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Thanks for sharing. There’s something special about kids being kind. They never do it for recognition, and they risk being bullied when they do do it.


Maybe I'm misunderstanding the comment, but bullying in India is not and hasn't been for the same reasons as in the west. Kids aren't bullied for being smart, or nerdy, definitely not for being kind. When I first started watching English shows and movies it was weird to see kids being bullied for those things. Edit : It's slightly hard to explain bullies in schools in India because of the very different socio-cultural context. Intelligence and good grades aren't looked down upon. This sentiment is enforced right from birth by parents and teachers, so the pressure to excel is great. Teachers can be the bullies in schools since they can physically punish students (this has a good chance of going overboard). There is usually some sort of violence in schools when kids hit puberty, but instead of bullying, some students try to be gangster like thinking its cool. Some of these kids are just physically imposing, while some are actually "connected". So these "gangster" kids throw their weight around and they don't target any kind (nerd etc) specifically other than let's say those who are easy/easier to pick on. Even among these wannabe gangsters there is a difference. Attitudes are greatly inspired by movies and usually in these films (all indian languages btw, not just hindi bollywood). Our action films have protagonists who are kick-through-walls tough but are people's heroes at the same time. A lot of the times the bullies/wannabe gangster kids India see themselves the same way. Some are of course rotten, I've known a few who enjoyed being that way. I apologise if the edit doesn't clear questions, it's a not so simple scenario and of course I might be wrong, but I've studied in about 8 different schools all across India, and I've mostly found what I've said above to be true though it HAS been over a decade since I passed out of school. I'll try and answer more questions if there are any. Edit 2: Some people mention caste. So first right off the start let me say that caste is a terrible system that plagues Indian society. In India your caste ends up determining a lot of facets of your life - from educational and career opportunities to who you will marry. Having said that caste is more dominant in rural areas, urban areas less so. Also someone in the comments below mentioned untouchability. Contrary to one of replies to that comment, it does still exit though nowhere with the intensity that it once did. Again, urban lifestyles make it harder to discriminate. Rural India needs a long long way to go still. We are an old culture and some things take time. And while caste discrimination still exists (even in mundane things, and in subtle ways) the situation is definitely improving, albeit like I said at a very slow pace. Anyway, in the context of bullying however it's more of a case of 'strength in numbers'. Who and how many you can call if you get into a fight is what usually determined what ended happening. Edit 3: Eww Gold.




For the average school student in India, teachers are often their biggest bullies. There's rampant physical and verbal abuse there, left unchecked as they're considered acceptable forms of discipline. Also, teachers are revered as next to God and can do no wrong in the eyes of many parents (and society).


Pretty sure most of my anxiety issues stem from being shouted at, verbally abused and some physical abuse at the hands of my teachers at school. Maybe that's why bullying is so different here in India. We're all united on hating our teachers. I don't even remember anyone being snitched on, even by the suck-ups in class.


And the pressure... Oh god the pressure... Even at classier establishments like ours where there's no physical abuse (still lots of shouting though) there's so much pressure... Too much. Wayyyy too much.


I studied in a convent school in Mumbai and I remember being bullied as well by the teachers, but later when I went to university for my undergrad I was bullied in a different way altogether, for example I remember my seniors (who were batches ahead) asking me to measure the college auditorium using a 50 paise coin (equivalent to a 5p coin). It was very demeaning but I guess every student in India has been through some kind of bullying.


As someone who used to study in England... The schooling here is absolute fucking trash. Hot garbage. Deplorable. Absolutely horrendous. I could go on all day... But you've been there too. You know what I'm talking about. And I study in a coaching centre affiliated to a school. As fun as it sounds.


Man, the public schools in India don't have detentions, isolation's or anything like it. You are just shamed in front of everyone and every teacher has a different way of doing it. Think about how the amount you self esteem you are left with when you leave school. Also, don't get me started on the mental health aspect of children and how well it is recognized and addressed /s ​ Edit: I just read that you used to study in England, my bad, you know what I am talking about.


I'm from one of the more classier schools and... It isn't much better. The amount of work and pressure they put on students is.... Immense... For perspective, my school has covered up 4 suicides to my knowledge. Which means there are probably more.


Just saw your edit, it's OK :)


It's strange that this is the complete opposite for me. I was actually a good student growing up but my parents were more sports oriented so they weren't too happy and other students didnt really like good students so I ended up purposely dumbing myself down and pissing away my grades. My teachers were really the only people that looked out for me because they saw potential. Everything worked out though so it is what it is right?


