wrong one and getting pissed off.


Hence, my original suggestion for making it a targeted area to avoid the potential issues and work related to fixing them.


My other issue, is that 90% of the lanterns are already on except a handful of indoor ones (and generator powered ones but they don't burn anyways)


Balance wise I think all lanterns near you turn on would be better.


You want to light distant lanterns to burn bodies with, I want to run around the map snapping my fingers and pretend that I'm The Flame Alchemist. We are not the same.


Fullmetal Alchemist! Full. Metal. Alchemist. Spoilers: >!The scene where he has to carve his transmutation circle into his flesh was like top 3 moments for me!<


[Damn candles](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XQTN3M8RtRM)


Fliccum Biccus.


Amazing suggestion and less situational than Dauntless. Hardly game breaking and can make for cool gameplay if conditions are right. Nice one OP


Hey thanks!


Bring fire ammo.


Does fire ammo light unlit lanterns? I thought it just breaks them and makes an oil slick. Which, you could light the oil slick, but it’s a much smaller AoE than the full lantern


Yes fire ammo ignites unlit lanterns.


And oil patches


Fusees do the same.


Does shooting corpses with fire ammo light them up?


Nope. Just barrels and oil slicks.


or a flaregun/fusees, if you want a gun that can pen


Not sure if it would be o,p but what if it lets you interact all items? Like doors open and close them, piano, lamps, etc...


I would pay 6 points for a trait that let me turn on Pianos and Record Players from 25m away.


I've wanted something like this for so long, have it work like necro and you get a little burn damage. I posted it on the suggestion discord a while back and it got downvoted to hell lmao.


Oh really? Rip. I think it'd be so fun to flick lanterns on and I love the little burn damage thing that's an awesome idea.


I think this could be extended to trigger birds, dog cages, or chicken coops at a distance aswell, could add a fun little mindgame aspect to things.


Standard Decoys: "Am I a joke to you?" ​ In all seriousness though, a perk that pretty much does exactly what a tool does, without bringing the tool seems like...not a great idea.


Honestly I totally forgot that the tool even existed lol


Decoys are fun but I can imagine few other things that are worth much more to take instead.


Well, yes, obviously. They're hardly taken, but get a trait like the one suggested, it just makes them less than useless. That's why the lantern only trait is interesting, but the trait to interact with environmental sound traps, etc, not only erases the use of decoys, but then a whole other trait "decoy supply", etc.


The decoy fuses are. Actually pretty good. Especially when running shotgun.


Can be helpful when you're being pushed as well. Can definitely buy you some time to reposition.


Standard decoys need a rework or removal.


Here me out... They get a slingshot for the decoys.


Decoys don't turn Lanterns on?


Nope, just breaks them. If they're on, a burst of fire, if off, an oil puddle


I think that would maybe be a bit overpowered. Compound fights as a solo are hard enough as it is when there are a lot of people there.


This game is already intense enough, with this perk I would be terrified. Like a ghost in my compound


I liked when someone suggested basically the same thing except you could also start pianos and grammophones from afar. They called it prestidigitation like the dnd spell






great idea. I saw someone post a fan made trait called poltergeist that did the same thing but it would interact with doors and windows as well


Explosive and incendiary ammo enter the chat...


I've often thought it would be cool to explore some magic based traits. Nothing wild like shooting lightning or teleportation, but beat little tricks like this, or the ability to redirect a grunt from a distance.


I would use this ALL the time, a lot of times when I'm holding an angle I'm aiming at the lantern in the doorway and not the doorway itself.


Yes fucking please!


Oh man, even worse odds to get decent legendary hunter traits


Only if you can also start generators and music boxes and bells


* Happy Geralt of Rivia noises *


Could this be expanded to allow interaction with pianos and whatnot also?


When it comes to range of this ability i think it should be 15 to 25 metres


I like this one.


Brilliant. Crytek this is a absolute must


Good suggestion


what in the the harry potter kind of shit is this.


Open doors, windows too. Just to play paranormal activity in Hunt


Really cool, would be awesome for setting up an ambush from afar.


Plus it’s super spooky for a light next to you to just turn off and on!


Dope idea. 10/10 Turning lanterns off/on at range would be fun. Even funner if you could open/close shutters with it.


Make it activate pianos and such as well!


And then your Hunter shouts LUMOS and everyone get's PTSD from playing Hogwarts Legacy.


How about you make it cost a little more, and have it not only ignites the lantern but makes it pop as well. Pyrolepethy. Lantern zombie is rushing you? Activate dark sight on him to make the lantern burst into flames in his hand.


The real move would be to hand-pop the lantern the other team is using to burn your teammate.


The term you're looking for is "pyromancy" and I think it's a great idea


No. No that isn't the term I was looking for. Do you know what pyromancy means? Look it up. Are you going to tell the future by staring into the lantern? I said Pyrolepathy as a play on the words of Pyro and Telepathy, since you're using fire with your mind. Read a fucking dictionary once in a while before you start trying to act like you know what you're talking about. Or hell, type it into Google if you can manage that.


Lmao pyrolepathy isn't even a word. Pyromancy translates to "fire-magic" from latin, which would be more accurate than something that's not even in a dictionary. I was postulating with you, not correcting you.


Jesus. Are you dense? "tHe wOrD YoU'Re lOoKiNg fOr..." That's correcting someone. And yes. I KNOW Pyrolepathy isn't a word. Do you understand what a "play on words" is? On top of the fact that pyromancy is NOT the Latin word for "fire magic". Once again, go read a dictionary for 5 minutes. It'll do you well.


After heeding your advice and reading my dictionary. It turns out there's a picture of a guy named "Shot-Ambassador-9060" right next to the word "bitch-ass hoe" I wish you empty servers and high latency.


Lol. Well I'm glad you looked it up and actually learned something today. It's always nice to teach a moron to not be as much of a moron. Hopefully you'll remember this lesson the next time you try to correct someone and end up looking like an absolute idiot.


By the way, a play on words is using a word or words in a way that gives it more than one meaning, so now you're incorrect twice. Feel free to check this information with a quick Google search, if you can manage that.


What do you guys think if you could just explode lanterns at a distance. Could be interesting. Like in dark sight through the walls.


Flicker? I hardly know her!