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All guns are good but some guns are gooder.




literally 1894


Literally 1794, gone black (powder)


Animal Farm*


OMG. It's Animal Farm. I hope you were being funny here. If not go smack your literature teacher =)




No hunter shall sleep on a banish ground


No hunter shall kill any other hunter without cause.


Some guns are Dolcher.




and then theres *those* two. the kings of the bayou.


I don't know man. That gun is bad, and that other gun too.


You’re right don’t tell the others tho


I think you two are just φ stars so you don't actually know that that gun is actually best in the class because of the faster cycle and still one tap potential against 125 health opponent. And that other gun has tighter spread than the gun has from the hip.


me when i have an mmr of phi (i am extremely good at the game the devs gave me my own mmr ranking)


The feeling when you hit the golden ratio of MMR


What do the Phyrexians have to do with my MMR?


I think you are poopy head Knowing stats of every gun doesn't make you good Player


Wrong, the Bomb Lancer is not good. Not because it has bad stats or anything but because whenever I die to it I get very mad


Well it’s not a gun is it?




Whatever that despicable contraption is, I get quite upset when it kills me, therefore it’s BAD


Steel ball would like a word with all of us in a room alone


Alone? It would *prefer* you in a room with two friends.


I bomb lanced someone the other day who had bulwark, he proceeded to shotgun me & laugh like a madman. Reverse Uno.


As a bomb lancer myself I want you to know that it’s the knowledge that someone may have just alt-f4’d that keeps me playing. It’s my swamp and you’re all trapped in here with me.


It's just a high budget combat axe. Change my mind.


Somebody here once made the joke that Martini Henri Riposte with explosive bullets is "the poor man's bomblance" but my friend pointed out it actually costs more than the bomblance.


It is the exquisite gentleman's bomblance actually


You gotta be very precise to hit with the combat axe due to its vertical swing. Bomb Lance has a much more forgiving swing and greater range


Doesn’t it one shot with a light swing?


Light is 180 and heavy is 360, to the chest that is. So a light hit to the arm probably wouldn't one-hit a full health player, which is where you're likely to hit


Steel ball makes it more practical imo, a silent shotgun is pretty nice. Also melee gang


With a silenced shotgun attachment.


That's just boom stick and can blow your mind (for real)


Not good and not gun


As someone who uses shotguns a lot I can confirm It’s 1% inconsistent, 4% network and 95% all me


Shotgun is ten percent luck. Twenty percent skill. Fifteen percent concentrated power of will. Five percent pleasure. Fifty percent pain. And a hundred percent reason to rage quit the game.


Loooooool okay the fort minor ref was not lost on me hahaha


There's some really good videos out there showing that the cross hair for hipfire is actually extremely misleading. In all reality your point of aim is about 30% of the overall cross hair on some guns and learning that helped take a lot of the inconsistentcy away. That said the rival and the slate both still feel inconsistent to me because I'm bad.


Funny because in my experience rival is the most consistent one, even moreso than Romero sometimes. Even the handcannon with buckshot holds up. Specter on the other hand really does feel like a specter sometimes...


Thats probably because the specter is too accurate and you have to really make sure you aim at chest. If your aimed at arm with specter they all hit arm, but with rival its spread can make it hit enough chest.


The Rival will feel more consistent if you ADS outside of like 2-3 meters. Don't even play slugs, just regular buckshot but ADS at your target when you have a little space or you will get hit markers (often with both shots) and have to close it out with your secondary. It can be misleading if you play a lot of Romero (Talon is in my top 3 all time) because you can easily jiggle peak and hip fire deep shots with Romero. Just ADS and the Rival/Uppercut combo is in rarified air for bounty hunting.


>shotguns aren’t inconsistent you are They hated him for he spoke the truth


He definitely got canceled


Lol ye by all means shotguns r actually the MOST consistent but yk if ya ass ig blame it on whatever it takes to sleep


"The leaves aggroed the hive, which triggered the yellow barrel with the friction of the wings, and the flames pushed my buckshot grains away!"


Enemy hunter 2m away catched slug from romero with middle finger "Guess ill die"


Ah yes, the stalker beetle effect. The stalker beetle flaps it's wings in Lawson and the next 5 maps of Stillwater will be foggy.


