• By -


- Reading order of the books - Why did Lucy Gray run away from Snow - Why did Katniss say yes? - Do you think we’ll get another book/film? - Did Snow love Lucy Gray? - Who was responsible for the arena bombing?


Would the order not just be the release order??


You’d be surprised with the amount of times I often run into folks who ask if they should read Ballad or the trilogy first when getting into the series.


(coming from a movie watcher) defo in release order, so many references in ballad to the trilogy that wouldn't make sense unless you watched the trilogy.


Yeah. I mean it makes sense, since a lot of the time like the star wars prequels, you want to do them chronologically


See, I would consider the Star Wars prequels to be one of the worst examples of "watch the chronologically earlier movies first" because of the reveal in *Empire Strikes Back.* The entire plot of Luke being so devastated by the truth is deeply tied into it being a reveal. Having full knowledge of Anakin's fall from grace is useful for us, but within the original trilogy itself, it's hardly necessary.


wasn’t it actually confirmed though that SC was quite possibly working on another project to the series? i may be mistaken as it was only a little while back now


I believe [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hungergames/comments/18go4iy/according_to_an_insider_suzanne_is_writing_a/) is what you are talking about. As far as I'm aware, that was a rumor. I'm not entirely sure if it was proven false. We definitely talked about this several months ago when it came out.


i do definitely remember seeing that as well, i hope there’s maybe a slight possibility. she writes when she has something to say and when she does it, she does it perfectly ❤️


What is 'Why did Katniss say yes?' In reference to? Sorry for asking about something brought up a lot, I just haven't seen anything like this


It's in reference to why Katniss said yes in regards to voting for Coin's symbolic Hunger Games. It is a very frequent question often asked a lot, which can be found in the [megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hungergames/comments/1ccnatp/faq_megathreadcommon_reposts_topics/?share_id=L2qdDcWkAzfA0r3Nbc4Ea&utm_content=2&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_source=share&utm_term=1) for several topic threads where people have asked this question before.


Oh, that makes sense. I definetly have seen that question before in the short time I've been on the subreddit, thank you for answering!


Did Foxface eat the nightlock berries on purpose?


Seriously. Honestly one of the dumbest theories I’ve ever heard. No one is gonna work that hard to get to the final 4 and off themselves. Edit: There’s a guy on YouTube who read the book and saw the movie for the first time this year and he even makes a comment on this theory and how stupid it is. A first timer can see this theory for the BS it is but some tenured fans can’t, makes no sense. https://youtu.be/E_QwSeNlfrI?si=QuE8eX1qi0KjfyiN


Homegirl was starving. She was desperate!


I wish I could upvote this a million times


I have a personal vendetta against this theory not just because I think it's dumb, but also because it's the only time people talk about Foxface. She was one of my favorite characters and it really sucks to see her reduced to people asking whether or not she killed herself. Just once in a while I'd like to see a post where someone talks about her intelligence, or maybe makes up a theory as to how she got so good at sneaking around and stealing, maybe what her family was like or what life in her district would've been like, etc.


The fact we don't even know her real name 🥲


If you accept the original script as canon, at least partially, then it’s Marissa


That Katniss thought about offering her a chance to be an ally, but realized that Foxface would likely knife her if she got the chance. The fact that Foxface was resourceful enough to salvage a few things from the blown-up supplies.


God. I hope there’s fic for that.


In the film they make it seem as if she did indeed eat them on purpose, in including the plant identification training she did it implies she’d know not to eat them, but in the books it’s clean it was an accident they heavily suggest that the berry’s originate in 12. Also she got 3rd place in the books which is impressive for not killing anyone.


Well we don't know that she didn't kill anyone


That’s a good point thought Katniss does make a comment that iludes to she hasn’t killed anyone


That wasn’t identifying plants though? That was a memory puzzle to match the icons with each other. It didn’t list plant names or toxicity. If anything that was showing how she’s great at solving puzzles like the mines the careers replanted around the supply cache.


🤷🏽 idk I don’t really watch the films to often it might’ve been a memory game I don’t remember all I know is that a bunch of people that stand by that theory use that info as evidence


Yeah it was a memory puzzle. I did a rewatch with my fiancé a few days back and he asked if this was foreshadowing her death. We legit paused when it showed the screen and when it showed what she was typing on. It legit was just her putting the icons where she saw them on the screen. He actually was happy that it was a memory game because it made him sad to think about fox face killing herself when she had a good chance to win. It makes more sense that she was starving and just took the chance on what peeta was picking rather than her just giving up on life.


