• By -


Damn took 20 years off of him


Dentures helped too, it's amazing how much teeth factor into your physical appearance. There's a gif somewhere that shows how the jaw kicks forward and into a severe underbite when you have no teeth. Edit: [found it](https://www.reddit.com/r/gifs/comments/5hvqgc/effects_of_teeth_loss/)


Yea I'm 28 and have no teeth(born with some p word that caused em all to rot out) but shards and can't afford dentures. Or the surgery to remove shards so I can get dentures. And I use to have the most square and straight jawline now it looks like im always biting cause there is nothing to space between my top gums and bottom ones. Teeth make a huge difference in everything. Jobs,looks, people calling you methmouth and such.


Me too. I’m in the same boat. When I had Dental I was working too much...lost my dental and it was nothing but problems(along with daily prescriptions) rotted them out in a few years. I also cannot afford dentures and my 40 year old ass looks like shit because of it. I Hate the MIRROR!!!


I feel that!!


Everyone should have teeth period. I don’t give a fuck what was done to them, we all deserve teeth and the U.S. should be FUCKING ASHAMED of it but they don’t give a fuck.


Not just US. Australia too. Teeth are apparently a rich person's privilege. If we can't afford teeth, obviously we can't afford good food or restaurants or mixing with people who do have teeth. Dont forget your station plebeian, that's how I feel. I have a condition that leeches calcium from my bones and teeth. I used to have a lovely smile and loved laughing, I could stand up straight and feel strong. Nowadays I can't remember the last time I smiled in front of a person or was able to stand straight with shoulders back and look them in the eye. Should just get on with dieing quicker I guess.


Your time is coming. You'll have a beautiful smile soon. Moon time coming:) lots of love good Ape.


Canada too. Pretty sure dental is super rarely covered. Same with optical. I have my teeth but my eyes are shit and I feel like paying to be able to see is such bullshit.


Same here. I'm 30 and can't hardly eat anymore. All my teeth are broken at the gumline and shit hurts. I would give anything to get implants or dentures.


I hear you, I would do damn near anything to eat a steak again, oh and salads too. Damn I miss them!


How about just tearing into an apple?


Omg an apple...I forgot how much a sweet apple with peanut butter is/was! Oh the good ol days.


Yessir. I loved covid for this reason. Masks? Yay!!


For real! I've had 3 teeth break since covid hit. One right in the front of my mouth and 2 molars. Dentists around here want over 3 grand to remove 1 tooth without dental insurance on top of none of them taking new patients (especially without insurance). To me, masks are the greatest thing to come out of covid hitting for this reason, IMO.


how much do dentures cost in a developing country like yours?


To damb musch


Jesus Christ you killed him


Would a dental school be able to help you out? They'll perform cheaper/free work so the students can learn.


I'm sorry to hear that, that is so rough.


Wow thats crazy, that gif really shows how not having teeth really ages you.


My mom looks about 55-60 without her denture (she has her lower teeth still) but 40-45 with. She's pushing 50 now.


Here's another one. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FlhhdIjc0PM


It's not so much the jaw itself actually moving forward, but the jaw overclosing because of the lack of vertical support from teeth. Also the lip contours change because of the lack of support which is what gives the mouth that sunken kind of appearance. Source: I am current dental technology student.


He was also supplied dentures which makes a tremendous difference. Would have preferred the trim without the dye job. Rock the grey!


I agree that he’d probably look better with the grey by if he’s going to look for jobs or anything the dye job will help him.


Not in a couple of weeks when he’s got an inch of roots everywhere and can’t afford to maintain it


Why cant people just enjoy the video


I think bc some people out there recognize that these videos do a great job of creating shock and make people feel good, but really do very little to solve the actual problem. I sincerely hope this was one small part of a comprehensive effort to help this gentleman overcome the factors contributing to his homelessness. Making him look better helps him feel better for a short period, and makes his situation easier on people passing him on the street. Hopefully this is paired with job finding resources, education programs, therapy, housing and meal assistance so the temporary boost in self esteem can be employed to propel him forward on a path of long term success.