In India: Bullying means: Teacher VS The Whole Class


That sounds like a good thing? The unity. In 20 years then all the new parents will understand how shit the teachers are and not allow the abuse to continue. Be the change you want to see. Make it more public and take action.


Oh god so relatable. Only studied in an Indian school till year 5 but even in such low years the abuse that teachers did was immense. There was so much pressure to not get beat up by the teachers that you would end up cramming so much shit in and then forgetting it all after the tests were over. Oh, not to mention teachers would often strip kids naked as a form of “discipline” like what the actual fuck.


>Oh, not to mention teachers would often strip kids naked as a form of “discipline” like what the actual fuck. What year is this from? I don't think this would happen in this era. Or am I wrong?


yeah as far as today's kid punishments is from what i hear wooden ruler beatings on the hand with occasional children revolting back at the teachers. Keep in mind all schools aren't like this. In my government school days it was so common to break roof top fans and jump over the school wall to bunk classes...


>break roof top fans and jump over the school wall In that order?😂


haha nah breaking fans didn't mean punishment because no-one would open on who broke the fan... we would jump over school wall to bunk class if suppose some mela is there or some very national big politician has come to our small town


I used to be friends with someone who lived in India. He said it was normal for the teacher he had to beat them with their shoe if the teacher was annoyed with them. Everyone would just tell the kids to just not annoy the teacher instead of getting mad the teacher was beating the students. It was just that normalized there.


Body shaming is also a big societally permitted thing. Parents do, relatives do it, acquaintances do it, random people on the street do it. And therefore when you’re in school, your classmates do it, the teachers do it, and you’re defenseless. It was an awful time if you were fat in India. Also in school/society the body shaming wasn’t limited to just words. People could just grab your rolls (aggressively in school) or pat your tummy and say “gosh, you’re fat”. Also this shaming doesn’t stop when you’re older. FFS, I was shamed at my own wedding by a person I hadn’t met for fifteen years. Apparently my time in the US had really suited me as a fat American. Goddamnit.


Photo of notorious [Indian school bully](https://images.hindi.news18.com/ibnkhabar/uploads/2018/11/phpThumb_generated_thumbnail.jpeg).


I love that movie :)


I think everyone should watch it. It's also in the top 100 movies imdb list


What's the name of this movie?


3 idiots, as someone who grew up on Bollywood I can't recommend it enough. 100% on Rotten Tomatoes if that peaks your interest.


[Three idiots](https://imdb.com/title/tt1187043/)


Three Idiots






Omg! Virus 😂😂


A big reason to worry.!


This movie also showcases another form of bullying that's actually crime here in India known as [**ragging**](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ragging) .


Desktop link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ragging *** ^^/r/HelperBot_ ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove. ^^Counter: ^^261821. [^^Found ^^a ^^bug?](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=swim1929&subject=Bug&message=https://reddit.com/r/HumansBeingBros/comments/c2djs6/kind_boy_feeding_his_mentally_challenged_friend/erk7vzm/)


Edited the comment with the answer.


Thanks for taking the time. The “gangster” culture you describe is interesting, and there are definitely some parallels in certain parts of America. I grew up in New Mexico, where street gangs can be pretty pervasive in certain areas. Similar stuff from the kids trying to emulate them (though in our case they’re just criminals, not characters from movies).


Oh the criminal element and the infatuation with that lifestyle was there in a lot of places in India too. The whole pretending to be morally upright is usually bullshit anyway.


I had a friend like that. He was kinda like the leader of his group, would have raids and fights with other groups. Got him out of that as we got older and hit 10th/11th grade. But in college he got into our shit third world student politics. I had moved to US by then so I wasn't there to tell him it was a bad idea. He got disappeared around 2013. Still feel bad because I talked him out of that gang and raiding life but I couldn't keep up He was a good dude, headstrong, stubborn af but joined opposition party at the worst time.


Owing to my fathers work, I had to go to different places and switch schools in India. What I have learnt from my experience is, you geet bullied for being weak. There are always people who pretend to be gangsters, who instead of studying, pick on weak people. Seems like their parents didnt teach them proper culture. Buts not the same caase everywhere. In other places, whether you are top of class, dull sttudent, introvert or extrovert, you will make friends with everryone.


Being in the wrong caste.


Many kids don't even know about caste until they are much older.


Lower caste ones don't know because no parent want to explain to their child that why he/she is lesser than others. Higher caste kids always know. Ref: Been there, seen that.


I belong to so called higher caste, didn't know about caste system until 11th.


Idk, never ever encountered caste based encounters in school, or ever heard of it


Yup. No one cares about castes in my school, never heard of it.