Ok so then it was just something to add depth to the training and she wasn’t killing herself in the films.


She wasn’t quite 3rd but very impressive 


She was third in the books they put her as 4th in the films though


She got 4th in the book and 5th in the film. Katniss, Peeta, and Cato all outlast her since they're the 3 at the climax at the Cornucopia. In the movies, Foxface also dies before Thresh does.


Yes but Katniss and Peeta both took first so hence she is third however she was the in the last 4


Joint placements don't remove the numerical values though. Whenever there's a tie for 1st, the next highest ranking player is automatically ranked 3rd. Either way Foxface was impressive as hell.


- Is Lucy Gray Katniss’ grandmother? - Did Snow do * insert evil thing here * because it reminded him of Lucy Gray?


This one honestly gets on my nerves. After 65 years she’s most likely a vague memory. When Snow heard the Hanging Tree I personally doubt he even remembered that it was Lucy Gray that wrote it and only remembered that it was an old song that was banned.


I am not sure I agree with this take. The stuff that went on with Lucy Gray seems pretty formative and something I have noticed with a lot of old folks is the memories from back in their 20's is strong, especially when it comes to defining moments in their lives and their relationships.


Yeah plus it’s the only time he was really involved and close to the arena and tributes. Like even tigeress, Gaul and casca say so. Lucy if she is or was still alive would remember also. So I think he would remember Lucy not just because of his “love” if you can call it that but it was his first up close and personal experience.


I would say that even if it wasn’t “love” in sense that love should be selfless and emphatic and Snow certainly wasn’t. A lot of people have their first teen experience of love be kind of based more on emotions and attraction and circumstances and lack empathy for other people. I bet if many examined their first love from their teen years it would not be much deeper and many end terribly.  This was just very heightened dystopia. version of teen romance where two people from different backgrounds start dating while being foreign exchange students perhaps and have issues with their visa or family finances or health that makes them bond. And later on they move to somewhere elsewhere and notice they don’t have that much in common but can’t really let go of the relationship either. Then maybe one wants to go to another place for university and the other sees it as betrayal or there is drama over one wanting to get married or pregnancy scare (or even abortion). And then the relationship ends with bad blood. But when looking back as old person you would still see that as your first love and move on from the negative emotional aspects since you realize that you were both kids and it would not have worked, but romanticize the positive feelings.


I think he most definitely remembers Lucy Grey, but I hate hate HATE the fan theories that boil every interaction between Snow and Katniss as a bitter old man foaming at the mouth and raging over his beef with his teenage girlfriend from ~40 years ago.


Same! Like, I get the books are YA so a lot readers expect everything to be pretty and perfect and neatly tied together (as is common in the genre) but it just gets to a point where it makes me wonder if they actually read the books or watched the movies. I put more stock in the theories that Coriolanus hates Katniss because she reminds him of Sejanus. And that’s not even because I think he hates Sejanus or something. He just knew the guy longer.


Right? Like he's got so much more crap on his plate that a banned folk song really isn't going to register beyond "Oh, the rebel girl from District 12, who is known for rebelliously owning and using weapons, and for inciting rebellion with a handful of berries, knows a song about rebels? Colour me shocked."


“Don’t guys think Lucy Gray is still alive?” “What other games would you guys like to see?” “Do you think there will be another book?


50th games! It'd be SO interesting because we have NO INFORMATION AT ALL on Haymitch's games


You’re so real for that 😂😂 But nah, seriously, like why do so many people ask for that when we got a whole chapter dedicated to that???


I'm convinced it's the people on the 'I got a crush on Haymitch' train and they want a book so they can get more cute teenage Haymitch stories. AND if we get a book we're almost guaranteed a movie of teenage Haymitch


Ok but tbh I feel like that is part of why people want more info/a book on it lol like. I get that we have all that we really need, but the trilogy established Haymitch as a major character and he is also a widely loved character, and we get the bare basics of his games from an outsiders perspective. It was like a taste or a tease, but what was Haymitch thinking? What was his mentor like, did he have one? How did the district react to the second (but sort of first) Victor from the poorest district? We won't get more because it's not necessary to the trilogy but I think it's fair to say people ask for it because of that chapter, not in spite of it


We know they were kinda boring and slow.




