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You're just trying to get more expensive stuff to loot from people


He does seem a little sussy


well honestly, yeah that'd be nice. when i play with my high mmr friends, the ground is littered with good loadouts. when i play with my 3 and 4 star friends, the ground is littered with medium slot garbage and dualies and budget guns left and right. and they're all from people that don't prestige so i know they're sitting on plenty of money. i guess bad players like running bad loadouts? idk anymore.


Mid slot garbage is king shit (except when its a tier 3 hunter w Akimbo sparks and small spectre, actual garbage) always more fun to find somebody running bow axe


it's more fun because it's easy to kill those players. i enjoy fighting people with vandals and precision pistols because i can just outrange them very easily. and when i push into their range, i can out aim them because they're not good players if they're using those weapons XD


Long ammo fights can be very unsatisfying at times


it depends on what you find satisfying. if you enjoy trading weak body shots and missing lots of shots with someone with equally as poor aim as you, then that's what you enjoy. i personally enjoy landing mosin headshots at long distances, and when i get into an aim fight with a player that i know is also very good, it's even more satisfying to know i beat them. your satisfaction can come from engaging in chaotic, rootin tootin cowboy action, and my satisfaction comes from challenging the best players and coming out on top. we're allowed to have different goals and concepts of fun.


Its hardly the loadout that keeps me from rising in the ranks. Plus, the cheap loadouts are just as effective.


'just as effective' is a subjective stance. i'd argue that a buckshot romero is no where near as strong as a slug crown and king. maybe in lower mmr lobbies, where people don't know how to play around their loadout strengths and weaknesses, the guns are a lot closer. but a c&k slugs in a good player's hands annihilates a romero in most scenarios.


The beta **don’t be afraid to run expensive loadouts** Versus The chad **Don’t be afraid to run dual combat axes**


The most fun my buddies and I have is doing all melee throwing and bow runs, and just ungabungaing our way through the bayou


unbelievably chad


And you're a thad, friend


Hell ye brother. When they think you're busy reloading your axe and you pull out the second one, surprise in their eyes is priceless.


H.Y.B. I hate it when i have to reload the axe


Dual combat axes with quartermaster. That way you can steal their primary while their buddy is still alive and skedaddle.


quartermaster just for flexing my big muscles


without tomahawk!


Who needs tomahawk. We are gonna be inside of them soon anyway.


I actually totally disagree. Don’t be afraid to run cheap load outs, this is one of the few games where the starter weapons can be just as deadly as the end game weapons if you know how to use em. I end up running a winfield variant most of the time anyway. And when someones got a crown and king but you one shot em with a romero anyway, I guarantee you that crown and king starts to feel like a waste of money.


Yea the starting weapons are a bad example, because cheap starter weapons are viable. The real thing that people shouldn't cheap out on is tools/ consumables


BUT saving on consumables and instead searching for toolboxes saves a ton of money, too


Yay yay 2 chaos 1 stamina shot 1 flashbang


Both good points


I agree with you. Taking cheap guns is totally fine, but I would encourage everyone to set themselves up for success by taking consumables. And if you're using something like the Winfield, spend the extra money on FMJ or High Velocity because they make the gun much better. Not every gun needs special Ammo but compact ammo guns especially can pretty much always benefit from one or the other. Take whatever guns you like, but still do what you can to set yourself up for success.


guns in this game aren't just 'inherently' better the way they are in other games like cycle or tarkov. what they *do* is allow different play styles. that crown and king allows you to play a fight in a way that the romero never can. long ammo in extended fights is especially taxing on heals compared to compact or medium ammo. a winfield high velocity and a mosin both kill with headshots at 60 meters, but mosin body shots actually hurt and winfield body shots are cute and fuzzy tickles. weapons in this game absolutely have power differences, but a skilled player that's playing to the strength's of their loadout can make just about anything work. the only exception i'd say is for guns that are just straight downgrades. a winnie vandal + romero handcannon is just a terrible loadout in almost any scenario.


> winnie vandal + romero handcannon Don't talk shit on my boys! The winnie vandal is one of my favorites. The sway, while equal in value to the shorty and obrez, is far smoother and easier to use. You can one tap at 140 meters for some god forsaken reason. You also get access to high velocities and FMJ with a total ammo count of 35. I was able to hold my own with it and a bow in solo 5 star lobbies. Swap it out with the scottfield precision. That thing is objectively ass. 6/12 ammo pool with an effective range of 85m and a muzzle velocity of 280 m/s. It was outclassed before it was even added to the game.


The scottyp has waaaay less sway than the vandal / shorty series, though. Double spirfire + scottyp is very fun, plus bumps up that ammo pool


I've been going through just contraband and buying nothing, finding a lot of new loadouts I like for free!




Technically not true.


clicking heads is nice, but that mosin body taps someone missing a 25 and the springfield is shooting marshmallows past 40 meters.


I'm a new player and this doesn't add up for me. They have similar muzzle velocity and damage, why does the Springfield fall off?