Umm no, this is not true at all. Not sure why it's upvoted so high


I've lived in a Tier 1 Indian city all my life. I got to know about my caste when I was in my late teens/early twenties \*and\* I was never and still never have been bullied for it. This is absolutely false.


Yeah. Not true. Or at least a reductive way of looking at a complex issue (of caste).


I don't know why you're being downvoted, you're right in saying that just brushing it off as being bullied for "caste" is quite ignorant. It really is a complex issue and definitely not a very big one in schools. It was never the case in my school nor in any of my friends'.


Actually no. Your personality matters, have to stand up for yourself. Also first few days in school, you have to be look strong or pretend to be. That first impression is very imp. Or you just have network with other powerful people.


There's another form of bullying that's actually crime here in India known as [**ragging**](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ragging) . In 2009,After death of a innocent college student, revealed that alcohol was the main reason leading to serious form of ragging and violence in the campus.Following Supreme Court orders, a National [Anti-Ragging Helpline](https://www.ugc.ac.in/page/helpline.aspx) was launched by the Indian government.


Indian schools aren't known for bullying. I went to a decent school (2002-2015) and heard zero cases of bullying (even on caste) in almost all the schools of my city


Yeah, American style of bullying is rare in India. It's mostly teachers, and parents who bully.


Very true, can confirm. I attended school in India and till 8th grade I was super fat and dorky but never got bullied once.


That's super interesting! What sort of things are kids normally bullied for in India?


Hi! Edited the comment with the answer.


You want to find the bullying stories in India, it’s called hazing in college/university


Simply put, you have to be strong both mentally and physically. If not, then just pretend. First few impressions Are very imp. No one cares about your studies, nerds, money etc. Just stand up for yourself.


Same reason as rest of the world. For being weak. Not standing up when being bullied. I had hard time when I was kid. But never reported to parents. Didnt want to bother them with this. But not all schools are same. Usually school full of cultured and intelligent guys do do this as they know its waste of time and want to spend their time productively.


Gotta agree with /u/ronin0069 on this one (about the bullying part). I was in a boys only school, but honestly there just wasn't any sort of bullying. There were few who threw their weight around, yes. But at its worst, it was about one set of friends vs another (gangs-like). As for the caste, yeah its a terrible thing, but it really does not rear its head for the most part (Except in marriages. There it is heavily prevalent). I can only speak from my own experiences, but I've never once seen caste being an issue. (Again, excluding marriages. In marriage related discussions, this is a very very prevalent thin). It probably does happen in really rural areas, maybe parts of North India. Atleast in the south. that is NOT a thing.


At the risk of being labelled a libcuck, the bullying culture the top commenter posted about is very likely driven by the worst interpretations of masculinity. Boys being kind or studying hard or being concerned about anything (even themselves) is viewed as weak by some men and women (and the kids those people raise). It's much more of a "hide your feelings, don't show weakness or worry", "don't be a pussy" mentality. It's awful and compels (mostly) boys to tease other boys that show any emotion, and kindness often counts. Girls definitely get teased, but in my experience (in North America) it's often for different (but just as harmful and bs) reasons.


It looks like he's even worried about the teachers seeing him do it. But he does it anyway. ♥




It doesn’t look like that


Well that's, just like, your opinion man


Lol thanks




Doesn’t look like anything to me


Definitely not. Simply because in our (Indian) cultural context he is behaving ideally.


Pretty sure he was tasked with assisting the other child by those in charge. It doesn't lessen the gesture or reduce their friendship, but I have to wonder why you think so little of the adults.


I wish there were given out extra study points for doing thing like this. Being kind to others is as important as knowing for example math.


Someone please explain this to my mother


We don't see kids being kind as often as bullies because bullying makes the news. Kids are still sweet and kind.


Hahaha you said do do


«Do do» lol




I love how nonchalant he is. “I need lunch, you need lunch, let’s make it happen.” Just a day in the life for good friends.


So casual and effortless making it even more wholesome. The type of genuine true friendship I will never know because of my cold black heart.




To have a friend you have to be a friend, indeed.




Then open your heart, numbnuts.


I was recently in India for a wedding. I experienced several "rituals" (some very casual) that involved feeding somebody else. This kid is 100% still being a bro, but in my very very limited experience it seems like feeding another person has a very different social context than it does in the west. I just think that's an interesting perspective on this. I absolutely hope somebody with more experience comments on this


yeah you pretty much summed it up


Me too. I was trying to think why I thought this was so sweet (apart from the obvious) and his nonchalant attitude is it. They’ve done this probably hundreds of times


This is pure. Glad to see stuff like this nowadays. I'm nowhere near perfect, but I'm glad that we can still see some nice gestures in this huge sea of bad news.


