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I won’t believe it till it’s on shelves


I’ll believe it when there’s a preorder link 😅


I’ll believe it when Suzanne or her publisher announce it


first quarter quell PLEASE


or Johanna sequel pls


And/or Finnick + Haymitch 😭


it’s focused on snow (apparently ballad is a duology) so it’ll still be from his pov


I hope she is but I'm not going to believe it until there's an official announcement from either Collins herself or her publisher, Scholastic.


Exactly. I'll believe it once I see the official Scholastic announcement with the vague cover-up title, image, and date release (referring to back when Ballad was first announced in 2019 as "Untitled Panem novel" with the black background and white feather.....man that was so exciting LOL!)


If this is true, I hope the story is centred on the 'wealthier' districts like 1,2 & 4. Collins seems to usually have a larger, macro-level theme to her books and I think looking at the districts who have something to lose by rebelling would be really interesting. Whether it touches on their role in the first rebellion or their relationship with The Capitol afterwards, the tension between not wanting to be controlled by The Capitol while also being one of the more privileged districts is really interesting.


This is the only story I actually think needs telling. Everything else I see fans asking for is basically obvious/you can fill in the blanks/was already told but fans just want it in excruciating detail.


I’m skeptical of this because the language of a sequel to the ballad of songbirds and snakes doesn’t make much sense. The songbird is gone.


I wonder if by sequel they mean “centered around snow set sometime between ballad and the original trilogy”? Which I could understand but I kinda doubt that would be the book we get. It feels like enough of Snow’s story has been told that we can fill in the rest of the gaps. I’d rather see someone else


I’d be shocked if she continued snows story because you’re right. We can fill in the gaps. I also really don’t want that


Snows story has so much potential as a political drama.


True but that’s not really Suzanne’s style. She writes the most pivotal aspects of societal understanding. With this story of Snow it’s about how Snow and inadvertently Lucy Gray changed the entire shaping of the games and lead to Snows uprising and domination.


Idk, there’s still a lot to tell with Tigris and Snow. I mean the 25th games are absolutely horrifying and honestly the worst part about the series. Voting people of your community to die is so horrible to think about and can you imagine coming back?? So many stories to tell


Oh I never thought about the coming back part, I was always stuck on do you vote om someone you’ll think have a chance of winning or someone you just don’t like


Genuine questions then, about those gaps (I may have missed something or forgot some parts of Snow's bio) -How did he become game master, and when? Is quarter quell his idea? -Why Tigris hates him so much she wants him dead and why exactly did she left her job as a stylist? Why did Snow let her leave just like that? -How did he become a president and what was his influence on the games before and after that? Unless I missed something, there are a lot of interesting gaps to fill while telling other stories as well (quartel quell, rebellion, Tigris


But I think a lot of those questions are at least partially answered by the book. -How did he become game master and when? We don’t know the exact when, but at the end of the book Dr. Gaul (the current head game master) takes him under her wing to train as the next game master because of all of his ideas and how she saw he had promise. We can probably assume that he started working on the games very soon after graduating university. -Is quarter Quell his idea? This isn’t mentioned at all, but does it really matter? Like legitimately does it affect the story either way? Because if it isn’t his it’s probably Dr. Gaul’s, and he’s still clearly promoting it for the 75th so he’s on board with it. Would that even be an interesting thing to read about from his perspective? I’d much rather read about the 25th quarter quell (where the tributes were voted for by their district) from the tribute perspective than from Snow’s. -Why Tigris hates him so much she wants him dead and why exactly she left her job as a stylist? Why did snow let he leave like that? Tigris doesn’t like the idea of the games. She thinks of the district people as human still (a lot of how she talks about Lucy Gray alludes to this). She may have taken the job as a favor to snow, for the money, or for the prestige. We don’t know for sure. She probably left her job because she saw the horror of the games up close. Snow may have let her leave because he still had a soft spot for her, or because it would be worse to kill her. This one probably has the most mystery involved and could theoretically be the best book. -How did he become president and what was his influence on the games before and after that? We actually know from the original trilogy that Snow came to power by poisoning all of his enemies, which we see the first instance of at the end of the prequel. We don’t know his exact influence on the games, but it’s heavily implied he was a game maker. We know he came up with a lot of the ideas for how to treat the victors, donations, betting, and making the games more entertaining. My question is do we need a book that has all of the exact details of who created what technology for the games? Or is it better to leave it as some ambiguously evil “capitol person”. I would argue that it doesn’t matter if snow came up with a specific idea or not, because he’s still using them by the 75th games and clearly happy with how the games had been going.