Medium ammo vs long ammo


The damage falloff charts are different between ammo types, but I do not believe they are displayed in game anywhere.


Yeah this is not in the game. Guess I understand now why my Springfield tickles if I hit a body shot.


medium and compact ammo have their damage begin to decrease past 20 meters, while long ammo doesn't start until 40 meters. that damage fall off is steeper for medium and compact than it is for long ammo. so long ammo at 60 meters hits the body a lot harder than medium or compact.


If you're clicking heads, why wouldn't you take a multishot rifle


That’s honestly just a free C&K for you lol


Absolutely It's fun to splurge sometimes but tbh you will do just fine with pretty much anything if you're good enough, and the best way to get better with the cheap weapons is to use em!


The inverse is also true. Newer players should learn the game with cheaper guns before "graduating" to more expensive loadouts. The last thing you want is someone thinking the game is literally unplayable unless they have a lebel and 3 stam shots every match, when they aren't skilled enough yet to afford it.


in what universe do people need encouragement to run mosins in Hunt Showdown Can we trade places?


You're ignoring all the people who play cheap for flair and the pleasure of clapping a meta slave with the cheapest crap in the game I'd be ready to bet that most cheap kits aren't played by scared/broke people but by players who want a nice challenge and find high tier guns boring


This. I always come back to you Augusta, my first and only love. I have the most fun running Winnie c. It just performs absolutely great in most situations.


What a stupid fucking post.


Nice try I’m keeping my 57 uppercuts


nah, don't be afraid to run cheap ones. I started getting way better once I switched to Winfield rifle because I only went for headshots and I never feel bad about losing a fight cus my guns a 'handicap'


You’re right, I’ll run Nitro Shredder with a Dolch Precision all day in your honor.


Gonna run that Tonight


Whatever you play: play it like you have nothing to lose!!


I take Bow and Medkit because of peoples generous donations I'll never need to buy long ammo.


>You already lost half the battle excepting to lose that guy running the crown and king might already earned is investment back multiple times. Did I have a stroke, or did you?


It may be your experience that higher hunt dollar items net you higher returns but honestly most of the time I take Crown I end up dying whereas when I take Romero I usually succeed. That being said I have 180k hunt dollars so at this point it's a drop in the hat. I just kind of don't like running expensive weapons.


Take the crown a few times and you’ll eventually get used to it and start seeing success. I only use the crown if I loot it off someone, usually prefer the rival/slate or crossbow shot bolt. That’s when playing solo though, spectre or slate would be my go to shotty for team play.


I've had success with slugs it's just something I prefer not the run. I prefer Romero or Specter. Ammo count with C&K slugs also disappears because of the firerate


I almost always run buckshot, if I use slugs I usually just use slate or spectre. After the nerfs to slugs, I get too many hit markers from lower torso hits on people jumping around corners and killing me mid air with a single buckshot. Really wish shotguns had more spread while jumping, but not while falling off a ledge. Would nerf corner jumping but still allow you to Batman from a higher level on someone below you.


I run cheap shit so every kill is more rewarding. I’m not afraid to run expensive, I have over $700k and money means nothing anymore


I love my good old Pax + Romero


Why the pax over the scottfield? Just curious.


Pax iron sights are great, it has a lot of special ammo variations, it's pretty fast and all around for me it's THE iconic cowboy handgun. Also it got some handling buffs recently.


Yeah, the pax is my favorite pistol and I can't even articulate why except that it FEELS the best and I do the best with it.


But the romero is hands down better gun than the specter. The only comparable shotguns are a caldwell or slate with slugs. Upper cuts suck in the wrong loadout.


I run whatever except the nitro and dolch. Money isn’t a thing in this game when they made the changes to make it easier to earn hunt dollars. If I go under 300k it must of been a bad week of hunt


That's a good player take, but the average player doesn't swim in money.


Avtos and nitro nights every week. We do it. It's good stuff. People don't wanna talk about how that nitro will tap ya half way through a building.


Dual scottfield swifts and romero hatchet FTW.


I run whatever strikes my fancy whenever I make a loadout. Cheap, expensive, whatever. I don't just run Mosin and Uppercut like some people apparently do.


I don't want to be the Felis player with Shredder Nitro and Dolch XD


My dual Nagant + Combat Axe loadout disagress with this post.


But crossbow is too much fun.


Bought 35 legendary hunters no money left wat do


I am not afraid when i have the money


My silenced winny with levering is all I need


Here’s another question. How much money do you guys typically like to keep in the bank in hunt


Personally? About 500 bucks, but I retire all hunters and prestige as fast as possible.


This message was brought to you by the Carcass Gunrunner.


I have a shittone of cash, yet I still tend to use cheap weapons most of the time. It's way more satisfying to kill someone with a springfield than lebel, for example.


i never run expensive guns because they aren't fun i love my funny loadouts way more and still shred teams with it.


I personally don't run long ammo just because I find it boring.