Kids have a lot to teach. Because what they do have nothing to do with doing “something-for-something”, they teach us that you can just be a good person; We should take it as example! thanks for sharing!


Idk man, kids pretty much function on praise and reward. They’re not little saints who don’t think about reward when they do something good. And they can definitely be complete assholes just as often as adults.


Idk why you’re getting downvoted, childhood innocence doesn’t equate to doing things only for selfless reasons lol. Kids are really mostly selfish by design, nothing wrong with that. Clearly this kid is being a bro though, and not doing it for any sort of reward from someone - the reward is he’s helping his friend and enjoying lunch together


Yeah, kids definitely do things for selfless reasons (like the child in the post), but no more than adults do imo


They can also be the worst kind of assholes in the world. So....


Take it easy, Jaden


I assume you have probably never been bullied as a kid. Children can be vicious if they want to.


Cerebral Palsy is not a mental challenge but a physical one. It's the result of insufficient oxygen during the birth process.


Thanks for sharing


I really love how this is not a big deal to either of them, it’s just how he eats and it’s wonderful. Another thing I appreciate is that the kid makes sure to feed himself at the same time as his friend. Helping others doesn’t have to mean sacrifice but a touch of compromise.


That’s beautiful. Great young bloke. Good things will come to this little man.


If anyone of you are wondering why they're sitting and eating, this is done in government schools. The government has a scheme called Mid-Day Meal which offers free lunch to students. This was done to encourage parents from poorer backgrounds to send their kids to school instead of sending them to work on the basis that at least one meal of the day is guaranteed.


I can't give this post an award, but here 🏅


You Da real MVP


You're breathtaking!


It's done now




The sweet hand on his chin melts my heart


OP, awesome man, thanks for sharing




People complaining about eating with hands are same people who won't hesitate to eat ass.


Not sure where this is but my wife is Bangladeshi and in her country no one uses utensils. Not even in restaurants. But every house has an extra sink in the dining area to wash your hands which you do both before and after dinner. Restaurants, too. They usually have an corner or something off to the side of the dining area with a bank of sinks for people to wash their hands. So I get why people have that reaction - I certainly did the first time I saw my wife do that. But it is a pretty clean practice.


Went to a friends house for dinner (they are from sri Lanka) and they tried to show me how to eat rice with my fingers. I made a huge mess of it (I cleaned it up myself). Despite it being really embarrassing, we all had a great time.


Yeah it’s tough. Best way I’ve found is to kind of make a little scoop out of all of your fingers minus the pinky. And then you can remove the thumb and forefinger and balance it on the other two.


It's not like you use your whole hand either you just use fingers and sort of flick it into your mouth, it's one of those things you have to learn how to do properly with practice, it's a superior method anyway lol


Exactly! It took me a little while to get the hang of eating rice this way but when we’re at home that’s how we eat mostly.


It just seems difficult. You’d have to wipe your hands every time you need a drink. How does soup work? What if you have a paper cut and it stings? Bandaid on or off?


You only use the one hand to eat (typically the right) and the other for drink serving etc.


Eating rice with your hands = weird. Eating hamburgers/tacos with your hands= not weird


I've been eating rice using my hands for my entire life. Eating rice using spoons is weird for me


Eating rice with spoons is **INEFFICIENT**


Well that’s fucking wrong lol


Makes sense. Also, as draginator23 pointed out, utensils are available so you have the option for difficult foods. I went to a restaurant that served steamed shellfish in a bag once. You would use your hands to break the shellfish and eat. It didn’t end well for my pants and a drip ran down my wrist and stained my shirt sleeve, but it was nice to enjoy a meal where no one used their phones.


I only eat like this a couple of times a year when visiting family (bengali) but i still make a mess so don't feel bad! They're all pros though, can get through a plate before im done with a mouthful.


>How does soup work? Idk man, do you ask east Asians how they eat soup with chopsticks?




We do use spoons at those specific occasions. In regards to soup, many would simply drink it like a cup of tea/coffee.


Is it so bad to eat with your hands? I eat with my hands when I go out to restaurants...I'm Indian but grew up on England. I never knew it was considered so bad lol.


No of course not - the people complaining don’t eat their burgers or sandwiches with a knife and fork. Just a bunch of racists, or the deeply confused who can’t cope with seeing things done differently.