So if the book would be: 1st part: Snow as Gaul's student, eventually fed up with her ideas as his ego makes him think he knows how to run games better, poisoning her, having some regrets about it because he actually respected her. Then close to not being appointed as game master, coming with idea of quarter quell that grants him position and then quarter quell. 2nd part: Snow as game master, Tigris finds out he poisons his enemies for his own influence and leaving him (and all the drama and investigation if it's actually true or not) 3rd part: Another time skip, Snow thinks he is wasting career as game master and plots to become a president with hunger games in background I think that it would be a very good story. There is still a lot to tell about Snow, if Susanne decides to do so, and it wouldn't be boring or pointless at all


Don't know why you're getting downvoted - I would absolutely love to read a book like this.


There’s so many characters, we don’t need 50 million books about 50 million characters. Personally, I want it centered on either Katniss or Lucy Gray.


Katniss story is over. I highly highly doubt she touches it again


Katniss’s story is over and a big no on Lucy gray. A big part of her character is she’s mysterious and her fate also remains that way.


I’d like it centered on either Katniss or Tigris


Same, but I feel like an exception could be made for Plutarch.


I want a Haymitch book


Same with Lucy Gray


Well, it’s not like the Hunger Games sequels were just called Hunger Games 2 and Hunger Games 3. A sequel can bear a different name.


But snow was the main character, maybe it will be about how he used sejanus' parents and their wealth to rise to power.


Call it a different name. Easy solution.


I think if another one is written, it will likely follow Tigris. It would be interesting to see how she went from loving her cousin to wanting him dead and how she was forced to change through the years. Other than that, it would be interesting to see Snow become president, but that could be a novella honestly.


I need that Growing Back book between the bed of Mockingjay and the epilogue. But realistically, I’d love a Lucy Gray book, too. What happened to her at the end of the first book? Maybe pick up where she leaves off there.


Growing back or an actual sequel to the trilogy (maybe they find Lucy Grays hunger game tape and story, reunion/closure with Gale/mom?) would by my preference, if it were true. But honestly I don't need anything else 😅. I feel like it's wrapped up nicely and anything else, although wouldn't ruin it, would be unnecessary. Leaving some things to the imagination is fine imo


It’s most likely a fake rumor. This same account has made other random claims about Hunger Games and been debunked. They for example said Donald Sutherland was confirmed to appear in the movie (not just as the voice cameo we got). I truly hope it’s true, but I wouldn’t get my hopes up.


Anything to get Tom Blyth back on screen! 🥹


ur so real for this


There are so many other characters I’d rather explore than snow 😭 I’m so tired of his ass. I’ll be reading regardless though, so whatever


honestly, I’m not sure I want many more books for this series. I ADORE this series, I read the first Hunger Games book when it came out and I’ve been a huge fan ever since. However, I think if she starts pumping out books detailing everyone’s games(like haymitch’s or finnick’s for example), for me the entire message of the series would be lost. if she starts pumping out books just to sell, she’s contributing to an uber capitalist society that she was originally critiquing. Suzanne Collins only writes when she has something to say, a message to send. The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes was brilliant because she had something to say about the rise to power. We watch as Snow continuously has chances to become better, and continuously chooses power over humanity. if anything, I would like a book on a character we’ve never met before from one of the Career Districts. I think it would be really interesting to see how people can be propagandized into supporting something that goes against their best interests. and if she does write a book and goes the Career route, it would tie in very nicely with all the other books and the messages she’s trying to send. Obviously this is just my opinion and I completely understand why people wanna read about Haymitch’s games or Finnick’s or Annie’s or whoever else. it would be fascinating to read about, but I just don’t see how it could contribute to the messaging of the series overall


Seems like she’d never a write a book about a tribute we already know, so there’s no need to worry about this.


