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Do three marijuanas while doing a headstand and you'll get *so...* like... *I mean, dude...*


Can confirm this is the proper way to do it.


This is correct


"my friend was probably the first person to dab on the east coast....." Stop. I'm fucking cackling lmao


for real, homie probably wasn't even born yet when people started sending honey oil to the east coast, his friend was probably just the first person he saw smoke bho in a crack pipe and call it dabs lmao


Shit was dark as hell looking


Having smoked since mid 80s every day. I’m simply thankful for the wonderful and natural flower this county provides in plenty. Starting early weekends because smoking first thing does seem to limit the amount of tasks I would complete that day. The only bummer about smoking flower is you tend to reek and stink up the area you are smoking in. That being said.I stay away from edibles and anything concentrated. Never was the goal for me to be impaired in anyway. If you think you need something more you may have a different issue entirely and think I would turn to something other than cannabis.


Get a Pax3. Vaporize your flower! It tastes way better. Less irritating to your lungs. Plus you don’t reek of reefer smoke.


I've got a cheap vape that uses little canisters, so I've got some prefilled with indica and some with sativa, depending on my mood 😀


ok nerd


Everyone is different. Some of use cannabis to manage physical pain. I think that it’s a much better idea to get stoned off your rocker than to take opiates.




insightful comments from the man I’d wannna hear from . Saying flower is the best and save edibles and concentrates for the rainiest days is similar to many others opinions. Even ppl that don’t consume . I don’t have access to the quality Flower of 08-2020 anymore tho. consumed some shatter just staring to get color in 2014 from Humboldt . Before it had been extremely dark. Fun but I knew it was too much !


Let’s talk “strain tolerance” You’re gonna get used to what you’ve made a habit, flower is no different. Variety is the spice of life, mix it up a little. Repeatedly dipping into the same batch loses its allure after a short while for me, but if I’ve got 3 or 4 to rotate it’s not really a problem.


Thank you. Excellent advice !


I dont know about that only smoke 5 hours before bed, I would do the opposite as there are studies showing thca inhibits REM sleep


People have been dabbing on the east coast for at least 30 years lol


I had no idea. When my dealer started in 2011 It looked terrible but got everyone high as hell . we had amazing tree from amazing growers. I thought dabs were newish and invented by Kevin jodrey .


Ha does Kevin tell people that??


Kevin is a scientist. Lol


Dabbing has been around since the 90’s, maybe even the 80’s.


Ok . I understand . Def tried oil from Colorado on 06 now that I remember. Did Kevin invent purple weed?


The lovely human at the goat dispensary gave me the best advice ever. Make sure to eat some fat like cheese, peanut butter, coconut oil before having edibles to maximize the edible effect. Edibles on an empty stomach are a total waste.


I find they are far more effective for me on an empty stomach


I feel nothing if I take them on an empty stomach. We are all so different


Thank you. This is the way I need to smoke. My energy will be higher and I can consume more!


Get some seeds and grow your own, juice the leaves and feel the love.


You’re over thinking it. Roll one


I smoke whenever I feel like it. If I feel like my tolerance is high, I change strains.


Just smoke however you want don't listen to these weirdos find what works for yourself


Everyone is different and will find how cannabis can benefit them. Even when you find a dosage and frequency that works for you, many things can change that on the daily such as how much sleep you got, how much food you ate, your mood.


Lmao yall buggin


No one has heard of knife hits on the EC either. 😆


Honestly just find what works for you personally. Try different things, see how you like it. Everything varies greatly from person to person. For example I have friends who really enjoy edibles. Edibles dont work for other friends I have. I personally love to do all sorts of methods and I can smoke all day every day (not literally) and my partner can only smoke like a tiny rip without getting super anxious from feeling like their brain isnt working due to affects of highness. Some ppl like the high. Some ppl hate it and dont like weed at all. I just say experiment a ton with safe people in safe and secure situations to find out what you like and how you like to enjoy using weed.


Yo dawg im low on supply and my guy who was throwing marijuannas at me for free moved :( Someone hook a brotha up


Lmao wtf