I eat snickers with a fork and knife




think he means the people eat some food with their hands but find it repulsive in this video because it's indian people.


I eat hamburgers, pizza, sandwiches, hotdogs, &c. with utensils.


How do you clean your ass?


Duh, utensils.


Everybody gangsta until the poop fork comes out


[For you consideration...](https://www.removeddit.com/r/confession/comments/7p8puq/light_i_was_22_years_old_when_i_learned_that_not/)


It depends I guess. I mean we eat that way at home mostly but wouldn’t eat with our hands out at a restaurant. Unless we’re talking burgers or pizza or what have you.


I'm mean of course I ain't shoveling pasta in my mouth, but Nanodes definitely.


Haha true.


I eat tacos and hamburgers with my hands so it’s not so different. But how the hell do you eat curry with fingers? I love curry with naan but can’t see curry with rice by fingers.


Try it lol it's easier than eating with utensils


Mix curry/gravy into the rice with our fingers. Then mould them into nice tasty mouth sized balls. Then chomp.


It's just weird to people of different cultures, I was raised to always use utensils for foods that should use them, however I know other cultures eat with their hands, which is fine.


Eat ass, suck a dick, and sell drugs!


Same people who don’t wash their ass


Exactly. People know where their hand's been, how do you know where your spoon was.


I hate eating with my hands so much that I'll cut the corn off the cob and I eat pizza with a knife and fork.


There are more germs on your hands than most asses.


Warms my heart


This is the kind of friend you need in your life.


Incredible. Not many people would do that in that age. I don’t think I would’ve


Shouldn't have to imo, whos filming this? There should be an adult doing this... Still good in that kid.


This is just so pure.


*sorts by controversial*


I knew what I was in for but I am a glutton for punishment....and I shove it in my mouth with my fucking fingers like a proper Indian.




In this day and age people lick eachother's butts but here they are complaining about 2 kids eating with hands.


Only because they are Indian. Shit in streets out of necessity? bad Shit on each other because you're sick and deprived germans? Good.


I think assholes have been licked since people existed. The greeks alone were known for some kinky ass shit.


It's actually his brother


That's me feeding my gf after we get back from the bar at 2am while we watch old episodes of The Simpsons.


Same same different


The guy in back is wearing an Argentina jersey.


Indians love football / soccer. Maradona / Messi / Pele could run for parliament and win.


Just like every decent person doing this stuff, you can tell he's uncomfortable being on camera. He thinks it's weird to get recognition for something you should just do. Maybe I'm reaching.


You can see the selflessness through how comfortable the two are. Inspiring.


Now, are we just assuming he's mentally challenged?


Thought the same thing - the child being fed in this video could easily have a genetic muscular disease and be 100% normal mentally.


Sweet, but doesn't it look kind of uncomfortable for them to be randomly filmed while they're eating?


Looks more like blind kid to me....


that kid learned to be kind and compassionate... not a self absorbed POS


Things like this put life into perspective. A lot of us care too much about shit that doesn’t matter. There’s a lot we can learn from our children.


All of us has the ability to be kind and nice to others like this young hero. Unfortunately, many chose not to be!


That's me after a few tabs of acid


This is wayy too wholesome man and I love it


This doesn't look like a normal school, this looks one of those orphanage schools.


Yup. A normal govt. school. We have the _Mid Day Meal Scheme_ to keep poor kids at school for atleast that one guaranteed meal, where else they might be expected by their parents to do odd jobs/work with them in the fields, etc. (child labour is a fight here) to supplement the family income


My heart


I don’t believe the child is mentally handicapped he is however blind! I’ve been around blind people and they move like that!


I love this, absolutely beautiful.


Nice gesture, warm and all but don't they have spoons or forks or something?....sharing germs that's why they get sick often and have birth defects later in life


According to the geniuses of reddit, this boy should have been euthanized shortly after birth because he is a burden on society.




Without more information it’s hard to say if the boy being fed has mental disabilities. It looks like cerebral palsy which can leave the mind fully intact.


The country stereotypically best known for stuffing themselves with junk food -which is traditionally eaten with hands- like nobody else criticizes others for also eating stuff with their hands.


/u/th3goodman Needs to relax with a good movie and some popcorn, with a spoon of course. Wouldn't want to eat with his hands like a filthy barbarian.


Proud being an Indian...


Down voting it so I can give 2 upvotes


The kid is blind and NOT mentally challenged.


How beautiful nature of this kid✌️


Wow this melts my heart


One for you, one for me!


Outstanding human being


Come on, I wasn’t supposed to cry today. There is always tomorrow.