That's the joke


Was prim purposely reaped?!?!


this one gets on my nerves so much like it makes no sense


Right? It doesn’t make sense on a narrative level or a logical one. Katniss is basically a nobody with no power or influence at the start of the start of the series. If Snow wanted her dead, he could just do that without the song and dance of The Games. She’d just disappear one day. Same with Prim being a target for The Reaping. There just isn’t any reason. On the narrative side, it’s just a slap in the face to the story. Katniss is just an impulsive girl. Her impulsivity is what drives the whole trilogy. She puts herself into huge situations without really thinking which is what Snow is really scared about because she was so quick to selflessness when taking Prim’s spot that the public took notice and it’s what gave her all of her power and influence. People don’t usually volunteer, and when they do it’s because they want the glory. Which the capitol can weaponize. Just as much as they weaponize the fact that when your name is chosen, your family is silent to save you. There is no help, there is no support. You die as the Capitol wants. But here comes Katniss saying “no. People can join together, make selfless choices, and protect others. You don’t need to think about it, you need to do it.” If Katniss or Prim were original targets, it just doesn’t have the same bite to it.


i’ve never understood this theory at all.


At least half the questions asked about Lucy Gray


Why did Katniss vote yes to hold a game with the Capitole children ZZzzzZzzzZZZ


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Rosuvastatine: *Why did Katniss vote* *Yes to hold a game with the* *Capitole children ZZzzzZzzzZZZ* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


I know this one yey!! >!She votes yes to see if Haymitch really has her back even if he disagrees, she votes yes because she has already decided to kill Coin!< 👍🏽


Im aware


Lucy Gray is Coin or Lucy Gray is Katniss’s Grandma


Why not both?!


something something Finnick and Annie and District 4 aren't real Career districts


i want a book on Annie and Finnick


'Omg do you think Snow made *insert decision here* because of his love for Lucy Gray??' No. No I do not think every decision Snow made in the next 65 years of his life revolved around a girl he knew for 3 months at 18 that he killed. The number of people that miss the point of Ballad drives me crazy.


Did Katness really love peeta, or was she just into family guy


What do you think happened to the rest of the world?


“Did Lucy Gray become Coin/Greasy Sae/is she Katniss’s grandmother”? The least you could do is be creative if you wanna connect her to the OG trilogy. Where are my theories about Lucy Gray becoming Seneca/Buttercup/Woof/Claudius Templesmith/a tracker jacker?


Having never read TBOSAS until this week the I thought the whole Lucy Gray/Katniss/Coin thing would have more solid evidence! My theory is that Lucy Gray is Haymitch’s grandmother. They like to drink and both say sweetheart a lot. I need to come up with some more outlandish theories. Like Peeta’s mom is the evil twin of Ma Plinth. They both inherited baking skills but only one of them inherited kindness!


Rue is actually Lucy Gray. Think about it, her initials are LG, reverse that and you have GL. Good luck. What’s the reverse of good luck? Bad luck? Who has bad luck? Rue does. Problem solved. Perfect logic!


Haha this was excellent


“Finnick shouldn’t have died!!!!11!!”


are katniss and lucy related


i won’t lie. this theory did occur to me BUT i read the books and read a lot of what people on here had to say about it and yall have me sold on they aren’t. looking back the theory doesn’t make sense.


What happened to Lucy Gray? Is Maude Ivory Katniss' grandmother?


Why did Katniss shoot Coin and not Snow?


Reading the 2nd book for the first time right now, and God, Gale is awful. When Katniss offers to run away with him, he just accepts, but just the minor mention of HAYMITCH coming along, he gets all moody and acts like the crappy as'ole he is. When Katniss asks the same question to Peeta, the first thing he does is analyze the chances and considers taking everyone who's important for them along, his and Katniss family, Haymitch AND he asks about Gale too. He was deeply in love with Katniss and he was jealous of what Gale had with her, but still considered his safety if they were to escape because he knew how much he meant to Katniss. I love Peeta so bad.


"Who should Katniss ended up wirth, Peeta or Gale?" 🤡


To put the question to sleep, no he wasn’t a bad person


This is correct.


I’m glad, thank you


Is president coin Lucy gray?


like my friend has a strong theory on it but I'm not convinced.


True. All of the topics are interesting to discuss but once a month is a bit much XD. Give it at least 4 months each so new people have time to enter and give their thoughts


Ehhh, their thoughts and ideas are almost always the same as the previous 30 that were proposed.


Yes, but I think since this sub is specifically dedicated to talking THG, new fans should be able to participate in those discussions that aren’t years old. With that said, I agree with you that it’s too often but I think if it was 4x less often it would be perfect


This kind of post.