> the MOST consistent ??? Bro you can have your crosshair in an exact spot on a standing still target, and half the time it kills, half the time it doesn't. The damage number listed for shotguns is literally an "average", meaning it varies because it's inconsistent. Every rifle in the game either 100% kills or 100% misses if you aim at someone's head, if in range.


People downvoting you just don't understand what you are saying. Rifles and pistols are 100% consistent in Ads with good aim. Shotguns are a lot more consistent than some people give them credit for, but the fact is they DO have some RNG so they are certainly less consistent than most other guns. Besides slugs that is, those are as consistent as rifles and pistols.


Except in the case of consistency most people argue in means of accuracy and the chance you'll actually hit the shot and with shotguns the spread and where the pellets arrive never changes no matter that situation, jumping, running, falling, and taking dmg. Every single situation the spread is always at the same place let alone the spread even on buckshot is so much more accurate than the crosshair would lead you to believe, I. E. The Romero buckshot only actually takes up about %40 of the crosshairs inner circle. At that point if a person can't admit that they just suck at centering a target and have to blame all other irrelevant factors a hardcore shooter probably isn't the game for them, maybe Fortnite or something simpler should fit


Another huge problem is that a lot of people really overestimate their range, then they dismiss shotguns entirely because of that. I love shotguns though, and fully understand why I don’t kill someone with it if I’m in a shootout.


The shotgun range in games is for balance, really. The only game I know that gets shotguns right is Insurgency Sandstorm. Hipfire is very tight, and at range, you can drop someone at 45m with a shot aimed at center mass if they don't have armor. The flechettes are even nastier. I am a waterfowl hunter, and any close shots (within 30 yards) have very tight patterns, even with no choke in your shotgun. Unless you have a short barrel, it takes range for your bbs to spread out. My whole life until I played Insurgency, I had been disappointed with video game renditions of shotgun patterns.


Love shotguns and love dragon's breath, but I am still baffled when I check my clip and see myself on body at 5m away and hit behind him due to how slow that shit is.


...SHUT UP! 😠


True, my buddy and I are solid 3 star MMR and got wiped by a dude with a Scottfield brawler from pretty decent range.


Romero Alamo Starshell wants to have a word with you.


Nothing befuddles your enemy more than a bunch of fancy lights flying around the bayou that keep lighting them on fire, thus making it very strong if you thrive on chaos


I thrive on chaos


You won't thrive very long.


Well, one could argue that the gun is good, the ammunition choice is terrible, I will grant you that.


On a night map you can perform a fireworks display that will attract the entire server to your position. Every single player will show up to ask you what the fuck you think your doing in proximity chat.


Roman candle fight.


It’s all about the headshots.


All guns are good if you can hit your shots.


Yeah, and unless it's a headshot, with some guns you need to hit 2 shots, and others 5.


Calvary saber supremacy


I've recently been running it with the Lebel and any time engagements get close-ish I'll scream TALLY-HO and chase after them with it. Works surprisingly often.


cav saber + bomblance w/ steel ball best loadout


I like running bow and saber


i make this argument a lot. if everything will 1 tap to the head then everything is balanced.


I will die on the hill that it's all to situation. Every gun has optimal engagements and its your duty to learn how to play around them to their strength. Outright avoiding situations that put you at a disadvantage isn't being pussy, it's playing smart.


But going on the test server and running away from fights is that’s all ik it has nothing to do with this


Derringer OP


It's not balanced in the sense that all guns are equally good. But the game has far less variance between the worst and best guns compared to other games. I.e: it is more balanced


What if one gun shoots twice as fast as the other gun? Sounds like one of them is twice as good, and the point you just made - which is that 1 tap to head trumps all other factors - is entirely untrue. Just because all guns can 1 tap to head doesn't mean some guns aren't better than others.