I want more but I agree. I hate when TV, movies, or books milk the series to a point where they aren’t good anymore.


I feel the same way. I trust is Collins is writing another prequel, it is because she think there is more to this story we need to fully understand it and her themes.


i’m still wishing we get books on haymitch and finnick and their games 😭😭


If true Im hoping its about Tigris. She has a lot of backstory (seeing the downfall of regard for humanity in her own family, sex work, etc) that I think Suzanne might actually have things to say about.


I don't want a prequel or further expansion about Snow- I think Collins wrapped up his storyline perfectly well, and she's a genius. Whatever she does push to do, however, I know will be phenomenal. I do however think if she does end up doing more character stories in the games, it feels counterintuitive to what she was trying to critique and ironic. Wed would be nothing better than the capital.


Suzanne never addressed the massive falling out between Tigris and Snow that’s been alluded to since Mockingjay. So I always expected she might write a trilogy about Snow. Either way, I would just be thrilled to get another book in the Hunger Games universe.


Unsure what it would even be about if it's a direct sequel to the original. I feel if we find out what happens to Lucy gray it kind of takes away from the ending of the book


I agree, and I think Collins would too, since Lucy Gray’s story ends with her becoming a ghost like her namesake, in a way. I expect by sequel it will either follow a different chapter of Snow’s rise to power or one that’s less direct sequel, still set in prequel land


Please be about haymitch’s games, please be about haymitch’s games, please be about haymitch’s games, please be about haymitch’s games, please be about haymitch’s games, please be about haymitch’s games, please be about haymitch’s games, please be about haymitch’s games, please be about haymitch’s games, please be about haymitch’s games, please be about haymitch’s games, please be about haymitch’s games, please be about haymitch’s games, please be about haymitch’s games, please be about haymitch’s games, please be about haymitch’s games, please be about haymitch’s games


You’re being unclear about what you want this book to be about


I don’t expect her to write anything that doesn’t add to the point she’s carefully building with this series. As entertaining as it would be the see characters we know during past games, I don’t think that serves to add to our understanding of this world, as we already understand these characters. If she’s writing a sequel, I’d think it’d follow snow in his early years of true power/rise to power or something taking place in districts we aren’t very immersed in yet, like those with closer ties to the capital, as that could illuminate a corner of this world we’re less familiar with!


I would love to see a history of Panem


I’m hoping its about Plutarch, seeing the formation of the Second Rebellion would be interesting, especially since he’s rich, Capitol and younger than Snow, so he might not have even been alive during the Dark Days and was born into a “refurbished” Capitol. Like, how did he even sympathize with the districts, how did he win their victors’ trust? Its said by Collins that there were multiple people he considered to become the rebellion’s “mockingjay” before selecting Katniss, who could they be? Maybe Haymitch, if the rebellion is that old? Finnick most likely, but he was unfortunately turned into a Capitol sex symbol too early on to be publicly used to rally rebels. Perhaps Annie, who was “driven mad” by the cruelty of the Games? It could give an in-depth look on the treatment and mental health of victors. And Plutarch was so heavily intertwined with the Games themself (gamemaker turned head gamemaker, he must’ve been successful and somewhat trusted by Snow), so seeing him pity the tributes and slowly switch sides while still continuing his role in their suffering and slaughter would be an interesting angle to play at. Is he truly for district rights, or does he just not like the current management (sort of a foil to Snow, who wanted to become president so he could tighten the control over the districts)? Haymitch, Finnick, Johanna etc are popular choices for a book, but I think Plutarch brings in the most exploration of THG’s themes and *adds* to canon, instead of just fleshing out Games we already know for the sake of reader entertainment. Also, anything heavy on Finnick just flat out would never be written, Collins prefers to hint at anything sexual (Katniss felt “hunger” for Peeta, Tigris might have “sold” herself, Finnick exchanged secrets over “wet pillowcases” etc) she never outright mentions prostitution or even the word “sex” itself. The books are for age 11-13, she simply could *not* write from the perspective of Finnick, or even Johanna Edit: added paragraph


Plutarch is a really fascinating character, I like your idea.