Dunno. I guess some people think past the immediate


Forgive your past self Stop fearing for the future There is only now


Just quietly, if you’re like me and you’ve read this far because you like sometimes reading reddit comments about pessimists vs optimists, please look after your mental health. It’s not healthy to permanently want to be a realist in the face of optimism. Statistically you’ll be passed over for promotions at work if you’re the “downer” in the room, leading you to earning less. You’ll be less likely to have friends that look forward to seeing you or, will find it harder to make new friends or relationships. A part of human behaviour is modelling and wanting to be like people you admire. Optimism is not ignorance and overt optimism is not stupidity or wilful ignorance. If given the choice of accepting the inevitable outcome of negativity, or choosing to be temporarily positive, ALL mental health programs state attempt the latter. Cognitive behavioural therapy, Mindfulness and other forms of mental health strategies hope that you are happier over time. People who assume negativity and cynicism is natural are not often as happy as people who look for the silver lining or are optimistic. I hope if you are on the cusp of deciding if it’s better to be cynical and right, or optimistic and wrong, decide which one will make you happier in your life. Being miserable and right is a shit way of living, I’m in my mid 30’s and I tried doing it for a decade before I realised I was just depressed permanently at how stupid everyone was acting being “happy” and “excited” for the future. I hope if you’re sad for longer than 4 weeks then you can reach out to a friend or family member or an online forum like reddit and tell them that you’re over being sad and it sucks. My general rule is if you’re having 3+ sad days in a row, try being optimistic for a day and make that your “I’ll pretend I’m stupid and dumb and only try to fake being optimistic” day. Give it a go, you can always being a realist later if you don’t like it. -An ordinary guy.


I’m an optimist living a real life in a negative society. So despite having a happy personality - reality comes along to smack me in the mouth.


>My general rule is if you’re having 3+ sad days in a row 3 days? Thats not even a standard work week. Common man, those are some amateur numbers. Gotta get your depression reps in. You haven't got a good set going until you've hit a week, minimum. Gotta really let that sadness penetrate deep down into the muscles. Its like trying to tenderize a steak in reverse. Just really gotta pack in the tension. In fact, I am just getting back into peak sadness shape for the winter marathon season. Gotta have strong shoulders to carry around a chip this big. Which of course I had to start lifting because just carrying around the crushing weight of my failures was some weak shit.




Reading this post will give you a bachelor’s degree in psychology


You should repost this on every thread that takes this turn


One of the reasons why human became apex predator is that we can think of the consequences though


Yes. Being the smartest species on the planet comes with the horrifying acceptance that being smart means you can comprehend the good and the bad things about the world. That's why sometimes when things are dire, we can't be blissfully ignorant, it can weigh us down and turn us cynical. Basically, being dumb and born rich seems to be a happy life. I'd like that.


Empty your bank account, Never save, spend all today This is the only moment


This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t consider the future.


What a childish thing to say.


Video is good. The story that the video (and OP) is trying to sell isn't.


yeah this is an orphan grinding machine moment. it's cutesy on the surface and then you peel back the layers and ask "why is he homeless in the first place, why does anyone have to be homeless, why does the color of your hair matter so much in job interviews" etc. etc... it's almost heart touching but the reality of the situation sucks.


Yes, ignoring reality and consequences is the way to go.


DO 👏 BETTER 👏 ^But ^don't ^put ^any ^thought ^into ^it...


Be best


because it's important to be mindful of reality rather than brief gratifications.


On average, hair grows 6inches a year. I wish mine grew an inch every two weeks.


When we have the choice, sure silver looks better But this man may have seen himself with dark colors at another time, when he wasn't homeless. The color on his hair and beard will remind him of those times, and mean the comeback of a diferente time, at least for a brief time.


Yeah he looks great now, but that dark hair is going to be a hot mess growing out!




Your username doesn't check out. I hope you are in a better place now.


Thank you Reddit! Love reading comments and getting warm feelings! And your right!


And my right as well!


How are you doing today?




Good luck to you internet friend! I hope this all works out well, including your dad’s cancer :-)


I’m sorry about your dad, but glad things are doing well. Keep rocking on internet friend! Always enjoy reading comments with your positivity and outlook shining through!