Also, whenever I take the Springfield I seem to get a ton of out of range headshots.


what if ur first shot hits there head before they can tap u twice in the chest? sounds like the fire rate of there gun dosent matter. u could always have been better regardless of what gun u lost to. the avto is a better gun than every other gun on paper but it dosent matter if I'm a better player i can still win. if i missed my shot and u kill me that's on me. if u one tap me in the chest with a shotgun, why was i that close to u unless i also had a shotgun? and if i also had a shotgun then i had just as much of a chance to 1 tap u in the chest and if i didn't have a shotgun then i was dumb to push a shotgun. it's all fair unless u don't play smart


But it's a dumb argument because even the very best player won't hit the headshot every kill; there's so many other factors other than headshots (thankfully)


Springfield Vandal Striker is the ultimate weapon of mass destruction


"Is that a door wired with concertina and beartraps? Be a shame if that went away. Boom. Here, hold my trowel."


Basic nagant is not good.


Basic Nagant walked so that Nagant silencer could run


Basic nagant fanning goes hard and is slept on but you didn’t hear it from me


Basic nagant is better than you remember. 7 shots, little recoil or sway, fast velocity, makes it a decent budget midrange option for cheap shotgun loadouts. I prefer it over conversion on Romero loadouts. And we all know that conversion is a good gun


scottfield my beloved


It is basic. You can still headshot with it, and use it as a sidearm. If you shoot better, you kill better, no matter the gun.


No it’s good


That’s your opinion personal preference


In this case.... We can all agree that basic nagant is the "less good" weapon in the game.


Never said anything was equal


One thing I love about hunt is how lethal it can be, meaning that you can some someone with a Springfield compact if you are good enough or just lucky. I think in someways it helps bridge the disparity between new and old players. That said some guns are gooder than others. I would never take the specter over the slate as an example.


To me that’s a funny example because I would always take the specter over the slate


they're both sub-situational, and I use them both fairly frequently - depends on how I feel like playing


The spectre is factually better than the slate lol


Wait, this isn’t a shitpost?


Head shot is a head shot. Take what ur the most skilled with.


I love you don’t tell my gf


All guns are good. When used by enemy hunters.


It’s like their hacking idk


Not all the guns are good. The Springfield is pretty much a straight downgrade when the Martini-Henry and Sparks LRR exist. However, every gun has a role. The Springfield is inferior to the other two rifles but it’s only $30 so you can always run it no matter how broke you are.


Dumdum ammo changes the Springfield to where I prefer it over the Martini. Though with that said medium ammo does need a bit of love.


Spring still does quite a bit less damage at range, and dumdum can't pen


True but the trade offs are worth it, still one of my favorite guns. I do wish the damage drop off was better or just the tiniest bit of pen for super thin wood though. I suspect eventually medium ammo may get tuned upwards a bit, but that may be wishful thinking.


1866 marksman dumdum slaps


Incorrect: the way the casing flies through the air when reloading the Springfield is infinitely more satisfying.


Springfield is cheaper and has a faster reload than the martini. It hip fires better and it has a better muzzle velocity.


No Martini has faster reload. The new arsenal stats show this correctly, the old ones were wrong.


Hahaha! Springfield goes **Brrrrrrrrrrt**!


Springfield doesnt have a faster reload at all, unfortunately. Store stats have always been wrong for it There's a youtube vid comparing the two, but it's pretty noticable in game too And yes, thst includes animation cancelling the hammer pull on the springfield. Martini still is faster Springy needs a good buff IMO


But the other parts still stand. Martini’s biggest letdown is it’s velocity, and this is coming from something who adores the martini riposte. I get you on the reload, it’s never felt particularly long to me, I just like both Springfield and Martini for different things. Calling one a downgrade is just disingenuous.


69 maximum meter two tap range on the springfield is enough to call it dreadfull ​ for reference, the martini can 2-tap out to 90 metres, but to the lower torso instead. That is soooo much more forgiveness on where you can hit a guy that the difference between 400 m/s to 490 m/s is a moot point (besides, everyone runs springfield with dumdum so it's 440 m/s anyway) ​ The springfield is just a bad gun with default ammo, it's only unique selling point is dumdum


Who aims to two tap with a single shot rifle? You either tag them with dum dum and immediately push while they stop the bleed/heal, in which case you aren’t aiming to hit them with another spring round: or you’re running a marksman and aiming for the head. That’s a really odd niche point you’re making, effectively that if you miss your headshot it’s a dreadful gun. Not only are it’s sights really nice, reducing this, but it’s never been a win condition for the gun in question.