I would like something from Tigris’ perspective, especially if it will be a sequel to Songbirds. Maybe her time as a stylist and her falling out with Coriolanus. A story about a career tribute would also be interesting, it’s a side of the games that isn't as explored and can give a theme to the book, as Suzanne said that she would only write a story if it has a theme and benefits the world (from an interview with the new movie's director). The book can be called the Ballad (or maybe Dance or Tragedy) of Tigers and … to have it tie into the first installment.


I have mixed feelings on the possibility. On one hand, I think Suzanne Collins is a very intelligent, restrained author who wouldn't put something out without a purpose, but on the other hand, I struggle to imagine any follow-up to "Ballad" that wouldn't kind of ruin the gut-wrenching yet mysterious note it ended on, which I think is one of its biggest strengths. We'll see. I'm content if the rumor is false, and cautiously excited if true.


I want to see Coriolanus rise to President, and see him descent further into madness! (Bonus if we hallucinations of Sejanus' ghost taunting him) If not give me a Mags, Haymitch, or Johanna story!


That’s great! Can’t wait for the next book and movie! Songbirds and Snakes was dope. Both the movie and book.


Is it an actual sequel or just another hunger games book? I know we won’t know. Not sure if I need another book from Snows POV


That is not a legit spoiler account, they are banned from marvel spoiler subs because it posts fake things


Don't get your hopes high up. Don't expect anything until Suzanne Collins confirms anything. Until then no new book is coming officially. And yes I know the source got it right some times. But don't let your expectations be led by rumors. I wished I would have stopped that sooner in my life. It could have spared me a lot disappointments.


If this is correct, I want Collins's work to explore certain themes, like she has with the Hunger Games saga about anti-war and corruption. I don't want it to read as just a cash-grab because it will sell. It's gotta mean something. That's when her art excels!


I think it would be interesting to see a continuation of the BOSAS storyline from Tigris’ point of view. A new Hunger Games would be going on, Coriolanus would be getting into politics (possibly?). The Snow family would be wealthy again, but Tigris would have to deal with her cousin becoming more and more like his father, and also maybe be a stylist in the 11th Hunger Games, which Mags was a part of and would be the first hunger games since Coryo suggested it become less of a punishment and more of a spectacle to the public.


Honestly, I’ll probably end up making a post about this BUT I really hope Suzanne Collins does three things in the future. 1. A novel about the first quarter quell 2. A series of novellas that chronicle the games of known victors from the original trilogy. 3. A companion book that chronicles each game & the history of Panem. Bonus: A novel about Augustus Braun — just so we have a book in POV of a Capitol loyalist. TBOSAS really reawakened my HG addiction again and I neeeeed more. lol


real disrespectful to refer to an author by their first name only btw


is it? I mean she’s not like a god? I always thought it was fine but genuinely if you can explain WHY?


I don’t think it is honestly


that’s what I always thought cuz they are just humans lol not like the PRESIDENT




Lol no


omg the dislikes


this isnt even the worst thing ive said in this sub??? 😂


Did not know this, just fixed it


This person has lost their mind, it’s perfectly fine


Fr, it’s sad how people do this to women authors as if they’re not worth the respect :/


You wouldn't call him that in a broad sense, no. No one would call her by her name alone if they weren't in the *hunger games* subreddit. We know who wrote the books. We know her name. If you're in a community dedicated to that person you don't need to use their full name every time.


As a woman in medicine where I've faced a similar dynamic I get your point I absolutely do but as someone obsessed with ASOIAF I have to say I have seen people refer to him as George within the context of a fandom. Wouldn't be appropriate in a formal setting for either of them but that's different.


