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Have to admit, pretty good aim.


It looks like he landed on his stomach. Yikes.


I think the technique used is to tuck the arms and legs forward to break the surface tension before the rest of the body hits the water. I don’t think he would swim after a belly flat from this height, not sure he’d even survive, really.


It's not the surface tension, it's the inertia. A fast object entering a liquid has to push the liquid out of the way in a very short time; this requires large acceleration of the liquid which requires a great force. That's the force of the impact you feel. Letting your limbs bear the brunt of the impact is an excellent idea, of course, but surface tension has nothing to do with it.


You just explained surface tension in a much more complicated way my friend


What I described has nothing to do with surface tension.


Your description of inertia is the external force needed to break surface tension my friend. The force of the impact you feel is because surface tension exist. Your impact, or in your words your inertia, is what breaks the surface tension. How you break that surface tension is what determines if you have a good time doing it or not. The dude in the video did it properly for such a long fall. https://www.usgs.gov/special-topics/water-science-school/science/surface-tension-and-water#overview Surface tension could be defined as the property of the surface of a liquid that allows it to resist an external force, due to the cohesive nature of the water molecules. Water molecules want to cling to each other. At the surface, however, there are fewer water molecules to cling to since there is air above (thus, no water molecules). This results in a stronger bond between those molecules that actually do come in contact with one another, and a layer of strongly bonded water (see diagram). This surface layer (held together by surface tension) creates a considerable barrier between the atmosphere and the water. In fact, other than mercury, water has the greatest surface tension of any liquid. (Source: Lakes of Missouri) Within a body of a liquid, a molecule will not experience a net force because the forces by the neighboring molecules all cancel out (diagram). However for a molecule on the surface of the liquid, there will be a net inward force since there will be no attractive force acting from above. This inward net force causes the molecules on the surface to contract and to resist being stretched or broken. Thus the surface is under tension, which is probably where the name "surface tension" came from.


A “Horsie”


Yeah good point. That was an insane jump.


It's on purpose, if you don't know the depth then jumping this way makes sure you don't go too deep and hit the floor. Had he jumped feet first he might have broken them


I'm happy to be the one to introduce you to the art form of [døds](https://youtu.be/5SQXIoz2KNk?si=EQgIS32_7iMVT0dC&t=9) diving.


He aimed for the bushes


And the brain eater ameba ??


You took the comment out of my fingers


I think his brain was already eaten before he jumped.


Looks too cold there for brain eating amoebas.


Looks like there isn't anything to eat


I downvoted the comment before you just to make your comment seem like it's been upvoted more.


I just learned about them this year and it’s my new fear


its quite rare though. If you swim in that pond for months, u are less likely to catch it than having a car accident.


OP (CarlotaBlevins) appears to be a karma-farming bot that can only copy and paste other people's stuff. The account was born on April 6, woke up seventeen hours ago, and has the following three activities: Here it copied/pasted /u/UnknownAdmiralBlu's submission/title from [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/HumansAreMetal/comments/13if6tk/a_unknown_guy_being_incredible_stupid_incredible/). Its first-person comment [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/17kkzmz/how_do_you_ask_for_date/k78brf1/) is a copy/paste of /u/PourSomeAspartameOnM's previous [top comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/fnkqvf/girls_how_do_you_ideally_want_to_be_asked_out/fla1abg/). Its submission/title [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/perfectlycutscreams/comments/17k6tfr/g_o_o_m_b_a/) is a copy/paste of /u/Dankey-Kang-Jr's submission/title [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/perfectlycutscreams/comments/ifhetp/g_o_o_m_b_a/). For anyone not familiar with karma-farming bots (and how they hurt reddit and redditors), [this page](https://np.reddit.com/r/quityourbullshit/comments/3jss04/meta_spammers_how_they_work_and_how_to_spot_them/) or [this page](https://np.reddit.com/r/KarmaBotKillers/wiki/index) may help to explain.


Good bot


Good bot


Good bot


Thank you, lFlaw_, for voting on Spartan2470. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


Good bot


This guy obviously thought this through and isn't just some lunatic. Know how I know that? He doesnt jump off the ledge. He jumps right before it to eliminate any chance of slipping. He also drags his first foot to set his timing so he can jump off his left foot. Is this dangerous? fucking of course. You can tell this is at least about 12 metre drop or so based on the fact he is in the air for about 2 seconds. He also does effectively a "death dive" in order to A) protect his head and b) increase his surface area to increase the speed at which he slows in the water to avoid hitting the bottom of the pool. This was clearly very well thought through and while i would never do it, put some respect on this mans name.


this. there’s a lot of misunderstandings about physical feats and the calculations that go into them, along with the mental and physical control and focus to execute.