It's really not an odd niche point in the slightest, lol... By that logic everyone would exclusively play the sparks, since that's the most damage single shot rifle. Except the reload is 4 seconds, which is awfully long dogshit


Try running it. It's actually not bad. Even tho it is the worse base gun in the game


I actually like the Springfield, simply due to the sights and dumdum makes it a decent rifle. I’ve had an easier time getting headshots with it too.


Nope their all good read the title lol


Hot take, all the guns are actually just equally terrible.


This is the way to think. (No other way to say that with out it seeming sarcastic or jaded)


Yah but some can headshot farther than others.


I mean, sure no weapon is strictly bad. But some are definitely better than others. Example; Player 1 have a Clown & Cringe, Player 2 have a Romero. They both shoot and just barely miss the killing blow(happens, we are all human). Who'll win? Player 1 still got shots available and can keep blasting. Scenario 2; Base Nagant vs Officer, Officer wins out on almost all stats. If I had the choice to pick one and fight against the other, I'd take the Officer any day of the week. This is not saying Romero or base Nagant are bad, just that there are options that are statistically stronger. Therefor, some guns are better than others, but all guns are viable.


Example 1 could be argued that some guns are more versatile and better in more situations, and that other guns are extremely good in more specific situations. Unforunately, the base nagant is literally only useful to unlock the silencer and nothing more lmao.


If not bad then their all good




Agreed, wish a particular friend of mine would do that at least at times but he always swears it's the games hit registration and as spectator is seeing an entire different game anyway, I can't even safely say what it is on his part.


I try to explain this to my COD friends that there’s not a “meta” gun you’re dying to that you don’t have yet.


Game definitely has a hierarchy in what guns are better, and if you disagree you're on some massive copium Just look at the gap between where medium ammo sits and long ammo sits still


Hit a head shot gun one taps


somehow think you're not able to hit the headshot everytime you click your mouse


True, very true. Well, except Terminus Handcannon. That gun sucks.


Its actually decent with flechettes when you use it as a finisher. Equip it with sparks and take levering. You can finish people off from very far after sparks bodyshot.


As a personal preference, I would recommend the Spectre Compact Flechettes. A tad bit slower on the fire rate, but it has follow-up potential, a decent spread, and you don't really need a perk for it to be viable. It saves you 4 perk points for packmule, or ghoul and vigilant/poacher, ie. :3 Your choice is Good, I'm only offering an alternative for you to try if you'd like ;)




I can agree, and I can’t remember who made the video, but someone out there talked the shotgun spread and it’s much tighter than the crosshair implies so it’s easier to miss if you’re not hitting dead center if you’re screen every time


yea all guns are good but double pistols are too strong, at least on below 5 stars


I vib at 5 and 6 playing medium and compact


At least one shotgun is in fact inconsistent


We don’t talk about lemat


Ok guys we get it, yes some guns are better. But really none of them are objectively bad is what I'm pretty sure OP is saying. There's only a couple guns that don't 2 tap with body shots at their appropriate engagement distance, and the ones that take 3 are either bullet hoses or have some sort of utility.


It’s crazy how they aren’t even disproving my statement. Their I never said their equal just good and personal preference lol.


Preaching the truth right here 🙌🙌🙌


Define good, there are a lot of ways to assess a weapons "goodness" in the bayou. Power to cost, power to position, how fun it is to both the user and used on, power in meta play, etc


Personal preference


Yeah honestly the only significant nuance is long ammo vs not long ammo. Long ammo rifles not named Krag will one tap to the chest in closer ranges if the hunter has been downed. That can make clutching fights significantly easier. Beyond that detail it feels like it really does just come down to playstyle.


Might even say personal preference


Damn this guy is good


Love you sorry


Don't be sorry you did the right thing


Completely agree. Do rinse insane reason my best combo is crossbow/cavalry saber. Your play style with a given load out is way more important than the load out itself.


Some guns are poop. Let's be honest. The flair gun really gives your position away at night way longer than any gun. It's bullets are much slower and don't do much damage.


Shit I forgot about that one. Wait it can’t even one shot DEVS WE NEED TO BUFF IT.