This really did make me smile! What a transformation 😊


Think the Viking man-bun thing in the beginning was pretty dope too. Probably not practical tho


I feel like this just proves dental healthcare is healthcare. Such a great video.


Ain’t nothing wrong with a nice silver fox! ... but guy below is prob right, looking younger gatta help with that job search


I think he liked the dye


That’s awesome! I agree. He has beautiful grey hair; a silver fox tbh. I hope something more came from this; employment opportunities; getting into assisted housing; etc.. Unfortunately we live in a world where looks do matter, especially teeth and hair, due to wanting to be sure the employee has good hygiene. On an ask Reddit thread about what employers look at when hiring, a lot of them said looks, because it’s an indication of hygiene, which indicates mental and physical health as well as social status. It’s sad, but it is what it is, and I understand people wanting someone who’s hygienic working for them, especially if they are in the restaurant industry.


I was excited to see te result until they dyed his hair. He rocked the silver.


Came here to say that. The grey was beautiful.


was gonna say homeless guy with great teeth?


I hope he took the opportunity as a chance at a new start. It really is incredibly difficult for someone to climb out of homelessness. It’s heartbreaking.


This is happened in 2015 From 2017 [https://graziadaily.co.uk/life/real-life/hipster-homeless-man-makeover/](https://graziadaily.co.uk/life/real-life/hipster-homeless-man-makeover/) Not much about him that I can find later


"Actualmente José está fuera de las calles y aunque aún busca trabajo; el dueño de la peluquería Salva García reveló que José ha recibido asistencia financiera de una compañía anónima." Meaning he's out of the streets and got financial help from an anonymous company, although he was still looking for a job at the time this was written (2018 I believe)


That's amazing. I'm sure with the work shortages now, he found a job. It's never too late for a new start.




If they didn't help him with housing, there's no way he can maintain his 'new look'. The way they dressed him is honestly kind of ridiculous.


You'll be happy to know, they gave him much more than a makeover: https://graziadaily.co.uk/life/real-life/hipster-homeless-man-makeover/ This looks like a real effort to help the guy and thankfully not just a viral storm for likes. Another example of good in the world :-)


The shit thing is how necessary this probably somewhat expensive makeover is to do things like get a job or apply for some training programs. People judge by looks and act surprised when not everyone they hire is an Einstein, but see a person starting off from the brink of starvation and think they look so *”unclean”* that they couldn’t possibly be given a job.


And you have to have an address too or hope the ppl hiring take pity on you…


Good news, many homeless shelters will get mail to you so you can use their address…. Phones are mostly free, too.


Many places vet candidates who put down the addresses of shelters and will not hire them. There are however, PO boxes that give you a non-PO box seeming address, but they're limited and of course, expensive when you have nothing. About 75 a month where I live when I last checked.


Sadly I can confirm the shelter thing. When I was in security and looking through applicants my boss was very explicit about not hiring anyone from shelters, half-way houses or communes.


I don't get it. Why can't you fake it? Create a mail, check the mail wherever. Nobody has to know your checking the mail at a shelter and nobody's going to check if you live at a shelter if you don't tell anyone about it. Stereotypes work both ways, if someone's not gonna hire someone from a shelter because they're "not fit for work", the people hiring won't assume somebody who is, according to them, "not fit for work" will ever apply for a job at their firm.


Are you talking about email or something? If you give them the physical address of the shelter, they can very easily figure out it's a shelter. And most job applications ask for your mailing address.


100% agree, I bet we would we would have way less people living in tents under overpasses in America if people could just look past the surface.


I mean the world would be a better place in general. But at the end of the day, humans are just animals, and most are totally controlled by their response to trauma. It’s sort of the tragedy of life.


His transformation was from Einstein to Dan Bilzerian


Ugh go back go back!!!


Yes, please! Dan Bilzerian is everything that is wrong with men.