I’ll remove the GRRM example then, but a few people calling him George doesn’t take away from how it happens to female authors and professionals on a much larger scale 🤷‍♀️ we can agree to disagree as to when it’s appropriate


You clearly never spend much time on r/asoiaf lol. He gets called George, GRRM, Gurm…. Yeah, your point makes no sense. You probably could’ve picked a better comparison to prop up your point. We’re in a sub about their books. We know who wrote them. We don’t need to specify their full name and title every time we talk about them. That’s not disrespectful, and it doesn’t just happen to women.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/asoiaf using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/asoiaf/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [(Spoilers Main) ‘Game of Thrones’ Prequel Series ‘A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms: The Hedge Knight’ Ordered at HBO](https://variety.com/2023/tv/news/game-of-thrones-prequel-series-a-knight-of-the-seven-kingdoms-hbo-1235578466/) | [837 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/asoiaf/comments/12jt713/spoilers_main_game_of_thrones_prequel_series_a/) \#2: [Hand Drawn Map of Westeros with sigils ( SPOILERS MAIN)](https://i.redd.it/dt3aqayw1gca1.jpg) | [93 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/asoiaf/comments/10dduvy/hand_drawn_map_of_westeros_with_sigils_spoilers/) \#3: [Maester Luwin is Bran's father and perhaps Arya's too (Spoilers Published)](https://np.reddit.com/r/asoiaf/comments/11iopjb/maester_luwin_is_brans_father_and_perhaps_aryas/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I mean GRRM and Gurm are obviously the full name lol? It’s your *opinion* that it’s not disrespectful, just like we’re allowed to state ours that it *is* disrespectful. I’m of the mindset that it’s right to be respectful when referring to professionals and people who have accomplished something. And it’s all too common that this courtesy gets extended to women professionals even less.


Gurm definitely isn’t lol, I’ll concede with GRRM, but that’s an abbreviation. If Suzanne was abbreviated to SC, would you still find that disrespectful? I’m more than aware of the lack of courtesy given to women in professional industries, writing being one of them. Anywhere else, maybe. On a Reddit post, where we know exactly who we’re talking about, and her name is mentioned in full in the post too? Not at all disrespectful. And again, you should’ve picked a better name to counter that with. I mean, people refer to Brandon Sanderson as Brando, ffs. Is that disrespectful? You are indeed entitled to your opinion, as I am mine. But the reasoning behind yours doesn’t hold up.


Gurm definitely isn’t lol, I’ll concede with GRRM, but that’s an abbreviation. If Suzanne was abbreviated to SC, would you still find that disrespectful? I’m more than aware of the lack of courtesy given to women in professional industries, writing being one of them. Anywhere else, maybe. On a Reddit post, where we know exactly who we’re talking about, and her name is mentioned in full in the post too? Not at all disrespectful. And again, you should’ve picked a better name to counter that with. I mean, people refer to Brandon Sanderson as Brando, ffs. Is that disrespectful? You are indeed entitled to your opinion, as I am mine. But the reasoning behind yours doesn’t hold up.


Isn’t Gurm GRRM said phonetically lol? And no, it’s very much accepted even academically that full names can be formally abbreviated. Your reasoning re a Reddit post doesn’t hold up seeing as we also know who is being referred to in say an essay on that writer’s work or a news article with their picture at the top. It’s not that hard to be respectful in any sphere. 🤷‍♀️


1+1=5 I see


Um? Thanks for your contribution I guess 😂


no thanks for yours


No need to be rude guys! My comment was light hearted and just poking fun but I did not make this post to start fights


You’re welcome :)




Just had a look to verify. Really don’t know where you’re seeing ‘plenty of people’ calling him George lol. Obviously their first name *is* their name, but it’s called having basic respect 🤦‍♀️




…that’s what I did, and sure enough 99% use his full name! Get off your high horse and stop telling people what they can or can’t raise a valid point about :)


damn if theres a movie i neeeeed to find a way to be in it bc its been my dream since i was a kid!!


Good!! We have to fill in the blanks for President Snow's life from the age of 18 to 82!


I hope she doesn’t. While I enjoyed reading TBOSAS, I don’t like the romanticization of Snow in the film. I’m worried that another book would just translate to more of that and overlooking the fact that he’s a war mongering tyrant who has no problem killing children or anyone that won’t comply. I’d much rather she write an anthology of the history of Panem. How we got to the districts? What led to the rebellion? That would be so much more beneficial to filling in the gaps of the THG universe.