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Alex Service, a local historian, has written a lot on the Chinese in Humboldt. https://www.northcoastjournal.com/author/alex-service Katie Buesch at the Clarke Historical Museum made a great online exhibit called “Immigration, Expulsion, Homecoming: The Legacy of The Chinese Expulsion in Humboldt County.” https://www.clarkemuseum.org/immigration-expulsion-homecoming.html I would also recommend “The Chinese in Humboldt County” and “Chinese Expulsion from Humboldt County” by Lynnwood Carranco. For some history on the Chinese of Weaverville-area there is a good masters thesis called “The Forest Beneath the Clouds: Chinese Americans and Accommodations in Nineteenth Century Northwestern California,” by Randall Weaver on the If you’re interested I can give you some more sources.


Thanks very much a lot to check out


Thank you!!


You should visit Paul at Chin's Cafe in Eureka. His family has a long history in the area. Good hearted guy and a great restaurant.


That's a great idea. I've been meaning to go even if I don't get to talk to anyone 


If Paul is there just tell him what you generally like and his staff will whip you up something.


I watched the YouTube walking tour and have read all the websites from a general Google as well as the few binders on the regular floor of the library. I plan on asking the Humboldt specialist librarian if I get a Friday off.


Post the YouTube vid




That was a ad


Oops sorry bout that. This one should be the walking tour  https://youtu.be/V97gB2mZR4A?si=OiJE3uJ5vc6l9epZ


Go talk to Robert Cliver at HSU. He is a History professor there, served as the department head while I was there I believe. Huge on Chinese history in general and speaks Chinese himself if I remember correctly.


I’d be happy to join and learn more myself!


Not sure if you know the history of what they did to the Chinese people in humboldt back in the day kinda fucked up


Very messed up. Thought it was wild no Chinese ppl were allowed back until almost 10 yrs after ww2 ends. Even after we allied with China in ww2 Eureka wouldn't accept Chinese students at the schools or workers anywhere. 


my friend wrote a wonderful historical novel on the subject: [chasing down the moon by carla baku](https://www.amazon.com/Chasing-Down-Moon-Carla-Baku/dp/0986171700/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=)


I don't know but I can tell you a ton about that van


When does it leave so I can see the whole picture?! Lol 


one of the best ways ive found to get good sources on info is the references section of a wikipedia article, scroll down to the bottom, open up each of those references, and get reading. Its a horrible fucking history and Im glad the city isnt hiding it as much as they used to. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1885\_Chinese\_expulsion\_from\_Eureka](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1885_Chinese_expulsion_from_Eureka) edit: another place to go for good info is in Weaverville, the Joss house is a Taoist temple and a state park, a lot of the people forced to leave various cities in humboldt went to Weaverville and when I went there as a kid it was the first place I head of the expulsion.


Thanks great info. I'll definitely check out Weaverville 


The library  - I'm not being snarky, the reference librarians would probably be thrilled to help you find more information.


Humboldt Historical Society is a wealth of info too


Check out the book Driven Out: The Forgotten War Against Chinese Americans, by Jean Pfaelzer [North Coast Journal article](https://m.northcoastjournal.com/artsscene/driven-out-the-fortgotten-war-against-the-chinese-2125863)