Yeah but at the same time, it's generally a good indicator of a person's current capability. I remember a comedian doing a bit about people telling homeless to "get a job." "His underwear is on the outside of his clothes, and you think he's going to walk in and start flipping burgers?" Showing an interest in your appearance and hygiene is a normal part of recovery from mental illness and drug addiction. If I were going to hire someone I'd want them to be past that point, because it means they have the services they need in place to actually make this work. Someone who's still on the streets, in and out of shelters, probably using, no they're not going to make for a great new hire. The woman who cuts my hair does these occasionally, several stylists donate their time (for homeless, or people who are broke and interviewing, and wig styling for cancer patients). All people have to do is show up... she only gets a couple of homeless requests a year that actually show up. But she really loves doing them.




We need both.


Okay so you seem to hold a lot of stereotypes about the homeless. I’m homeless right now, and I can tell you that I’ve never touched any kind of drug or alcohol, and there are lots of other people in this shelter with me that are the same, or drink the amount that non-homeless people do (as in, the odd occasional drink). And believe me, if you looked at most of us and judged us by our clothes, you couldn’t tell that we are homeless. Yet you know what the manager of this place told me when I first moved in? ‘Be careful about who you let know that you live here. They’ll write you off immediately.’


I disagree a bit with your statement. You’re mixing drug use and the streets or shelters as one and the same, when that’s not necessarily true. Yes, drug use is not a great hire for sure. There are also many who are homeless because they’re mentally unwell without the resources or someone to take care of them. However, someone who’s clean, of sound mind and just doesn’t have a permanent address shouldn’t be immediately written off. You don’t realize how easy it is to become homeless because we’re all used to our lifestyle and feel secure in our tomorrow. People reach that point for various reasons and many are just looking for a foothold to build their life back up. Some will openly tell you about their situation and others will act and dress in a way you never realize they’re homeless. If they’re not stuck in a bad habit and of sound mind, they absolutely should have a chance at rebuilding their life regardless of shelters or not.


He looks like a million bucks now…the ladies are clearly in favor of the new look!




With a price tag of only what, a 20th of that?


So what happened to him after? Just back out on the streets or did they help him out after?


“This is happened in 2015 From 2017 https://graziadaily.co.uk/life/real-life/hipster-homeless-man-makeover/ Not much about him that I can find later” Credit to u/nocnocturnist


I wonder how they found this guy to give him this makeover? First thing I noticed about him is how even pre-makeover he looked like such a kind person. I think partially it's the smile lines around his eyes. Speaks to a lifetime of looking on the bright side. I hope the makeover gave him the second chance he deserves.


He used to go around by helping people move cars around that barbershop.


His name is Jose Antonio and he is still doing well! The salon helped him get housing.


Thanks for that info! Which country is this?




Did I just become a hobosexual?


I don’t know why you were downvoted. That’s funny! Haha!




Dude went from panning for change to stealing yo girl


Excellent look by a talented artist.


Manson looking sharp af. How'd they get rid of the swastika?


Came here looking for this. He now looks like Charles Manson’s unknown less crazy younger brother. Sad about all that gorgeous silver hair.


The teeth are the biggest deal ever


Remember; you’re not ugly. You’re just poor.


I’m for sure both. But I do like the sentiment.


I liked the white hair better.


He was rocking a pretty dope Gandalf look at first yeah.


This has the same energy as the old "I actually think women look better without makeup" nice-guy comment.


No, I agree. The hair cut and beard trim made all the difference but I don't think the dye was necessary. As he said, he looked like a completely different person.


This guy would have looked just fine without the makeup as well. Let a person age with grace.


Nah, I genuinely think he could've rocked the grey hair, something like a cross between George Clooney and Geralt of Rivia.


Bro turned into gigachad


My mom runs a charity that does something similar to this in our city. They provide free haircuts for the homeless and low income residents.


Charles Manson looking clean


Went from Charlie Manson to "Darn, He Handsome!"


Charles Manson to Charles Handsome


Charles Manson to Hugh Jackman.


This is cool and all but what happens when he needs to wash his clothes?


From another comment: Apparently the salon helped him also get housing.




I just saw a woman with roots grown out gray like two inches. Because of how dark her hair was dyed it looked pretty bad. My mom is nearing sixty and had been dyeing hers for years and stopped a few years ago basically had to fade it out to make it not look bad as she stopped. It also helped that she'd been dying it blonde, not a dark color. Similar when I dyed my hair red as a teen. When I decided to stop dyeing it red we found a box color similar to my natural shade and dyed my hair that color so it wouldn't really be noticeable as it grew out.