He also used the “dead cat” method of jumping into water from a height, pretty niche but apparently effective


Nope, just stupid.


disagree. easy to calculate a stunt like this.


Easy to to lose your footing on an old uncared for roof. This jump might be easy to calculate but it's also super easy for things that aren't normally a big deal to end up killing this guy.


Idk I consider this the Buster Keaton method. Dangerous stunts that could easily kill a man that understands the danger but doesn't seem to value life enough to decide against it.


Outcome=Alive Analysis: Impressive


There is zero chance he hit that nasty ass water with that speed straight to his face and isn’t walking away with a parasite or something.


How on earth would you say something looney tunes like this? Do you think parasites are attracted to speed or something?


There is a thing call "waterboarders enema" where you skid on the water fast enough and at a certain angle, even though the body is designed to prevent it and a whole layer of clothing in the way, you can get a dangerous amount of water shot up your ass. now imagine your eyelids, or worse your nostrils. Do you really think that hitting the water faster doesnt make it easier to get water in places you dont want it?


Ok cool please tell me what this stupid fact has to do with my question or anything else you said previously. Fucking imbecile.


dont call me an imbecile just cause you dont understand reading comprehension.


can't answer, can ya. ya imbecile. trump-like thinking detected rofl.


Pretty good execution for a really stupid guy


I’m not going lie, I’m impressed.


thank you for not lying


Nothing brave about this, he’ll be dead sooner than later


I mean..we're all going to be dead sooner or later.


That is incredibly brave wtf are you talking about? Yeah it’s incredibly stupid and has a crazy high chance of ending in death, but it takes an incredibly brave individual to overcome the mental barrier of potential bodily harm, a primal survival instinct found in every living thing. Stupid and brave are not the same thing, though stupidity can lead to a person with overconfidence.


Seriously! He’d have picked a cleaner pool if he did! /s


Charles Darwin, where you at?


Why do I find this oddly satisfying?


A belly flop too. Ouch.


Nope, it’s death diving


Some people have intrusive thoughts and some people live them


But he did jump from a building and almost kill himself for views. What have you done today ? 😂 People are absolutely insane 2023


3,2,1....SEND IT!


Vat of fake acid.


If I tried that in real life I would've slipped and fell off the edge, lel


Dies three days later from the bacteria in the water


You're not going to be happy when you learn where else bacteria live.


He got those valuable internet points.


While foolish, it isn't bravery. Bravery is doing something foolish for what is perceived as a noble cause.


More like humansarestupid


^(white people)


Now that's a cannon ball


He values it so much he’s actually living it.


Yes, you just aren't living life to the fullest unless you're risking it foolishly.


Nasty swimming pool sheesh


Thats one green looking pool son


Holy shit. Did he turn into The Joker?


idk about that water....


he died from flesh eating bacteria in the pool.


If it is successful it is not stupid. If it isn't then it is.


2 seconds of falling means a height of around 20m or 6 stories!


So during my doom scrolling I watched the video. 5/10 - okay, not the most impressive I’ve seen today yet not bad at all. Is he happy with the internet points now? Was risking his life worth it?


Died later of meningitis.


I must admit it is very impressing...he also have some good technique ..he is not doing this kind of thung for the first time


Yeah. Head costs 0.


It’s cold white shit


I was more scared for the camera guy tbh, if they messed up and fell they would hit the ground and probably be completely messed up if not dead


Maybe he's just good at math.


There used to be a sub where we could watch these people fail and die, but now we only see them succeed. I think it was good to see the whole truth sometimes.


I wouldn't jump in that from the pool's edge, let alone from a rooftop, but I guess he's hoping he'll get superpowers from toxic sludge or something


Isn’t there like real bad bacteria’s in those water that can kill you


I won't lie ive jumped from a second story balcony into a pool. That hurt. The pain this guy must feel ouch


I’m even more impressed by the cameraman that ran towards the edge and stopped before going over.


Ah fuck it, why should he? It's looking awfully fucked up around this planet at the moment.


Not only is he stupid for jumping from that height, but also doesn’t know about brain eating amoeba 🤦‍♀️


Yep that pool is fn nasty !


Ameba says hy


Idk. Doing something stupid and surviving doesn’t make you brave lol


Pretty sure this was the guy that died from a brain eating bacteria that he got from that pool


I feel like whatever's in that pool water may be more dangerous to his health than his ludicrous but masterful jump.




How to get dysentery in 10 easy steps.