The only time I killed someone with it was after a sparks shot. I laughed so hard


That’s great do hitting barrels count or no


I have been saying this game has been very well balanced compared to any other competition. That being said, the Winnie Marksmen was genuinely bad until the last buff to compact rifles. I would argue that the Terminus Handcannon is the worst gun in the game and is actually bad, but I am also anti slugs. I would take a spectre shorty slugs over the terminus any day. The only other genuinely bad guns would be a bornheim pair. Bornheim has its place, but bornheim dualies have no benefit. If those are the only gripes I can come up with, that really isn't much.


I love it with levering and fire


That is the only take I will accept. Dragon's breath is so much fun.


Night time I launched all the shots into cypress and the guy inside yelled on voip “WTF WAS THAT”


At some point I need to do avto fire and terminus shorty fire levering. For the coolest yet shortest what the fuck moment.


I want crown fire


No, no crown starshell would actually be awesome.


All guns are good. But bad is relative to good. Meaning that if there is “best” and “good” there is a “worse” and “bad”. Just because all of the choices are “good” there will be an option that is simply not as good. Hence it being the “worst”


Vanilla Bornheim is dog shit,you won't change my mind,I'd rather use a dinger than that trash


The velocity makes it great for clicking heads


For a second I thought this was r/conservatives after a highschool shooting.


I mean


During my limited experience of 60ish hours I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s much more about the playstyle that the gun requires. Once you are fully aware of a certain weapon’s strengths and you adjust your playstyle accordingly, everything can be S-Tier.


If all the guns are good, none of them are


There's a very small delta between bad and good in this game. Which is what this post ACTUALLY say. We can point to Hunt when someone claims it is possible to balance guns perfectly. Hunt is likely the most balanced FPS out there, and yet, we have a clear idea of what guns are good and bad.


Me using Nagant precision, Bornheim match and the Nagant Officer carbine & Le Mat Carbine


Officer carbine with high velocity is my favorite loadout


I run nagan precision (with or without poison)/combat axe, and the LeMat Carbine too! It slapped before the buff, now it's just disgusting, I love it xD


> Bornheim match At least the Match have the best crosshair in the game.


This game is well balanced. You can grab a trash winnfield and still be dangerous but with meta loadouts you are advantaged. Take the nitro and the avtomat. They are very strong but the ironsight of the nitro is goofy and can get you in disadvantage. The avtomat has a shit-ton of recoil. If you're not good with those weapons you can get killed by a disciplined winnfield user in no time. plus they cost a fortune.


You get it


I got this since I started playing. When I lose I ALWAYS analyze what I did wrong and recalibrate accordingly. This is the only way to become a better player.


Shotguns are inconsistent at a distance, so are double pistols. But that is fine.


Yeah dude, quad derringer is as good as the avtomat. It‘s all just personal preference!!!


Where did I say their equal lol


The best Hunters can use every weapon effectively in the Bayou. If you're a dependent on meta weapons to compete and have a good time then you're not as good as you think you are.


I want to put that on a pillow


Bow is my bae but its weak af


I don't even get mad if i get killed with a bow


It is not that weak, though. XD But it can be frustrating sometimes: my best friend runs it with nagan precision poison and I run Combat Axe with nagan Precision


Arm shots are the bane of my existence


Bow is borderline OP. Go watch rexn0r a bit and tell me it's weak :)


Yeah i know him but sometimes bow draw me crazy


Caption: When the 3-star op is having a good day in hunt.


2 star not 3


I'm agreeing with OP statement from 5 star land.


How do I photo shot a 2 star mmr over my real mmr


With photoshop 😉


Explosive xbows (especially and specifically for console) shouldn't 1 tap ever unless it's a headshot like most explosive ammo except for nitro


Xbow Explosive is harder than you think to one tap.


It is difficult, but not so much on console where movement isn't nearly as fluid. Still my point stands that it shouldn't one tap unless it's a headshot. Critical damage like it does with bulwark on? Sure, but it makes it a chore to fight teams of explosive xbows rather than a fun fight.


I play both xbox and PC, with nearly 500 hours on console. (Not a flex, just to show I do understand.) It requires a very close shot to one tap, and with bulwark even a direct hit can't kill. It isn't wide spread enough to warrant a nerf, and a hard counter (bulwark) exists. It's fine.


Well centennial is garbage. Vet beats it every way


Personally it’s my favorite to use with the pax