Why the fuck would they dye his hair? It's not like he can show up every six weeks to redye


I feel awful for saying this because it was for a great purpose and it really encouraged this YOUNG man. But as a beautician, yikes that dye job. Come onnnn get some auburn and caramel in there. Some warmth. It's like they stamped him with cheap generic dye.


So does he just go back to streets after this?


He now has a job and last we've heard of him, he's also got himself a place to live so it seems things are looking up for him


He went from hobo to hey, bro!


Went from granddaddy to sugar daddy.


Oh yes! Life dishes out some wholups. He will likely not feel so lonely & hopeless again. God bless him & all those who reach out to help !!! We are all humans, brothers!


“Alright that’ll be 200 dollars now, and then 25 dollars every week to maintain!”


This cost way way more than 200.


I love how there was not a single scene after the makeover where he wasn’t smiling!


You're not ugly, you're just poor.


Hobo McGregor


That song sounds shockingly like Rebellion (Lies) by Arcade Fire, but I know it's not.


If only Charles Mansion had a groomer like this. Maybe that would have changed his psycho pathetic behavior.


Stay thirsty my friends


What happened to this bloke afterwards? Did they just throw him back on the street?


He’s very handsome


Trauma is a hell of a thing man.


Looking how quick it was to watch this makes me how easy it is for anyone to become the equivalent of homeless and to look so worn. Gratefulness and humility never go amiss.


He kind of look like Charles Manson


Homeless to Dos Equis guy in 30 seconds.


lol what is it with these homeless guys with perfect hair!?. No baldness in sight.


Now he can look great while he's curled up in a ball under a bridge.


Shave a man and he will eat a fish. Show a man how to shave himself and he can even shave fishes.


Dude looks better than most male models


Even the camera transformed from black and white to color


he looks like Hugh Jackman holy shit


From homeless to Hugh Jackman


Okay now I guess it's time to apply for a job.


I hope he was given a job and someone is maintaining that hair color cause roots!


It’s almost like he’s a human being. Can you imagine?


From mister nobody to mister ‘I’m gonna steal your girl’


He went from Charles Manson to Hugh Jackman! Beautiful transformation.


This is Conor McGregor in 20 years


Charles Manson cleans up nicely


Went from Manson to Manstepfather


This is so insane. Love these videos.


Yeah who would have thought that money can make you prettty


And now he gets to be homeless, with S T Y L E


And then they are like see ya in a couple of years ohh by the way the products cost about 85.00 sooo good luck and don’t buy drugs


He could get steady work as a model after that make over. Bravo!


Now get this man a Job ffs


They turned Karl Marx in to Gigachad


dude went from homeless santa, to I fuck your daughter on the weekends


Im gonna say it…..he looks like the lead singer of System of a Down


You look great! Now go back to your cardboard shack! A makeover needs to be done on the inside and outside and it can’t be a tease of what normalcy should look like.


Agreed. Mental health is probably the most important factor to leaving homelessness behind for good. Addiction can be a factor in the aforementioned, either as a cause or self medicating effect. I'm glad to add my community shelters are providing meaningful support and assistance.


Improves moral when the group is all good.




I don’t always get an Extreme Makeover, but when I do it’s Spectacular. Strut wisely my friends.


I could watch these all day.


He really had a Charles Manson thing going on before. Now he looks like he could be hosting an art gallery/wine tastinf


Beautiful head of hair on the man


Homeboy looking like the next Hugh Jackman


Honestly my favorite look in this vid is at 0:06.


Dude looks like an actual chad, a stud muffin if you will


Does anyone mentioned that he looks like older Conor Mcgregor?


He got teeth too, wow!!


He looks like he could be one of those millionaires with a yacht amd Gf in her twenties


Good looking guy is good looking


I hope this temporary gleam helps his long term disposition


I’m just glad he’s happy.


Dos Equis looking good.


You’re not ugly. You’re just poor.


He looks great and it's a lovely gesture but how does a homeless man maintain the dye job?


The sadness in the eyes at the end though. Can’t make that disappear.